A GPT helper for jupyter notebook. Just say what you want ! Paste the token code in your Jupyter page before asking question
Example : "I have an image cross-05.tif and I would like to extract the intensity profile at x=200 and plot it with the image in the background. I also have a file Osc_2.txt with 2 columns. The first column represents time in ms and the second column represents the intensity of RHEED. I would like to plot this data in a separate graph." then click Send
Create an environnement conda and clone repository:
conda create --name verbose python=3.9
git clone https://github.com/Yopla38/Verbose.git
cd Verbose
I use chrome Version 111.0.5563.110. If not the same, download the good chromedriver version on https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads and push it on /Utils/chromedriver_linux64/
Active environnement:
conda activate verbose
Install jupyter notebook OR jupyter-lab
pip install notebook
pip install jupyterlab
Install all dependency:
pip install -r requirements.txt
OpenAI: You must have openaiKey to use this program. Open openAI_key.txt file and paste your openAIkey string, save it
python GUI_QT.py