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CppML Reference

The constructs of CppML are divided in into several smaller libraries, which are described below:

Library Description
Algorithm Algorithms over parameter packs (e.g. Sort, ZipWith, etc.)
Arithmetic Arithmetic operations on type-values (e.g. Greater, Not, etc.)
Functional Manipulation of metafunctions (e.g. Curry, Map, etc.)
Pack Manipulation of parameter packs (e.g. Drop, Get, etc.)
TypeTraits Insights into types (e.g. IsSame, IsClass, etc.)
Vocabulary Vocabulary types of CppML (e.g. ListT, Value, etc.)


CppML is structured as follows:

  • each library has an associated header .hpp and a directory of the same name in the CppML/ directory. For example, the Algorithm library has an Algorithm.hpp header located in the include/CppML
  • every component of each library has a dedicated .hpp header inside the libraries associated directory. For example, Sort, a component of the Algorithm library, has a header located at include/CppML/Algorithm/Sort.hpp.

Thus, to use any component, you can either include its specific header (e.g. #include <CppML/Algorithm/Sort.hpp>), or include its libraries header #include <CppML/Algorithm.hpp>. Note that you may include all libraries at once using #include <CppML/CppML.hpp>.


Find the algorithm of your interest in the table below. Each of them has it own reference page, where you can find a specification of its structure, a definition of its metafunction type, and an example of use.

Construct Description Type of f in ::f >-> Pipe
AllOf Checks if a Predicate holds for all of Ts.... Ts... -> Bool<t>
AnyOf Checks if a Predicate holds for any of Ts.... Ts... -> Bool<t>
Contains Checks if Ts... contains T. Ts... -> Bool<t>
CountIf Counts Ts... for which the Predicate holds. Ts... -> Bool<t>
Filter Filters Ts..., for which the Predicate holds. Ts... -> Us...
FilterIds Filters indexes of Ts..., for which the Predicate holds. Ts... -> Int<Is>...
FindIdIf Index of Ts... for which the Predicate holds. Ts... -> Int<I>
FindIdIfNot Index of Ts... for which the Predicate does not hold. Ts... -> Int<I>
FindIf Element of Ts... for which the Predicate holds. Ts... -> T
FindIfNot Element of Ts... for which the Predicate does not hold. Ts... -> T
GroupBy Groups Ts..., given their image under By. Ts... -> ListT<Us...>...
GroupIdsBy Groups indexes of Ts..., given their (T's) image under By. Ts... -> ListT<Int<Is>...>...
InclusiveScan Inclusive scan under the binary F. Ts... -> T0, F(T0, T1), ...
MaxElement Get maximal element, given a Comparator. Ts... -> U
NoneOf Checks if a Predicate holds for none of Ts.... Ts... -> Bool<t>
Partition Partitions Ts... given a Predicate. Ts... -> ListT<Us...>...
PartitionIds Partitions indexes of Ts... given a Predicate. Ts... -> ListT<Int<Is>...>...
Pivot Pivots Ts... around the N-th element, making it the first. Ts... -> Us...
Reduce Reduce Ts..., given an accumulator F. Init, Ts... -> U
RemoveIdsIf Removes indexes of Ts... for which the Predicate holds. Ts... -> Us...
RemoveIf Removes elements of Ts... for which the Predicate holds. Ts... -> Int<Is>...
ReplaceIf Replace Ts..., for which the Predicate holds, by U. Ts... -> Us...
Rotate Pivots Ts... in the range [First, Middle, Last). Ts... -> Us...
Sort Sorts Ts..., given a Comparator. Ts... -> Us...
UniqueCompare Unique elements of Ts..., given a Comparator. Ts... -> Us...
Unique Unique elements of Ts.... Ts... -> Us...
ZipWith Zips two lists with a With template. Ts... -> With<Us...>...
ZipWithVariadic Zips two lists with a variadic With template. Ts... -> With<Us...>...


Find the construct of your interest in the table below. Each of them has it own reference page, where you can find a specification of its structure, a definition of its metafunction type, and an example of use.

Construct Description Type of f in ::f >-> Pipe
Add Adds two Values. Value<T, t>, Value<U, u> -> Value<V, t + u>
Decrement Decrements a Value Value<t, T> -> Value<--t, T>
Divide Divides two Values. Value<T, t>, Value<U, u> -> Value<V, t / u>
Equals Equality check for Values. Value<T, t>, Value<U, u> -> Bool<t>
Greater Greater for Values. Value<T, t>, Value<U, u> -> Bool<t>
Increment Increments a Value. Value<t, T> -> Value<++t, T>
Less Less for Values. Value<T, t>, Value<U, u> -> Bool<t>
Multiply Multiplies two Values. Value<T, t>, Value<U, u> -> Value<V, t * u>
Not Negates a Value. Bool<t> -> Bool< not t>
Subtract Subtracts two Values. Value<T, t>, Value<U, u> -> Value<V, t + u>


Contains functional utilities (e.g. Map). You can include any construct separately by CppML/Functional/<name>.hpp, or include the entire header CppML/Functional.hpp.

Find the construct of your interest in the table below. Each of them has it own reference page, where you can find a specification of its structure, a definition of its metafunction type, and an example of use.

Construct Description Type of f in ::f >-> Pipe
Bind Metafunction with args bound to specific positions. Ts... -> Us...
BranchPipe Branches to one of two Pipes, given a Predicate. Ts... -> Ts...
Compose Composition of metafunctions Fs.... Ts... -> F0(F1(...(Fn(Us...)
Constant Metafunction that always forwards U. Ts... -> U
Curry The Curry (from the left) operator T0s... -> T1s... -> Us...
CurryR The Curry (from the right) operator T1s... -> T0s... -> Us...
DelayedEval Delays an evaluation until compiler knows the arity. Ts... -> Us...
f Invokes the f alias of the metafunction F Ts... -> F::f<Ts...>
F Lifts a template to a metafunction Ts... -> Template<Ts...>
fx Invokes the metafunction on Ts... Ts... -> Us... -> Us...
Identity Identity metafunction. T -> T
IfElse Chooses between T and U. T, U -> V
Map Maps Ts... by F. Ts... -> F(Ts)...
Partial Partial evaluation of F on T0s... from the left T1... -> F(T0..., T1...)
PartialR Partial Evaluation of F on T1s... from the right T0... -> F(T0..., T1...)
Product Product of metafunctions Fs... Ts... -> Fs(Ts...)...
ProductMap Product map of metafunctions Fs Ts... -> Fs(Ts)...
ToList Wraps Ts... in an ListT Ts... -> ListT<Ts...>
ToValue Invokes ::value on Ts... Value<Ts, ts>... -> ts...
Unwrap Unwraps the template around Ts... Template<Ts...> -> Ts...


Contains utilities for manipulating parameter packs. You can include any construct separately by CppML/Pack/<name>.hpp, or include the entire header CppML/Pack.hpp.

Find the construct of your interest in the table below. Each of them has it own reference page, where you can find a specification of its structure, a definition of its metafunction type, and an example of use.

Construct Description Type of f in ::f >-> Pipe
Drop Drops first N of Ts... T1, ... Tn, Ts... -> Ts...
Front Gets first element of Ts... T, Ts... -> T
Get Gets N-th element of Ts... T1, ... Tn, Ts... -> Tn
Head First N of Ts... T1, ... Tn, Ts... -> T1, ... Tn
Insert Inserts U as N-th element of Ts... T1, ... Tn, Ts... -> T1, ... U, Tn, Ts...
Length Length of Ts... Ts... -> Int<sizeof...(Ts)
Concat Concatenates N templates T T<A0s...>... -> T<A0s..., A1s..., Ans...>
PackExtractor Extracts N-th element. Int<N> -> T
Prepend Prepends T to Ts... Ts... -> T, Ts...
Range Pack of Int<I> in range From, To -> Int<From>..., Int<To - 1>
Tail Last N of Ts... Ts..., T_{-N}, ... T_{-1} -> T_{-N}, ... T_{-1}


Contains metafunctions that reason about the input types. You can include any construct separately by CppML/TypeTraits/<name>.hpp, or include the entire header CppML/TypeTraits.hpp.

Construct Description Type of f in ::f >-> Pipe
AlignOf Get alignment of T T -> Int<alignof(T)>
IsClass Checks if T is a class type T -> Bool<t>
IsConstructible Checks if T is constructable from Ts... T, Ts... -> Bool<t>
IsConvertible Checks if T is convertible to U T, U -> Bool<t>
IsSame Checks if T and U are the same type T, U -> Bool<t>
IsSameTemplate Checks if T<Ts...> and U<Us...> are the same template T<Ts...>, U<Us...> -> Bool<t>
IfValidOr F::f<Ts...> if it is not ill-formed, else U U, F, Ts... -> V
IsValid Check if F invoked on Ts... is not ill-formed F, Ts... -> Bool<t>


Contains the vocabulary constructs of CppML. You can include any construct separately by CppML/Vocabulary/<name>.hpp, or include the entire header CppML/Vocabulary.hpp.

Find the construct of your interest in the table below. Each of them has it own reference page, where you can find a specification of its structure, a definition of its metafunction type, and an example of use.

Construct Description
Value Represents a type-value
List Represents a list of types
None Represents the nothing type