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Understanding what Costs in Materialize

Materialize builds dataflow graphs that represents queries. The operators in these graphs can either be stateless (as in a Map, Filter, or Project operator) or stateful. Stateful operators hold on to arrangements of records, which are the main contributor to memory footprint in Materialize. Arrangements can be shared between operators that need the same data, which can ameliorate some of the cost.

Let's talk through what an arrangement is, which operators require arrangements, and what we can do about them.

What is an "Arrangement"?

An arrangement is an alternative representation of a stream of update triples (data, time, diff). In stream form, the triple pass by and are gone. An arrangement records these triples, and indexes them by data. With some caveats about "logical compaction", the index maintains the current accumulation of diff for each (data, time). This means that the size of an arrangement should be roughly the current size of the accumulated updates, where "zero" accumulations contribute nothing. An arrangement undergoes "physical compaction" lazily, which means that the actual size of an arrangement can exceed the logical size, for what should be a bounded amount of time.

An arrangement only costs proportional to the number of distinct (data, time) pairs. This number can be small even if the number of records is large, if we were able to reduce data to few values. For example, if we want to histogram taxi rides by number of occupants and fare amount, there may be few distinct pairs despite many records.

Arrangements are actually indexed assuming that data has a (key, val) structure. The index is by key, which will be important in understanding when arrangements can be shared and reused. Materialize will attempt to choose a key to ensure that the data are well distributed. For example, if a collection has a primary key, Materialize will default to this key for an arrangement. Each of key and val can be (), corresponding to "no key" and "the key is the value", respectively.

Materialize only stores each column once in an arrangement. If a relation is indexed by a subset of its columns, the key columns will be de-duplicated from the value, such that the value only contains non-key columns. This avoids a memory overhead otherwise incurred by storing the same data multiple times.

To investigate the existing arrangements, query the mz_arrangement_sizes logging source. There are several diagnostic views in mz_catalog that connect this information to operator names, and group it by dataflow.

Which operators need Arrangements?

We create more arrangements that just those to house materialized sources and views. Many internal operators require arrangements so that they can respond efficiently to changes. For example, the differential dataflow join operator requires that each of its two inputs be an arrangement. Specifically, each arrangement must have as its key the fields that will be equated by the join. Additionally, the differential dataflow reduce operator requires that both its input and its output be an arrangement. These two operators are at the heart of the arrangement use in Materialize, because we construct relational operators out of them.

Materialize has several relational operators that are "rendered" using differential join and reduce operators. These are the operators you would see in explain plan for <query>. There is a more complicated mapping from SQL to these operators.

Our Join operator joins together a sequence of input relations. It creates a sequence of differential join operators, each of which need to have both inputs be arrangements. This means that in addition to arranging each of the join inputs, it arranges each of the intermediate results. For example, in the figure below, each A is an arrangement.

    In2 --> A  In3 --> A  In4 --> A
             \          \          \
    In1 --> A-Join --> A-Join --> A-Join --> Out

To join four inputs together, there are six arrangements. Some of these input arrangements could be shared, but most likely the intermediate arrangements cannot.

Our Reduce operator builds a non-trivial dataflow subgraph. In the subgraph, arrangements always come in input-output pairs.

As of v0.7.1, the dataflow subgraph depends on 1) what types of aggregations are involved and 2) the type of input for the reduce.

Distinct (no aggregations)

Creates a pair of arrangements, each with row count <number of groups> and row width <width of key>.

In -> InA -> OutA -> Out

Only accumulable aggregations (sum/counts/any/all):

Creates a pair of arrangements, each with row count <number of groups> and row width <width of key> + <width of aggregation columns>.

In -> InA -> OutA -> Out

Only hierarchical aggregations (min/max) on an append-only input:

Same as the "Only accumulable aggregations" case above.

Only hierarchical aggregations (min/max) on other inputs:

Hierarchical aggregations on inputs that are not append-only have ceil(log_16(expected_group_size)) stages. If an expected_group_size has not been supplied via query hint, the default value is 4 billion.

In the nth to last stage, the rows belonging to the same group are hashed across 16^(n-1) subgroups. The top value from each subgroup advances to the n-1th to last stage.

Thus, for each group, the input arrangement of the nth to last stage will contain min(16^n, <size of group>) rows. The exception is the first stage, which will always contain all rows from the input.

The output arrangement of the final stage is supposed to contain the top row for each group. For all other stages, the output arrangement contains the rows in the input arrangement of that stage that are not in the input arrangement of the next stage.

A two-stage dataflow would look like this:

In -> PrevStgInA -> PrevStgOutA -> Subtract -> FinStgInA -> FinStgOutA -> Out
           \                           /

The row width for all arrangements in this case are <width of key> + <width of aggregation columns>.

A general heuristic for the total row count of all the arrangements, assuming a well-chosen expected_group_size, is (2 + epsilon) * <number of distinct rows>. The input arrangement of the first stage will always contain all rows from the input. <row count of the input arrangement of the second stage> + <row count of the output arrangement of the first stage> is always equal to <row count of the input arrangement of the first stage>.

For best performance, we recommend always specifying an accurate expected_group_size if you have this kind of aggregation.

Specifying an expected_group_size that is magnitudes larger than the actual sizes of each group will result in there being unnecessary stages that don't reduce the number of candidate rows at all, resulting in the arrangements having a total row count of > 3 * <number of distinct rows>.

Specifying an expected_group_size that is magnitudes smaller than the actual sizes of each group may result in increased query latency for some input streams. We recalculate the top row in a subgroup whenever the subgroup receives an update. Thus, having too many rows in a subgroup will result in more frequent and more expensive recalculating effort.

Other aggregations (jsonb_agg + others):

A pair of arrangements are produced for each aggregation of type "other". The input arrangement has row count <number of distinct rows> and row width <width of key> + <width of column being aggregated>. The output arrangement has row count <number of groups> and row width <width of key> + <width of aggregation columns>

In -> InA -> OutA -> Out

If there are multiple aggregations of type "other", then there will be a pair of arrangements collating the results of the type "other" aggregations. The input collation arrangement size equal to the concatenation of the output arrangements for each aggregation, except that there is an extra byte on every row to mark which aggregation the row came from. The output collation arrangement has row count <number of groups> and row width <width of key> + <width of aggregation columns>.

In -> <Other agg 1 branch > -> Concat -> CollationInA -> CollationOutA -> Out
  \                              /
   < Other agg 2 branch > ------>

Aggregations on distinct values

Min and Max aggregations on distinct values are computed the same as min and max aggregations on non-distinct values because they have the same result.

Each other aggregation on distinct values requires an additional pair of arrangements on top of the arrangements required for the particular aggregation type. The arrangements have row count <count(distinct <key + aggregation columns>)> and row width <width of key> + <width of aggregation columns>.

For example, if we had

select sum(distinct col1), sum(distinct col2), sum(col3)
from t
group by key

there would be a pair of arrangements for the fact that all aggregations are accumulable. There would be two more pairs of arrangements for the fact that two of the aggregations are on distinct values.

In -> Distinct1InA -> Distinct1OutA -> Concat -> AccumulableInA -> AccumulableOutA -> Out
 \ \                                /   /
  \ Distinct2InA -> Distinct2OutA ->   /
   \                                  /

Combination of different types of aggregations

The dataflow splits into n branches, where n is the number of different types of aggregations present. A pair of arrangements that collate the results so all the aggregations show up in one row.

In -> <Accumulable agg branch> ---> Concat -> CollationInA -> CollationOutA -> Out
 \  \                               /   /
  \   <Hierarchical agg branch> -->    /
   \                                  /
    <Other agg branch> -------------->

The input collation arrangement is the same size as the concatenation of the last arrangement of every branch, except that there is an extra byte on every row to mark which branch the row came from.

The output collation arrangement has row count <number of groups> and row width <width of key> + <width of all aggregations>.

Our TopK operator builds a sequence of 16 reduce operators. Each reduce operator applies the TopK logic over progressively coarser groups The final group is just by the group key.

Our Threshold operator creates one reduce operator.

Our ArrangeBy operator creates one arrangement.

For each of these relational operators, the associated memory footprint should determined by the sizes of the arranged collections.

Caveats: Shared Arrangements

Arrangements may be shared between operators in the same dataflow, or across dataflows if an arrangement is published by the dataflow that creates it. Arrangements are most commonly published by the creation of indexes, materialized sources, and materialized views. Materialize does not currently publish other arrangements.

The Join operator requires arrangements each with key equal to the columns that will be equated. When joining with a collection that has a primary key, we may have that arrangement available. In this case, we are able to re-use the existing arrangement, and incur no additional memory use for this arrangement.

The Reduce operator concludes with an arrangement of its output, whose key is the grouping key. It is not uncommon to re-use this arrangement, as we find that such groupings are often followed by joins.

The mz_arrangement_sharing logging source reports the number of times each arrangement is shared. An arrangement is identified by the worker and operator that created it.

Caveats: Delta Joins

In certain circumstances, we plan Join operators using a different pattern which avoids the intermediate arrangements. The alternate plan uses more arrangements, but the arrangements are more likely to be shareable with other queries. Informally, if all collections have arrangements by all of their primary and foreign keys, we can apply the Delta Join plan.

The plan removes the requirement that the intermediate results be arranged, but requires a separate dataflow for each input. For example, we would be able to write the following dataflow to handle changes to In1:

    In2 --> A  In3 --> A  In4 --> A
             \          \          \
    In1 ----> Join ----> Join ----> Join --> Out

But, we would also need to create similar dataflow graphs for each of In2, In3, and In4. In each case they only require arrangements of the input, but they may be by different keys.

If a Join is implemented by a Delta Join pattern, it will create zero additional arrangements.

Caveats: Demand Analysis

Obsolete for Join and FlatMap as of v0.9.4. We now delete fields that are not required instead of blanking them out. Plans prior to v0.9.4 will show something like | | demand = (#6, #8, #12, #15, #22, #23, #27) for the Join and FlatMap operators, listing which field will be blanked out.

When users present queries and views to us, we can determine that some fields are not required and blank out them out. This can reduce the number of distinct data in an arrangement, which will reduce the size of the arrangement. Currently, we blank out fields not required when importing sources.