I'm a career transformer from a COTA (certified occupational therapy assistant) to a Software Engineer 😄
- 🔭 I'm a people person and love to help out, so I try and get involved in various tech communities and open-source projects. ❤️
- 🌱 I’m currently working on updating my awesome Bookstache application from CRUD app to a full-stack using RedwoodJs, so please keep an eye out for the new and improved Bookstache 2.0 😄
- 👯 Collaboration? I'm your gal! I love working with others because I always learn something new!
- 🤔 Yup that emoji face says it all, when I get lost or confused, I always ask questions! I want to understand even if I'm lost in the sauce.
- 💬 Ask me about anything!
- 📫 How to reach me: message me on twitter!
- 😄 Pronouns: she/her
- ⚡ Fun facts: I speak two languages, English and Japanese. I enjoy playing video games like Animal Crossing and RPGs. I have lived, studied, and worked abroad in Japan collectively for about eight years.