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323 lines (220 loc) · 13.7 KB


The Feature Benchmark provides facilities and ready-made benchmarks that measure the execution time of individual operations and SQL statements in Materialize. It is meant to sit somewhere between a microbenchmark one would write in Rust and database benchmarks such as TPC-H.


The --help option can be used to show supported options:

bin/mzcompose --find feature-benchmark run default --help

To run the default benchmark scenarios:

cd test/feature-benchmark
./mzcompose run default --other-tag unstable

Or, from the root of the repository:

bin/mzcompose --find feature-benchmark run default --other-tag unstable

This is going to benchmark the current source against the materialize/materialized:unstable container from DockerHub.

To run one benchmark scenario or a named subset:

./mzcompose run default --root-scenario=FastPath

To compare specific Mz versions:

./mzcompose run default --this-tag v1.2.3 --other-tag v2.3.4 ...

To compare specific Mz git revisions:

./mzcompose run default --this-tag unstable-42ad7432657d3e5c1a3492fa76985cd6b79fcab6 ...

To use a specific SIZE for sources, sinks and dataflows:

./mzcompose run default --this-size 2 --other-size 4 ...

To benchmark specific product features:

./mzcompose run default --this-params="enable_disk_cluster_replicas=false;disk_cluster_replicas_default=false" --other-params="..."

Make sure to describe the desired state of any relevant flags exhaustively in order to avoid the unwanted interference of any defaults that may be in effect and that can change over time from release to release.

Running manually in Buildkite

Go to the Buildkite Nightly Job, click the down arrow button at the top right and select New Build. Put the full SHA of your commit in Commit and the name of your branch in Branch including the Github username you forked with, e.g. username:branch. Click Create Build and wait for the build start, at which point you will have the opportunity to select feature-benchmark from the list.

If you want to run a specific senario only, click Options and put MZCOMPOSE_SCENARIO=... in the text box. For example, to run all scenarios that are subclasses of Kafka, use MZCOMPOSE_SCENARIO=Kafka.


The output of the benchmark is a table such as this:

NAME                      |        THIS |       OTHER | Verdict: THIS is
Sleep                     |       0.101 |       0.101 | about the same -0.1%
FastPathFilterNoIndex     |       0.309 |       0.292 | about the same +5.5%
FastPathFilterIndex       |       0.002 |       0.002 | about the same +0.4%
FastPathOrderByLimit      |       0.169 |       0.170 | about the same -0.7%
Insert                    |       1.414 |       1.403 | about the same +0.7%
Update                    |       0.781 |       0.803 | about the same -2.7%

The table is printed periodically as new rows arrive so that the information is not lost in case of failure.

Available scenarios

The test/feature-benchmark/ file contains the definitive list of scenarios. Scenarios follow a hierarchical structure.

The default scenarios derive from the Scenario class, those that take longer to execute derive from the ScenarioBig class.


This framework has the following features:

  • A focus on comparison runs as opposed to storing and charting data longer-term. The benchmark is run against two instances of Mz and their numbers are compared

  • A focus on the performance of individual operations in a single-user-connection context (single-user latency), as opposed to other dimensions such as transactions/second, throughput or latency under concurrency.

  • The framework automatically decides how many iterations to run

  • The operations to benchmark are expressed as a testdrive scripts, which provides access to facilities such as kafka ingestion, retrying of a query until it returns the desired result, etc.

  • It is runnable by developers on development machines and provides quick feedback on regressions and performance gains.

Measurement methodology

The framework is organized around the idea of repeatedly executing the feature under test until a termination condition is met. After measurements have been accumulated, a definitive performance value is chosen.

All the rules and constants governing the process can be seen at the top of test/feature-benchmark/


An Executor runs the desired query and provides back the measurement value. Currently, testdrive is used to execute and the wallclock time elapsed between two points in the testdrive script is measured. Other methods for execution will be provided in the future.

Termination criteria

The purpose of the termination criteria is to allow for the benchmark to decide the number of needed iterations without operator input.

Not doing an excessive number of iterations is very important as it is what makes the benchmark runnable locally and as part of the development process rather than be delegated to dedicated hardware, teams and nightly schedules.

The framework will keep running the benchmark until one of the predefined termination criteria is met.

Currently, two criteria are used:

  • The shape of the normal distribution of the values measured has been established with enough precision so that newer values are unlikely to modify the picture.
  • The probability that a value will arrive that is even lower than any of the values already observed goes below a certain threshold.

The code currently assumes that the data follows a normal distribution, which is decidedly not the case, especially since extreme outliers are frequently observed. More advanced statistical techniques for massaging the numbers may be required in the future. In particular, there is some evidence that the distribution of values is multi-modal with: A) one peak for all operations that completed within some "tick" (either the kernel rescheduling some thread, or e.g. the timestamper thread kicking in): B) one peak for operations that completed immediately after the "tick" and C) extreme outliers that were particularly unlucky.

To limit the maximum number of measurements at the expense of accuracy, use the --max-measurements N option.

Aggregation policy

The aggregation policy decides how to compute the definitive performance value out of the measurements.

Currently, the Min strategy is used, that is, the minimum value measured is used. This means that the benchmark will de-facto measure the performance of the critical path of the feature under test.

Failure criteria

The framework will report failure in case a particular measurement indicates a performance regression between the two Mz instances that exceeds a particular threshold. Otherwise the number will be reported.

Retry policy

Any suspected performance regressions will be retried up to --max-retries times (default is 3). Only regressions that are repeatedly reproducible will cause the benchmark to exit with a nonzero exit code. The bottom of the Buildkite log will show the retry attempts.

Reported performance improvements are not retried to establish reprodicibility, so should be considered flukes if seen in the CI output until reliably reproduced locally.

Measuring memory consumption

If started with --measure-memory, the feature benchmark will measure memory consumption and report any regressions.

docker stats is used to measure the memory consumption of the entire Materialize container, which includes CRDB.


Benchmark terminated prematurely

If the feature benchmark terminates prematurely with an error such as

Failed! giving up: testdrive_this --no-reset --seed=1639555967 --initial-backoff=0ms --backoff-factor=0 tmp/

This indicates that testdrive could not run the queries from the benchmark definition. To understand what went wrong, use docker ps -a to see the ID of the feature-benchmark_testdrive_* container that exited most recently and then docker logs <id_of_the_container> to obtain the output from testdrive.

Dealing with false positives

The feature benchmark will retry any regressed scenarios up to --max-cycles=3 times in order to weed out false positives.

Writing benchmark scenarios

Benchmark definition format

Benchmark scenarios live in test/feature-benchmark/ and follow the following format:

class NewBenchmark(Scenario):
    def shared(self) -> Action:
        return TdAction("""
# Place here the testdrive commands that need to be run only once for both Mz instances under test
# and that prepare resources that will be common for both Mz instances.
# Usually, those are commands around creating and populating Kafka topics.

    def init(self) -> Action:
        return TdAction("""
# Place here any testdrive commands that need to be run once for each Mz instance before
# starting the respective benchmark.
# This usually includes creating and possibly populating database objects of various kinds
# Before continuing, place queries that check that all the dataflows are fully hydrated

    def before(self) -> Action:
        return ...

# The before() section is reserved for actions that need to happen immediately prior to the
# queries being benchmarked, for example, restarting Mz in order to force a recovery

    def benchmark(self) -> MeasurementSource:
        return Td(f"""
# Place here all queries that need to be repeated at each iteration of the benchmark, including
# the queries that will be benchmarked themselves. The execution time between the *end* of the
# query marked with /* A */ and the end of the query marked with /* B */ will be measured
   /* A */

   /* B */

# Make sure you delete any database objects created in this section

> DROP this_and_that


Scale and N

The benchmarks are parameterized on their scale, that is, one can create scenarios that run with some default size which can then be overwritten:

class ReallyReallyLargeBenchmark(ScenarioBig):
    SCALE = 10

From SCALE, the framework calculates N, which is 10^SCALE and makes them available within the scenario as self.scale() and self.n() respectively.

The default SCALE is 6 , that is, any benchmark scenario that is properly parameterized will run benchmark 1M of the thing being benchmarked.

To force the framework to run with a specific scale, use the --scale N option. If N is prefixed by + or -, it is interpreted as a relative adjustment to apply to the default scale.

Actions vs. Measurements

The shared(), init(), and before() sections of the benchmark must return an Action object or a list of Action objects (usually TdAction) while the benchmark() section must return a MeasurementSource object (currently, only Td is supported).

Available Actions:

  • TdAction(...) - executes the testdrive fragment provided
  • Kgen(...) - executes the Kgen to ingest data into a Kafka topic (see the KafkaRecoveryBig scenario for an example)
  • Lambda(lambda e: e.RestartMz()) - restarts the Mz service

Running the same scenario multiple times within the same run

It is possible to use the python parameterized module to cause the same scenario to be executed multiple times. For example, with different scale factors:

    [{"SCALE": i} for i in [5,6,7,8]], class_name_func=Scenario.name_with_scale
class ScalingScenario(ScenarioBig):
    def benchmark(self) -> MeasurementSource:

Caveats and considerations

  • Aim for the query or queries being benchmarked to take around 1 second to execute. This allows the framework to perform several iterations without blowing up the total execution time. Avoid queries that take milliseconds to run, as the noise from various sources will overwhelm any signal.

  • The benchmarks will run with the default timestamp and introspection granularity. This places a lower bound on the granularity and the information value obtained when benchmarking anything impacted by those intervals. Ingest enough data into Kafka so that operations take many times the timestamp granularity to complete.

  • Operations in Materialize are more asynchronous than a person familiar with typical databases would expect. For example, CREATE INDEX returns before the index has been fully populated; DML operations may return to the user before all of their work is done. In both of those cases, the extra latency would be observed on a follow-up SELECT statement. Therefore carefully curate the list of queries in the individual blocks to avoid measuring less or more operations than desired.

  • Note that the framework will capture the time elapsed between the end of the query marked with /* A */ and the end of the query marked with /* B */. If you are benchmarking a single query, put the /* A */ marker on a dummy SELECT 1 query as shown in the example above.

  • Before attempting to run your testdrive fragments, put them in a stand-alone .td file and run them manually through testdrive so as to avoid repeated debugging cycles with the benchmark running.


It is possible to use git bisect to determine the specific revision when a performance regression occurred.


The steps are pretty straightforward

git bisect start
git bisect good vGOOD.MZ.VERSION
git bisect bad HEAD
git bisect run /path/to/

The can be something along the following lines:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
THIS_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD)

pushd /path/to/test/feature-benchmark
./mzcompose down -v
./mzcompose run feature-benchmark --this-tag unstable-$THIS_SHA --other-tag $GOOD_MZ_VERSION --root-scenario=...