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Action Potential = Perceived Value / Friction
This model is based on the view that we make micro and macro calculations all the time, specifically in a way that is not directly known to us, and that by understanding those processes, simple or complex as they may be, we can very actively improve our lives, and more specifically our agency when it comes to their layout. One way I believe we can do so is using the view of action potential to look at what we do and how we can influence it.
At any given moment, big or small, we calculate what out next step, micro or macro is going to be. Our brains keep a score of the "potential" for each given action, then they go with one from the "top" of the list.
The calculation is simplified because at it's core, when going to a very low level it is simple. Action Potential = Perceived Value / Friction
It means simply, Action Potential increases along with Perceived Value and decreases along with Friction. An action having very high value is more likely to be taken, higher Action Potential. And an action with very low friction, a very easy action, is also more likely to be taken, higher Action Potential. Both cases can be nullified with the alteration of the second variable, so even with High Perceived Value, a lot of friction can reduce the Action Potential past the point where we won't ever care to expand energy on it. And the opposite is true for Low Friction, if the value inturn is low, no matter how "easy" the task is, it may not be taken.
An Action desire is that thing that your "higher mind" strives for, that thing you want to want. I call that higher mind [[The Sovereign Mind]] and like any sovereign, while it can sit on it's throne snugly, it cannot feasibly interact with the world itself on it's own, it needs to do so through many layers of abstraction, government, administration, advisors and rebellions. And even then the result will be conveyed to him through many channels in turn. We must assume that we do not have practical direct access to objective knowledge, and we must in turn assume we do not, or almost do not have practical access to what are our direct mind vectors of action. The main way we effect that vector, that [[Action Potential model|Action Potential]] is through manipulating the values around it. Something we already do automatically, but something that I argue, we should do intentionally and directly. In general I believe you should let your nature govern you towards what is right when that nature is built to deal with things you encounter, an issue that arises here (and in many cases) is that [[Human biological evolution vs societal evolution|we created a reality that is amazing, but that is so far ahead of what our bodies and brains evolved to deal with]], that it causes many issues if we just do "what feels natural" all of the time. And so to counteract that, [[Why we should have control over our minds|one must take control of their own mind]], realize it's ticks and turns, and play by the rules of that game towards the most interesting, productive fun, safe and rewarding goal one can muster.
I look at friction as that subjective thing that takes place at the moment itself, that actual element that stand in your way. It is not necessarily the difficulty of the task, but the difficulty of committing to that task (which is then affected by the perceived difficulty of the task too). Remember, we are talking about action potential, not about action. Higher action potential means you are likely to embark upon a task, but that does not mean the task itself is already done.
Sometimes there is something we dearly want to do but find ourselves again and again avoiding. To change that we need to take a look at the evaluation that our brains go though when avoiding or taking such activities Action Potential = Perceived Value / Friction
and take it apart step by step, then work to reinstate our mindset with this as a principle
We have an Action Desire which doesn't correlate with the Action Potential for this same action, to make it correlate there are a few things we can play with.
- Manipulate perceived value of action
- Manipulate friction of action
- Manipulate perceived value of inverse action
- Manipulate friction of inverse action
[!IDEA] Random tangent - how would this look with [[Branch based writing]]?
- Manipulate [Action's, Inverse Action's]
- perceived value
- friction Tangent update : this does not work when adding elements to the parents in the list which are not parents of the same element types.
The easiest way we know to "motivate" ourselves is to modify the existing actions attributes. This is the classic approach
Perceived Value - We can increase the perceived value of an action by using different actions. Thinking how amazing it would be to preform such action and how many rewards we would reap afterwards, we can promise ourselves things, lie to ourselves, make the value proposition high which in turn makes us more likely to go though. We can attach to external value, doing it for other people and telling ourselves (and them) how important it is for us to go through.
Friction (or Perceived Difficulty, Price ) - We can reduce friction of the action with other actions by doing some of the process ahead of time, removing things that stand in the way, removing distractions, making the situation more clear (when things are unclear or uncertain we tend to avoid taking action = increase friction). Reducing the feedback cycle of the task, making it more predictable
Every action has it's equally important counterpart, easily inferred by slapping a "not" before said action, the inverse action. Washing dishes, has not washing dishes to oppose it, helping a friend, not helping a friend, making dinner, not making dinner, etc. It's very common, especially when motivating others to manipulate the Inverse Action Potential instead of the Action Potential itself.
Perceived Negative Value - By attaching, increasing or otherwise manipulating the negative value of the Inverse Action, we can cause the Action Potential itself to increase. Easily achieved with punishments or threats. If you don't do the dishes you don't get to play, if you don't follow this law you will be sent to jail, if you don't brush your teeth they will rot and fall out,etc.
It is easy for us to look at those as something less useful than the Attributes of the action itself, as we learn often about the power of positive reinforcement over negative one, especially on the long term, but having all the tools in our toolbox is critical, and there are pros and cons to each approach, when fostering avoidance or when trying to work on something in the very short term negative reinforcement was shown to be very effective. Just note the side effects of the approach are usually more severe.
Friction (or Perceived Difficulty, Price )- Sometimes when we don't do something, it's because it's just so easy to keep not doing it, it's a default, a habit, cheaper, easier, or in other words, not doing the action has less friction. We can play around with this by making said Inverse Action, task avoidance, more difficult, less automatic, more intentional, etc.