Releases: a3rev/a3-portfolio
Releases · a3rev/a3-portfolio
= 2.5.1 - 2018/02/13 =
- Maintenance Update. Under the bonnet tweaks to keep your plugin running smoothly and is the foundation for new features to be developed this year
- Framework - Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.2
- Framework - Add Framework version for all style and script files
- Tweak - Update for full compatibility with a3rev Dashboard plugin
- Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.4
= 2.5.0 - 2017/06/10 =
- Feature - Launched a3 Portfolio public Github Repository
- Feature - WordPress Translation activation. Add text domain declaration in file header.
- Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WordPress major version 4.8.0
- Tweak - Include bootstrap modal script into plugin framework
- Tweak - Update a3rev plugin framework to latest version
= 2.4.6 - 2017/05/03 =
- Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.4
- Dev - Define new a3_portfolio_get_permalink_structure function to get new permalink structure of Portfolio on WP 4.7.4
- Fix - Set rewrite rules just for sub pages of main Portfolio pages to resolve conflicts with other plugins that have custom rewrite rules