The labs in this section cover programming with the Python
language. So the installation of an appropriate compiler is required. | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Addition |
2 | Modulo Operator |
3 | Arithmetic | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Bill Generation |
2 | Largest number among 2 |
3 | Largest number among 3 |
4 | Number Comparison |
5 | Comparisons |
6 | Grades |
7 | Odd Even |
8 | Leap Year |
9 | Number Roots | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Armstrong Number |
2 | Patterns |
3 | PrimeNumber |
4 | Digit Sum |
4. Applications | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Triangle Area with sides |
2 | Distance |
3 | Triangle Area with points |
4 | Line Intersection |
5 | Triangle Radian |
6 | Right angled triangle |
7 | Largest number |
8 | Range of Digits |
9 | Cell Multiplication |