Useful commands using sed.
- sed (stream editor)
-- in place text editings
-- the substitute commandg
-- global (replace all occurrence)original
-- original textnew
-- new text
sed -n '/test1/,/test2/p' file.txt
In found lines search strings will be included.
To exclude search strings
sed -n '/test1/,/test2/{/test1/b;/test2/b;p}' file.txt
sed -i '/original/c\new' file.txt
sed -i 's/original/new/g' file.txt
sed -i "s/$original/new/g" file.txt
is used instead of'
. - NOTE:
means env variable is used.
can be used with Bash parameter expansion trick which allows you to use default value if env variable is not set. For example
Let's assume ORIGINAL_ENV
is not set, original variable will end up with having default_value
sed -i "s|$original|new|g" file.txt
echo "a,b" | sed 's/,/\n/g'
echo "a/b" | sed 's/\//\n/g'
echo "a b" | sed 's/\s/\n/g'
echo "a b" | sed 's/\s\+/\n/g'
echo "a b" | sed 's/\s\+/\n/g'
echo " a b" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
echo " a b" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
echo "a b " | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'
echo "a b " | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'
-- Use posix standard to specify space which will handle tabs too.
sed -i '/^string/d' file.txt