diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/es-ES.json b/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/es-ES.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9df0baee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/es-ES.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+ "Language": {
+ "Name": "English",
+ "Region": "United States",
+ "ListDelimiter": {
+ "Default": ", ",
+ "Last": ", and "
+ }
+ },
+ "Enum": {
+ "Difficulty": {
+ "Easy": "Easy",
+ "Hard": "Hard",
+ "Expert": "Expert",
+ "ExpertPlus": "Expert+",
+ "Medium": "Medium"
+ },
+ "GameMode": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Six Fret Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Standard Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "5-Lane Drums",
+ "ProGuitar": "Pro Guitar",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Menu": "Menu",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals"
+ },
+ "Instrument": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Guitar",
+ "FiveFretBass": "Bass",
+ "FiveFretRhythm": "Rhythm Guitar",
+ "FiveFretCoopGuitar": "Co-op Guitar",
+ "Keys": "Keys",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Guitar",
+ "SixFretBass": "Bass",
+ "SixFretRhythm": "Rhythm Guitar",
+ "SixFretCoopGuitar": "Co-op Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProDrums": "Pro Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "EliteDrums": "Elite Drums",
+ "ProGuitar_17Fret": "Pro Guitar (17-fret)",
+ "ProGuitar_22Fret": "Pro Guitar (22-fret)",
+ "ProBass_17Fret": "Pro Bass (17-fret)",
+ "ProBass_22Fret": "Pro Bass (22-fret)",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Dj": "DJ",
+ "Band": "Band"
+ },
+ "Modifier": {
+ "None": "None",
+ "AllStrums": "All Strums",
+ "AllHopos": "All HOPOs",
+ "AllTaps": "All Taps",
+ "HoposToTaps": "HOPOs To Taps",
+ "NoteShuffle": "Note Shuffle",
+ "NoKicks": "No Kicks",
+ "TapsToHopos": "Taps to HOPOs",
+ "UnpitchedOnly": "Unpitched Only"
+ },
+ "SortAttribute": {
+ "Album": "Album",
+ "Artist": "Artist",
+ "Artist_Album": "Artist - Album",
+ "Charter": "Charter",
+ "Genre": "Genre",
+ "Name": "Song",
+ "Playlist": "Playlist",
+ "SongLength": "Duration",
+ "Source": "Source",
+ "Unspecified": "None",
+ "Year": "Year",
+ "DateAdded": "Date Added",
+ "Playable": "Playable Songs",
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "FiveFretBass": "Five Fret Bass",
+ "FiveFretRhythm": "Five Fret Rhythm Guitar",
+ "FiveFretCoop": "Five Fret Co-Op Guitar",
+ "Keys": "Keys",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Six Fret Guitar",
+ "SixFretBass": "Six Fret Bass",
+ "SixFretRhythm": "Six Fret Rhythm Guitar",
+ "SixFretCoop": "Six Fret Co-Op Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProDrums": "Pro Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "EliteDrums": "Elite Drums",
+ "ProGuitar_17": "Pro Guitar (17-fret)",
+ "ProGuitar_22": "Pro Guitar (22-fret)",
+ "ProBass_17": "Pro Bass (17-fret)",
+ "ProBass_22": "Pro Bass (22-fret)",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Band": "Band"
+ }
+ },
+ "Menu": {
+ "Calibrator": {
+ "Detected": "Detected",
+ "NotEnoughData": "There isn't enough data to get an accurate result.\nPress back to exit."
+ },
+ "Common": {
+ "Apply": "Apply",
+ "Back": "Back",
+ "Cancel": "Cancel",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Confirm": "Confirm",
+ "Continue": "Continue",
+ "On": "On",
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "Up": "Up",
+ "Down": "Down",
+ "Left": "Left",
+ "Right": "Right",
+ "Next": "Next",
+ "Previous": "Previous",
+ "NextTab": "Next Tab",
+ "PreviousTab": "Previous Tab",
+ "Increase": "Increase",
+ "Decrease": "Decrease",
+ "Max": "Max",
+ "Min": "Min",
+ "Save": "Save",
+ "Saved": "Saved!",
+ "Delete": "Delete",
+ "Reset": "Reset",
+ "ResetAll": "Reset All"
+ },
+ "Credits": {
+ "Description": "Contributed To: {0}\n\n{1}",
+ "Repos": {
+ "Community": "Community",
+ "OpenSource": "OpenSource",
+ "YARC-Charters": "The Official YARG Setlist",
+ "YARC-Launcher": "The YARC Launcher",
+ "YARG": "YARG"
+ },
+ "Roles": {
+ "Artist": "Artist",
+ "Charter": "Charter",
+ "Developer": "Developer",
+ "Moderator": "Moderator"
+ },
+ "Header": {
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "GameStartedBy": "A Game Started By",
+ "LeadArtist": "Lead Artist",
+ "Maintainers": "Maintainers",
+ "SpecialThanks": "Special Thanks",
+ "SetlistManager": "Setlist Manager",
+ "Songs": "Songs"
+ },
+ "Song": {
+ "Name": "\"{0}\" By {1}",
+ "WrittenBy": "Written By: {0}",
+ "PerformedBy": "Performed By: {0}",
+ "WrittenAndPerformedBy": "Written and Performed By: {0}",
+ "CourtesyOf": "Courtesy Of: {0}",
+ "AlbumCover": "Album Cover By: {0}",
+ "License": "Song License: {0}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Dialog": {
+ "DontShowAgain": "Don't Show Again",
+ "AntiPiracy": {
+ "Title": "YARG Anti-Piracy Statement",
+ "Description": "YARG stands firmly against all forms of piracy. We neither support nor endorse piracy, as it is a violation of copyright law with serious legal consequences. Our platform's importable content—designed for creators to share their work and for educational purposes—does not justify or excuse piracy.\n\nYARG itself does not use any ripped/pirated assets or music and never will. By using YARG, users agree not to promote or endorse piracy in any way through our platform. Upholding these principles ensures a community that respects copyright, creativity, and legal standards.\n\nYARG stands for \"Yet Another Rhythm Game\" and NOT for pirates.",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ },
+ "BadSongs": {
+ "Title": "Some Songs Could Not Be Scanned",
+ "Description": "One or more of the songs you scanned were corrupted, formatted incorrectly, or encrypted, and could not be loaded into the game.\n\nFor more info, please check the file located at \"{0}\"."
+ },
+ "ColorPicker": {
+ "Title": "Color Picker"
+ },
+ "ConfirmDelete": {
+ "Title": "Delete \"{0}\"?",
+ "Message": "Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\n\n{1}",
+ "Confirm": "Type {0} here to confirm"
+ },
+ "EngineInconsistency": {
+ "Title": "Replays Are In Beta",
+ "Description": "Currently, the replay system is in beta, and may provide inconsistent scores/stats, especially for guitar.\n\nThe end goal is for replays to be reliable and accurate, and we're working on fixing these problems!",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ },
+ "Experimental": {
+ "Title": "Experimental Features Notice",
+ "Description": "The options about to be displayed represent a work in progress. These features are subject to change, may contain bugs, and could even cause major problems if enabled.",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ }
+ },
+ "DifficultySelect": {
+ "Instrument": "Instrument",
+ "Difficulty": "Difficulty",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Modifiers": "Modifiers",
+ "Ready": "Ready",
+ "SitOut": "Sit Out",
+ "Done": "Done"
+ },
+ "History": {
+ "Name": "History",
+ "Time": {
+ "Today": "Today",
+ "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "ThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "ThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "LastThreeMonths": "Last 3 Months",
+ "ThisYear": "This Year",
+ "MoreThanYear": "More Than A Year"
+ },
+ "Analyze": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "Main": {
+ "MessageOfTheDay": "Welcome to the v0.13 Nightly!\n\nv0.13 adds Pro Keys to the game, as well as reintroducing Pro Guitar/Bass after it was removed in v0.12 due to time constraints. Please let us know how these instruments feel, as well as any bugs you find and missing features.\n\nInstrument engine code has once again gone through major changes to facilitate producing replays with 1:1 results to the original gameplay. If you encounter any inconsistent replay results, report it to the YARG team on Discord or GitHub.\n\nIf you previously played on the v0.12 nightly, all of your settings will be reset. This is due to nightly builds now using a separate location for data storage. Your nightly settings/scores will not persist to stable versions of YARG, and vice versa.\n\nAs we previously announced, we do not recommend playing nightly full time, instead only for testing. Nightly is now going to be much more unstable with many more bugs and unfinished systems.\n\nIf you have any feedback, please let us know on Discord or GitHub.\n\nHave fun!",
+ "Options": {
+ "Quickplay": "Quickplay",
+ "Practice": "Practice",
+ "Profiles": "Profiles",
+ "History": "History",
+ "Settings": "Settings",
+ "Credits": "Credits",
+ "Exit": "Exit"
+ },
+ "GoToCurrentlyPlaying": "Go To Currently Playing"
+ },
+ "MusicLibrary": {
+ "Name": "Music Library",
+ "NoSongsMatchCriteria": "NO SONGS MATCH CRITERIA",
+ "SearchResults": "SEARCH RESULTS",
+ "AllSongs": "ALL SONGS",
+ "RecommendedSongs": {
+ "Singular": "RECOMMENDED SONG",
+ },
+ "PlayableSongs": "PLAYABLE SONGS",
+ "RandomSong": "RANDOM SONG",
+ "Playlists": "PLAYLISTS",
+ "Popup": {
+ "Header": {
+ "SortBy": "Sort By...",
+ "GoTo": "Go To..."
+ },
+ "Item": {
+ "RandomSong": "Random Song",
+ "BackToTop": "Back to Top",
+ "SortBy": "Sort By: {0}",
+ "GoToSection": "Go To Section...",
+ "AddToFavorites": "Add To Favorites",
+ "RemoveFromFavorites": "Remove From Favorites",
+ "ViewSongFolder": "View Song Folder",
+ "CopySongChecksum": "Copy Song Checksum"
+ }
+ },
+ "Back": "BACK",
+ "NoPlayersConnected": "No players connected! Go to the profiles menu to connect a player.",
+ "Play": "Play Song",
+ "Search": "Search",
+ "MoreOptions": "More Options
(Hold) Navigate Sections"
+ },
+ "ProfileInfo": {
+ "Name": "Edit Profile",
+ "Stats": {
+ "SongPlays": "{0:N0} Song Plays",
+ "TotalScore": "Total Score",
+ "TotalStarsEarned": "Total Stars Earned",
+ "FullCombos": "Full Combos"
+ }
+ },
+ "ProfileList": {
+ "Name": "Profiles",
+ "ActiveProfiles": "Active Profiles",
+ "AddBot": "Add Bot",
+ "AddProfile": "Add Profile",
+ "Bots": "Bots",
+ "Players": "Players"
+ },
+ "Settings": {
+ "NoFolder": "No Folder",
+ "SearchHeader": {
+ "AllCategories": "All Categories",
+ "Results": "Results"
+ },
+ "SongCount": "{0:N0} Songs",
+ "ScanNeeded": "Scan Needed",
+ "DMXInfo": "DMX cue change and post-processing channel values:\n\nCue Change:\n\n0 - No cue\n10 - Menu\n20 - Score\n30 - Intro\n40 - Verse\n50 - Chorus\n60 - Cool (loop)\n70 - Warm (loop)\n80 - Cool (manual)\n90 - Warm (manual)\n100 - Dischord\n110 - Stomp\n120 - Default\n130 - Harmony\n140 - Frenzy\n150 - Silhouettes\n160 - Silhouettes Spotlight\n170 - Searchlights\n180 - Sweep\n190 - Blackout (fast)\n200 - Blackout (slow)\n210 - Blackout (spotlight)\n220 - Flare (slow)\n230 - Flare (fast)\n240 - Big Rock Ending\n\nFor Strobe and Fog status listen to their respective channels.\n\nPost-Processing:\n\n0 - Default\r\n\nBasic effects\r\n4 - Bloom\n14 - Bright\n24 - Contrast\n34 - Mirror\n44 - PhotoNegative\n54 - Posterize\n\n\rColor filters/effects\r\n64 - Black And White\n74 - Sepia Tone\n84 - Silver Tone\n94 - Choppy Black And White\n104 - Photo Negative Red And Black\n114 - Polarized Black And White\n124 - Polarized Red And Blue\n134 - Desaturated Red\n144 - Desaturated Blue\n154 - Contrast Red\n164 - Contrast Green\n174 - Contrast Blue\n\r\nGrainy\r\n184 - Grainy Film\n194 - Grainy Chromatic Abberation\n\nScanlines\r\n204 - Scanlines\n214 - Scanlines Black And White\n224 - Scanlines Blue\n234 - Scanlines Security\n\r\nTrails\r\n244 - Trails\n252 - Trails Long\n253 - Trails Desaturated\n254 - Trails Flickery\n255 - Trails Spacey\n\nSee YARG docs for more information: https://docs.yarg.in/en/DMX"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gameplay": {
+ "Notifications": {
+ "BassGroove": "BASS GROOVE",
+ "CountdownGetReady": "Get Ready!",
+ "FullCombo": "FULL COMBO",
+ "HotStart": "HOT START",
+ "NewHighScore": "NEW HIGH SCORE",
+ "NoteStreak": "{0:N0}-NOTE STREAK",
+ "StarPowerReady": "STAR POWER READY",
+ "StrongFinish": "STRONG FINISH"
+ },
+ "Solo": {
+ "Performance": {
+ "Awesome": "AWESOME\nSOLO!",
+ "Good": "GOOD\nSOLO!",
+ "Great": "GREAT\nSOLO!",
+ "How": "HOW!?",
+ "Messy": "MESSY\nSOLO",
+ "Nice": "NICE\nSOLO",
+ "Okay": "OKAY\nSOLO",
+ "Perfect": "PERFECT\nSOLO!",
+ "Solid": "SOLID\nSOLO"
+ },
+ "PointsResult": "{0:N0}\nPOINTS"
+ },
+ "Vocals": {
+ "Performance": {
+ "Awesome": "AWESOME!",
+ "Awful": "AWFUL",
+ "Good": "GOOD",
+ "Messy": "MESSY",
+ "Okay": "OKAY",
+ "Strong": "STRONG"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Preview": {
+ "Experimental": {
+ "Notice": "IMPORTANT\n\nThese settings represent a work in progress. They are subject to change, may contain bugs, and could even cause major problems if enabled."
+ }
+ },
+ "Discord": {
+ "Default": {
+ "Details": "Hello there ladies and gentlemen!",
+ "LargeText": {
+ "Dev": "Yet Another Rhythm Game (Dev Build)",
+ "Nightly": "Yet Another Rhythm Game (Nightly)",
+ "Stable": "Yet Another Rhythm Game"
+ },
+ "State": "Are you ready to rock?"
+ },
+ "Song": {
+ "Name": "{0} by {1}",
+ "Album": "on {0}",
+ "Paused": "Song paused..."
+ }
+ },
+ "Bindings": {
+ "Menu": {
+ "Green": "Green (Confirm)",
+ "Red": "Red (Back)",
+ "Yellow": "Yellow (Shortcut 1)",
+ "Blue": "Blue (Shortcut 2)",
+ "Orange": "Orange (Shortcut 3)",
+ "Up": "Up",
+ "Down": "Down",
+ "Left": "Left",
+ "Right": "Right",
+ "Start": "Start (Pause)",
+ "Select": "Select"
+ },
+ "FiveFret": {
+ "Green": "Green Fret (First)",
+ "Red": "Red Fret (Second)",
+ "Yellow": "Yellow Fret (Third)",
+ "Blue": "Blue Fret (Fourth)",
+ "Orange": "Orange Fret (Fifth)"
+ },
+ "Guitar": {
+ "StrumUp": "Strum Up",
+ "StrumDown": "Strum Down",
+ "StarPower": "Star Power",
+ "Whammy": "Whammy"
+ },
+ "FourDrums": {
+ "BlueCymbal": "Blue Cymbal (Third)",
+ "BluePad": "Blue Pad (Third)",
+ "GreenCymbal": "Green Cymbal (Fourth)",
+ "GreenPad": "Green Pad (Fourth)",
+ "RedPad": "Red Pad (First)",
+ "YellowCymbal": "Yellow Cymbal (Second)",
+ "YellowPad": "Yellow Pad (Second)",
+ "RedCymbal": "Red Cymbal (First)"
+ },
+ "Drums": {
+ "Kick": "Kick Pedal"
+ },
+ "Vocals": {
+ "StarPower": "Star Power Activate"
+ },
+ "FiveDrums": {
+ "RedPad": "Red Pad (First)",
+ "YellowCymbal": "Yellow Cymbal (Second)",
+ "BluePad": "Blue Pad (Third)",
+ "OrangeCymbal": "Orange Cymbal (Fourth)",
+ "GreenPad": "Green Pad (Fifth)"
+ },
+ "ProKeys": {
+ "Key1": "Key 1 (C2)",
+ "Key2": "Key 2 (C#2)",
+ "Key3": "Key 3 (D2)",
+ "Key4": "Key 4 (D#2)",
+ "Key5": "Key 5 (E2)",
+ "Key6": "Key 6 (F2)",
+ "Key7": "Key 7 (F#2)",
+ "Key8": "Key 8 (G2)",
+ "Key9": "Key 9 (G#2)",
+ "Key10": "Key 10 (A2)",
+ "Key11": "Key 11 (A#2)",
+ "Key12": "Key 12 (B2)",
+ "Key13": "Key 13 (C3)",
+ "Key14": "Key 14 (C#3)",
+ "Key15": "Key 15 (D3)",
+ "Key16": "Key 16 (D#3)",
+ "Key17": "Key 17 (E3)",
+ "Key18": "Key 18 (F3)",
+ "Key19": "Key 19 (F#3)",
+ "Key20": "Key 20 (G3)",
+ "Key21": "Key 21 (G#3)",
+ "Key22": "Key 22 (A3)",
+ "Key23": "Key 23 (A#3)",
+ "Key24": "Key 24 (B3)",
+ "Key25": "Key 25 (C4)",
+ "StarPower": "Star Power Activate",
+ "TouchEffects": "Touch Effects"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings": {
+ "Tab": {
+ "General": "General",
+ "Graphics": "Graphics",
+ "Engine": "Engine",
+ "Sound": "Sound",
+ "SongManager": "Songs",
+ "Presets": "Presets",
+ "Advanced": "Advanced",
+ "AllSettings": "All Settings",
+ "LightingPeripherals": "Lighting Peripherals",
+ "Debug": "Debug and Developer",
+ "FileManagement": "File Management",
+ "Experimental": "Experimental"
+ },
+ "Header": {
+ "Other": "Other",
+ "Display": "Display",
+ "Volume": "Volume",
+ "Graphics": "Graphics",
+ "Camera": "Camera",
+ "SongFolders": "Song Folders",
+ "SongUpgrades": "Song Upgrades",
+ "Cache": "Cache",
+ "Venues": "Venues/Backgrounds",
+ "Calibration": "Calibration",
+ "Input": "Input",
+ "PresetSettings": "Preset Settings",
+ "Debug": "Debug",
+ "Advanced": "Advanced",
+ "DMXChannels": "DMX Channels",
+ "LightingGeneral": "Lighting General",
+ "Export": "Export",
+ "PathsAndFolders": "Paths and Folders",
+ "MusicLibrary": "Music Library",
+ "ScanningOptions": "Scanning Options",
+ "RB3E": "RB3E Settings",
+ "Customization": "Buffer Customization",
+ "StageKitDMXChannels": "Basic DMX Channels",
+ "AdvancedDMXChannels": "Advanced DMX Channels",
+ "StatusBar": "Status Bar",
+ "AdvancedDMXSettings": "Advanced sACN and DMX settings",
+ "Experimental": "Experimental"
+ },
+ "Button": {
+ "CopyCurrentSongJsonFilePath": "Copy Current Song Json File Path",
+ "CopyCurrentSongTextFilePath": "Copy Current Song Text File Path",
+ "ExportSongsOuvert": "Export Songs List (For Ouvert Bot)",
+ "ExportSongsText": "Export Songs List (Plain Text)",
+ "OpenCalibrator": "Open Calibrator",
+ "OpenVenueFolder": "Open Backgrounds/Venue Folder",
+ "AddFolder": "Add Folder",
+ "RefreshCache": "Scan Songs",
+ "OpenExecutablePath": "Open Executable Path",
+ "OpenPersistentDataPath": "Open Persistent Data Path"
+ },
+ "Setting": {
+ "AllowDuplicateSongs": {
+ "Name": "Allow Duplicate Songs",
+ "Description": "Allows duplicate songs to be scanned and displayed in the library. Rescan required if changed!"
+ },
+ "AmIAwesome": {
+ "Name": "Awesomeness Detection",
+ "Description": "Are you awesome?"
+ },
+ "AudioCalibration": {
+ "Name": "Audio Calibration (ms)",
+ "Description": "Audio calibration in milliseconds. Use the calibrator to automatically calibrate. Higher values make the audio play earlier, while lower ones make the audio play later."
+ },
+ "AccountForHardwareLatency": {
+ "Name": "Account For Audio Hardware Latency",
+ "Description": "Automatically accounts for the detected playback latency of your audio hardware. This latency may be inaccurate, disable this setting if your audio calibration is negative."
+ },
+ "BassVolume": {
+ "Name": "Bass Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Bass",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's bass guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "ClapsInStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Star Power Claps",
+ "Description": "Enables claps to the beat while Star Power is active."
+ },
+ "CountdownDisplay": {
+ "Name": "Countdown Display",
+ "Description": "Choose how countdowns should be displayed during long breaks in a song.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Measures": "In Measures",
+ "Seconds": "In Seconds",
+ "Disabled": "Disabled"
+ }
+ },
+ "OverstrumAndOverhitSoundEffects": {
+ "Name": "Overstrum/Overhit Sound Effects",
+ "Description": "Enables the overstrum/overhit sound effect."
+ },
+ "CrowdVolume": {
+ "Name": "Crowd Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Crowd",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's crowd track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "DisableBloom": {
+ "Name": "Disable Bloom",
+ "Description": "Disables post-processing bloom (the glowly effect). May increase performance."
+ },
+ "DisableGlobalBackgrounds": {
+ "Name": "Disable Global Backgrounds",
+ "Description": "Disables custom backgrounds from your venue folder and shows the ones in songs instead."
+ },
+ "DisablePerSongBackgrounds": {
+ "Name": "Disable Per-Song Backgrounds",
+ "Description": "Disables custom backgrounds in songs and shows the ones in your venue folder instead."
+ },
+ "DisableTextNotifications": {
+ "Name": "Disable Text Notifications",
+ "Description": "Disables text notification on the track such as \"100-Note Streak\" and \"Full Combo.\""
+ },
+ "DMXBlueChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Blue",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight blue LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXCueChangeChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Cue Change",
+ "Description": "This channel's value will change whenever the lighting cue changes. See the values below:"
+ },
+ "DMXDimmerChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Master Dimmer",
+ "Description": "Channels listed here will be set on game start. Default value is max (255), can be changed in 'DMX Master Dimmer Values' setting below. Useful for fixtures that have a master dimmer channel."
+ },
+ "DMXEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable DMX Output",
+ "Description": "Enable sending sACN (DMX-over-ethernet) packets over the network to universe 1. Adds 250k bps to network traffic."
+ },
+ "DMXFogChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Fog",
+ "Description": "Each channel set here will receive the StageKit fog on (255) and fog off (0)."
+ },
+ "DMXGreenChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Green",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight green LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXRedChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Red",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight red LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXStrobeChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Strobe Light",
+ "Description": "Each channel set here will receive StageKit strobe commands, either off (0), slow (64), medium (127), fast (191), fastest (255)."
+ },
+ "DMXYellowChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Yellow",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight yellow LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DrumsVolume": {
+ "Name": "Drums Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Drums",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's drum track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "DrumSfxVolume": {
+ "Name": "Drum SFX Volume",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the drum hit sound effect volume, which can be triggered before the first note, after the last note, or during drum fills/BREs."
+ },
+ "EnablePracticeSP": {
+ "Name": "Star Power in Practice",
+ "Description": "Allow Star Power phrases while in Practice Mode."
+ },
+ "FpsCap": {
+ "Name": "FPS Cap",
+ "Description": "The framerate cap. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PLAY YARG ON 1000FPS. VSync recommended."
+ },
+ "FpsStats": {
+ "Name": "Show FPS Counter",
+ "Description": "Shows the framerate counter on the Status Bar"
+ },
+ "FullscreenMode": {
+ "Name": "Fullscreen Mode",
+ "Description": "Changes the fullscreen mode.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "ExclusiveFullScreen": "Fullscreen",
+ "FullScreenWindow": "Borderless Fullscreen",
+ "MaximizedWindow": "Maximized Window",
+ "Windowed": "Windowed"
+ }
+ },
+ "GraphicalProgressOnScoreBox": {
+ "Name": "Graphical Progress On Score Box",
+ "Description": "Enables and disables the graphical blue outline on the score box that displays the song's progress."
+ },
+ "GuitarVolume": {
+ "Name": "Guitar Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Guitar",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "HighScoreInfo": {
+ "Name": "High Score Display",
+ "Description": "Changes what high score information is displayed in the Music Library.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "Score": "Score",
+ "Stars": "Stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "InputDeviceLogging": {
+ "Name": "Input Device Logging",
+ "Description": "Prints information about connected input devices to the game's log. Do not enable this unless you are having issues with specific devices, as it can print a very large amount of text for some devices!"
+ },
+ "KeepSongInfoVisible": {
+ "Name": "Keep Song Info Visible",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it keeps the song info visible throughout the entire song. Otherwise, it will fade out after 10 seconds."
+ },
+ "KeysVolume": {
+ "Name": "Keys Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Keys",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's keys track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "KickBounceMultiplier": {
+ "Name": "Drum Kick Bounce Multiplier",
+ "Description": "Controls the amount the track should bounce when you hit a kick note (drums only). Set to zero if you want to disable."
+ },
+ "LowQuality": {
+ "Name": "Low Quality Mode",
+ "Description": "If enabled, the game will disable anti-aliasing, and use lower quality models and textures. This will significantly increase performance."
+ },
+ "LyricDisplay": {
+ "Name": "Lyric Display",
+ "Description": "Choose how the lyric bar in game should be displayed.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Compatibility": "Compatibility Mode",
+ "Disabled": "Disabled",
+ "NoBackground": "No Background",
+ "Normal": "Normal",
+ "Transparent": "Translucent Background"
+ }
+ },
+ "MasterMusicVolume": {
+ "Name": "Master Music Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Master",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's volume as a whole."
+ },
+ "MinimumLogLevel": {
+ "Name": "Minimum Log Level",
+ "Description": "Controls how much information is written to log files.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Trace": "Trace",
+ "Debug": "Debug",
+ "Info": "Info",
+ "Warning": "Warning",
+ "Error": "Error"
+ }
+ },
+ "MicrophoneSensitivity": {
+ "Name": "Microphone Sensitivity (Db)",
+ "Description": "Adjusts your microphone's sensitivity in decibels. Lower values are more sensitive."
+ },
+ "MusicPlayerVolume": {
+ "Name": "Music Player Volume",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the volume of the music that plays in the main menu. Set to \"0\" to disable."
+ },
+ "MuteOnMiss": {
+ "Name": "Mute On Miss",
+ "Description": "Mutes a specific stem when you miss on that instrument. Only does something if the song is multi-track.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "MultitrackOnly": "Multitrack Only",
+ "On": "On - Background limited to 50%"
+ }
+ },
+ "NoKicks": {
+ "Name": "No Kicks",
+ "Description": "Removes all kick notes (drums only)."
+ },
+ "NoteStreakFrequency": {
+ "Name": "Note Streak Frequency",
+ "Description": "Sets the frequency of note streak notifications.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Disabled": "Disabled",
+ "Frequent": "50, 100, 200, 300, ...",
+ "Sparse": "50, 100, 250, 500, ..."
+ }
+ },
+ "PreviewVolume": {
+ "Name": "Preview Volume",
+ "Description": "The preview volume while in the music library."
+ },
+ "Resolution": {
+ "Name": "Resolution",
+ "Description": "Choose the resolution of your screen. \"Highest\" is recommended."
+ },
+ "RhythmVolume": {
+ "Name": "Rhythm Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Rhythm",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's rhythm guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track. In some song formats, this may also be the bass guitar."
+ },
+ "SfxVolume": {
+ "Name": "SFX Volume",
+ "PauseName": "SFX",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the game's sound effect volume, such as when gaining a star, or activating starpower."
+ },
+ "ShowAdvancedMusicLibraryOptions": {
+ "Name": "Show Advanced Music Library Options",
+ "Description": "Adds advanced settings to the \"More Options\" menu in the Music Library such as \"View Song Folder\" and \"Copy Song Checksum\"."
+ },
+ "ShowCursorTimer": {
+ "Name": "Cursor Show Time",
+ "Description": "How long the cursor will be shown for before hiding. Set to \"0\" for no hiding (playmode)."
+ },
+ "ShowFavoriteButton": {
+ "Name": "Show Favorite Button",
+ "Description": "Shows and hides the favorite button in the Music Library. Songs can still be favorited in the \"More Options\" menu when this button is hidden."
+ },
+ "ShowHitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Show Hit Window",
+ "Description": "If enabled, a box will be shown on your track that represents the \"window\" in which notes can be hit."
+ },
+ "SongTimeOnScoreBox": {
+ "Name": "Song Time On Score Box",
+ "Description": "Change the song time displayed above the score box. In the examples provided, the song is 5 minutes and 30 seconds long, and you are 1 minute and 10 seconds into the song.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "CountDownAndTotal": "Remaining and Total(4:20 / 5:30)",
+ "CountDownOnly": "Remaining Only(4:20)",
+ "CountUpAndTotal": "Time and Total(1:10 / 5:30)",
+ "CountUpOnly": "Time Only(1:10)",
+ "None": "None",
+ "TotalOnly": "Total Only(5:30)"
+ }
+ },
+ "SongVolume": {
+ "Name": "Backing Track Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Backing",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's backing track volume. These are all of the instruments that are not included in the multi-track."
+ },
+ "StageKitEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable Stage Kit",
+ "Description": "Enables sending Stage Kit lighting data to all connected devices capable of reading it."
+ },
+ "StarPowerHighwayFx": {
+ "Name": "Star Power Highway FX Mode",
+ "Description": "Disables visual elements on the highway which appear when Star Power is active",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "On": "On",
+ "Reduced": "Reduced"
+ }
+ },
+ "SongBackgroundOpacity": {
+ "Name": "Song Background Opacity",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the opacity of background during gameplay."
+ },
+ "UseChipmunkSpeed": {
+ "Name": "Chipmunk Speed",
+ "Description": "Disables pitch correction when playing songs at a fast or slow speed which may lead to some... interesting results."
+ },
+ "UseCymbalModelsInFiveLane": {
+ "Name": "Use Cymbal Models In Five Lane",
+ "Description": "If enabled, cymbal models will be used in the second and fourth lanes instead of the standard note model (five-lane drums only)."
+ },
+ "UseFullDirectoryForPlaylists": {
+ "Name": "Use Full Directory For Playlists",
+ "Description": "Use full directory for the playlist sort option in the music library. Rescan required if changed!"
+ },
+ "UseStarpowerFx": {
+ "Name": "Use Starpower SFX",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it will add reverb to stems where the player has starpower enabled.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "MultitrackOnly": "Multitrack Only",
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "On": "On"
+ }
+ },
+ "UseWhammyFx": {
+ "Name": "Use Whammy SFX",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it will add pitch bending to guitar stems when the player presses the whammy bar.\nWARNING: This setting is known to cause audio desync issues on some machines."
+ },
+ "WhammyPitchShiftAmount": {
+ "Name": "Whammy Pitch Shift Amount",
+ "Description": "Number of semitones the pitch is changed when the whammy bar is fully pressed. Larger amounts result in lower pitches; default is 1."
+ },
+ "VideoCalibration": {
+ "Name": "Video Calibration (ms)",
+ "Description": "Video calibration in milliseconds. Use the calibrator to automatically calibrate. This accounts for delays between the game's processing and the actual frame being displayed."
+ },
+ "VocalMonitoring": {
+ "Name": "Vocal Monitoring Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Monitoring",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the feedback you hear when singing."
+ },
+ "VocalsVolume": {
+ "Name": "Vocals Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Vocals",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's vocal track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "VoiceActivatedVocalStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Voice Activated Star Power (Vocals)",
+ "Description": "If enabled, vocalists can activate their Star Power by making a noise. Keybinds can be used instead, regardless of this setting."
+ },
+ "VSync": {
+ "Name": "Enable VSync",
+ "Description": "Enables VSync. VSync caps the framerate at your monitor's maximum framerate, and prevents tearing."
+ },
+ "PauseOnDeviceDisconnect": {
+ "Name": "Pause On Device Disconnect",
+ "Description": "Pauses the game if a device taken by a profile disconnects in the middle of a song."
+ },
+ "PauseOnFocusLoss": {
+ "Name": "Pause On Focus Loss",
+ "Description": "Pauses the game if it tabbed out/loses focus in the middle of a song."
+ },
+ "ApplyVolumesInMusicLibrary": {
+ "Name": "Apply Volume Settings to Music Library Previews",
+ "Description": "I think this one speaks for itself"
+ },
+ "RB3EEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable RB3E Stage Kit data stream",
+ "Description": "Enables sending of RB3E style stage kit information packets over the network, for hardware such as StageKitPied"
+ },
+ "RB3EBroadcastIP": {
+ "Name": "RB3E target IP",
+ "Description": "Sets the target IP for the RB3E data stream packets. is the broadcast address for the current network"
+ },
+ "DMXKeyframeChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Keyframe",
+ "Description": "This channel receives the Next (3), Previous (13), and First(23) keyframe calls."
+ },
+ "DMXBonusEffectChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Bonus Effect",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set (2) when a venue bonus effect happens."
+ },
+ "DMXDrumsChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Drum",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current drum notes: Kick (1), Red (2), Yellow (4), Blue (8), Green (16), Yellow Cymbal (32), Blue Cymbal (64), Green Cymbal (128)."
+ },
+ "DMXBeatlineChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Beatline",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set on every measure beat (1) and Strong beat (11)."
+ },
+ "DMXPostProcessingChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Post-Processsing",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set to the video effect happening to the in-game venue. See the values below:"
+ },
+ "DMXGuitarChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Guitar",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current guitar notes: Open (1), Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "DMXBassChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Bass",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current bass notes: Open (1), Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "DMXPerformerChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Performer",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set to the current spotlight and sing-a-long"
+ },
+ "DMXKeysChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Keys",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current key notes: Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "EnablePlaybackBuffer": {
+ "Name": "Use Audio Playback Buffer",
+ "Description": "Buffers audio data by decoding ahead-of-time in chunks. Improves audio stability on low-performance devices, at the cost of added latency on sound effects."
+ },
+ "PlaybackBufferLength": {
+ "Name": "Playback Buffer Length",
+ "Description": "The size of the playback buffer, in milliseconds. Larger buffers provide more stability, but further increase the latency of sound effects."
+ },
+ "ShowTime": {
+ "Name": "Show Time",
+ "Description": "Show current time on Status Bar"
+ },
+ "ShowBattery": {
+ "Name": "Show Battery",
+ "Description": "Show battery level on Status Bar (if battery is currently discharging)"
+ },
+ "MemoryStats": {
+ "Name": "Show Memory Stats",
+ "Description": "Show memory usage stats on the Status Bar"
+ },
+ "ShowActivePlayers": {
+ "Name": "Show Active Players",
+ "Description": "Show the active players on the Status Bar, excluding bots. For bands consisting of more than 3 players, this will show the number of players instead."
+ },
+ "ShowActiveBots": {
+ "Name": "Show Active Bots",
+ "Description": "Show the number of active bot profiles on the Status Bar (if any)"
+ },
+ "DMXUniverseChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Broadcast Universe",
+ "Description": "This is the universe that YARG will send the sACN packet to. Default is 1. Maximum is 65535"
+ },
+ "ReconnectProfiles": {
+ "Name": "Reconnect Profiles",
+ "Description": "At startup, reconnect previously connected profiles."
+ },
+ "DMXDimmerValues": {
+ "Name": "DMX Master Dimmer Values",
+ "Description": "These are the respective values that the Master Dimmer channels will be set to when YARG starts."
+ },
+ "UpcomingLyricsTime": {
+ "Name": "Upcoming Lyrics Lead Time",
+ "Description": "The time in seconds prior to an upcoming lyric that it will appear on screen. Upcoming lyrics will always appear if the time between the current and upcoming lyrics is smaller than this value."
+ },
+ "WaitForSongVideo": {
+ "Name": "Wait For Song Videos When Seeking",
+ "Description": "Waits for a song-specific video background to finish seeking when restarting/changing sections in practice or seeking a replay."
+ },
+ "WrapAroundNavigation": {
+ "Name": "Wrap-Around Navigation",
+ "Description": "Allow menus to jump to the bottom of a list when scrolling past the top, or jump to the top of a list when scrolling past the bottom."
+ },
+ "ReduceNoteSpeedByDifficulty": {
+ "Name": "Reduce Note Speed by Difficulty",
+ "Description": "Reduces the note speed if playing on a lower difficulty than Expert. The specified note speed is applied to Expert, and lower difficulties receive a reduction in speed. This setting does not affect vocal tracks."
+ }
+ },
+ "PresetType": {
+ "CameraSettingsContainer": "Camera Presets",
+ "ColorProfileContainer": "Color Profiles",
+ "EnginePresetContainer": "Engine Presets"
+ },
+ "PresetSetting": {
+ "CameraPreset": {
+ "CurveFactor": {
+ "Name": "Curve Factor",
+ "Description": "The track's curve factor."
+ },
+ "FadeLength": {
+ "Name": "Fade Size",
+ "Description": "The track's fade size. A fade size of \"0\" will remove the fade."
+ },
+ "FadeStart": {
+ "Name": "Fade Position",
+ "Description": "The track's fade position. Lower values are closer to the frets. This also controls the track length."
+ },
+ "FieldOfView": {
+ "Name": "Camera FOV",
+ "Description": "The track camera's field of view."
+ },
+ "PositionY": {
+ "Name": "Camera Y Position",
+ "Description": "The track camera's Y position (up and down)."
+ },
+ "PositionZ": {
+ "Name": "Camera Z Position",
+ "Description": "The track camera's Z position (forward and backwards)."
+ },
+ "Rotation": {
+ "Name": "Camera Rotation",
+ "Description": "The track camera's rotational pitch (up and down)."
+ }
+ },
+ "ColorProfile": {
+ "SubSection": {
+ "Name": "Instrument",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys"
+ }
+ },
+ "ActivationNote": {
+ "Name": "Activation Note"
+ },
+ "BlueCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Blue Cymbal"
+ },
+ "BlueCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueDrum": {
+ "Name": "Blue Drum"
+ },
+ "BlueDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueFret": {
+ "Name": "Blue Fret"
+ },
+ "BlueFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Blue Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "BlueNote": {
+ "Name": "Blue Note"
+ },
+ "BlueNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueParticles": {
+ "Name": "Blue Particles"
+ },
+ "BlueStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Green Cymbal"
+ },
+ "GreenCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenDrum": {
+ "Name": "Green Drum"
+ },
+ "GreenDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenFret": {
+ "Name": "Green Fret"
+ },
+ "GreenFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Green Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "GreenNote": {
+ "Name": "Green Note"
+ },
+ "GreenNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Green Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenParticles": {
+ "Name": "Green Particles"
+ },
+ "GreenStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Star Power"
+ },
+ "KickFret": {
+ "Name": "Kick Fret"
+ },
+ "KickFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Kick Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "KickNote": {
+ "Name": "Kick Note"
+ },
+ "KickParticles": {
+ "Name": "Kick Particles"
+ },
+ "KickStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Kick Star Power"
+ },
+ "OpenFret": {
+ "Name": "Open Fret"
+ },
+ "OpenFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Open Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "OpenNote": {
+ "Name": "Open Note"
+ },
+ "OpenNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Open Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "OpenParticles": {
+ "Name": "Open Particles"
+ },
+ "OrangeFret": {
+ "Name": "Orange Fret"
+ },
+ "OrangeFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Orange Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "OrangeNote": {
+ "Name": "Orange Note"
+ },
+ "OrangeNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Orange Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "OrangeParticles": {
+ "Name": "Orange Particles"
+ },
+ "OrangeStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Orange Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Red Cymbal"
+ },
+ "RedCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedDrum": {
+ "Name": "Red Drum"
+ },
+ "RedDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedFret": {
+ "Name": "Red Fret"
+ },
+ "RedFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Red Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "RedNote": {
+ "Name": "Red Note"
+ },
+ "RedNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Red Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedParticles": {
+ "Name": "Red Particles"
+ },
+ "RedStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Cymbal"
+ },
+ "YellowCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowDrum": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Drum"
+ },
+ "YellowDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowFret": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Fret"
+ },
+ "YellowFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "YellowNote": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Note"
+ },
+ "YellowNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowParticles": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Particles"
+ },
+ "YellowStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Star Power"
+ },
+ "WhiteKey": {
+ "Name": "White Key"
+ },
+ "RedKey": {
+ "Name": "Red Key"
+ },
+ "YellowKey": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Key"
+ },
+ "BlueKey": {
+ "Name": "Blue Key"
+ },
+ "GreenKey": {
+ "Name": "Green Key"
+ },
+ "OrangeKey": {
+ "Name": "Orange Key"
+ },
+ "RedOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Red Overlay"
+ },
+ "YellowOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Overlay"
+ },
+ "BlueOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Blue Overlay"
+ },
+ "GreenOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Green Overlay"
+ },
+ "OrangeOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Orange Overlay"
+ },
+ "WhiteNote": {
+ "Name": "White Note"
+ },
+ "BlackNote": {
+ "Name": "Black Note"
+ },
+ "WhiteNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "White Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlackNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Black Note Star Power"
+ }
+ },
+ "EnginePreset": {
+ "SubSection": {
+ "Name": "Game Mode",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Drums": "Drums (4 and 5 lane)",
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys"
+ }
+ },
+ "AntiGhosting": {
+ "Name": "Anti-Ghosting",
+ "Description": "Upon ghosting (or fretting a note that is not present) the player will drop their combo (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "FrontToBackRatio": {
+ "Name": "Hit Window Ratio",
+ "Description": "The hit window's front to back ratio. 0 will bring the hit window fully backwards, 1 will keep it in the center, and 2 will move it to the front."
+ },
+ "HitPercentE": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Easy)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Easy difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentH": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Hard)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Hard difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentM": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Medium)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Medium difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentX": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Expert)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Expert difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Hit Window",
+ "Description": "The size of the hit window, in milliseconds. Higher values allow notes to be hit earlier/later, smaller values require more precise timing."
+ },
+ "HopoLeniency": {
+ "Name": "HOPO Leniency",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a hopo is allowed to take a strum input. Strum after this time and it will overstrum."
+ },
+ "InfiniteFrontEnd": {
+ "Name": "Infinite Front End",
+ "Description": "If on, HOPOs and taps can be fretted before they enter to hit window (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "IsDynamic": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Hit Window",
+ "Description": "The timing window adjusts in size depending on how close together the notes are. The faster the notes are, the smaller the window becomes (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "StrumLeniency": {
+ "Name": "Strum Leniency",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a strum can be inputted before fretting the correct note. Fretting after this time will overstrum."
+ },
+ "StrumLeniencySmall": {
+ "Name": "Strum Leniency (No Notes)",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a note can be strummed before it enters the hit window and it still receive the strum. Strumming earlier than this will cause an overstrum."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowE": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Easy)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Easy difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowH": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Hard)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Hard difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowM": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Medium)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Medium difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowX": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Expert)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Expert difficulty."
+ },
+ "PercussionHitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Percussion Hit Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "ChordStaggerWindow": {
+ "Name": "Chord Stagger Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "FatFingerWindow": {
+ "Name": "Fat Finger Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "DynamicScale": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Scale",
+ "Description": "The factor used to scale the distance between the notes before the dynamic hit window size is calculated."
+ },
+ "DynamicSlope": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Slope",
+ "Description": "Affects how fast the dynamic hit window itself shrinks."
+ },
+ "DynamicGamma": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Gamma",
+ "Description": "Biases the dynamic hit window one way or another. Values below 1 gives, on average, a looser window."
+ },
+ "PerfectPitchPercent": {
+ "Name": "Perfect Pitch Percent",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "SustainDropLeniency": {
+ "Name": "Sustain Drop Leniency",
+ "Description": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/ja-JP.json b/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/ja-JP.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9df0baee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/ja-JP.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+ "Language": {
+ "Name": "English",
+ "Region": "United States",
+ "ListDelimiter": {
+ "Default": ", ",
+ "Last": ", and "
+ }
+ },
+ "Enum": {
+ "Difficulty": {
+ "Easy": "Easy",
+ "Hard": "Hard",
+ "Expert": "Expert",
+ "ExpertPlus": "Expert+",
+ "Medium": "Medium"
+ },
+ "GameMode": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Six Fret Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Standard Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "5-Lane Drums",
+ "ProGuitar": "Pro Guitar",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Menu": "Menu",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals"
+ },
+ "Instrument": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Guitar",
+ "FiveFretBass": "Bass",
+ "FiveFretRhythm": "Rhythm Guitar",
+ "FiveFretCoopGuitar": "Co-op Guitar",
+ "Keys": "Keys",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Guitar",
+ "SixFretBass": "Bass",
+ "SixFretRhythm": "Rhythm Guitar",
+ "SixFretCoopGuitar": "Co-op Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProDrums": "Pro Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "EliteDrums": "Elite Drums",
+ "ProGuitar_17Fret": "Pro Guitar (17-fret)",
+ "ProGuitar_22Fret": "Pro Guitar (22-fret)",
+ "ProBass_17Fret": "Pro Bass (17-fret)",
+ "ProBass_22Fret": "Pro Bass (22-fret)",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Dj": "DJ",
+ "Band": "Band"
+ },
+ "Modifier": {
+ "None": "None",
+ "AllStrums": "All Strums",
+ "AllHopos": "All HOPOs",
+ "AllTaps": "All Taps",
+ "HoposToTaps": "HOPOs To Taps",
+ "NoteShuffle": "Note Shuffle",
+ "NoKicks": "No Kicks",
+ "TapsToHopos": "Taps to HOPOs",
+ "UnpitchedOnly": "Unpitched Only"
+ },
+ "SortAttribute": {
+ "Album": "Album",
+ "Artist": "Artist",
+ "Artist_Album": "Artist - Album",
+ "Charter": "Charter",
+ "Genre": "Genre",
+ "Name": "Song",
+ "Playlist": "Playlist",
+ "SongLength": "Duration",
+ "Source": "Source",
+ "Unspecified": "None",
+ "Year": "Year",
+ "DateAdded": "Date Added",
+ "Playable": "Playable Songs",
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "FiveFretBass": "Five Fret Bass",
+ "FiveFretRhythm": "Five Fret Rhythm Guitar",
+ "FiveFretCoop": "Five Fret Co-Op Guitar",
+ "Keys": "Keys",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Six Fret Guitar",
+ "SixFretBass": "Six Fret Bass",
+ "SixFretRhythm": "Six Fret Rhythm Guitar",
+ "SixFretCoop": "Six Fret Co-Op Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProDrums": "Pro Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "EliteDrums": "Elite Drums",
+ "ProGuitar_17": "Pro Guitar (17-fret)",
+ "ProGuitar_22": "Pro Guitar (22-fret)",
+ "ProBass_17": "Pro Bass (17-fret)",
+ "ProBass_22": "Pro Bass (22-fret)",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Band": "Band"
+ }
+ },
+ "Menu": {
+ "Calibrator": {
+ "Detected": "Detected",
+ "NotEnoughData": "There isn't enough data to get an accurate result.\nPress back to exit."
+ },
+ "Common": {
+ "Apply": "Apply",
+ "Back": "Back",
+ "Cancel": "Cancel",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Confirm": "Confirm",
+ "Continue": "Continue",
+ "On": "On",
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "Up": "Up",
+ "Down": "Down",
+ "Left": "Left",
+ "Right": "Right",
+ "Next": "Next",
+ "Previous": "Previous",
+ "NextTab": "Next Tab",
+ "PreviousTab": "Previous Tab",
+ "Increase": "Increase",
+ "Decrease": "Decrease",
+ "Max": "Max",
+ "Min": "Min",
+ "Save": "Save",
+ "Saved": "Saved!",
+ "Delete": "Delete",
+ "Reset": "Reset",
+ "ResetAll": "Reset All"
+ },
+ "Credits": {
+ "Description": "Contributed To: {0}\n\n{1}",
+ "Repos": {
+ "Community": "Community",
+ "OpenSource": "OpenSource",
+ "YARC-Charters": "The Official YARG Setlist",
+ "YARC-Launcher": "The YARC Launcher",
+ "YARG": "YARG"
+ },
+ "Roles": {
+ "Artist": "Artist",
+ "Charter": "Charter",
+ "Developer": "Developer",
+ "Moderator": "Moderator"
+ },
+ "Header": {
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "GameStartedBy": "A Game Started By",
+ "LeadArtist": "Lead Artist",
+ "Maintainers": "Maintainers",
+ "SpecialThanks": "Special Thanks",
+ "SetlistManager": "Setlist Manager",
+ "Songs": "Songs"
+ },
+ "Song": {
+ "Name": "\"{0}\" By {1}",
+ "WrittenBy": "Written By: {0}",
+ "PerformedBy": "Performed By: {0}",
+ "WrittenAndPerformedBy": "Written and Performed By: {0}",
+ "CourtesyOf": "Courtesy Of: {0}",
+ "AlbumCover": "Album Cover By: {0}",
+ "License": "Song License: {0}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Dialog": {
+ "DontShowAgain": "Don't Show Again",
+ "AntiPiracy": {
+ "Title": "YARG Anti-Piracy Statement",
+ "Description": "YARG stands firmly against all forms of piracy. We neither support nor endorse piracy, as it is a violation of copyright law with serious legal consequences. Our platform's importable content—designed for creators to share their work and for educational purposes—does not justify or excuse piracy.\n\nYARG itself does not use any ripped/pirated assets or music and never will. By using YARG, users agree not to promote or endorse piracy in any way through our platform. Upholding these principles ensures a community that respects copyright, creativity, and legal standards.\n\nYARG stands for \"Yet Another Rhythm Game\" and NOT for pirates.",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ },
+ "BadSongs": {
+ "Title": "Some Songs Could Not Be Scanned",
+ "Description": "One or more of the songs you scanned were corrupted, formatted incorrectly, or encrypted, and could not be loaded into the game.\n\nFor more info, please check the file located at \"{0}\"."
+ },
+ "ColorPicker": {
+ "Title": "Color Picker"
+ },
+ "ConfirmDelete": {
+ "Title": "Delete \"{0}\"?",
+ "Message": "Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\n\n{1}",
+ "Confirm": "Type {0} here to confirm"
+ },
+ "EngineInconsistency": {
+ "Title": "Replays Are In Beta",
+ "Description": "Currently, the replay system is in beta, and may provide inconsistent scores/stats, especially for guitar.\n\nThe end goal is for replays to be reliable and accurate, and we're working on fixing these problems!",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ },
+ "Experimental": {
+ "Title": "Experimental Features Notice",
+ "Description": "The options about to be displayed represent a work in progress. These features are subject to change, may contain bugs, and could even cause major problems if enabled.",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ }
+ },
+ "DifficultySelect": {
+ "Instrument": "Instrument",
+ "Difficulty": "Difficulty",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Modifiers": "Modifiers",
+ "Ready": "Ready",
+ "SitOut": "Sit Out",
+ "Done": "Done"
+ },
+ "History": {
+ "Name": "History",
+ "Time": {
+ "Today": "Today",
+ "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "ThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "ThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "LastThreeMonths": "Last 3 Months",
+ "ThisYear": "This Year",
+ "MoreThanYear": "More Than A Year"
+ },
+ "Analyze": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "Main": {
+ "MessageOfTheDay": "Welcome to the v0.13 Nightly!\n\nv0.13 adds Pro Keys to the game, as well as reintroducing Pro Guitar/Bass after it was removed in v0.12 due to time constraints. Please let us know how these instruments feel, as well as any bugs you find and missing features.\n\nInstrument engine code has once again gone through major changes to facilitate producing replays with 1:1 results to the original gameplay. If you encounter any inconsistent replay results, report it to the YARG team on Discord or GitHub.\n\nIf you previously played on the v0.12 nightly, all of your settings will be reset. This is due to nightly builds now using a separate location for data storage. Your nightly settings/scores will not persist to stable versions of YARG, and vice versa.\n\nAs we previously announced, we do not recommend playing nightly full time, instead only for testing. Nightly is now going to be much more unstable with many more bugs and unfinished systems.\n\nIf you have any feedback, please let us know on Discord or GitHub.\n\nHave fun!",
+ "Options": {
+ "Quickplay": "Quickplay",
+ "Practice": "Practice",
+ "Profiles": "Profiles",
+ "History": "History",
+ "Settings": "Settings",
+ "Credits": "Credits",
+ "Exit": "Exit"
+ },
+ "GoToCurrentlyPlaying": "Go To Currently Playing"
+ },
+ "MusicLibrary": {
+ "Name": "Music Library",
+ "NoSongsMatchCriteria": "NO SONGS MATCH CRITERIA",
+ "SearchResults": "SEARCH RESULTS",
+ "AllSongs": "ALL SONGS",
+ "RecommendedSongs": {
+ "Singular": "RECOMMENDED SONG",
+ },
+ "PlayableSongs": "PLAYABLE SONGS",
+ "RandomSong": "RANDOM SONG",
+ "Playlists": "PLAYLISTS",
+ "Popup": {
+ "Header": {
+ "SortBy": "Sort By...",
+ "GoTo": "Go To..."
+ },
+ "Item": {
+ "RandomSong": "Random Song",
+ "BackToTop": "Back to Top",
+ "SortBy": "Sort By: {0}",
+ "GoToSection": "Go To Section...",
+ "AddToFavorites": "Add To Favorites",
+ "RemoveFromFavorites": "Remove From Favorites",
+ "ViewSongFolder": "View Song Folder",
+ "CopySongChecksum": "Copy Song Checksum"
+ }
+ },
+ "Back": "BACK",
+ "NoPlayersConnected": "No players connected! Go to the profiles menu to connect a player.",
+ "Play": "Play Song",
+ "Search": "Search",
+ "MoreOptions": "More Options
(Hold) Navigate Sections"
+ },
+ "ProfileInfo": {
+ "Name": "Edit Profile",
+ "Stats": {
+ "SongPlays": "{0:N0} Song Plays",
+ "TotalScore": "Total Score",
+ "TotalStarsEarned": "Total Stars Earned",
+ "FullCombos": "Full Combos"
+ }
+ },
+ "ProfileList": {
+ "Name": "Profiles",
+ "ActiveProfiles": "Active Profiles",
+ "AddBot": "Add Bot",
+ "AddProfile": "Add Profile",
+ "Bots": "Bots",
+ "Players": "Players"
+ },
+ "Settings": {
+ "NoFolder": "No Folder",
+ "SearchHeader": {
+ "AllCategories": "All Categories",
+ "Results": "Results"
+ },
+ "SongCount": "{0:N0} Songs",
+ "ScanNeeded": "Scan Needed",
+ "DMXInfo": "DMX cue change and post-processing channel values:\n\nCue Change:\n\n0 - No cue\n10 - Menu\n20 - Score\n30 - Intro\n40 - Verse\n50 - Chorus\n60 - Cool (loop)\n70 - Warm (loop)\n80 - Cool (manual)\n90 - Warm (manual)\n100 - Dischord\n110 - Stomp\n120 - Default\n130 - Harmony\n140 - Frenzy\n150 - Silhouettes\n160 - Silhouettes Spotlight\n170 - Searchlights\n180 - Sweep\n190 - Blackout (fast)\n200 - Blackout (slow)\n210 - Blackout (spotlight)\n220 - Flare (slow)\n230 - Flare (fast)\n240 - Big Rock Ending\n\nFor Strobe and Fog status listen to their respective channels.\n\nPost-Processing:\n\n0 - Default\r\n\nBasic effects\r\n4 - Bloom\n14 - Bright\n24 - Contrast\n34 - Mirror\n44 - PhotoNegative\n54 - Posterize\n\n\rColor filters/effects\r\n64 - Black And White\n74 - Sepia Tone\n84 - Silver Tone\n94 - Choppy Black And White\n104 - Photo Negative Red And Black\n114 - Polarized Black And White\n124 - Polarized Red And Blue\n134 - Desaturated Red\n144 - Desaturated Blue\n154 - Contrast Red\n164 - Contrast Green\n174 - Contrast Blue\n\r\nGrainy\r\n184 - Grainy Film\n194 - Grainy Chromatic Abberation\n\nScanlines\r\n204 - Scanlines\n214 - Scanlines Black And White\n224 - Scanlines Blue\n234 - Scanlines Security\n\r\nTrails\r\n244 - Trails\n252 - Trails Long\n253 - Trails Desaturated\n254 - Trails Flickery\n255 - Trails Spacey\n\nSee YARG docs for more information: https://docs.yarg.in/en/DMX"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gameplay": {
+ "Notifications": {
+ "BassGroove": "BASS GROOVE",
+ "CountdownGetReady": "Get Ready!",
+ "FullCombo": "FULL COMBO",
+ "HotStart": "HOT START",
+ "NewHighScore": "NEW HIGH SCORE",
+ "NoteStreak": "{0:N0}-NOTE STREAK",
+ "StarPowerReady": "STAR POWER READY",
+ "StrongFinish": "STRONG FINISH"
+ },
+ "Solo": {
+ "Performance": {
+ "Awesome": "AWESOME\nSOLO!",
+ "Good": "GOOD\nSOLO!",
+ "Great": "GREAT\nSOLO!",
+ "How": "HOW!?",
+ "Messy": "MESSY\nSOLO",
+ "Nice": "NICE\nSOLO",
+ "Okay": "OKAY\nSOLO",
+ "Perfect": "PERFECT\nSOLO!",
+ "Solid": "SOLID\nSOLO"
+ },
+ "PointsResult": "{0:N0}\nPOINTS"
+ },
+ "Vocals": {
+ "Performance": {
+ "Awesome": "AWESOME!",
+ "Awful": "AWFUL",
+ "Good": "GOOD",
+ "Messy": "MESSY",
+ "Okay": "OKAY",
+ "Strong": "STRONG"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Preview": {
+ "Experimental": {
+ "Notice": "IMPORTANT\n\nThese settings represent a work in progress. They are subject to change, may contain bugs, and could even cause major problems if enabled."
+ }
+ },
+ "Discord": {
+ "Default": {
+ "Details": "Hello there ladies and gentlemen!",
+ "LargeText": {
+ "Dev": "Yet Another Rhythm Game (Dev Build)",
+ "Nightly": "Yet Another Rhythm Game (Nightly)",
+ "Stable": "Yet Another Rhythm Game"
+ },
+ "State": "Are you ready to rock?"
+ },
+ "Song": {
+ "Name": "{0} by {1}",
+ "Album": "on {0}",
+ "Paused": "Song paused..."
+ }
+ },
+ "Bindings": {
+ "Menu": {
+ "Green": "Green (Confirm)",
+ "Red": "Red (Back)",
+ "Yellow": "Yellow (Shortcut 1)",
+ "Blue": "Blue (Shortcut 2)",
+ "Orange": "Orange (Shortcut 3)",
+ "Up": "Up",
+ "Down": "Down",
+ "Left": "Left",
+ "Right": "Right",
+ "Start": "Start (Pause)",
+ "Select": "Select"
+ },
+ "FiveFret": {
+ "Green": "Green Fret (First)",
+ "Red": "Red Fret (Second)",
+ "Yellow": "Yellow Fret (Third)",
+ "Blue": "Blue Fret (Fourth)",
+ "Orange": "Orange Fret (Fifth)"
+ },
+ "Guitar": {
+ "StrumUp": "Strum Up",
+ "StrumDown": "Strum Down",
+ "StarPower": "Star Power",
+ "Whammy": "Whammy"
+ },
+ "FourDrums": {
+ "BlueCymbal": "Blue Cymbal (Third)",
+ "BluePad": "Blue Pad (Third)",
+ "GreenCymbal": "Green Cymbal (Fourth)",
+ "GreenPad": "Green Pad (Fourth)",
+ "RedPad": "Red Pad (First)",
+ "YellowCymbal": "Yellow Cymbal (Second)",
+ "YellowPad": "Yellow Pad (Second)",
+ "RedCymbal": "Red Cymbal (First)"
+ },
+ "Drums": {
+ "Kick": "Kick Pedal"
+ },
+ "Vocals": {
+ "StarPower": "Star Power Activate"
+ },
+ "FiveDrums": {
+ "RedPad": "Red Pad (First)",
+ "YellowCymbal": "Yellow Cymbal (Second)",
+ "BluePad": "Blue Pad (Third)",
+ "OrangeCymbal": "Orange Cymbal (Fourth)",
+ "GreenPad": "Green Pad (Fifth)"
+ },
+ "ProKeys": {
+ "Key1": "Key 1 (C2)",
+ "Key2": "Key 2 (C#2)",
+ "Key3": "Key 3 (D2)",
+ "Key4": "Key 4 (D#2)",
+ "Key5": "Key 5 (E2)",
+ "Key6": "Key 6 (F2)",
+ "Key7": "Key 7 (F#2)",
+ "Key8": "Key 8 (G2)",
+ "Key9": "Key 9 (G#2)",
+ "Key10": "Key 10 (A2)",
+ "Key11": "Key 11 (A#2)",
+ "Key12": "Key 12 (B2)",
+ "Key13": "Key 13 (C3)",
+ "Key14": "Key 14 (C#3)",
+ "Key15": "Key 15 (D3)",
+ "Key16": "Key 16 (D#3)",
+ "Key17": "Key 17 (E3)",
+ "Key18": "Key 18 (F3)",
+ "Key19": "Key 19 (F#3)",
+ "Key20": "Key 20 (G3)",
+ "Key21": "Key 21 (G#3)",
+ "Key22": "Key 22 (A3)",
+ "Key23": "Key 23 (A#3)",
+ "Key24": "Key 24 (B3)",
+ "Key25": "Key 25 (C4)",
+ "StarPower": "Star Power Activate",
+ "TouchEffects": "Touch Effects"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings": {
+ "Tab": {
+ "General": "General",
+ "Graphics": "Graphics",
+ "Engine": "Engine",
+ "Sound": "Sound",
+ "SongManager": "Songs",
+ "Presets": "Presets",
+ "Advanced": "Advanced",
+ "AllSettings": "All Settings",
+ "LightingPeripherals": "Lighting Peripherals",
+ "Debug": "Debug and Developer",
+ "FileManagement": "File Management",
+ "Experimental": "Experimental"
+ },
+ "Header": {
+ "Other": "Other",
+ "Display": "Display",
+ "Volume": "Volume",
+ "Graphics": "Graphics",
+ "Camera": "Camera",
+ "SongFolders": "Song Folders",
+ "SongUpgrades": "Song Upgrades",
+ "Cache": "Cache",
+ "Venues": "Venues/Backgrounds",
+ "Calibration": "Calibration",
+ "Input": "Input",
+ "PresetSettings": "Preset Settings",
+ "Debug": "Debug",
+ "Advanced": "Advanced",
+ "DMXChannels": "DMX Channels",
+ "LightingGeneral": "Lighting General",
+ "Export": "Export",
+ "PathsAndFolders": "Paths and Folders",
+ "MusicLibrary": "Music Library",
+ "ScanningOptions": "Scanning Options",
+ "RB3E": "RB3E Settings",
+ "Customization": "Buffer Customization",
+ "StageKitDMXChannels": "Basic DMX Channels",
+ "AdvancedDMXChannels": "Advanced DMX Channels",
+ "StatusBar": "Status Bar",
+ "AdvancedDMXSettings": "Advanced sACN and DMX settings",
+ "Experimental": "Experimental"
+ },
+ "Button": {
+ "CopyCurrentSongJsonFilePath": "Copy Current Song Json File Path",
+ "CopyCurrentSongTextFilePath": "Copy Current Song Text File Path",
+ "ExportSongsOuvert": "Export Songs List (For Ouvert Bot)",
+ "ExportSongsText": "Export Songs List (Plain Text)",
+ "OpenCalibrator": "Open Calibrator",
+ "OpenVenueFolder": "Open Backgrounds/Venue Folder",
+ "AddFolder": "Add Folder",
+ "RefreshCache": "Scan Songs",
+ "OpenExecutablePath": "Open Executable Path",
+ "OpenPersistentDataPath": "Open Persistent Data Path"
+ },
+ "Setting": {
+ "AllowDuplicateSongs": {
+ "Name": "Allow Duplicate Songs",
+ "Description": "Allows duplicate songs to be scanned and displayed in the library. Rescan required if changed!"
+ },
+ "AmIAwesome": {
+ "Name": "Awesomeness Detection",
+ "Description": "Are you awesome?"
+ },
+ "AudioCalibration": {
+ "Name": "Audio Calibration (ms)",
+ "Description": "Audio calibration in milliseconds. Use the calibrator to automatically calibrate. Higher values make the audio play earlier, while lower ones make the audio play later."
+ },
+ "AccountForHardwareLatency": {
+ "Name": "Account For Audio Hardware Latency",
+ "Description": "Automatically accounts for the detected playback latency of your audio hardware. This latency may be inaccurate, disable this setting if your audio calibration is negative."
+ },
+ "BassVolume": {
+ "Name": "Bass Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Bass",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's bass guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "ClapsInStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Star Power Claps",
+ "Description": "Enables claps to the beat while Star Power is active."
+ },
+ "CountdownDisplay": {
+ "Name": "Countdown Display",
+ "Description": "Choose how countdowns should be displayed during long breaks in a song.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Measures": "In Measures",
+ "Seconds": "In Seconds",
+ "Disabled": "Disabled"
+ }
+ },
+ "OverstrumAndOverhitSoundEffects": {
+ "Name": "Overstrum/Overhit Sound Effects",
+ "Description": "Enables the overstrum/overhit sound effect."
+ },
+ "CrowdVolume": {
+ "Name": "Crowd Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Crowd",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's crowd track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "DisableBloom": {
+ "Name": "Disable Bloom",
+ "Description": "Disables post-processing bloom (the glowly effect). May increase performance."
+ },
+ "DisableGlobalBackgrounds": {
+ "Name": "Disable Global Backgrounds",
+ "Description": "Disables custom backgrounds from your venue folder and shows the ones in songs instead."
+ },
+ "DisablePerSongBackgrounds": {
+ "Name": "Disable Per-Song Backgrounds",
+ "Description": "Disables custom backgrounds in songs and shows the ones in your venue folder instead."
+ },
+ "DisableTextNotifications": {
+ "Name": "Disable Text Notifications",
+ "Description": "Disables text notification on the track such as \"100-Note Streak\" and \"Full Combo.\""
+ },
+ "DMXBlueChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Blue",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight blue LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXCueChangeChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Cue Change",
+ "Description": "This channel's value will change whenever the lighting cue changes. See the values below:"
+ },
+ "DMXDimmerChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Master Dimmer",
+ "Description": "Channels listed here will be set on game start. Default value is max (255), can be changed in 'DMX Master Dimmer Values' setting below. Useful for fixtures that have a master dimmer channel."
+ },
+ "DMXEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable DMX Output",
+ "Description": "Enable sending sACN (DMX-over-ethernet) packets over the network to universe 1. Adds 250k bps to network traffic."
+ },
+ "DMXFogChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Fog",
+ "Description": "Each channel set here will receive the StageKit fog on (255) and fog off (0)."
+ },
+ "DMXGreenChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Green",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight green LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXRedChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Red",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight red LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXStrobeChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Strobe Light",
+ "Description": "Each channel set here will receive StageKit strobe commands, either off (0), slow (64), medium (127), fast (191), fastest (255)."
+ },
+ "DMXYellowChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Yellow",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight yellow LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DrumsVolume": {
+ "Name": "Drums Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Drums",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's drum track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "DrumSfxVolume": {
+ "Name": "Drum SFX Volume",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the drum hit sound effect volume, which can be triggered before the first note, after the last note, or during drum fills/BREs."
+ },
+ "EnablePracticeSP": {
+ "Name": "Star Power in Practice",
+ "Description": "Allow Star Power phrases while in Practice Mode."
+ },
+ "FpsCap": {
+ "Name": "FPS Cap",
+ "Description": "The framerate cap. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PLAY YARG ON 1000FPS. VSync recommended."
+ },
+ "FpsStats": {
+ "Name": "Show FPS Counter",
+ "Description": "Shows the framerate counter on the Status Bar"
+ },
+ "FullscreenMode": {
+ "Name": "Fullscreen Mode",
+ "Description": "Changes the fullscreen mode.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "ExclusiveFullScreen": "Fullscreen",
+ "FullScreenWindow": "Borderless Fullscreen",
+ "MaximizedWindow": "Maximized Window",
+ "Windowed": "Windowed"
+ }
+ },
+ "GraphicalProgressOnScoreBox": {
+ "Name": "Graphical Progress On Score Box",
+ "Description": "Enables and disables the graphical blue outline on the score box that displays the song's progress."
+ },
+ "GuitarVolume": {
+ "Name": "Guitar Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Guitar",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "HighScoreInfo": {
+ "Name": "High Score Display",
+ "Description": "Changes what high score information is displayed in the Music Library.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "Score": "Score",
+ "Stars": "Stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "InputDeviceLogging": {
+ "Name": "Input Device Logging",
+ "Description": "Prints information about connected input devices to the game's log. Do not enable this unless you are having issues with specific devices, as it can print a very large amount of text for some devices!"
+ },
+ "KeepSongInfoVisible": {
+ "Name": "Keep Song Info Visible",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it keeps the song info visible throughout the entire song. Otherwise, it will fade out after 10 seconds."
+ },
+ "KeysVolume": {
+ "Name": "Keys Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Keys",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's keys track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "KickBounceMultiplier": {
+ "Name": "Drum Kick Bounce Multiplier",
+ "Description": "Controls the amount the track should bounce when you hit a kick note (drums only). Set to zero if you want to disable."
+ },
+ "LowQuality": {
+ "Name": "Low Quality Mode",
+ "Description": "If enabled, the game will disable anti-aliasing, and use lower quality models and textures. This will significantly increase performance."
+ },
+ "LyricDisplay": {
+ "Name": "Lyric Display",
+ "Description": "Choose how the lyric bar in game should be displayed.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Compatibility": "Compatibility Mode",
+ "Disabled": "Disabled",
+ "NoBackground": "No Background",
+ "Normal": "Normal",
+ "Transparent": "Translucent Background"
+ }
+ },
+ "MasterMusicVolume": {
+ "Name": "Master Music Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Master",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's volume as a whole."
+ },
+ "MinimumLogLevel": {
+ "Name": "Minimum Log Level",
+ "Description": "Controls how much information is written to log files.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Trace": "Trace",
+ "Debug": "Debug",
+ "Info": "Info",
+ "Warning": "Warning",
+ "Error": "Error"
+ }
+ },
+ "MicrophoneSensitivity": {
+ "Name": "Microphone Sensitivity (Db)",
+ "Description": "Adjusts your microphone's sensitivity in decibels. Lower values are more sensitive."
+ },
+ "MusicPlayerVolume": {
+ "Name": "Music Player Volume",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the volume of the music that plays in the main menu. Set to \"0\" to disable."
+ },
+ "MuteOnMiss": {
+ "Name": "Mute On Miss",
+ "Description": "Mutes a specific stem when you miss on that instrument. Only does something if the song is multi-track.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "MultitrackOnly": "Multitrack Only",
+ "On": "On - Background limited to 50%"
+ }
+ },
+ "NoKicks": {
+ "Name": "No Kicks",
+ "Description": "Removes all kick notes (drums only)."
+ },
+ "NoteStreakFrequency": {
+ "Name": "Note Streak Frequency",
+ "Description": "Sets the frequency of note streak notifications.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Disabled": "Disabled",
+ "Frequent": "50, 100, 200, 300, ...",
+ "Sparse": "50, 100, 250, 500, ..."
+ }
+ },
+ "PreviewVolume": {
+ "Name": "Preview Volume",
+ "Description": "The preview volume while in the music library."
+ },
+ "Resolution": {
+ "Name": "Resolution",
+ "Description": "Choose the resolution of your screen. \"Highest\" is recommended."
+ },
+ "RhythmVolume": {
+ "Name": "Rhythm Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Rhythm",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's rhythm guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track. In some song formats, this may also be the bass guitar."
+ },
+ "SfxVolume": {
+ "Name": "SFX Volume",
+ "PauseName": "SFX",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the game's sound effect volume, such as when gaining a star, or activating starpower."
+ },
+ "ShowAdvancedMusicLibraryOptions": {
+ "Name": "Show Advanced Music Library Options",
+ "Description": "Adds advanced settings to the \"More Options\" menu in the Music Library such as \"View Song Folder\" and \"Copy Song Checksum\"."
+ },
+ "ShowCursorTimer": {
+ "Name": "Cursor Show Time",
+ "Description": "How long the cursor will be shown for before hiding. Set to \"0\" for no hiding (playmode)."
+ },
+ "ShowFavoriteButton": {
+ "Name": "Show Favorite Button",
+ "Description": "Shows and hides the favorite button in the Music Library. Songs can still be favorited in the \"More Options\" menu when this button is hidden."
+ },
+ "ShowHitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Show Hit Window",
+ "Description": "If enabled, a box will be shown on your track that represents the \"window\" in which notes can be hit."
+ },
+ "SongTimeOnScoreBox": {
+ "Name": "Song Time On Score Box",
+ "Description": "Change the song time displayed above the score box. In the examples provided, the song is 5 minutes and 30 seconds long, and you are 1 minute and 10 seconds into the song.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "CountDownAndTotal": "Remaining and Total(4:20 / 5:30)",
+ "CountDownOnly": "Remaining Only(4:20)",
+ "CountUpAndTotal": "Time and Total(1:10 / 5:30)",
+ "CountUpOnly": "Time Only(1:10)",
+ "None": "None",
+ "TotalOnly": "Total Only(5:30)"
+ }
+ },
+ "SongVolume": {
+ "Name": "Backing Track Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Backing",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's backing track volume. These are all of the instruments that are not included in the multi-track."
+ },
+ "StageKitEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable Stage Kit",
+ "Description": "Enables sending Stage Kit lighting data to all connected devices capable of reading it."
+ },
+ "StarPowerHighwayFx": {
+ "Name": "Star Power Highway FX Mode",
+ "Description": "Disables visual elements on the highway which appear when Star Power is active",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "On": "On",
+ "Reduced": "Reduced"
+ }
+ },
+ "SongBackgroundOpacity": {
+ "Name": "Song Background Opacity",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the opacity of background during gameplay."
+ },
+ "UseChipmunkSpeed": {
+ "Name": "Chipmunk Speed",
+ "Description": "Disables pitch correction when playing songs at a fast or slow speed which may lead to some... interesting results."
+ },
+ "UseCymbalModelsInFiveLane": {
+ "Name": "Use Cymbal Models In Five Lane",
+ "Description": "If enabled, cymbal models will be used in the second and fourth lanes instead of the standard note model (five-lane drums only)."
+ },
+ "UseFullDirectoryForPlaylists": {
+ "Name": "Use Full Directory For Playlists",
+ "Description": "Use full directory for the playlist sort option in the music library. Rescan required if changed!"
+ },
+ "UseStarpowerFx": {
+ "Name": "Use Starpower SFX",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it will add reverb to stems where the player has starpower enabled.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "MultitrackOnly": "Multitrack Only",
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "On": "On"
+ }
+ },
+ "UseWhammyFx": {
+ "Name": "Use Whammy SFX",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it will add pitch bending to guitar stems when the player presses the whammy bar.\nWARNING: This setting is known to cause audio desync issues on some machines."
+ },
+ "WhammyPitchShiftAmount": {
+ "Name": "Whammy Pitch Shift Amount",
+ "Description": "Number of semitones the pitch is changed when the whammy bar is fully pressed. Larger amounts result in lower pitches; default is 1."
+ },
+ "VideoCalibration": {
+ "Name": "Video Calibration (ms)",
+ "Description": "Video calibration in milliseconds. Use the calibrator to automatically calibrate. This accounts for delays between the game's processing and the actual frame being displayed."
+ },
+ "VocalMonitoring": {
+ "Name": "Vocal Monitoring Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Monitoring",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the feedback you hear when singing."
+ },
+ "VocalsVolume": {
+ "Name": "Vocals Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Vocals",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's vocal track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "VoiceActivatedVocalStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Voice Activated Star Power (Vocals)",
+ "Description": "If enabled, vocalists can activate their Star Power by making a noise. Keybinds can be used instead, regardless of this setting."
+ },
+ "VSync": {
+ "Name": "Enable VSync",
+ "Description": "Enables VSync. VSync caps the framerate at your monitor's maximum framerate, and prevents tearing."
+ },
+ "PauseOnDeviceDisconnect": {
+ "Name": "Pause On Device Disconnect",
+ "Description": "Pauses the game if a device taken by a profile disconnects in the middle of a song."
+ },
+ "PauseOnFocusLoss": {
+ "Name": "Pause On Focus Loss",
+ "Description": "Pauses the game if it tabbed out/loses focus in the middle of a song."
+ },
+ "ApplyVolumesInMusicLibrary": {
+ "Name": "Apply Volume Settings to Music Library Previews",
+ "Description": "I think this one speaks for itself"
+ },
+ "RB3EEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable RB3E Stage Kit data stream",
+ "Description": "Enables sending of RB3E style stage kit information packets over the network, for hardware such as StageKitPied"
+ },
+ "RB3EBroadcastIP": {
+ "Name": "RB3E target IP",
+ "Description": "Sets the target IP for the RB3E data stream packets. is the broadcast address for the current network"
+ },
+ "DMXKeyframeChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Keyframe",
+ "Description": "This channel receives the Next (3), Previous (13), and First(23) keyframe calls."
+ },
+ "DMXBonusEffectChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Bonus Effect",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set (2) when a venue bonus effect happens."
+ },
+ "DMXDrumsChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Drum",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current drum notes: Kick (1), Red (2), Yellow (4), Blue (8), Green (16), Yellow Cymbal (32), Blue Cymbal (64), Green Cymbal (128)."
+ },
+ "DMXBeatlineChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Beatline",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set on every measure beat (1) and Strong beat (11)."
+ },
+ "DMXPostProcessingChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Post-Processsing",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set to the video effect happening to the in-game venue. See the values below:"
+ },
+ "DMXGuitarChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Guitar",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current guitar notes: Open (1), Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "DMXBassChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Bass",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current bass notes: Open (1), Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "DMXPerformerChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Performer",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set to the current spotlight and sing-a-long"
+ },
+ "DMXKeysChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Keys",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current key notes: Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "EnablePlaybackBuffer": {
+ "Name": "Use Audio Playback Buffer",
+ "Description": "Buffers audio data by decoding ahead-of-time in chunks. Improves audio stability on low-performance devices, at the cost of added latency on sound effects."
+ },
+ "PlaybackBufferLength": {
+ "Name": "Playback Buffer Length",
+ "Description": "The size of the playback buffer, in milliseconds. Larger buffers provide more stability, but further increase the latency of sound effects."
+ },
+ "ShowTime": {
+ "Name": "Show Time",
+ "Description": "Show current time on Status Bar"
+ },
+ "ShowBattery": {
+ "Name": "Show Battery",
+ "Description": "Show battery level on Status Bar (if battery is currently discharging)"
+ },
+ "MemoryStats": {
+ "Name": "Show Memory Stats",
+ "Description": "Show memory usage stats on the Status Bar"
+ },
+ "ShowActivePlayers": {
+ "Name": "Show Active Players",
+ "Description": "Show the active players on the Status Bar, excluding bots. For bands consisting of more than 3 players, this will show the number of players instead."
+ },
+ "ShowActiveBots": {
+ "Name": "Show Active Bots",
+ "Description": "Show the number of active bot profiles on the Status Bar (if any)"
+ },
+ "DMXUniverseChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Broadcast Universe",
+ "Description": "This is the universe that YARG will send the sACN packet to. Default is 1. Maximum is 65535"
+ },
+ "ReconnectProfiles": {
+ "Name": "Reconnect Profiles",
+ "Description": "At startup, reconnect previously connected profiles."
+ },
+ "DMXDimmerValues": {
+ "Name": "DMX Master Dimmer Values",
+ "Description": "These are the respective values that the Master Dimmer channels will be set to when YARG starts."
+ },
+ "UpcomingLyricsTime": {
+ "Name": "Upcoming Lyrics Lead Time",
+ "Description": "The time in seconds prior to an upcoming lyric that it will appear on screen. Upcoming lyrics will always appear if the time between the current and upcoming lyrics is smaller than this value."
+ },
+ "WaitForSongVideo": {
+ "Name": "Wait For Song Videos When Seeking",
+ "Description": "Waits for a song-specific video background to finish seeking when restarting/changing sections in practice or seeking a replay."
+ },
+ "WrapAroundNavigation": {
+ "Name": "Wrap-Around Navigation",
+ "Description": "Allow menus to jump to the bottom of a list when scrolling past the top, or jump to the top of a list when scrolling past the bottom."
+ },
+ "ReduceNoteSpeedByDifficulty": {
+ "Name": "Reduce Note Speed by Difficulty",
+ "Description": "Reduces the note speed if playing on a lower difficulty than Expert. The specified note speed is applied to Expert, and lower difficulties receive a reduction in speed. This setting does not affect vocal tracks."
+ }
+ },
+ "PresetType": {
+ "CameraSettingsContainer": "Camera Presets",
+ "ColorProfileContainer": "Color Profiles",
+ "EnginePresetContainer": "Engine Presets"
+ },
+ "PresetSetting": {
+ "CameraPreset": {
+ "CurveFactor": {
+ "Name": "Curve Factor",
+ "Description": "The track's curve factor."
+ },
+ "FadeLength": {
+ "Name": "Fade Size",
+ "Description": "The track's fade size. A fade size of \"0\" will remove the fade."
+ },
+ "FadeStart": {
+ "Name": "Fade Position",
+ "Description": "The track's fade position. Lower values are closer to the frets. This also controls the track length."
+ },
+ "FieldOfView": {
+ "Name": "Camera FOV",
+ "Description": "The track camera's field of view."
+ },
+ "PositionY": {
+ "Name": "Camera Y Position",
+ "Description": "The track camera's Y position (up and down)."
+ },
+ "PositionZ": {
+ "Name": "Camera Z Position",
+ "Description": "The track camera's Z position (forward and backwards)."
+ },
+ "Rotation": {
+ "Name": "Camera Rotation",
+ "Description": "The track camera's rotational pitch (up and down)."
+ }
+ },
+ "ColorProfile": {
+ "SubSection": {
+ "Name": "Instrument",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys"
+ }
+ },
+ "ActivationNote": {
+ "Name": "Activation Note"
+ },
+ "BlueCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Blue Cymbal"
+ },
+ "BlueCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueDrum": {
+ "Name": "Blue Drum"
+ },
+ "BlueDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueFret": {
+ "Name": "Blue Fret"
+ },
+ "BlueFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Blue Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "BlueNote": {
+ "Name": "Blue Note"
+ },
+ "BlueNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueParticles": {
+ "Name": "Blue Particles"
+ },
+ "BlueStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Green Cymbal"
+ },
+ "GreenCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenDrum": {
+ "Name": "Green Drum"
+ },
+ "GreenDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenFret": {
+ "Name": "Green Fret"
+ },
+ "GreenFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Green Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "GreenNote": {
+ "Name": "Green Note"
+ },
+ "GreenNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Green Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenParticles": {
+ "Name": "Green Particles"
+ },
+ "GreenStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Star Power"
+ },
+ "KickFret": {
+ "Name": "Kick Fret"
+ },
+ "KickFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Kick Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "KickNote": {
+ "Name": "Kick Note"
+ },
+ "KickParticles": {
+ "Name": "Kick Particles"
+ },
+ "KickStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Kick Star Power"
+ },
+ "OpenFret": {
+ "Name": "Open Fret"
+ },
+ "OpenFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Open Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "OpenNote": {
+ "Name": "Open Note"
+ },
+ "OpenNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Open Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "OpenParticles": {
+ "Name": "Open Particles"
+ },
+ "OrangeFret": {
+ "Name": "Orange Fret"
+ },
+ "OrangeFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Orange Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "OrangeNote": {
+ "Name": "Orange Note"
+ },
+ "OrangeNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Orange Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "OrangeParticles": {
+ "Name": "Orange Particles"
+ },
+ "OrangeStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Orange Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Red Cymbal"
+ },
+ "RedCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedDrum": {
+ "Name": "Red Drum"
+ },
+ "RedDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedFret": {
+ "Name": "Red Fret"
+ },
+ "RedFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Red Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "RedNote": {
+ "Name": "Red Note"
+ },
+ "RedNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Red Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedParticles": {
+ "Name": "Red Particles"
+ },
+ "RedStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Cymbal"
+ },
+ "YellowCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowDrum": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Drum"
+ },
+ "YellowDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowFret": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Fret"
+ },
+ "YellowFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "YellowNote": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Note"
+ },
+ "YellowNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowParticles": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Particles"
+ },
+ "YellowStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Star Power"
+ },
+ "WhiteKey": {
+ "Name": "White Key"
+ },
+ "RedKey": {
+ "Name": "Red Key"
+ },
+ "YellowKey": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Key"
+ },
+ "BlueKey": {
+ "Name": "Blue Key"
+ },
+ "GreenKey": {
+ "Name": "Green Key"
+ },
+ "OrangeKey": {
+ "Name": "Orange Key"
+ },
+ "RedOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Red Overlay"
+ },
+ "YellowOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Overlay"
+ },
+ "BlueOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Blue Overlay"
+ },
+ "GreenOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Green Overlay"
+ },
+ "OrangeOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Orange Overlay"
+ },
+ "WhiteNote": {
+ "Name": "White Note"
+ },
+ "BlackNote": {
+ "Name": "Black Note"
+ },
+ "WhiteNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "White Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlackNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Black Note Star Power"
+ }
+ },
+ "EnginePreset": {
+ "SubSection": {
+ "Name": "Game Mode",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Drums": "Drums (4 and 5 lane)",
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys"
+ }
+ },
+ "AntiGhosting": {
+ "Name": "Anti-Ghosting",
+ "Description": "Upon ghosting (or fretting a note that is not present) the player will drop their combo (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "FrontToBackRatio": {
+ "Name": "Hit Window Ratio",
+ "Description": "The hit window's front to back ratio. 0 will bring the hit window fully backwards, 1 will keep it in the center, and 2 will move it to the front."
+ },
+ "HitPercentE": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Easy)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Easy difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentH": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Hard)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Hard difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentM": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Medium)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Medium difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentX": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Expert)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Expert difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Hit Window",
+ "Description": "The size of the hit window, in milliseconds. Higher values allow notes to be hit earlier/later, smaller values require more precise timing."
+ },
+ "HopoLeniency": {
+ "Name": "HOPO Leniency",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a hopo is allowed to take a strum input. Strum after this time and it will overstrum."
+ },
+ "InfiniteFrontEnd": {
+ "Name": "Infinite Front End",
+ "Description": "If on, HOPOs and taps can be fretted before they enter to hit window (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "IsDynamic": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Hit Window",
+ "Description": "The timing window adjusts in size depending on how close together the notes are. The faster the notes are, the smaller the window becomes (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "StrumLeniency": {
+ "Name": "Strum Leniency",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a strum can be inputted before fretting the correct note. Fretting after this time will overstrum."
+ },
+ "StrumLeniencySmall": {
+ "Name": "Strum Leniency (No Notes)",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a note can be strummed before it enters the hit window and it still receive the strum. Strumming earlier than this will cause an overstrum."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowE": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Easy)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Easy difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowH": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Hard)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Hard difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowM": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Medium)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Medium difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowX": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Expert)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Expert difficulty."
+ },
+ "PercussionHitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Percussion Hit Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "ChordStaggerWindow": {
+ "Name": "Chord Stagger Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "FatFingerWindow": {
+ "Name": "Fat Finger Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "DynamicScale": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Scale",
+ "Description": "The factor used to scale the distance between the notes before the dynamic hit window size is calculated."
+ },
+ "DynamicSlope": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Slope",
+ "Description": "Affects how fast the dynamic hit window itself shrinks."
+ },
+ "DynamicGamma": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Gamma",
+ "Description": "Biases the dynamic hit window one way or another. Values below 1 gives, on average, a looser window."
+ },
+ "PerfectPitchPercent": {
+ "Name": "Perfect Pitch Percent",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "SustainDropLeniency": {
+ "Name": "Sustain Drop Leniency",
+ "Description": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/pt-BR.json b/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/pt-BR.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9df0baee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/pt-BR.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+ "Language": {
+ "Name": "English",
+ "Region": "United States",
+ "ListDelimiter": {
+ "Default": ", ",
+ "Last": ", and "
+ }
+ },
+ "Enum": {
+ "Difficulty": {
+ "Easy": "Easy",
+ "Hard": "Hard",
+ "Expert": "Expert",
+ "ExpertPlus": "Expert+",
+ "Medium": "Medium"
+ },
+ "GameMode": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Six Fret Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Standard Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "5-Lane Drums",
+ "ProGuitar": "Pro Guitar",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Menu": "Menu",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals"
+ },
+ "Instrument": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Guitar",
+ "FiveFretBass": "Bass",
+ "FiveFretRhythm": "Rhythm Guitar",
+ "FiveFretCoopGuitar": "Co-op Guitar",
+ "Keys": "Keys",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Guitar",
+ "SixFretBass": "Bass",
+ "SixFretRhythm": "Rhythm Guitar",
+ "SixFretCoopGuitar": "Co-op Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProDrums": "Pro Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "EliteDrums": "Elite Drums",
+ "ProGuitar_17Fret": "Pro Guitar (17-fret)",
+ "ProGuitar_22Fret": "Pro Guitar (22-fret)",
+ "ProBass_17Fret": "Pro Bass (17-fret)",
+ "ProBass_22Fret": "Pro Bass (22-fret)",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Dj": "DJ",
+ "Band": "Band"
+ },
+ "Modifier": {
+ "None": "None",
+ "AllStrums": "All Strums",
+ "AllHopos": "All HOPOs",
+ "AllTaps": "All Taps",
+ "HoposToTaps": "HOPOs To Taps",
+ "NoteShuffle": "Note Shuffle",
+ "NoKicks": "No Kicks",
+ "TapsToHopos": "Taps to HOPOs",
+ "UnpitchedOnly": "Unpitched Only"
+ },
+ "SortAttribute": {
+ "Album": "Album",
+ "Artist": "Artist",
+ "Artist_Album": "Artist - Album",
+ "Charter": "Charter",
+ "Genre": "Genre",
+ "Name": "Song",
+ "Playlist": "Playlist",
+ "SongLength": "Duration",
+ "Source": "Source",
+ "Unspecified": "None",
+ "Year": "Year",
+ "DateAdded": "Date Added",
+ "Playable": "Playable Songs",
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "FiveFretBass": "Five Fret Bass",
+ "FiveFretRhythm": "Five Fret Rhythm Guitar",
+ "FiveFretCoop": "Five Fret Co-Op Guitar",
+ "Keys": "Keys",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Six Fret Guitar",
+ "SixFretBass": "Six Fret Bass",
+ "SixFretRhythm": "Six Fret Rhythm Guitar",
+ "SixFretCoop": "Six Fret Co-Op Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProDrums": "Pro Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "EliteDrums": "Elite Drums",
+ "ProGuitar_17": "Pro Guitar (17-fret)",
+ "ProGuitar_22": "Pro Guitar (22-fret)",
+ "ProBass_17": "Pro Bass (17-fret)",
+ "ProBass_22": "Pro Bass (22-fret)",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Band": "Band"
+ }
+ },
+ "Menu": {
+ "Calibrator": {
+ "Detected": "Detected",
+ "NotEnoughData": "There isn't enough data to get an accurate result.\nPress back to exit."
+ },
+ "Common": {
+ "Apply": "Apply",
+ "Back": "Back",
+ "Cancel": "Cancel",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Confirm": "Confirm",
+ "Continue": "Continue",
+ "On": "On",
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "Up": "Up",
+ "Down": "Down",
+ "Left": "Left",
+ "Right": "Right",
+ "Next": "Next",
+ "Previous": "Previous",
+ "NextTab": "Next Tab",
+ "PreviousTab": "Previous Tab",
+ "Increase": "Increase",
+ "Decrease": "Decrease",
+ "Max": "Max",
+ "Min": "Min",
+ "Save": "Save",
+ "Saved": "Saved!",
+ "Delete": "Delete",
+ "Reset": "Reset",
+ "ResetAll": "Reset All"
+ },
+ "Credits": {
+ "Description": "Contributed To: {0}\n\n{1}",
+ "Repos": {
+ "Community": "Community",
+ "OpenSource": "OpenSource",
+ "YARC-Charters": "The Official YARG Setlist",
+ "YARC-Launcher": "The YARC Launcher",
+ "YARG": "YARG"
+ },
+ "Roles": {
+ "Artist": "Artist",
+ "Charter": "Charter",
+ "Developer": "Developer",
+ "Moderator": "Moderator"
+ },
+ "Header": {
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "GameStartedBy": "A Game Started By",
+ "LeadArtist": "Lead Artist",
+ "Maintainers": "Maintainers",
+ "SpecialThanks": "Special Thanks",
+ "SetlistManager": "Setlist Manager",
+ "Songs": "Songs"
+ },
+ "Song": {
+ "Name": "\"{0}\" By {1}",
+ "WrittenBy": "Written By: {0}",
+ "PerformedBy": "Performed By: {0}",
+ "WrittenAndPerformedBy": "Written and Performed By: {0}",
+ "CourtesyOf": "Courtesy Of: {0}",
+ "AlbumCover": "Album Cover By: {0}",
+ "License": "Song License: {0}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Dialog": {
+ "DontShowAgain": "Don't Show Again",
+ "AntiPiracy": {
+ "Title": "YARG Anti-Piracy Statement",
+ "Description": "YARG stands firmly against all forms of piracy. We neither support nor endorse piracy, as it is a violation of copyright law with serious legal consequences. Our platform's importable content—designed for creators to share their work and for educational purposes—does not justify or excuse piracy.\n\nYARG itself does not use any ripped/pirated assets or music and never will. By using YARG, users agree not to promote or endorse piracy in any way through our platform. Upholding these principles ensures a community that respects copyright, creativity, and legal standards.\n\nYARG stands for \"Yet Another Rhythm Game\" and NOT for pirates.",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ },
+ "BadSongs": {
+ "Title": "Some Songs Could Not Be Scanned",
+ "Description": "One or more of the songs you scanned were corrupted, formatted incorrectly, or encrypted, and could not be loaded into the game.\n\nFor more info, please check the file located at \"{0}\"."
+ },
+ "ColorPicker": {
+ "Title": "Color Picker"
+ },
+ "ConfirmDelete": {
+ "Title": "Delete \"{0}\"?",
+ "Message": "Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\n\n{1}",
+ "Confirm": "Type {0} here to confirm"
+ },
+ "EngineInconsistency": {
+ "Title": "Replays Are In Beta",
+ "Description": "Currently, the replay system is in beta, and may provide inconsistent scores/stats, especially for guitar.\n\nThe end goal is for replays to be reliable and accurate, and we're working on fixing these problems!",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ },
+ "Experimental": {
+ "Title": "Experimental Features Notice",
+ "Description": "The options about to be displayed represent a work in progress. These features are subject to change, may contain bugs, and could even cause major problems if enabled.",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ }
+ },
+ "DifficultySelect": {
+ "Instrument": "Instrument",
+ "Difficulty": "Difficulty",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Modifiers": "Modifiers",
+ "Ready": "Ready",
+ "SitOut": "Sit Out",
+ "Done": "Done"
+ },
+ "History": {
+ "Name": "History",
+ "Time": {
+ "Today": "Today",
+ "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "ThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "ThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "LastThreeMonths": "Last 3 Months",
+ "ThisYear": "This Year",
+ "MoreThanYear": "More Than A Year"
+ },
+ "Analyze": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "Main": {
+ "MessageOfTheDay": "Welcome to the v0.13 Nightly!\n\nv0.13 adds Pro Keys to the game, as well as reintroducing Pro Guitar/Bass after it was removed in v0.12 due to time constraints. Please let us know how these instruments feel, as well as any bugs you find and missing features.\n\nInstrument engine code has once again gone through major changes to facilitate producing replays with 1:1 results to the original gameplay. If you encounter any inconsistent replay results, report it to the YARG team on Discord or GitHub.\n\nIf you previously played on the v0.12 nightly, all of your settings will be reset. This is due to nightly builds now using a separate location for data storage. Your nightly settings/scores will not persist to stable versions of YARG, and vice versa.\n\nAs we previously announced, we do not recommend playing nightly full time, instead only for testing. Nightly is now going to be much more unstable with many more bugs and unfinished systems.\n\nIf you have any feedback, please let us know on Discord or GitHub.\n\nHave fun!",
+ "Options": {
+ "Quickplay": "Quickplay",
+ "Practice": "Practice",
+ "Profiles": "Profiles",
+ "History": "History",
+ "Settings": "Settings",
+ "Credits": "Credits",
+ "Exit": "Exit"
+ },
+ "GoToCurrentlyPlaying": "Go To Currently Playing"
+ },
+ "MusicLibrary": {
+ "Name": "Music Library",
+ "NoSongsMatchCriteria": "NO SONGS MATCH CRITERIA",
+ "SearchResults": "SEARCH RESULTS",
+ "AllSongs": "ALL SONGS",
+ "RecommendedSongs": {
+ "Singular": "RECOMMENDED SONG",
+ },
+ "PlayableSongs": "PLAYABLE SONGS",
+ "RandomSong": "RANDOM SONG",
+ "Playlists": "PLAYLISTS",
+ "Popup": {
+ "Header": {
+ "SortBy": "Sort By...",
+ "GoTo": "Go To..."
+ },
+ "Item": {
+ "RandomSong": "Random Song",
+ "BackToTop": "Back to Top",
+ "SortBy": "Sort By: {0}",
+ "GoToSection": "Go To Section...",
+ "AddToFavorites": "Add To Favorites",
+ "RemoveFromFavorites": "Remove From Favorites",
+ "ViewSongFolder": "View Song Folder",
+ "CopySongChecksum": "Copy Song Checksum"
+ }
+ },
+ "Back": "BACK",
+ "NoPlayersConnected": "No players connected! Go to the profiles menu to connect a player.",
+ "Play": "Play Song",
+ "Search": "Search",
+ "MoreOptions": "More Options
(Hold) Navigate Sections"
+ },
+ "ProfileInfo": {
+ "Name": "Edit Profile",
+ "Stats": {
+ "SongPlays": "{0:N0} Song Plays",
+ "TotalScore": "Total Score",
+ "TotalStarsEarned": "Total Stars Earned",
+ "FullCombos": "Full Combos"
+ }
+ },
+ "ProfileList": {
+ "Name": "Profiles",
+ "ActiveProfiles": "Active Profiles",
+ "AddBot": "Add Bot",
+ "AddProfile": "Add Profile",
+ "Bots": "Bots",
+ "Players": "Players"
+ },
+ "Settings": {
+ "NoFolder": "No Folder",
+ "SearchHeader": {
+ "AllCategories": "All Categories",
+ "Results": "Results"
+ },
+ "SongCount": "{0:N0} Songs",
+ "ScanNeeded": "Scan Needed",
+ "DMXInfo": "DMX cue change and post-processing channel values:\n\nCue Change:\n\n0 - No cue\n10 - Menu\n20 - Score\n30 - Intro\n40 - Verse\n50 - Chorus\n60 - Cool (loop)\n70 - Warm (loop)\n80 - Cool (manual)\n90 - Warm (manual)\n100 - Dischord\n110 - Stomp\n120 - Default\n130 - Harmony\n140 - Frenzy\n150 - Silhouettes\n160 - Silhouettes Spotlight\n170 - Searchlights\n180 - Sweep\n190 - Blackout (fast)\n200 - Blackout (slow)\n210 - Blackout (spotlight)\n220 - Flare (slow)\n230 - Flare (fast)\n240 - Big Rock Ending\n\nFor Strobe and Fog status listen to their respective channels.\n\nPost-Processing:\n\n0 - Default\r\n\nBasic effects\r\n4 - Bloom\n14 - Bright\n24 - Contrast\n34 - Mirror\n44 - PhotoNegative\n54 - Posterize\n\n\rColor filters/effects\r\n64 - Black And White\n74 - Sepia Tone\n84 - Silver Tone\n94 - Choppy Black And White\n104 - Photo Negative Red And Black\n114 - Polarized Black And White\n124 - Polarized Red And Blue\n134 - Desaturated Red\n144 - Desaturated Blue\n154 - Contrast Red\n164 - Contrast Green\n174 - Contrast Blue\n\r\nGrainy\r\n184 - Grainy Film\n194 - Grainy Chromatic Abberation\n\nScanlines\r\n204 - Scanlines\n214 - Scanlines Black And White\n224 - Scanlines Blue\n234 - Scanlines Security\n\r\nTrails\r\n244 - Trails\n252 - Trails Long\n253 - Trails Desaturated\n254 - Trails Flickery\n255 - Trails Spacey\n\nSee YARG docs for more information: https://docs.yarg.in/en/DMX"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gameplay": {
+ "Notifications": {
+ "BassGroove": "BASS GROOVE",
+ "CountdownGetReady": "Get Ready!",
+ "FullCombo": "FULL COMBO",
+ "HotStart": "HOT START",
+ "NewHighScore": "NEW HIGH SCORE",
+ "NoteStreak": "{0:N0}-NOTE STREAK",
+ "StarPowerReady": "STAR POWER READY",
+ "StrongFinish": "STRONG FINISH"
+ },
+ "Solo": {
+ "Performance": {
+ "Awesome": "AWESOME\nSOLO!",
+ "Good": "GOOD\nSOLO!",
+ "Great": "GREAT\nSOLO!",
+ "How": "HOW!?",
+ "Messy": "MESSY\nSOLO",
+ "Nice": "NICE\nSOLO",
+ "Okay": "OKAY\nSOLO",
+ "Perfect": "PERFECT\nSOLO!",
+ "Solid": "SOLID\nSOLO"
+ },
+ "PointsResult": "{0:N0}\nPOINTS"
+ },
+ "Vocals": {
+ "Performance": {
+ "Awesome": "AWESOME!",
+ "Awful": "AWFUL",
+ "Good": "GOOD",
+ "Messy": "MESSY",
+ "Okay": "OKAY",
+ "Strong": "STRONG"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Preview": {
+ "Experimental": {
+ "Notice": "IMPORTANT\n\nThese settings represent a work in progress. They are subject to change, may contain bugs, and could even cause major problems if enabled."
+ }
+ },
+ "Discord": {
+ "Default": {
+ "Details": "Hello there ladies and gentlemen!",
+ "LargeText": {
+ "Dev": "Yet Another Rhythm Game (Dev Build)",
+ "Nightly": "Yet Another Rhythm Game (Nightly)",
+ "Stable": "Yet Another Rhythm Game"
+ },
+ "State": "Are you ready to rock?"
+ },
+ "Song": {
+ "Name": "{0} by {1}",
+ "Album": "on {0}",
+ "Paused": "Song paused..."
+ }
+ },
+ "Bindings": {
+ "Menu": {
+ "Green": "Green (Confirm)",
+ "Red": "Red (Back)",
+ "Yellow": "Yellow (Shortcut 1)",
+ "Blue": "Blue (Shortcut 2)",
+ "Orange": "Orange (Shortcut 3)",
+ "Up": "Up",
+ "Down": "Down",
+ "Left": "Left",
+ "Right": "Right",
+ "Start": "Start (Pause)",
+ "Select": "Select"
+ },
+ "FiveFret": {
+ "Green": "Green Fret (First)",
+ "Red": "Red Fret (Second)",
+ "Yellow": "Yellow Fret (Third)",
+ "Blue": "Blue Fret (Fourth)",
+ "Orange": "Orange Fret (Fifth)"
+ },
+ "Guitar": {
+ "StrumUp": "Strum Up",
+ "StrumDown": "Strum Down",
+ "StarPower": "Star Power",
+ "Whammy": "Whammy"
+ },
+ "FourDrums": {
+ "BlueCymbal": "Blue Cymbal (Third)",
+ "BluePad": "Blue Pad (Third)",
+ "GreenCymbal": "Green Cymbal (Fourth)",
+ "GreenPad": "Green Pad (Fourth)",
+ "RedPad": "Red Pad (First)",
+ "YellowCymbal": "Yellow Cymbal (Second)",
+ "YellowPad": "Yellow Pad (Second)",
+ "RedCymbal": "Red Cymbal (First)"
+ },
+ "Drums": {
+ "Kick": "Kick Pedal"
+ },
+ "Vocals": {
+ "StarPower": "Star Power Activate"
+ },
+ "FiveDrums": {
+ "RedPad": "Red Pad (First)",
+ "YellowCymbal": "Yellow Cymbal (Second)",
+ "BluePad": "Blue Pad (Third)",
+ "OrangeCymbal": "Orange Cymbal (Fourth)",
+ "GreenPad": "Green Pad (Fifth)"
+ },
+ "ProKeys": {
+ "Key1": "Key 1 (C2)",
+ "Key2": "Key 2 (C#2)",
+ "Key3": "Key 3 (D2)",
+ "Key4": "Key 4 (D#2)",
+ "Key5": "Key 5 (E2)",
+ "Key6": "Key 6 (F2)",
+ "Key7": "Key 7 (F#2)",
+ "Key8": "Key 8 (G2)",
+ "Key9": "Key 9 (G#2)",
+ "Key10": "Key 10 (A2)",
+ "Key11": "Key 11 (A#2)",
+ "Key12": "Key 12 (B2)",
+ "Key13": "Key 13 (C3)",
+ "Key14": "Key 14 (C#3)",
+ "Key15": "Key 15 (D3)",
+ "Key16": "Key 16 (D#3)",
+ "Key17": "Key 17 (E3)",
+ "Key18": "Key 18 (F3)",
+ "Key19": "Key 19 (F#3)",
+ "Key20": "Key 20 (G3)",
+ "Key21": "Key 21 (G#3)",
+ "Key22": "Key 22 (A3)",
+ "Key23": "Key 23 (A#3)",
+ "Key24": "Key 24 (B3)",
+ "Key25": "Key 25 (C4)",
+ "StarPower": "Star Power Activate",
+ "TouchEffects": "Touch Effects"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings": {
+ "Tab": {
+ "General": "General",
+ "Graphics": "Graphics",
+ "Engine": "Engine",
+ "Sound": "Sound",
+ "SongManager": "Songs",
+ "Presets": "Presets",
+ "Advanced": "Advanced",
+ "AllSettings": "All Settings",
+ "LightingPeripherals": "Lighting Peripherals",
+ "Debug": "Debug and Developer",
+ "FileManagement": "File Management",
+ "Experimental": "Experimental"
+ },
+ "Header": {
+ "Other": "Other",
+ "Display": "Display",
+ "Volume": "Volume",
+ "Graphics": "Graphics",
+ "Camera": "Camera",
+ "SongFolders": "Song Folders",
+ "SongUpgrades": "Song Upgrades",
+ "Cache": "Cache",
+ "Venues": "Venues/Backgrounds",
+ "Calibration": "Calibration",
+ "Input": "Input",
+ "PresetSettings": "Preset Settings",
+ "Debug": "Debug",
+ "Advanced": "Advanced",
+ "DMXChannels": "DMX Channels",
+ "LightingGeneral": "Lighting General",
+ "Export": "Export",
+ "PathsAndFolders": "Paths and Folders",
+ "MusicLibrary": "Music Library",
+ "ScanningOptions": "Scanning Options",
+ "RB3E": "RB3E Settings",
+ "Customization": "Buffer Customization",
+ "StageKitDMXChannels": "Basic DMX Channels",
+ "AdvancedDMXChannels": "Advanced DMX Channels",
+ "StatusBar": "Status Bar",
+ "AdvancedDMXSettings": "Advanced sACN and DMX settings",
+ "Experimental": "Experimental"
+ },
+ "Button": {
+ "CopyCurrentSongJsonFilePath": "Copy Current Song Json File Path",
+ "CopyCurrentSongTextFilePath": "Copy Current Song Text File Path",
+ "ExportSongsOuvert": "Export Songs List (For Ouvert Bot)",
+ "ExportSongsText": "Export Songs List (Plain Text)",
+ "OpenCalibrator": "Open Calibrator",
+ "OpenVenueFolder": "Open Backgrounds/Venue Folder",
+ "AddFolder": "Add Folder",
+ "RefreshCache": "Scan Songs",
+ "OpenExecutablePath": "Open Executable Path",
+ "OpenPersistentDataPath": "Open Persistent Data Path"
+ },
+ "Setting": {
+ "AllowDuplicateSongs": {
+ "Name": "Allow Duplicate Songs",
+ "Description": "Allows duplicate songs to be scanned and displayed in the library. Rescan required if changed!"
+ },
+ "AmIAwesome": {
+ "Name": "Awesomeness Detection",
+ "Description": "Are you awesome?"
+ },
+ "AudioCalibration": {
+ "Name": "Audio Calibration (ms)",
+ "Description": "Audio calibration in milliseconds. Use the calibrator to automatically calibrate. Higher values make the audio play earlier, while lower ones make the audio play later."
+ },
+ "AccountForHardwareLatency": {
+ "Name": "Account For Audio Hardware Latency",
+ "Description": "Automatically accounts for the detected playback latency of your audio hardware. This latency may be inaccurate, disable this setting if your audio calibration is negative."
+ },
+ "BassVolume": {
+ "Name": "Bass Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Bass",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's bass guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "ClapsInStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Star Power Claps",
+ "Description": "Enables claps to the beat while Star Power is active."
+ },
+ "CountdownDisplay": {
+ "Name": "Countdown Display",
+ "Description": "Choose how countdowns should be displayed during long breaks in a song.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Measures": "In Measures",
+ "Seconds": "In Seconds",
+ "Disabled": "Disabled"
+ }
+ },
+ "OverstrumAndOverhitSoundEffects": {
+ "Name": "Overstrum/Overhit Sound Effects",
+ "Description": "Enables the overstrum/overhit sound effect."
+ },
+ "CrowdVolume": {
+ "Name": "Crowd Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Crowd",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's crowd track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "DisableBloom": {
+ "Name": "Disable Bloom",
+ "Description": "Disables post-processing bloom (the glowly effect). May increase performance."
+ },
+ "DisableGlobalBackgrounds": {
+ "Name": "Disable Global Backgrounds",
+ "Description": "Disables custom backgrounds from your venue folder and shows the ones in songs instead."
+ },
+ "DisablePerSongBackgrounds": {
+ "Name": "Disable Per-Song Backgrounds",
+ "Description": "Disables custom backgrounds in songs and shows the ones in your venue folder instead."
+ },
+ "DisableTextNotifications": {
+ "Name": "Disable Text Notifications",
+ "Description": "Disables text notification on the track such as \"100-Note Streak\" and \"Full Combo.\""
+ },
+ "DMXBlueChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Blue",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight blue LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXCueChangeChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Cue Change",
+ "Description": "This channel's value will change whenever the lighting cue changes. See the values below:"
+ },
+ "DMXDimmerChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Master Dimmer",
+ "Description": "Channels listed here will be set on game start. Default value is max (255), can be changed in 'DMX Master Dimmer Values' setting below. Useful for fixtures that have a master dimmer channel."
+ },
+ "DMXEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable DMX Output",
+ "Description": "Enable sending sACN (DMX-over-ethernet) packets over the network to universe 1. Adds 250k bps to network traffic."
+ },
+ "DMXFogChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Fog",
+ "Description": "Each channel set here will receive the StageKit fog on (255) and fog off (0)."
+ },
+ "DMXGreenChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Green",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight green LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXRedChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Red",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight red LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXStrobeChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Strobe Light",
+ "Description": "Each channel set here will receive StageKit strobe commands, either off (0), slow (64), medium (127), fast (191), fastest (255)."
+ },
+ "DMXYellowChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Yellow",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight yellow LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DrumsVolume": {
+ "Name": "Drums Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Drums",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's drum track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "DrumSfxVolume": {
+ "Name": "Drum SFX Volume",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the drum hit sound effect volume, which can be triggered before the first note, after the last note, or during drum fills/BREs."
+ },
+ "EnablePracticeSP": {
+ "Name": "Star Power in Practice",
+ "Description": "Allow Star Power phrases while in Practice Mode."
+ },
+ "FpsCap": {
+ "Name": "FPS Cap",
+ "Description": "The framerate cap. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PLAY YARG ON 1000FPS. VSync recommended."
+ },
+ "FpsStats": {
+ "Name": "Show FPS Counter",
+ "Description": "Shows the framerate counter on the Status Bar"
+ },
+ "FullscreenMode": {
+ "Name": "Fullscreen Mode",
+ "Description": "Changes the fullscreen mode.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "ExclusiveFullScreen": "Fullscreen",
+ "FullScreenWindow": "Borderless Fullscreen",
+ "MaximizedWindow": "Maximized Window",
+ "Windowed": "Windowed"
+ }
+ },
+ "GraphicalProgressOnScoreBox": {
+ "Name": "Graphical Progress On Score Box",
+ "Description": "Enables and disables the graphical blue outline on the score box that displays the song's progress."
+ },
+ "GuitarVolume": {
+ "Name": "Guitar Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Guitar",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "HighScoreInfo": {
+ "Name": "High Score Display",
+ "Description": "Changes what high score information is displayed in the Music Library.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "Score": "Score",
+ "Stars": "Stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "InputDeviceLogging": {
+ "Name": "Input Device Logging",
+ "Description": "Prints information about connected input devices to the game's log. Do not enable this unless you are having issues with specific devices, as it can print a very large amount of text for some devices!"
+ },
+ "KeepSongInfoVisible": {
+ "Name": "Keep Song Info Visible",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it keeps the song info visible throughout the entire song. Otherwise, it will fade out after 10 seconds."
+ },
+ "KeysVolume": {
+ "Name": "Keys Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Keys",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's keys track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "KickBounceMultiplier": {
+ "Name": "Drum Kick Bounce Multiplier",
+ "Description": "Controls the amount the track should bounce when you hit a kick note (drums only). Set to zero if you want to disable."
+ },
+ "LowQuality": {
+ "Name": "Low Quality Mode",
+ "Description": "If enabled, the game will disable anti-aliasing, and use lower quality models and textures. This will significantly increase performance."
+ },
+ "LyricDisplay": {
+ "Name": "Lyric Display",
+ "Description": "Choose how the lyric bar in game should be displayed.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Compatibility": "Compatibility Mode",
+ "Disabled": "Disabled",
+ "NoBackground": "No Background",
+ "Normal": "Normal",
+ "Transparent": "Translucent Background"
+ }
+ },
+ "MasterMusicVolume": {
+ "Name": "Master Music Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Master",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's volume as a whole."
+ },
+ "MinimumLogLevel": {
+ "Name": "Minimum Log Level",
+ "Description": "Controls how much information is written to log files.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Trace": "Trace",
+ "Debug": "Debug",
+ "Info": "Info",
+ "Warning": "Warning",
+ "Error": "Error"
+ }
+ },
+ "MicrophoneSensitivity": {
+ "Name": "Microphone Sensitivity (Db)",
+ "Description": "Adjusts your microphone's sensitivity in decibels. Lower values are more sensitive."
+ },
+ "MusicPlayerVolume": {
+ "Name": "Music Player Volume",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the volume of the music that plays in the main menu. Set to \"0\" to disable."
+ },
+ "MuteOnMiss": {
+ "Name": "Mute On Miss",
+ "Description": "Mutes a specific stem when you miss on that instrument. Only does something if the song is multi-track.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "MultitrackOnly": "Multitrack Only",
+ "On": "On - Background limited to 50%"
+ }
+ },
+ "NoKicks": {
+ "Name": "No Kicks",
+ "Description": "Removes all kick notes (drums only)."
+ },
+ "NoteStreakFrequency": {
+ "Name": "Note Streak Frequency",
+ "Description": "Sets the frequency of note streak notifications.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Disabled": "Disabled",
+ "Frequent": "50, 100, 200, 300, ...",
+ "Sparse": "50, 100, 250, 500, ..."
+ }
+ },
+ "PreviewVolume": {
+ "Name": "Preview Volume",
+ "Description": "The preview volume while in the music library."
+ },
+ "Resolution": {
+ "Name": "Resolution",
+ "Description": "Choose the resolution of your screen. \"Highest\" is recommended."
+ },
+ "RhythmVolume": {
+ "Name": "Rhythm Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Rhythm",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's rhythm guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track. In some song formats, this may also be the bass guitar."
+ },
+ "SfxVolume": {
+ "Name": "SFX Volume",
+ "PauseName": "SFX",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the game's sound effect volume, such as when gaining a star, or activating starpower."
+ },
+ "ShowAdvancedMusicLibraryOptions": {
+ "Name": "Show Advanced Music Library Options",
+ "Description": "Adds advanced settings to the \"More Options\" menu in the Music Library such as \"View Song Folder\" and \"Copy Song Checksum\"."
+ },
+ "ShowCursorTimer": {
+ "Name": "Cursor Show Time",
+ "Description": "How long the cursor will be shown for before hiding. Set to \"0\" for no hiding (playmode)."
+ },
+ "ShowFavoriteButton": {
+ "Name": "Show Favorite Button",
+ "Description": "Shows and hides the favorite button in the Music Library. Songs can still be favorited in the \"More Options\" menu when this button is hidden."
+ },
+ "ShowHitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Show Hit Window",
+ "Description": "If enabled, a box will be shown on your track that represents the \"window\" in which notes can be hit."
+ },
+ "SongTimeOnScoreBox": {
+ "Name": "Song Time On Score Box",
+ "Description": "Change the song time displayed above the score box. In the examples provided, the song is 5 minutes and 30 seconds long, and you are 1 minute and 10 seconds into the song.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "CountDownAndTotal": "Remaining and Total(4:20 / 5:30)",
+ "CountDownOnly": "Remaining Only(4:20)",
+ "CountUpAndTotal": "Time and Total(1:10 / 5:30)",
+ "CountUpOnly": "Time Only(1:10)",
+ "None": "None",
+ "TotalOnly": "Total Only(5:30)"
+ }
+ },
+ "SongVolume": {
+ "Name": "Backing Track Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Backing",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's backing track volume. These are all of the instruments that are not included in the multi-track."
+ },
+ "StageKitEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable Stage Kit",
+ "Description": "Enables sending Stage Kit lighting data to all connected devices capable of reading it."
+ },
+ "StarPowerHighwayFx": {
+ "Name": "Star Power Highway FX Mode",
+ "Description": "Disables visual elements on the highway which appear when Star Power is active",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "On": "On",
+ "Reduced": "Reduced"
+ }
+ },
+ "SongBackgroundOpacity": {
+ "Name": "Song Background Opacity",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the opacity of background during gameplay."
+ },
+ "UseChipmunkSpeed": {
+ "Name": "Chipmunk Speed",
+ "Description": "Disables pitch correction when playing songs at a fast or slow speed which may lead to some... interesting results."
+ },
+ "UseCymbalModelsInFiveLane": {
+ "Name": "Use Cymbal Models In Five Lane",
+ "Description": "If enabled, cymbal models will be used in the second and fourth lanes instead of the standard note model (five-lane drums only)."
+ },
+ "UseFullDirectoryForPlaylists": {
+ "Name": "Use Full Directory For Playlists",
+ "Description": "Use full directory for the playlist sort option in the music library. Rescan required if changed!"
+ },
+ "UseStarpowerFx": {
+ "Name": "Use Starpower SFX",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it will add reverb to stems where the player has starpower enabled.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "MultitrackOnly": "Multitrack Only",
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "On": "On"
+ }
+ },
+ "UseWhammyFx": {
+ "Name": "Use Whammy SFX",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it will add pitch bending to guitar stems when the player presses the whammy bar.\nWARNING: This setting is known to cause audio desync issues on some machines."
+ },
+ "WhammyPitchShiftAmount": {
+ "Name": "Whammy Pitch Shift Amount",
+ "Description": "Number of semitones the pitch is changed when the whammy bar is fully pressed. Larger amounts result in lower pitches; default is 1."
+ },
+ "VideoCalibration": {
+ "Name": "Video Calibration (ms)",
+ "Description": "Video calibration in milliseconds. Use the calibrator to automatically calibrate. This accounts for delays between the game's processing and the actual frame being displayed."
+ },
+ "VocalMonitoring": {
+ "Name": "Vocal Monitoring Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Monitoring",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the feedback you hear when singing."
+ },
+ "VocalsVolume": {
+ "Name": "Vocals Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Vocals",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's vocal track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "VoiceActivatedVocalStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Voice Activated Star Power (Vocals)",
+ "Description": "If enabled, vocalists can activate their Star Power by making a noise. Keybinds can be used instead, regardless of this setting."
+ },
+ "VSync": {
+ "Name": "Enable VSync",
+ "Description": "Enables VSync. VSync caps the framerate at your monitor's maximum framerate, and prevents tearing."
+ },
+ "PauseOnDeviceDisconnect": {
+ "Name": "Pause On Device Disconnect",
+ "Description": "Pauses the game if a device taken by a profile disconnects in the middle of a song."
+ },
+ "PauseOnFocusLoss": {
+ "Name": "Pause On Focus Loss",
+ "Description": "Pauses the game if it tabbed out/loses focus in the middle of a song."
+ },
+ "ApplyVolumesInMusicLibrary": {
+ "Name": "Apply Volume Settings to Music Library Previews",
+ "Description": "I think this one speaks for itself"
+ },
+ "RB3EEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable RB3E Stage Kit data stream",
+ "Description": "Enables sending of RB3E style stage kit information packets over the network, for hardware such as StageKitPied"
+ },
+ "RB3EBroadcastIP": {
+ "Name": "RB3E target IP",
+ "Description": "Sets the target IP for the RB3E data stream packets. is the broadcast address for the current network"
+ },
+ "DMXKeyframeChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Keyframe",
+ "Description": "This channel receives the Next (3), Previous (13), and First(23) keyframe calls."
+ },
+ "DMXBonusEffectChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Bonus Effect",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set (2) when a venue bonus effect happens."
+ },
+ "DMXDrumsChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Drum",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current drum notes: Kick (1), Red (2), Yellow (4), Blue (8), Green (16), Yellow Cymbal (32), Blue Cymbal (64), Green Cymbal (128)."
+ },
+ "DMXBeatlineChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Beatline",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set on every measure beat (1) and Strong beat (11)."
+ },
+ "DMXPostProcessingChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Post-Processsing",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set to the video effect happening to the in-game venue. See the values below:"
+ },
+ "DMXGuitarChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Guitar",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current guitar notes: Open (1), Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "DMXBassChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Bass",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current bass notes: Open (1), Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "DMXPerformerChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Performer",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set to the current spotlight and sing-a-long"
+ },
+ "DMXKeysChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Keys",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current key notes: Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "EnablePlaybackBuffer": {
+ "Name": "Use Audio Playback Buffer",
+ "Description": "Buffers audio data by decoding ahead-of-time in chunks. Improves audio stability on low-performance devices, at the cost of added latency on sound effects."
+ },
+ "PlaybackBufferLength": {
+ "Name": "Playback Buffer Length",
+ "Description": "The size of the playback buffer, in milliseconds. Larger buffers provide more stability, but further increase the latency of sound effects."
+ },
+ "ShowTime": {
+ "Name": "Show Time",
+ "Description": "Show current time on Status Bar"
+ },
+ "ShowBattery": {
+ "Name": "Show Battery",
+ "Description": "Show battery level on Status Bar (if battery is currently discharging)"
+ },
+ "MemoryStats": {
+ "Name": "Show Memory Stats",
+ "Description": "Show memory usage stats on the Status Bar"
+ },
+ "ShowActivePlayers": {
+ "Name": "Show Active Players",
+ "Description": "Show the active players on the Status Bar, excluding bots. For bands consisting of more than 3 players, this will show the number of players instead."
+ },
+ "ShowActiveBots": {
+ "Name": "Show Active Bots",
+ "Description": "Show the number of active bot profiles on the Status Bar (if any)"
+ },
+ "DMXUniverseChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Broadcast Universe",
+ "Description": "This is the universe that YARG will send the sACN packet to. Default is 1. Maximum is 65535"
+ },
+ "ReconnectProfiles": {
+ "Name": "Reconnect Profiles",
+ "Description": "At startup, reconnect previously connected profiles."
+ },
+ "DMXDimmerValues": {
+ "Name": "DMX Master Dimmer Values",
+ "Description": "These are the respective values that the Master Dimmer channels will be set to when YARG starts."
+ },
+ "UpcomingLyricsTime": {
+ "Name": "Upcoming Lyrics Lead Time",
+ "Description": "The time in seconds prior to an upcoming lyric that it will appear on screen. Upcoming lyrics will always appear if the time between the current and upcoming lyrics is smaller than this value."
+ },
+ "WaitForSongVideo": {
+ "Name": "Wait For Song Videos When Seeking",
+ "Description": "Waits for a song-specific video background to finish seeking when restarting/changing sections in practice or seeking a replay."
+ },
+ "WrapAroundNavigation": {
+ "Name": "Wrap-Around Navigation",
+ "Description": "Allow menus to jump to the bottom of a list when scrolling past the top, or jump to the top of a list when scrolling past the bottom."
+ },
+ "ReduceNoteSpeedByDifficulty": {
+ "Name": "Reduce Note Speed by Difficulty",
+ "Description": "Reduces the note speed if playing on a lower difficulty than Expert. The specified note speed is applied to Expert, and lower difficulties receive a reduction in speed. This setting does not affect vocal tracks."
+ }
+ },
+ "PresetType": {
+ "CameraSettingsContainer": "Camera Presets",
+ "ColorProfileContainer": "Color Profiles",
+ "EnginePresetContainer": "Engine Presets"
+ },
+ "PresetSetting": {
+ "CameraPreset": {
+ "CurveFactor": {
+ "Name": "Curve Factor",
+ "Description": "The track's curve factor."
+ },
+ "FadeLength": {
+ "Name": "Fade Size",
+ "Description": "The track's fade size. A fade size of \"0\" will remove the fade."
+ },
+ "FadeStart": {
+ "Name": "Fade Position",
+ "Description": "The track's fade position. Lower values are closer to the frets. This also controls the track length."
+ },
+ "FieldOfView": {
+ "Name": "Camera FOV",
+ "Description": "The track camera's field of view."
+ },
+ "PositionY": {
+ "Name": "Camera Y Position",
+ "Description": "The track camera's Y position (up and down)."
+ },
+ "PositionZ": {
+ "Name": "Camera Z Position",
+ "Description": "The track camera's Z position (forward and backwards)."
+ },
+ "Rotation": {
+ "Name": "Camera Rotation",
+ "Description": "The track camera's rotational pitch (up and down)."
+ }
+ },
+ "ColorProfile": {
+ "SubSection": {
+ "Name": "Instrument",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys"
+ }
+ },
+ "ActivationNote": {
+ "Name": "Activation Note"
+ },
+ "BlueCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Blue Cymbal"
+ },
+ "BlueCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueDrum": {
+ "Name": "Blue Drum"
+ },
+ "BlueDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueFret": {
+ "Name": "Blue Fret"
+ },
+ "BlueFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Blue Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "BlueNote": {
+ "Name": "Blue Note"
+ },
+ "BlueNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueParticles": {
+ "Name": "Blue Particles"
+ },
+ "BlueStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Green Cymbal"
+ },
+ "GreenCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenDrum": {
+ "Name": "Green Drum"
+ },
+ "GreenDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenFret": {
+ "Name": "Green Fret"
+ },
+ "GreenFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Green Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "GreenNote": {
+ "Name": "Green Note"
+ },
+ "GreenNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Green Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenParticles": {
+ "Name": "Green Particles"
+ },
+ "GreenStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Star Power"
+ },
+ "KickFret": {
+ "Name": "Kick Fret"
+ },
+ "KickFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Kick Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "KickNote": {
+ "Name": "Kick Note"
+ },
+ "KickParticles": {
+ "Name": "Kick Particles"
+ },
+ "KickStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Kick Star Power"
+ },
+ "OpenFret": {
+ "Name": "Open Fret"
+ },
+ "OpenFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Open Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "OpenNote": {
+ "Name": "Open Note"
+ },
+ "OpenNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Open Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "OpenParticles": {
+ "Name": "Open Particles"
+ },
+ "OrangeFret": {
+ "Name": "Orange Fret"
+ },
+ "OrangeFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Orange Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "OrangeNote": {
+ "Name": "Orange Note"
+ },
+ "OrangeNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Orange Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "OrangeParticles": {
+ "Name": "Orange Particles"
+ },
+ "OrangeStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Orange Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Red Cymbal"
+ },
+ "RedCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedDrum": {
+ "Name": "Red Drum"
+ },
+ "RedDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedFret": {
+ "Name": "Red Fret"
+ },
+ "RedFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Red Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "RedNote": {
+ "Name": "Red Note"
+ },
+ "RedNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Red Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedParticles": {
+ "Name": "Red Particles"
+ },
+ "RedStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Cymbal"
+ },
+ "YellowCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowDrum": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Drum"
+ },
+ "YellowDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowFret": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Fret"
+ },
+ "YellowFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "YellowNote": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Note"
+ },
+ "YellowNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowParticles": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Particles"
+ },
+ "YellowStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Star Power"
+ },
+ "WhiteKey": {
+ "Name": "White Key"
+ },
+ "RedKey": {
+ "Name": "Red Key"
+ },
+ "YellowKey": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Key"
+ },
+ "BlueKey": {
+ "Name": "Blue Key"
+ },
+ "GreenKey": {
+ "Name": "Green Key"
+ },
+ "OrangeKey": {
+ "Name": "Orange Key"
+ },
+ "RedOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Red Overlay"
+ },
+ "YellowOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Overlay"
+ },
+ "BlueOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Blue Overlay"
+ },
+ "GreenOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Green Overlay"
+ },
+ "OrangeOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Orange Overlay"
+ },
+ "WhiteNote": {
+ "Name": "White Note"
+ },
+ "BlackNote": {
+ "Name": "Black Note"
+ },
+ "WhiteNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "White Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlackNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Black Note Star Power"
+ }
+ },
+ "EnginePreset": {
+ "SubSection": {
+ "Name": "Game Mode",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Drums": "Drums (4 and 5 lane)",
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys"
+ }
+ },
+ "AntiGhosting": {
+ "Name": "Anti-Ghosting",
+ "Description": "Upon ghosting (or fretting a note that is not present) the player will drop their combo (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "FrontToBackRatio": {
+ "Name": "Hit Window Ratio",
+ "Description": "The hit window's front to back ratio. 0 will bring the hit window fully backwards, 1 will keep it in the center, and 2 will move it to the front."
+ },
+ "HitPercentE": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Easy)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Easy difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentH": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Hard)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Hard difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentM": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Medium)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Medium difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentX": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Expert)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Expert difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Hit Window",
+ "Description": "The size of the hit window, in milliseconds. Higher values allow notes to be hit earlier/later, smaller values require more precise timing."
+ },
+ "HopoLeniency": {
+ "Name": "HOPO Leniency",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a hopo is allowed to take a strum input. Strum after this time and it will overstrum."
+ },
+ "InfiniteFrontEnd": {
+ "Name": "Infinite Front End",
+ "Description": "If on, HOPOs and taps can be fretted before they enter to hit window (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "IsDynamic": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Hit Window",
+ "Description": "The timing window adjusts in size depending on how close together the notes are. The faster the notes are, the smaller the window becomes (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "StrumLeniency": {
+ "Name": "Strum Leniency",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a strum can be inputted before fretting the correct note. Fretting after this time will overstrum."
+ },
+ "StrumLeniencySmall": {
+ "Name": "Strum Leniency (No Notes)",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a note can be strummed before it enters the hit window and it still receive the strum. Strumming earlier than this will cause an overstrum."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowE": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Easy)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Easy difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowH": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Hard)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Hard difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowM": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Medium)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Medium difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowX": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Expert)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Expert difficulty."
+ },
+ "PercussionHitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Percussion Hit Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "ChordStaggerWindow": {
+ "Name": "Chord Stagger Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "FatFingerWindow": {
+ "Name": "Fat Finger Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "DynamicScale": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Scale",
+ "Description": "The factor used to scale the distance between the notes before the dynamic hit window size is calculated."
+ },
+ "DynamicSlope": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Slope",
+ "Description": "Affects how fast the dynamic hit window itself shrinks."
+ },
+ "DynamicGamma": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Gamma",
+ "Description": "Biases the dynamic hit window one way or another. Values below 1 gives, on average, a looser window."
+ },
+ "PerfectPitchPercent": {
+ "Name": "Perfect Pitch Percent",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "SustainDropLeniency": {
+ "Name": "Sustain Drop Leniency",
+ "Description": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/pt-PT.json b/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/pt-PT.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9df0baee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/StreamingAssets/lang/pt-PT.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+ "Language": {
+ "Name": "English",
+ "Region": "United States",
+ "ListDelimiter": {
+ "Default": ", ",
+ "Last": ", and "
+ }
+ },
+ "Enum": {
+ "Difficulty": {
+ "Easy": "Easy",
+ "Hard": "Hard",
+ "Expert": "Expert",
+ "ExpertPlus": "Expert+",
+ "Medium": "Medium"
+ },
+ "GameMode": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Six Fret Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Standard Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "5-Lane Drums",
+ "ProGuitar": "Pro Guitar",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Menu": "Menu",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals"
+ },
+ "Instrument": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Guitar",
+ "FiveFretBass": "Bass",
+ "FiveFretRhythm": "Rhythm Guitar",
+ "FiveFretCoopGuitar": "Co-op Guitar",
+ "Keys": "Keys",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Guitar",
+ "SixFretBass": "Bass",
+ "SixFretRhythm": "Rhythm Guitar",
+ "SixFretCoopGuitar": "Co-op Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProDrums": "Pro Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "EliteDrums": "Elite Drums",
+ "ProGuitar_17Fret": "Pro Guitar (17-fret)",
+ "ProGuitar_22Fret": "Pro Guitar (22-fret)",
+ "ProBass_17Fret": "Pro Bass (17-fret)",
+ "ProBass_22Fret": "Pro Bass (22-fret)",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Dj": "DJ",
+ "Band": "Band"
+ },
+ "Modifier": {
+ "None": "None",
+ "AllStrums": "All Strums",
+ "AllHopos": "All HOPOs",
+ "AllTaps": "All Taps",
+ "HoposToTaps": "HOPOs To Taps",
+ "NoteShuffle": "Note Shuffle",
+ "NoKicks": "No Kicks",
+ "TapsToHopos": "Taps to HOPOs",
+ "UnpitchedOnly": "Unpitched Only"
+ },
+ "SortAttribute": {
+ "Album": "Album",
+ "Artist": "Artist",
+ "Artist_Album": "Artist - Album",
+ "Charter": "Charter",
+ "Genre": "Genre",
+ "Name": "Song",
+ "Playlist": "Playlist",
+ "SongLength": "Duration",
+ "Source": "Source",
+ "Unspecified": "None",
+ "Year": "Year",
+ "DateAdded": "Date Added",
+ "Playable": "Playable Songs",
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "FiveFretBass": "Five Fret Bass",
+ "FiveFretRhythm": "Five Fret Rhythm Guitar",
+ "FiveFretCoop": "Five Fret Co-Op Guitar",
+ "Keys": "Keys",
+ "SixFretGuitar": "Six Fret Guitar",
+ "SixFretBass": "Six Fret Bass",
+ "SixFretRhythm": "Six Fret Rhythm Guitar",
+ "SixFretCoop": "Six Fret Co-Op Guitar",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProDrums": "Pro Drums",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "EliteDrums": "Elite Drums",
+ "ProGuitar_17": "Pro Guitar (17-fret)",
+ "ProGuitar_22": "Pro Guitar (22-fret)",
+ "ProBass_17": "Pro Bass (17-fret)",
+ "ProBass_22": "Pro Bass (22-fret)",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Band": "Band"
+ }
+ },
+ "Menu": {
+ "Calibrator": {
+ "Detected": "Detected",
+ "NotEnoughData": "There isn't enough data to get an accurate result.\nPress back to exit."
+ },
+ "Common": {
+ "Apply": "Apply",
+ "Back": "Back",
+ "Cancel": "Cancel",
+ "Close": "Close",
+ "Confirm": "Confirm",
+ "Continue": "Continue",
+ "On": "On",
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "Up": "Up",
+ "Down": "Down",
+ "Left": "Left",
+ "Right": "Right",
+ "Next": "Next",
+ "Previous": "Previous",
+ "NextTab": "Next Tab",
+ "PreviousTab": "Previous Tab",
+ "Increase": "Increase",
+ "Decrease": "Decrease",
+ "Max": "Max",
+ "Min": "Min",
+ "Save": "Save",
+ "Saved": "Saved!",
+ "Delete": "Delete",
+ "Reset": "Reset",
+ "ResetAll": "Reset All"
+ },
+ "Credits": {
+ "Description": "Contributed To: {0}\n\n{1}",
+ "Repos": {
+ "Community": "Community",
+ "OpenSource": "OpenSource",
+ "YARC-Charters": "The Official YARG Setlist",
+ "YARC-Launcher": "The YARC Launcher",
+ "YARG": "YARG"
+ },
+ "Roles": {
+ "Artist": "Artist",
+ "Charter": "Charter",
+ "Developer": "Developer",
+ "Moderator": "Moderator"
+ },
+ "Header": {
+ "Contributors": "Contributors",
+ "GameStartedBy": "A Game Started By",
+ "LeadArtist": "Lead Artist",
+ "Maintainers": "Maintainers",
+ "SpecialThanks": "Special Thanks",
+ "SetlistManager": "Setlist Manager",
+ "Songs": "Songs"
+ },
+ "Song": {
+ "Name": "\"{0}\" By {1}",
+ "WrittenBy": "Written By: {0}",
+ "PerformedBy": "Performed By: {0}",
+ "WrittenAndPerformedBy": "Written and Performed By: {0}",
+ "CourtesyOf": "Courtesy Of: {0}",
+ "AlbumCover": "Album Cover By: {0}",
+ "License": "Song License: {0}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Dialog": {
+ "DontShowAgain": "Don't Show Again",
+ "AntiPiracy": {
+ "Title": "YARG Anti-Piracy Statement",
+ "Description": "YARG stands firmly against all forms of piracy. We neither support nor endorse piracy, as it is a violation of copyright law with serious legal consequences. Our platform's importable content—designed for creators to share their work and for educational purposes—does not justify or excuse piracy.\n\nYARG itself does not use any ripped/pirated assets or music and never will. By using YARG, users agree not to promote or endorse piracy in any way through our platform. Upholding these principles ensures a community that respects copyright, creativity, and legal standards.\n\nYARG stands for \"Yet Another Rhythm Game\" and NOT for pirates.",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ },
+ "BadSongs": {
+ "Title": "Some Songs Could Not Be Scanned",
+ "Description": "One or more of the songs you scanned were corrupted, formatted incorrectly, or encrypted, and could not be loaded into the game.\n\nFor more info, please check the file located at \"{0}\"."
+ },
+ "ColorPicker": {
+ "Title": "Color Picker"
+ },
+ "ConfirmDelete": {
+ "Title": "Delete \"{0}\"?",
+ "Message": "Are you sure you want to delete {0}?\n\n{1}",
+ "Confirm": "Type {0} here to confirm"
+ },
+ "EngineInconsistency": {
+ "Title": "Replays Are In Beta",
+ "Description": "Currently, the replay system is in beta, and may provide inconsistent scores/stats, especially for guitar.\n\nThe end goal is for replays to be reliable and accurate, and we're working on fixing these problems!",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ },
+ "Experimental": {
+ "Title": "Experimental Features Notice",
+ "Description": "The options about to be displayed represent a work in progress. These features are subject to change, may contain bugs, and could even cause major problems if enabled.",
+ "Confirm": "I Understand"
+ }
+ },
+ "DifficultySelect": {
+ "Instrument": "Instrument",
+ "Difficulty": "Difficulty",
+ "Harmony": "Harmony",
+ "Modifiers": "Modifiers",
+ "Ready": "Ready",
+ "SitOut": "Sit Out",
+ "Done": "Done"
+ },
+ "History": {
+ "Name": "History",
+ "Time": {
+ "Today": "Today",
+ "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
+ "ThisWeek": "This Week",
+ "ThisMonth": "This Month",
+ "LastThreeMonths": "Last 3 Months",
+ "ThisYear": "This Year",
+ "MoreThanYear": "More Than A Year"
+ },
+ "Analyze": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "Main": {
+ "MessageOfTheDay": "Welcome to the v0.13 Nightly!\n\nv0.13 adds Pro Keys to the game, as well as reintroducing Pro Guitar/Bass after it was removed in v0.12 due to time constraints. Please let us know how these instruments feel, as well as any bugs you find and missing features.\n\nInstrument engine code has once again gone through major changes to facilitate producing replays with 1:1 results to the original gameplay. If you encounter any inconsistent replay results, report it to the YARG team on Discord or GitHub.\n\nIf you previously played on the v0.12 nightly, all of your settings will be reset. This is due to nightly builds now using a separate location for data storage. Your nightly settings/scores will not persist to stable versions of YARG, and vice versa.\n\nAs we previously announced, we do not recommend playing nightly full time, instead only for testing. Nightly is now going to be much more unstable with many more bugs and unfinished systems.\n\nIf you have any feedback, please let us know on Discord or GitHub.\n\nHave fun!",
+ "Options": {
+ "Quickplay": "Quickplay",
+ "Practice": "Practice",
+ "Profiles": "Profiles",
+ "History": "History",
+ "Settings": "Settings",
+ "Credits": "Credits",
+ "Exit": "Exit"
+ },
+ "GoToCurrentlyPlaying": "Go To Currently Playing"
+ },
+ "MusicLibrary": {
+ "Name": "Music Library",
+ "NoSongsMatchCriteria": "NO SONGS MATCH CRITERIA",
+ "SearchResults": "SEARCH RESULTS",
+ "AllSongs": "ALL SONGS",
+ "RecommendedSongs": {
+ "Singular": "RECOMMENDED SONG",
+ },
+ "PlayableSongs": "PLAYABLE SONGS",
+ "RandomSong": "RANDOM SONG",
+ "Playlists": "PLAYLISTS",
+ "Popup": {
+ "Header": {
+ "SortBy": "Sort By...",
+ "GoTo": "Go To..."
+ },
+ "Item": {
+ "RandomSong": "Random Song",
+ "BackToTop": "Back to Top",
+ "SortBy": "Sort By: {0}",
+ "GoToSection": "Go To Section...",
+ "AddToFavorites": "Add To Favorites",
+ "RemoveFromFavorites": "Remove From Favorites",
+ "ViewSongFolder": "View Song Folder",
+ "CopySongChecksum": "Copy Song Checksum"
+ }
+ },
+ "Back": "BACK",
+ "NoPlayersConnected": "No players connected! Go to the profiles menu to connect a player.",
+ "Play": "Play Song",
+ "Search": "Search",
+ "MoreOptions": "More Options
(Hold) Navigate Sections"
+ },
+ "ProfileInfo": {
+ "Name": "Edit Profile",
+ "Stats": {
+ "SongPlays": "{0:N0} Song Plays",
+ "TotalScore": "Total Score",
+ "TotalStarsEarned": "Total Stars Earned",
+ "FullCombos": "Full Combos"
+ }
+ },
+ "ProfileList": {
+ "Name": "Profiles",
+ "ActiveProfiles": "Active Profiles",
+ "AddBot": "Add Bot",
+ "AddProfile": "Add Profile",
+ "Bots": "Bots",
+ "Players": "Players"
+ },
+ "Settings": {
+ "NoFolder": "No Folder",
+ "SearchHeader": {
+ "AllCategories": "All Categories",
+ "Results": "Results"
+ },
+ "SongCount": "{0:N0} Songs",
+ "ScanNeeded": "Scan Needed",
+ "DMXInfo": "DMX cue change and post-processing channel values:\n\nCue Change:\n\n0 - No cue\n10 - Menu\n20 - Score\n30 - Intro\n40 - Verse\n50 - Chorus\n60 - Cool (loop)\n70 - Warm (loop)\n80 - Cool (manual)\n90 - Warm (manual)\n100 - Dischord\n110 - Stomp\n120 - Default\n130 - Harmony\n140 - Frenzy\n150 - Silhouettes\n160 - Silhouettes Spotlight\n170 - Searchlights\n180 - Sweep\n190 - Blackout (fast)\n200 - Blackout (slow)\n210 - Blackout (spotlight)\n220 - Flare (slow)\n230 - Flare (fast)\n240 - Big Rock Ending\n\nFor Strobe and Fog status listen to their respective channels.\n\nPost-Processing:\n\n0 - Default\r\n\nBasic effects\r\n4 - Bloom\n14 - Bright\n24 - Contrast\n34 - Mirror\n44 - PhotoNegative\n54 - Posterize\n\n\rColor filters/effects\r\n64 - Black And White\n74 - Sepia Tone\n84 - Silver Tone\n94 - Choppy Black And White\n104 - Photo Negative Red And Black\n114 - Polarized Black And White\n124 - Polarized Red And Blue\n134 - Desaturated Red\n144 - Desaturated Blue\n154 - Contrast Red\n164 - Contrast Green\n174 - Contrast Blue\n\r\nGrainy\r\n184 - Grainy Film\n194 - Grainy Chromatic Abberation\n\nScanlines\r\n204 - Scanlines\n214 - Scanlines Black And White\n224 - Scanlines Blue\n234 - Scanlines Security\n\r\nTrails\r\n244 - Trails\n252 - Trails Long\n253 - Trails Desaturated\n254 - Trails Flickery\n255 - Trails Spacey\n\nSee YARG docs for more information: https://docs.yarg.in/en/DMX"
+ }
+ },
+ "Gameplay": {
+ "Notifications": {
+ "BassGroove": "BASS GROOVE",
+ "CountdownGetReady": "Get Ready!",
+ "FullCombo": "FULL COMBO",
+ "HotStart": "HOT START",
+ "NewHighScore": "NEW HIGH SCORE",
+ "NoteStreak": "{0:N0}-NOTE STREAK",
+ "StarPowerReady": "STAR POWER READY",
+ "StrongFinish": "STRONG FINISH"
+ },
+ "Solo": {
+ "Performance": {
+ "Awesome": "AWESOME\nSOLO!",
+ "Good": "GOOD\nSOLO!",
+ "Great": "GREAT\nSOLO!",
+ "How": "HOW!?",
+ "Messy": "MESSY\nSOLO",
+ "Nice": "NICE\nSOLO",
+ "Okay": "OKAY\nSOLO",
+ "Perfect": "PERFECT\nSOLO!",
+ "Solid": "SOLID\nSOLO"
+ },
+ "PointsResult": "{0:N0}\nPOINTS"
+ },
+ "Vocals": {
+ "Performance": {
+ "Awesome": "AWESOME!",
+ "Awful": "AWFUL",
+ "Good": "GOOD",
+ "Messy": "MESSY",
+ "Okay": "OKAY",
+ "Strong": "STRONG"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Preview": {
+ "Experimental": {
+ "Notice": "IMPORTANT\n\nThese settings represent a work in progress. They are subject to change, may contain bugs, and could even cause major problems if enabled."
+ }
+ },
+ "Discord": {
+ "Default": {
+ "Details": "Hello there ladies and gentlemen!",
+ "LargeText": {
+ "Dev": "Yet Another Rhythm Game (Dev Build)",
+ "Nightly": "Yet Another Rhythm Game (Nightly)",
+ "Stable": "Yet Another Rhythm Game"
+ },
+ "State": "Are you ready to rock?"
+ },
+ "Song": {
+ "Name": "{0} by {1}",
+ "Album": "on {0}",
+ "Paused": "Song paused..."
+ }
+ },
+ "Bindings": {
+ "Menu": {
+ "Green": "Green (Confirm)",
+ "Red": "Red (Back)",
+ "Yellow": "Yellow (Shortcut 1)",
+ "Blue": "Blue (Shortcut 2)",
+ "Orange": "Orange (Shortcut 3)",
+ "Up": "Up",
+ "Down": "Down",
+ "Left": "Left",
+ "Right": "Right",
+ "Start": "Start (Pause)",
+ "Select": "Select"
+ },
+ "FiveFret": {
+ "Green": "Green Fret (First)",
+ "Red": "Red Fret (Second)",
+ "Yellow": "Yellow Fret (Third)",
+ "Blue": "Blue Fret (Fourth)",
+ "Orange": "Orange Fret (Fifth)"
+ },
+ "Guitar": {
+ "StrumUp": "Strum Up",
+ "StrumDown": "Strum Down",
+ "StarPower": "Star Power",
+ "Whammy": "Whammy"
+ },
+ "FourDrums": {
+ "BlueCymbal": "Blue Cymbal (Third)",
+ "BluePad": "Blue Pad (Third)",
+ "GreenCymbal": "Green Cymbal (Fourth)",
+ "GreenPad": "Green Pad (Fourth)",
+ "RedPad": "Red Pad (First)",
+ "YellowCymbal": "Yellow Cymbal (Second)",
+ "YellowPad": "Yellow Pad (Second)",
+ "RedCymbal": "Red Cymbal (First)"
+ },
+ "Drums": {
+ "Kick": "Kick Pedal"
+ },
+ "Vocals": {
+ "StarPower": "Star Power Activate"
+ },
+ "FiveDrums": {
+ "RedPad": "Red Pad (First)",
+ "YellowCymbal": "Yellow Cymbal (Second)",
+ "BluePad": "Blue Pad (Third)",
+ "OrangeCymbal": "Orange Cymbal (Fourth)",
+ "GreenPad": "Green Pad (Fifth)"
+ },
+ "ProKeys": {
+ "Key1": "Key 1 (C2)",
+ "Key2": "Key 2 (C#2)",
+ "Key3": "Key 3 (D2)",
+ "Key4": "Key 4 (D#2)",
+ "Key5": "Key 5 (E2)",
+ "Key6": "Key 6 (F2)",
+ "Key7": "Key 7 (F#2)",
+ "Key8": "Key 8 (G2)",
+ "Key9": "Key 9 (G#2)",
+ "Key10": "Key 10 (A2)",
+ "Key11": "Key 11 (A#2)",
+ "Key12": "Key 12 (B2)",
+ "Key13": "Key 13 (C3)",
+ "Key14": "Key 14 (C#3)",
+ "Key15": "Key 15 (D3)",
+ "Key16": "Key 16 (D#3)",
+ "Key17": "Key 17 (E3)",
+ "Key18": "Key 18 (F3)",
+ "Key19": "Key 19 (F#3)",
+ "Key20": "Key 20 (G3)",
+ "Key21": "Key 21 (G#3)",
+ "Key22": "Key 22 (A3)",
+ "Key23": "Key 23 (A#3)",
+ "Key24": "Key 24 (B3)",
+ "Key25": "Key 25 (C4)",
+ "StarPower": "Star Power Activate",
+ "TouchEffects": "Touch Effects"
+ }
+ },
+ "Settings": {
+ "Tab": {
+ "General": "General",
+ "Graphics": "Graphics",
+ "Engine": "Engine",
+ "Sound": "Sound",
+ "SongManager": "Songs",
+ "Presets": "Presets",
+ "Advanced": "Advanced",
+ "AllSettings": "All Settings",
+ "LightingPeripherals": "Lighting Peripherals",
+ "Debug": "Debug and Developer",
+ "FileManagement": "File Management",
+ "Experimental": "Experimental"
+ },
+ "Header": {
+ "Other": "Other",
+ "Display": "Display",
+ "Volume": "Volume",
+ "Graphics": "Graphics",
+ "Camera": "Camera",
+ "SongFolders": "Song Folders",
+ "SongUpgrades": "Song Upgrades",
+ "Cache": "Cache",
+ "Venues": "Venues/Backgrounds",
+ "Calibration": "Calibration",
+ "Input": "Input",
+ "PresetSettings": "Preset Settings",
+ "Debug": "Debug",
+ "Advanced": "Advanced",
+ "DMXChannels": "DMX Channels",
+ "LightingGeneral": "Lighting General",
+ "Export": "Export",
+ "PathsAndFolders": "Paths and Folders",
+ "MusicLibrary": "Music Library",
+ "ScanningOptions": "Scanning Options",
+ "RB3E": "RB3E Settings",
+ "Customization": "Buffer Customization",
+ "StageKitDMXChannels": "Basic DMX Channels",
+ "AdvancedDMXChannels": "Advanced DMX Channels",
+ "StatusBar": "Status Bar",
+ "AdvancedDMXSettings": "Advanced sACN and DMX settings",
+ "Experimental": "Experimental"
+ },
+ "Button": {
+ "CopyCurrentSongJsonFilePath": "Copy Current Song Json File Path",
+ "CopyCurrentSongTextFilePath": "Copy Current Song Text File Path",
+ "ExportSongsOuvert": "Export Songs List (For Ouvert Bot)",
+ "ExportSongsText": "Export Songs List (Plain Text)",
+ "OpenCalibrator": "Open Calibrator",
+ "OpenVenueFolder": "Open Backgrounds/Venue Folder",
+ "AddFolder": "Add Folder",
+ "RefreshCache": "Scan Songs",
+ "OpenExecutablePath": "Open Executable Path",
+ "OpenPersistentDataPath": "Open Persistent Data Path"
+ },
+ "Setting": {
+ "AllowDuplicateSongs": {
+ "Name": "Allow Duplicate Songs",
+ "Description": "Allows duplicate songs to be scanned and displayed in the library. Rescan required if changed!"
+ },
+ "AmIAwesome": {
+ "Name": "Awesomeness Detection",
+ "Description": "Are you awesome?"
+ },
+ "AudioCalibration": {
+ "Name": "Audio Calibration (ms)",
+ "Description": "Audio calibration in milliseconds. Use the calibrator to automatically calibrate. Higher values make the audio play earlier, while lower ones make the audio play later."
+ },
+ "AccountForHardwareLatency": {
+ "Name": "Account For Audio Hardware Latency",
+ "Description": "Automatically accounts for the detected playback latency of your audio hardware. This latency may be inaccurate, disable this setting if your audio calibration is negative."
+ },
+ "BassVolume": {
+ "Name": "Bass Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Bass",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's bass guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "ClapsInStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Star Power Claps",
+ "Description": "Enables claps to the beat while Star Power is active."
+ },
+ "CountdownDisplay": {
+ "Name": "Countdown Display",
+ "Description": "Choose how countdowns should be displayed during long breaks in a song.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Measures": "In Measures",
+ "Seconds": "In Seconds",
+ "Disabled": "Disabled"
+ }
+ },
+ "OverstrumAndOverhitSoundEffects": {
+ "Name": "Overstrum/Overhit Sound Effects",
+ "Description": "Enables the overstrum/overhit sound effect."
+ },
+ "CrowdVolume": {
+ "Name": "Crowd Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Crowd",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's crowd track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "DisableBloom": {
+ "Name": "Disable Bloom",
+ "Description": "Disables post-processing bloom (the glowly effect). May increase performance."
+ },
+ "DisableGlobalBackgrounds": {
+ "Name": "Disable Global Backgrounds",
+ "Description": "Disables custom backgrounds from your venue folder and shows the ones in songs instead."
+ },
+ "DisablePerSongBackgrounds": {
+ "Name": "Disable Per-Song Backgrounds",
+ "Description": "Disables custom backgrounds in songs and shows the ones in your venue folder instead."
+ },
+ "DisableTextNotifications": {
+ "Name": "Disable Text Notifications",
+ "Description": "Disables text notification on the track such as \"100-Note Streak\" and \"Full Combo.\""
+ },
+ "DMXBlueChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Blue",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight blue LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXCueChangeChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Cue Change",
+ "Description": "This channel's value will change whenever the lighting cue changes. See the values below:"
+ },
+ "DMXDimmerChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Master Dimmer",
+ "Description": "Channels listed here will be set on game start. Default value is max (255), can be changed in 'DMX Master Dimmer Values' setting below. Useful for fixtures that have a master dimmer channel."
+ },
+ "DMXEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable DMX Output",
+ "Description": "Enable sending sACN (DMX-over-ethernet) packets over the network to universe 1. Adds 250k bps to network traffic."
+ },
+ "DMXFogChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Fog",
+ "Description": "Each channel set here will receive the StageKit fog on (255) and fog off (0)."
+ },
+ "DMXGreenChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Green",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight green LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXRedChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Red",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight red LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DMXStrobeChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Strobe Light",
+ "Description": "Each channel set here will receive StageKit strobe commands, either off (0), slow (64), medium (127), fast (191), fastest (255)."
+ },
+ "DMXYellowChannels": {
+ "Name": "DMX Yellow",
+ "Description": "The eight channels here represent the eight yellow LEDs of the StageKit. They will receive on (255) and off (0) commands."
+ },
+ "DrumsVolume": {
+ "Name": "Drums Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Drums",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's drum track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "DrumSfxVolume": {
+ "Name": "Drum SFX Volume",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the drum hit sound effect volume, which can be triggered before the first note, after the last note, or during drum fills/BREs."
+ },
+ "EnablePracticeSP": {
+ "Name": "Star Power in Practice",
+ "Description": "Allow Star Power phrases while in Practice Mode."
+ },
+ "FpsCap": {
+ "Name": "FPS Cap",
+ "Description": "The framerate cap. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PLAY YARG ON 1000FPS. VSync recommended."
+ },
+ "FpsStats": {
+ "Name": "Show FPS Counter",
+ "Description": "Shows the framerate counter on the Status Bar"
+ },
+ "FullscreenMode": {
+ "Name": "Fullscreen Mode",
+ "Description": "Changes the fullscreen mode.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "ExclusiveFullScreen": "Fullscreen",
+ "FullScreenWindow": "Borderless Fullscreen",
+ "MaximizedWindow": "Maximized Window",
+ "Windowed": "Windowed"
+ }
+ },
+ "GraphicalProgressOnScoreBox": {
+ "Name": "Graphical Progress On Score Box",
+ "Description": "Enables and disables the graphical blue outline on the score box that displays the song's progress."
+ },
+ "GuitarVolume": {
+ "Name": "Guitar Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Guitar",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "HighScoreInfo": {
+ "Name": "High Score Display",
+ "Description": "Changes what high score information is displayed in the Music Library.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "Score": "Score",
+ "Stars": "Stars"
+ }
+ },
+ "InputDeviceLogging": {
+ "Name": "Input Device Logging",
+ "Description": "Prints information about connected input devices to the game's log. Do not enable this unless you are having issues with specific devices, as it can print a very large amount of text for some devices!"
+ },
+ "KeepSongInfoVisible": {
+ "Name": "Keep Song Info Visible",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it keeps the song info visible throughout the entire song. Otherwise, it will fade out after 10 seconds."
+ },
+ "KeysVolume": {
+ "Name": "Keys Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Keys",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's keys track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "KickBounceMultiplier": {
+ "Name": "Drum Kick Bounce Multiplier",
+ "Description": "Controls the amount the track should bounce when you hit a kick note (drums only). Set to zero if you want to disable."
+ },
+ "LowQuality": {
+ "Name": "Low Quality Mode",
+ "Description": "If enabled, the game will disable anti-aliasing, and use lower quality models and textures. This will significantly increase performance."
+ },
+ "LyricDisplay": {
+ "Name": "Lyric Display",
+ "Description": "Choose how the lyric bar in game should be displayed.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Compatibility": "Compatibility Mode",
+ "Disabled": "Disabled",
+ "NoBackground": "No Background",
+ "Normal": "Normal",
+ "Transparent": "Translucent Background"
+ }
+ },
+ "MasterMusicVolume": {
+ "Name": "Master Music Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Master",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's volume as a whole."
+ },
+ "MinimumLogLevel": {
+ "Name": "Minimum Log Level",
+ "Description": "Controls how much information is written to log files.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Trace": "Trace",
+ "Debug": "Debug",
+ "Info": "Info",
+ "Warning": "Warning",
+ "Error": "Error"
+ }
+ },
+ "MicrophoneSensitivity": {
+ "Name": "Microphone Sensitivity (Db)",
+ "Description": "Adjusts your microphone's sensitivity in decibels. Lower values are more sensitive."
+ },
+ "MusicPlayerVolume": {
+ "Name": "Music Player Volume",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the volume of the music that plays in the main menu. Set to \"0\" to disable."
+ },
+ "MuteOnMiss": {
+ "Name": "Mute On Miss",
+ "Description": "Mutes a specific stem when you miss on that instrument. Only does something if the song is multi-track.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "MultitrackOnly": "Multitrack Only",
+ "On": "On - Background limited to 50%"
+ }
+ },
+ "NoKicks": {
+ "Name": "No Kicks",
+ "Description": "Removes all kick notes (drums only)."
+ },
+ "NoteStreakFrequency": {
+ "Name": "Note Streak Frequency",
+ "Description": "Sets the frequency of note streak notifications.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Disabled": "Disabled",
+ "Frequent": "50, 100, 200, 300, ...",
+ "Sparse": "50, 100, 250, 500, ..."
+ }
+ },
+ "PreviewVolume": {
+ "Name": "Preview Volume",
+ "Description": "The preview volume while in the music library."
+ },
+ "Resolution": {
+ "Name": "Resolution",
+ "Description": "Choose the resolution of your screen. \"Highest\" is recommended."
+ },
+ "RhythmVolume": {
+ "Name": "Rhythm Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Rhythm",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's rhythm guitar track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track. In some song formats, this may also be the bass guitar."
+ },
+ "SfxVolume": {
+ "Name": "SFX Volume",
+ "PauseName": "SFX",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the game's sound effect volume, such as when gaining a star, or activating starpower."
+ },
+ "ShowAdvancedMusicLibraryOptions": {
+ "Name": "Show Advanced Music Library Options",
+ "Description": "Adds advanced settings to the \"More Options\" menu in the Music Library such as \"View Song Folder\" and \"Copy Song Checksum\"."
+ },
+ "ShowCursorTimer": {
+ "Name": "Cursor Show Time",
+ "Description": "How long the cursor will be shown for before hiding. Set to \"0\" for no hiding (playmode)."
+ },
+ "ShowFavoriteButton": {
+ "Name": "Show Favorite Button",
+ "Description": "Shows and hides the favorite button in the Music Library. Songs can still be favorited in the \"More Options\" menu when this button is hidden."
+ },
+ "ShowHitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Show Hit Window",
+ "Description": "If enabled, a box will be shown on your track that represents the \"window\" in which notes can be hit."
+ },
+ "SongTimeOnScoreBox": {
+ "Name": "Song Time On Score Box",
+ "Description": "Change the song time displayed above the score box. In the examples provided, the song is 5 minutes and 30 seconds long, and you are 1 minute and 10 seconds into the song.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "CountDownAndTotal": "Remaining and Total(4:20 / 5:30)",
+ "CountDownOnly": "Remaining Only(4:20)",
+ "CountUpAndTotal": "Time and Total(1:10 / 5:30)",
+ "CountUpOnly": "Time Only(1:10)",
+ "None": "None",
+ "TotalOnly": "Total Only(5:30)"
+ }
+ },
+ "SongVolume": {
+ "Name": "Backing Track Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Backing",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's backing track volume. These are all of the instruments that are not included in the multi-track."
+ },
+ "StageKitEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable Stage Kit",
+ "Description": "Enables sending Stage Kit lighting data to all connected devices capable of reading it."
+ },
+ "StarPowerHighwayFx": {
+ "Name": "Star Power Highway FX Mode",
+ "Description": "Disables visual elements on the highway which appear when Star Power is active",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "On": "On",
+ "Reduced": "Reduced"
+ }
+ },
+ "SongBackgroundOpacity": {
+ "Name": "Song Background Opacity",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the opacity of background during gameplay."
+ },
+ "UseChipmunkSpeed": {
+ "Name": "Chipmunk Speed",
+ "Description": "Disables pitch correction when playing songs at a fast or slow speed which may lead to some... interesting results."
+ },
+ "UseCymbalModelsInFiveLane": {
+ "Name": "Use Cymbal Models In Five Lane",
+ "Description": "If enabled, cymbal models will be used in the second and fourth lanes instead of the standard note model (five-lane drums only)."
+ },
+ "UseFullDirectoryForPlaylists": {
+ "Name": "Use Full Directory For Playlists",
+ "Description": "Use full directory for the playlist sort option in the music library. Rescan required if changed!"
+ },
+ "UseStarpowerFx": {
+ "Name": "Use Starpower SFX",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it will add reverb to stems where the player has starpower enabled.",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "MultitrackOnly": "Multitrack Only",
+ "Off": "Off",
+ "On": "On"
+ }
+ },
+ "UseWhammyFx": {
+ "Name": "Use Whammy SFX",
+ "Description": "If enabled, it will add pitch bending to guitar stems when the player presses the whammy bar.\nWARNING: This setting is known to cause audio desync issues on some machines."
+ },
+ "WhammyPitchShiftAmount": {
+ "Name": "Whammy Pitch Shift Amount",
+ "Description": "Number of semitones the pitch is changed when the whammy bar is fully pressed. Larger amounts result in lower pitches; default is 1."
+ },
+ "VideoCalibration": {
+ "Name": "Video Calibration (ms)",
+ "Description": "Video calibration in milliseconds. Use the calibrator to automatically calibrate. This accounts for delays between the game's processing and the actual frame being displayed."
+ },
+ "VocalMonitoring": {
+ "Name": "Vocal Monitoring Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Monitoring",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the feedback you hear when singing."
+ },
+ "VocalsVolume": {
+ "Name": "Vocals Volume",
+ "PauseName": "Vocals",
+ "Description": "Adjusts the song's vocal track volume. Only does something if the song is multi-track."
+ },
+ "VoiceActivatedVocalStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Voice Activated Star Power (Vocals)",
+ "Description": "If enabled, vocalists can activate their Star Power by making a noise. Keybinds can be used instead, regardless of this setting."
+ },
+ "VSync": {
+ "Name": "Enable VSync",
+ "Description": "Enables VSync. VSync caps the framerate at your monitor's maximum framerate, and prevents tearing."
+ },
+ "PauseOnDeviceDisconnect": {
+ "Name": "Pause On Device Disconnect",
+ "Description": "Pauses the game if a device taken by a profile disconnects in the middle of a song."
+ },
+ "PauseOnFocusLoss": {
+ "Name": "Pause On Focus Loss",
+ "Description": "Pauses the game if it tabbed out/loses focus in the middle of a song."
+ },
+ "ApplyVolumesInMusicLibrary": {
+ "Name": "Apply Volume Settings to Music Library Previews",
+ "Description": "I think this one speaks for itself"
+ },
+ "RB3EEnabled": {
+ "Name": "Enable RB3E Stage Kit data stream",
+ "Description": "Enables sending of RB3E style stage kit information packets over the network, for hardware such as StageKitPied"
+ },
+ "RB3EBroadcastIP": {
+ "Name": "RB3E target IP",
+ "Description": "Sets the target IP for the RB3E data stream packets. is the broadcast address for the current network"
+ },
+ "DMXKeyframeChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Keyframe",
+ "Description": "This channel receives the Next (3), Previous (13), and First(23) keyframe calls."
+ },
+ "DMXBonusEffectChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Bonus Effect",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set (2) when a venue bonus effect happens."
+ },
+ "DMXDrumsChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Drum",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current drum notes: Kick (1), Red (2), Yellow (4), Blue (8), Green (16), Yellow Cymbal (32), Blue Cymbal (64), Green Cymbal (128)."
+ },
+ "DMXBeatlineChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Beatline",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set on every measure beat (1) and Strong beat (11)."
+ },
+ "DMXPostProcessingChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Post-Processsing",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set to the video effect happening to the in-game venue. See the values below:"
+ },
+ "DMXGuitarChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Guitar",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current guitar notes: Open (1), Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "DMXBassChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Bass",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current bass notes: Open (1), Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "DMXPerformerChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Performer",
+ "Description": "This channel gets set to the current spotlight and sing-a-long"
+ },
+ "DMXKeysChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Keys",
+ "Description": "This channel gets additively set to the current key notes: Green (2), Red (4), Yellow (8), Blue (16), Orange (32)."
+ },
+ "EnablePlaybackBuffer": {
+ "Name": "Use Audio Playback Buffer",
+ "Description": "Buffers audio data by decoding ahead-of-time in chunks. Improves audio stability on low-performance devices, at the cost of added latency on sound effects."
+ },
+ "PlaybackBufferLength": {
+ "Name": "Playback Buffer Length",
+ "Description": "The size of the playback buffer, in milliseconds. Larger buffers provide more stability, but further increase the latency of sound effects."
+ },
+ "ShowTime": {
+ "Name": "Show Time",
+ "Description": "Show current time on Status Bar"
+ },
+ "ShowBattery": {
+ "Name": "Show Battery",
+ "Description": "Show battery level on Status Bar (if battery is currently discharging)"
+ },
+ "MemoryStats": {
+ "Name": "Show Memory Stats",
+ "Description": "Show memory usage stats on the Status Bar"
+ },
+ "ShowActivePlayers": {
+ "Name": "Show Active Players",
+ "Description": "Show the active players on the Status Bar, excluding bots. For bands consisting of more than 3 players, this will show the number of players instead."
+ },
+ "ShowActiveBots": {
+ "Name": "Show Active Bots",
+ "Description": "Show the number of active bot profiles on the Status Bar (if any)"
+ },
+ "DMXUniverseChannel": {
+ "Name": "DMX Broadcast Universe",
+ "Description": "This is the universe that YARG will send the sACN packet to. Default is 1. Maximum is 65535"
+ },
+ "ReconnectProfiles": {
+ "Name": "Reconnect Profiles",
+ "Description": "At startup, reconnect previously connected profiles."
+ },
+ "DMXDimmerValues": {
+ "Name": "DMX Master Dimmer Values",
+ "Description": "These are the respective values that the Master Dimmer channels will be set to when YARG starts."
+ },
+ "UpcomingLyricsTime": {
+ "Name": "Upcoming Lyrics Lead Time",
+ "Description": "The time in seconds prior to an upcoming lyric that it will appear on screen. Upcoming lyrics will always appear if the time between the current and upcoming lyrics is smaller than this value."
+ },
+ "WaitForSongVideo": {
+ "Name": "Wait For Song Videos When Seeking",
+ "Description": "Waits for a song-specific video background to finish seeking when restarting/changing sections in practice or seeking a replay."
+ },
+ "WrapAroundNavigation": {
+ "Name": "Wrap-Around Navigation",
+ "Description": "Allow menus to jump to the bottom of a list when scrolling past the top, or jump to the top of a list when scrolling past the bottom."
+ },
+ "ReduceNoteSpeedByDifficulty": {
+ "Name": "Reduce Note Speed by Difficulty",
+ "Description": "Reduces the note speed if playing on a lower difficulty than Expert. The specified note speed is applied to Expert, and lower difficulties receive a reduction in speed. This setting does not affect vocal tracks."
+ }
+ },
+ "PresetType": {
+ "CameraSettingsContainer": "Camera Presets",
+ "ColorProfileContainer": "Color Profiles",
+ "EnginePresetContainer": "Engine Presets"
+ },
+ "PresetSetting": {
+ "CameraPreset": {
+ "CurveFactor": {
+ "Name": "Curve Factor",
+ "Description": "The track's curve factor."
+ },
+ "FadeLength": {
+ "Name": "Fade Size",
+ "Description": "The track's fade size. A fade size of \"0\" will remove the fade."
+ },
+ "FadeStart": {
+ "Name": "Fade Position",
+ "Description": "The track's fade position. Lower values are closer to the frets. This also controls the track length."
+ },
+ "FieldOfView": {
+ "Name": "Camera FOV",
+ "Description": "The track camera's field of view."
+ },
+ "PositionY": {
+ "Name": "Camera Y Position",
+ "Description": "The track camera's Y position (up and down)."
+ },
+ "PositionZ": {
+ "Name": "Camera Z Position",
+ "Description": "The track camera's Z position (forward and backwards)."
+ },
+ "Rotation": {
+ "Name": "Camera Rotation",
+ "Description": "The track camera's rotational pitch (up and down)."
+ }
+ },
+ "ColorProfile": {
+ "SubSection": {
+ "Name": "Instrument",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "FiveLaneDrums": "Five Lane Drums",
+ "FourLaneDrums": "Four Lane Drums",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys"
+ }
+ },
+ "ActivationNote": {
+ "Name": "Activation Note"
+ },
+ "BlueCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Blue Cymbal"
+ },
+ "BlueCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueDrum": {
+ "Name": "Blue Drum"
+ },
+ "BlueDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueFret": {
+ "Name": "Blue Fret"
+ },
+ "BlueFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Blue Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "BlueNote": {
+ "Name": "Blue Note"
+ },
+ "BlueNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlueParticles": {
+ "Name": "Blue Particles"
+ },
+ "BlueStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Blue Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Green Cymbal"
+ },
+ "GreenCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenDrum": {
+ "Name": "Green Drum"
+ },
+ "GreenDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenFret": {
+ "Name": "Green Fret"
+ },
+ "GreenFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Green Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "GreenNote": {
+ "Name": "Green Note"
+ },
+ "GreenNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Green Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "GreenParticles": {
+ "Name": "Green Particles"
+ },
+ "GreenStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Green Star Power"
+ },
+ "KickFret": {
+ "Name": "Kick Fret"
+ },
+ "KickFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Kick Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "KickNote": {
+ "Name": "Kick Note"
+ },
+ "KickParticles": {
+ "Name": "Kick Particles"
+ },
+ "KickStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Kick Star Power"
+ },
+ "OpenFret": {
+ "Name": "Open Fret"
+ },
+ "OpenFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Open Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "OpenNote": {
+ "Name": "Open Note"
+ },
+ "OpenNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Open Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "OpenParticles": {
+ "Name": "Open Particles"
+ },
+ "OrangeFret": {
+ "Name": "Orange Fret"
+ },
+ "OrangeFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Orange Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "OrangeNote": {
+ "Name": "Orange Note"
+ },
+ "OrangeNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Orange Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "OrangeParticles": {
+ "Name": "Orange Particles"
+ },
+ "OrangeStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Orange Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Red Cymbal"
+ },
+ "RedCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedDrum": {
+ "Name": "Red Drum"
+ },
+ "RedDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedFret": {
+ "Name": "Red Fret"
+ },
+ "RedFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Red Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "RedNote": {
+ "Name": "Red Note"
+ },
+ "RedNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Red Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "RedParticles": {
+ "Name": "Red Particles"
+ },
+ "RedStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Red Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowCymbal": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Cymbal"
+ },
+ "YellowCymbalStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Cymbal Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowDrum": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Drum"
+ },
+ "YellowDrumStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Drum Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowFret": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Fret"
+ },
+ "YellowFretInner": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Fret Inner"
+ },
+ "YellowNote": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Note"
+ },
+ "YellowNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "YellowParticles": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Particles"
+ },
+ "YellowStarpower": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Star Power"
+ },
+ "WhiteKey": {
+ "Name": "White Key"
+ },
+ "RedKey": {
+ "Name": "Red Key"
+ },
+ "YellowKey": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Key"
+ },
+ "BlueKey": {
+ "Name": "Blue Key"
+ },
+ "GreenKey": {
+ "Name": "Green Key"
+ },
+ "OrangeKey": {
+ "Name": "Orange Key"
+ },
+ "RedOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Red Overlay"
+ },
+ "YellowOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Yellow Overlay"
+ },
+ "BlueOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Blue Overlay"
+ },
+ "GreenOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Green Overlay"
+ },
+ "OrangeOverlay": {
+ "Name": "Orange Overlay"
+ },
+ "WhiteNote": {
+ "Name": "White Note"
+ },
+ "BlackNote": {
+ "Name": "Black Note"
+ },
+ "WhiteNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "White Note Star Power"
+ },
+ "BlackNoteStarPower": {
+ "Name": "Black Note Star Power"
+ }
+ },
+ "EnginePreset": {
+ "SubSection": {
+ "Name": "Game Mode",
+ "Dropdown": {
+ "Drums": "Drums (4 and 5 lane)",
+ "FiveFretGuitar": "Five Fret Guitar",
+ "Vocals": "Vocals",
+ "ProKeys": "Pro Keys"
+ }
+ },
+ "AntiGhosting": {
+ "Name": "Anti-Ghosting",
+ "Description": "Upon ghosting (or fretting a note that is not present) the player will drop their combo (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "FrontToBackRatio": {
+ "Name": "Hit Window Ratio",
+ "Description": "The hit window's front to back ratio. 0 will bring the hit window fully backwards, 1 will keep it in the center, and 2 will move it to the front."
+ },
+ "HitPercentE": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Easy)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Easy difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentH": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Hard)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Hard difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentM": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Medium)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Medium difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitPercentX": {
+ "Name": "Hit Percent (Expert)",
+ "Description": "This determines how much of the phrase has to be accurately sung in order to fully fill the accuracy meter, in the Expert difficulty."
+ },
+ "HitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Hit Window",
+ "Description": "The size of the hit window, in milliseconds. Higher values allow notes to be hit earlier/later, smaller values require more precise timing."
+ },
+ "HopoLeniency": {
+ "Name": "HOPO Leniency",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a hopo is allowed to take a strum input. Strum after this time and it will overstrum."
+ },
+ "InfiniteFrontEnd": {
+ "Name": "Infinite Front End",
+ "Description": "If on, HOPOs and taps can be fretted before they enter to hit window (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "IsDynamic": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Hit Window",
+ "Description": "The timing window adjusts in size depending on how close together the notes are. The faster the notes are, the smaller the window becomes (guitar only)."
+ },
+ "StrumLeniency": {
+ "Name": "Strum Leniency",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a strum can be inputted before fretting the correct note. Fretting after this time will overstrum."
+ },
+ "StrumLeniencySmall": {
+ "Name": "Strum Leniency (No Notes)",
+ "Description": "The amount of time a note can be strummed before it enters the hit window and it still receive the strum. Strumming earlier than this will cause an overstrum."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowE": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Easy)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Easy difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowH": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Hard)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Hard difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowM": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Medium)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Medium difficulty."
+ },
+ "PitchWindowX": {
+ "Name": "Window Size (Expert)",
+ "Description": "Size of the pitch leniency window (in semitones); in other words, how off-pitch the player can sing, and the game will still detect as a correct note, in the Expert difficulty."
+ },
+ "PercussionHitWindow": {
+ "Name": "Percussion Hit Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "ChordStaggerWindow": {
+ "Name": "Chord Stagger Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "FatFingerWindow": {
+ "Name": "Fat Finger Window",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "DynamicScale": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Scale",
+ "Description": "The factor used to scale the distance between the notes before the dynamic hit window size is calculated."
+ },
+ "DynamicSlope": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Slope",
+ "Description": "Affects how fast the dynamic hit window itself shrinks."
+ },
+ "DynamicGamma": {
+ "Name": "Dynamic Window Gamma",
+ "Description": "Biases the dynamic hit window one way or another. Values below 1 gives, on average, a looser window."
+ },
+ "PerfectPitchPercent": {
+ "Name": "Perfect Pitch Percent",
+ "Description": ""
+ },
+ "SustainDropLeniency": {
+ "Name": "Sustain Drop Leniency",
+ "Description": ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }