This is a repository created for learning goals, I'm actually trying to create an analog of, but with a different content moderation and search. I see the problem and try to fix it, but there is no docker image or anything else that can be deployed on a production server. Where I know how to do more efficiently I write, otherwise I ask generative AI.
There's fullstack development on
, React
, MongoDB
- what = "version" -- why
- poetry ---- to install all
- python = "^3.10" -------- minimal python version
- fastapi = "^0.111.0" ---------- async API backend
- fastapi-cors = "^0.0.6" ---------- http operations
- motor = "^3.4.0" ---------------- async mongodb
- faker = "^25.2.0" ------------- generate test data
- nltk = "^3.8.1" ------------ data for moderations
- pandas = "^2.2.2" - load and process signatures
- better-profanity = "^0.7.0" --- moderate by lib
- npm ---- to install all
- "axios": "^1.6.8", ------------ aio http requests
- "react": "^18.3.1", -------- base front framework
- "react-dom": "^18.3.1", ---------- render DOM api
- "react-router-dom": "^6.23.1", -- front endpoints
- "react-scripts": "^5.0.1", -------- project tools
- "snyk": "^1.1291.0" ---------- test security code
clone repo
git clone
cd insightful_guardian
install poetry for py3 dependencies
pip install poetry
install python dependencies
poetry install
run backend through uvicorn in poetry shell
poetry shell
py backend/
cd frontend
install react/js dependencies
npm install
compile styles from sass to css
npm run compile:sass
run react front (as a separate server)
npm start
Closing is better to start with the frontend, then the backend, then the environments. I write tasks directly in the code via TODO: for convenience and clarity. Just relax, I know it's not the best code, but it works well enough