Current status & short-term priorities can be traked on this repo’s project kanban board
dependencies between services (credential/service keys sharing between orchestrated service instances)
deploy namespaces (same mta, multiple instances within a space)
explicit modelling for service keys (currently only modelled as part of a service instance creation/update)
rolling deployment for both deploy/bg-deploy scenario (deployment resource)
service sharing
route services
modelling CF metadata
support for host-less routes
adoption of cf v.7 cli
d-s discovery via the service broker api
mta-id based cli interface (instead of process-id)
blue-green deploy keeping original app names
additional performance improvements (via caching of hashes, skipping operations)
loggregator v2 api support
autoscaling on high load (> 300 deploys/hour)
repository with multiapps examples on
‘hooks’ functionality, allowing to execute cf tasks on apps in different moments during deployment. Allows for orchestration of e.g. graceful shutdown or any on-update activities – e.g. triggering update of dependent tenant aware services.
partial deploy - ability to process only selected parts of the mta
many improvements toward deployment configuration (parameters) handling
configurable restart on app environment change
signature checking for deployed content
IDE editor support for the descriptors in VSCode & InteliJ (via static validation & auto-complete)
additional parallelization, after parallel app deployment was done – for service instnances and app deletion in bg-deploy scenarios.
configurable persistent state of service bindings / env vars / routes - merging existing deployment’s with the targeted’s
adoption of the CC V3 api
buildpacks (plural) support
reuse default domain value from CC
new cloud mta build tool - OSS tool for buld & assembly of MTA archives!
automatic retry of deployments on certain types of failure
handling backing service state during deployment e.g. last operation ‘in progress‘
support for up-to 4GB deployables
regularly executed load & stress tests
azure object store persistence
rate limiting