- [README.md] line 62-63:
* __dataLog:__ csv formatted values expressed as _n_@_y_ for a _n_-th sampling result: _y_ with top left corner as origin.
* __*x*@*f(x)*:__ csv formatted values expressed as _x_@_f_ (_x_) for a value of _f_ (_x_) at _x_ with bottom left as origin.
- [README.md] line 124-125:
##\[1.2+\] Library list
* bootstrapEst-2.1/bootstrapMdl.js (Yuji SODE,2016): the MIT License; https://github.com/YujiSODE/bootstrapEst
- [README.md] line 115-118:
1. _P_(the upper 25% of given data):
2. _P_(0):
3. _P_(-1.96):
4. _P_(1.96):
- [README.md] line 111-113:
###_p_-value estimation
The sampled size by "draw2Sample.js":
<Sample size:2527>
_p_-value was estimated as probability on v-axis: _P_(
x) = _P_(_v_ >=
- P(the upper 25% of given data):
- P(0):
- P(-1.96):
- P(1.96):
- [README.md] line 79:
_p_-value is estimated as probability on v-axis: _P_(
x) = _P_(_v_ >=
- [README.md] line 67:
##\[v1.2+\] Estimating _p_-value
- [README.md] line 33:
* \(Optional \[v1.2+\]\) call "_pValue()" of "pValue.js", in order to estimate _p_-value; (see [__Estimating _p_-value__](#v12-estimating-p-value) for details of prameters).
- [README.md] line 29:
3. __\(Optional \[v1.2+\]\) Estimating _p_-value;__ _p_-value is estimated with "pValue.js" via _Sp_.
- [README.md] line 82-86:
Script 1:_pValue('1,2');
the result:{"p":0.504,"x":1.75,"sampleSize":100,"simulation":10}
Script 2:_pValue('1,2,3');
the result:{"p":0.323,"x":2.5,"sampleSize":100,"simulation":10}
Script 3:_pValue('1,2,3',1.1);
the result:{"p":0.676,"x":1.1,"sampleSize":100,"simulation":10}
Script 4:_pValue('1,2,3',2,10,1);
the result:{"p":0.6,"x":2,"sampleSize":10,"simulation":1}
- [README.md] line 79-80:
p-value is estimated as probability: _P_(
x) = _P_(_v_ >=
The estimation is based on resampled data with size (sampleSize
) for n-time (simulation
) simulations. - [README.md] line 70-78:
* data: numerical data as csv formatted text e.g., '1,2,3,...'
*===<optional parameters>===
* x: numerical value; the upper 25% of a given values as default
* sampleSize: numerical positive integer; 100 as default
* simulation: numerical positive integer; 10 as default
- [README.md] line 68-69:
* Probability estimator with given numerical data and bootstrap Method (Efron,1979) on Firefox.
- [README.md] line 33:
* \(Optional \[v1.2+\]\) call "_pValue()" of "pValue.js", in order to estimate p-value; (see [__Estimating p-value__](#v12-estimating-p-value) for details of prameters).
- [README.md] line 66-67:
##\[v1.2+\] Estimating p-value
- [README.md] line 33:
* \(Optional \[v1.2+\]\) call "_pValue()" of "pValue.js", in order to estimate p-value; (see [__Estimating p-value__]() for details of prameters).
- [README.md] line 29:
3. __\(Optional \[v1.2+\]\) Estimating p-value;__ p-value is estimated with "pValue.js" via _Sp_.
- [README.md] line 24:
* \[v1.2+\] pValue.js
- [pValue.js] line 21:
- [pValue.js] line 48-50:
- [pValue.js] line 19:
var slf=window,size=0,b,U,W,spt='',R={p:0,x:0,sampleSize:0,simulation:0};
- [pValue.js] line 18:
function _pValue(data,x,sampleSize,simulation){
- [pValue.js] line 9:
//probability estimator with given numerical data and bootstrap Method (Efron,1979) on Firefox.
- [pValue.js] line 29-34: added script using modified version of bootstrapEst-2.1/bootstrapMdl.js;
- added files: pValue.js
- [bootstrapEst-2.1/bootstrapMdl.js] line 6-13: removed
- [bootstrapEst-2.1/bootstrapMdl.js] line 14:
'var bts=function(A,n){var r=[],rdInt=0;for(var i=0;i<n;i+=1){rdInt=Math.floor(A.length*Math.random());r.push(A[rdInt]);}return r;},'
- [bootstrapEst-2.1/bootstrapMdl.js] line 1-10:
/*bootstrapEst-2.1/bootstrapMdl.js (Yuji SODE,2016)
* This software is released under the MIT License. See http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* the simple interface for estimation of a value of statistic, with bootstrap Method (Efron,1979).
* reference: Efron, B. 1979. Bootstrap Methods: Another Look at the Jackknife. Ann. Statist. vol. 7, no. 1, p. 1-26.