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Zephyr Stars |
Projects we like |
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These projects have been "starred" multiple times by the members of the Zephyr Foundation. Stars mean different things to different people, from "this is a useful tool for work" to "I want to be able to find this again" to "my buddy made a fundraising website". But it is expected that GitHub projects high on this list (i.e. starred by a large number of analytic transportation professionals) will tend to be in the first category.
- ActivitySim/activitysim (9 stars)
An Open Platform for Activity-Based Travel Modeling - tfresource/tfresource-website (6 stars)
Travel Forecasting Resource - website reboot - gregorbj/Archive-VisionEval (5 stars)
VisionEval Model System and Framework (formerly RSPM Framework) - jpn--/larch (5 stars)
Larch: a Python tool for choice modeling - ZephyrTransport/zephyr-stars (5 stars)
A website that tabulates GitHub stars given by transportation modeling professionals affiliated with the Zephyr Foundation. - ActivitySim/populationsim (4 stars)
An Open Platform for Population Synthesis - AequilibraE/aequilibrae (4 stars)
aequilibrae - Python package for transportation modeling - jpn--/python-for-transportation-modeling (4 stars)
How to use Python for a variety of transportation modeling tasks - matsim-org/matsim-libs (4 stars)
Multi-Agent Transport Simulation - tmip-emat/tmip-emat (4 stars)
Exploratory Modeling and Analysis Tool - zephyr-data-specs/GMNS (4 stars)
General Modeling Network Specification - AEP50/chandra-bot (3 stars)
Software to bring data intelligence to the TRB Annual Meeting Paper Review Process - arteagac/xlogit (3 stars)
A Python package for GPU-accelerated estimation of mixed logit models. - gboeing/osmnx (3 stars)
OSMnx is a Python package to easily download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap. - UDST/choicemodels (3 stars)
Python library for discrete choice modeling - VisionEval/VisionEval (3 stars)
Public release version of the VisionEval framework - ageron/handson-ml (2 stars)
⛔️ DEPRECATED – See instead. - asu-trans-ai-lab/DTALite-Classic-Edition (2 stars)
DTALite-Classic-Edition (before adopting GMNS standard QVDF functions in 2020) - BayAreaMetro/travel-model-one (2 stars)
Travel Model One and Travel Model 1.5 - BayAreaMetro/travel-modeling-as-science (2 stars)
A collaborative, evolving, proposal to improve travel modeling research and practice - bstabler/TransportationNetworks (2 stars)
Transportation Networks for Research - dalmia/Deep-Learning-Book-Chapter-Summaries (2 stars)
Attempting to make the Deep Learning Book easier to understand. - e-lo/forecastcards (2 stars)
Data specification for travel forecasting cards in order to assess performance of travel forecasts - EntaiWang99/Traffic-Assignment-with-Recursive-Logit-Model (2 stars)
- Fast-Trips/fast-trips (2 stars)
Dynamic transit assignment tool - gregmacfarlane/ctpp_flows (2 stars)
CTPP Tract-based work flow data - gregmacfarlane/omxr (2 stars)
Open Matrix API for R - ipeaGIT/r5r (2 stars)
- joshchea/python-tdm (2 stars)
Python modules for typical travel demand modeling calculations - jpn--/arrowmatrix (2 stars)
A matrix file format - mattflor/chorddiag (2 stars)
R interface to D3 chord diagrams - Metropolitan-Council/metc-asim-model (2 stars)
- metrotransit/route-trends (2 stars)
RShiny app to upload and analyze trend and seasonality of transit ridership data - michelbierlaire/biogeme (2 stars)
Biogeme is an open source freeware designed for the maximum likelihood estimation of parametric models in general, with a special emphasis on discrete choice models. - osPlanning/omx (2 stars)
Open Matrix (OMX) - pedrocamargo/map_matching (2 stars)
Map matching - RSGInc/DaySim (2 stars)
DaySim Activity-Based Model - sullivannicole/StreetLight-API (2 stars)
Making API calls to the StreetLight data platform using the R language - Triangle-Modeling-and-Analytics/TRMG2 (2 stars)
The second generation of the Triangle Regional Model - walkerke/tidycensus (2 stars)
Load US Census boundary and attribute data as 'tidyverse' and 'sf'-ready data frames in R - wsp-sag/network_wrangler (2 stars)
A Python Library for Managing Travel Model Network Scenarios - wsp-sag/tcadr (2 stars)
A library to read/write TransCAD binary files in R. - ZephyrTransport/travel-diary-survey-tools (2 stars)
For collaborating on Travel Diary Survey Tools
The list of starred projects is based on these GitHub users.
- Andrew Rohne (AndrewTheTM)
- David Ory (DavidOry)
- Suzanne Childress (Ennazus)
- Jonathan Ehrlich (JonathanEhrlichMC)
- Vince Bernardin (VinceBernardin)
- Xuesong (Simon) Zhou (asu-trans-ai-lab)
- Alex Bettinardi (bettinardi)
- Bhargava Sana (bhargavasana)
- Billy Charlton (billyc)
- Brian Gardner (brigar)
- Ben Stabler (bstabler)
- Charles Gorugantula (cgkcmo)
- Clint Daniels (danielsclint)
- Dan Flynn (dflynn-volpe)
- Kyle Ward (dkyleward)
- Elizabeth Sall (e-lo)
- Gregory Erhardt (gregerhardt)
- Greg Macfarlane (gregmacfarlane)
- Brian Gregor (gregorbj)
- Jan Zill (janzill)
- Joel Freedman (jfdman)
- Julie Dunbar (jkpdunbar)
- Joe Flood (JoeJimFlood)
- Peiheng Li (jdlph)
- Josie Kressner (josiekre)
- Jeff Newman (jpn--)
- Krishnan Viswanathan (krishnan-viswanathan)
- Leta Huntsinger (leta-huntsinger)
- Lisa Zorn (lmz)
- Mike Mahut (mike-mahut)
- Marty Milkovits (mmilkovits)
- Michelle Bina (mnbina)
- Rolf Moeckel (moeckel)
- Mohamed Salah Mahmoud (moh-salah)
- Pedro Camargo (pedrocamargo)
- Rachel Copperman (rcopperman)
- Rick Donnelly (rickdonnelly)
- Rosella Picado (rosellapicado)
- Scott Ramming (sramming)
- Taehooie Kim (Taehooie)
- Tom Rossi (tfrossi)
- Timothy Brathwaite (timothyb0912)
Zephyr members are invited to contribute in two ways:
- If you’re already included on our list, go out and put GitHub stars on projects you use or like.
- You can propose additions to the list of known users, either by adding yourself, or by adding respected colleagues working in our industry. You can do so by making a pull request on the known-users.yml file in the Zephyr Stars repository. If you’re not familiar with Git, this is your opportunity to learn a bit how to use it. For a simple repository update like this, you can do it entirely on and you don’t even need to download or install anything (although you’ll certainly want to eventually if you want to really use Git).
Last updated Jun 20, 2024