Implementation notes
Allow get actual chat info even it not present in dialogs list.
After executing the request, the data is available in dialogs list.
This method is available in both synchronous and asynchronous implementations
Parameter |
Description |
The data type of the parameter |
Required parameter |
ChatId |
Filter messages by chatId Примеры: for private messages and for the group. |
String |
Parameter |
Description |
The data type of the parameter |
Image |
HTTPS link on avatar or group image | String |
ChatId |
The unique ID of the chat | String |
ChatName |
The name of the chat | String |
ChatCreator |
The Creator of the chat | String |
LastMessageTime |
Date of last message in chat | DateTime |
ChatCreationDate |
Date the chat was created | DateTime |
AdditionalChatInfo |
Additional info about chat | AdditionalChatInfo |
Parameter |
Description |
The data type of the parameter |
IsGroup |
Flag indicating whether information was uploaded by group or by chat | Boolean |
Participants |
Participants of the dialogue | ParticipantsCollection |
GroupInviteLink |
Link to the invitation to the group | String |
using System;
using ChatApi.Core.Connect;
using ChatApi.Core.Connect.Interfaces;
using ChatApi.Core.Response.Interfaces;
using ChatApi.WA.Dialogs;
using ChatApi.WA.Dialogs.Requests;
using ChatApi.WA.Dialogs.Responses.Interfaces;
using ChatApiClient.Properties;
namespace ChatApiClient
internal class Program
public static IWhatsAppConnect Connect { get; set; }
private static void Main()
// put your chat-api's data
Connect = new WhatsAppConnect(WhatsApp_Server, WhatsApp_Instance, WhatsApp_Token);
IDialogOperations dialogOperations = new DialogOperations(Connect);
var dialogRequest = new DialogRequest
ChatId = ""
var chatApiResponse = dialogOperations.GetDialog(dialogRequest);
if (!chatApiResponse.IsSuccess) throw chatApiResponse.Exception!;
var response = chatApiResponse.GetResult();