- Repo config
- Log viewing
- Tags
- Branches
- Remote tracking
- Stash
- Submodule
- Setup SSH keys
- Repo cleanup
- Misc
git config --list
- Show configuration -
git config --list --local
- Show configuration of the local repo -
git config --list --show-origin
- Show configuration and the config file setting up -
View user and email used for git commit
git config user.name
git config user.email
- To set user + email
git config user.name "<user-name>"
git config user.email "<user-email-address>"
- Reduce time consumed by
git log
git config --global core.commitGraph true
git config --global gc.writeCommitGraph true
cd /path/to/repo
git commit-graph write
- Clone repo on
but ssl is not working git -c http.sslVerify=false
Simple view
git log --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline
Log with date/time + author
git log --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit --pretty=format:"%C(cyan)%h %C(yellow)%ad%Cred%d %Cgreen [%an:%ae] %Creset%s" --decorate --date=iso
git tag <tag_name>
- Create a taggit tag -d <tag_name>
- Delete a taggit tag -l | sort -V
- See tags in the sort ordergit push --tags
- Push tags to remote- Rename an old tag
git tag <new_tag_name> <old_tag_name>
git tag -d <old_tag_name>
git push origin :refs/tags/<old_tag_name>
git branch -avv
- List all local branchesgit branch -arvv
- List all local + remote branchesgit branch --remote --list origin*
- List branch of a specific remotegit branch -d {the_local_branch}
- Remove branch locallygit push origin --delete {the_remote_branch}
- Remove remote branchgit checkout --orphan newbranch
- Create a branch in a old repo without history
To view remote tracking of the branches
- simple command
git branch -rvv
- more detailed view
git remote show origin
- simple command
List all currently configured remotes
git remote -v
- To set remote of a repository
git remote add <remote_name> <url>
- To remove a remote
git remote rm <remote_name>
- To set/change URL for a remote
git remote set-url origin <url>
- To set remote of a branch
git branch branch_name --set-upstream-to <remote_name/branch_name>
- Push and track a remote branch
git push --set-upstream <remote_name> <branch_name>
- To remove upstream tracking of a branch
git branch --unset-upstream <branch_name>
- Show information about a remote
git remote show <remote>
- Download all changes from remote but don't merged into HEAD
git fetch <remote>
- Re-sync git to remove dead remote tracking and tags
git fetch --all --prune --prune-tags
option tells Git to remove all remote-tracking references. -
Download changes and merge/integrated into HEAD
git pull <remote> <branch>
- Push local commits to remote
git push <remote> <branch>
- Push a specific commit id to remote
git push origin <commit_id_has>:master
- Push everything
git push --all
- chmod changes
git diff --summary | grep 'mode change 100755 => 100644' | cut -d' ' -f7- | xargs --no-run-if-empty -d'\n' chmod +x
git diff --summary | grep 'mode change 100644 => 100755' | cut -d' ' -f7- | xargs --no-run-if-empty -d'\n' chmod -x
Temporarily saves changes of half-done work.
git stash
- Temporarily stores all modified tracked filesgit stash -u
- Temporarily stores all modified tracked files + includes new filesgit stash -a
- Temporarily stores all modified tracked files + includes ignore files toogit stash list
- Show list of stashesgit stash pop
- Restore changes from the most recently stashedgit stash pop stash@{1}
- Restore a specific stash and remove it from the listgit stash drop
- Clear the most recently stashedgit stash drop stash@{1}
- Clear a specific stashgit stash show
- Summary of the changesgit stash show -p
- Summary of the changes in patch formatgit stash branch new-branch-name stash@{1}
- Create branch from git stashgit stash apply
- Apply stash changesgit stash clear
- Clear all stashesgit stash save "add style to our site"
- Save stash with comments
git submodule init
- Initialize local repo for a new submodule -
git submodule update --recursive
- Update submodule to the committed state -
git submodule update --recursive --remote
- Get the latest updates for remote branches -
git submodule update --init
- Above two commands can be executed using the single command -
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Fetch submodule in an existing cloned repo -
git submodule status --recursive
- Status of the submodule -
git submodule add -f link-to-new-repo path/to/folder/to/checkout/repo
- Add a new repo as a submodule -
git clone --recurse-submodules link-to-repo
- Clone a repo having submodule(s) -
git submodule update --remote <submodule-name>
- Update a specific submodule -
git diff --submodule
- Show diff of the submodules -
git push --recurse-submodules=check
- Push changes to the superproject only if all submodules are pushed also -
git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand
- Push changes to the submodules and then push the superproject changes -
git submodule foreach '<arbitrary-command-to-run>'
- Run arbitrary commands on each submodulegit submodule foreach 'git status'
- Rungit status
for each submodulegit submodule foreach --recursive git fetch
- Run `git fetch for each submodule
Check out the master and update all submodules
git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master
git submodule foreach --recursive git pull
- Pull/fetch changes for submodules
git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master
git submodule foreach --recursive git pull
- Remove a submodule
git submodule deinit path/to/folder/having/repo/as/submodule
git rm path/to/folder/having/repo/as/submodule
git submodule mv old/path/to/submodule new/path/to/submodule
- Moving a submodule to another path
Let's manage two git accounts where first one is treated as a primary one.
- Create a folder to have ssh keys
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
chmod u+rwx ~/.ssh
- Create key for primary user
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "primary_user@primary.com" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_primary
- After entering yoru passphrase, two files will be generated:
Your identification has been saved in ~/.ssh/id_rsa_primary.
Your public key has been saved in ~/.ssh/id_rsa_primary.pub.
Create key for secondary user
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "secondary_user@secondary.com" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_secondary
- After entering yoru passphrase, two files will be generated:
Your identification has been saved in ~/.ssh/id_rsa_secondary.
Your public key has been saved in ~/.ssh/id_rsa_secondary.pub.
Start the ssh-agent in the background.
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
- View active keys
ssh-add -L
- Add above generated SSH private key(s) to the ssh-agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_primary
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_secondary
To test ssh key with github.com:
ssh -T git@github.com
Copy above generated SSH private key(s) to the clipboard
xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa_primary.pub
xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa_secondar.pub
- Set configuration file to manage both accounts.
touch ~/.ssh/config
- Add following texts in the above created
Host github-primary
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_primary
Host github-secondary
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_secondary
- Test connection
ssh git@github.com
- Now to checkout a repo against a specific user:
git clone github-secondary:git-hub-user-name/repo-name
- Config user name and email as per your github account:
git config user.name "git-hub-user-name"
git config user.email "git-hub-email-visible-to-others"
git reflog expire --expire=now --all
git gc --prune=now
git stash clear
git fsck --unreachable
git reflog expire --expire=0 --all
git repack -a -d -l
git prune
git gc --aggressive --prune=now
- Count number of commits b/w two commits
git log starthash..endhash --pretty=oneline | wc -l
- List un-tracked files
git ls-files . --exclude-standard --others
- List ignored files
git ls-files --exclude-standard --others --ignored
- List ignored files in a specific directory
git ls-files --exclude-standard --others --ignored --directory </path/to/directory>
- Remove a file from history (Becareful: It will change git hash values.)
git filter-branch -f --index-filter "git rm -rf --cached --ignore-unmatch path/to/file-or-folder/to/be/removed" HEAD
# Remove backup
git update-ref -d refs/original/refs/heads/master
# Once happy with removal, repackage git repo
git for-each-ref --format='delete %(refname)' refs/original | git update-ref --stdin
git reflog expire --expire=now --all
git gc --prune=now
Revert to a commit in the history
git reflog
- Find your commitgit reset HEAD@{1}
- Revert to the commit assuming it is HEAD@{1}. -
List only deleted items for commit
git ls-files --deleted -z | xargs -0 git rm
Create empty commit
git commit --allow-empty -m "Do an empty commit"
- Amend the date of the latest commit (Change the date to up to date)
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(date)" git commit --amend --no-edit --date "$(date)"
- Amend author the last commit
git commit --amend --author="aakbar5 <16612387+aakbar5@users.noreply.github.com>"
Generate patch with binary file -
git format-patch --full-index --binary <commit-id>
- Now use
git am *.patch
command to apply patches.
- Now use
Update your forked repo with the original repo
git checkout <local-branch>
git remote -v
git remote add upstream </path/to/original/repo>
git remote -v
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/branch-name