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How Many Fire Engines Next Week?:
Using Weather Data to Predict London Fire Brigade Callouts

Using data provided by the London Fire Brigade (LFB) and the Met Office, I analysed LFB callouts in relation to the weather to predict and classify callouts. 🧑‍🚒 🧑‍🚒 🧑‍🚒

Table of Contents

Project Goals

The London Fire Brigade is the largest in the world and has 100,000 callouts per year. Weather has a significant effect on ambulance and police callouts (people don’t riot when it’s raining and respiratory emergencies increase with temperature). I wanted to predict callout numbers for the next week based on the current weather forecast.

In addition, a first look at the data showed that over half the callouts are false alarms so I wanted to see if a classification approach could be useful to predict a false alarm.

Successful prediction results would be useful for resource planning and successful classification results may be useful for helping to reduce false alarms (over half the callouts are false alarms). The map below gives an idea of the scope of the project.

Predictions: Predicting number LFB callouts in the short term and likely classification of callout.
Goals: Reveal which features have the most influence on callout numbers and callout classification.

Data Sources

LFB Incidents

London Datastore LFB Incidents. The London Datastore is an open portal with a lot of information about London (well worth a look). 2 csv files from here listing all LFB callouts from 2013-2016 and 2017-2020.

London Boroughs

London Datastore Borough Boundaries. A collection of shape files from here for use with GeoPandas (and contextily) for the map above.

Hourly Weather to 2019

Met Office Archives. CEDA MIDAS open datasets of hourly records from Met Office weather stations across the UK (including Heathrow). 12 csv files from here (3 per year for different readings).

Hourly Weather 2020

Meteostat. A very useful python friendly archive dataset of worlwide weather readings (with a github page and easy API), needed for the 2020 weather data (and filling in gaps for the other years). The data needed some feature engineering to match the Met Office data.

Sunrise and Sunset Times

Earth System Research Laboratories A spreadsheet to download to calculate the official sunrise and sunset times anywhere on earth over a calendar year.

Actual and Forecast Weather

Met Office Forecast London. This webpage (which was scraped for the data) gives the current forecast for the rest of today and the following six days for London.
Met Office Actual Heathrow. This webpage (also scraped) gives an additional variable (air pressure) used for the callout predictions.

Data Preparation and EDA


The 2 LFB files have slightly different columns and format.They were joined, reformatted (inc datetime index) for all incidents 2016-2019 inclusive with non-relevant columns dropped. Weekend, holiday and lockdown columns added.

The 12 Met Office csv files (hourly weather 2016-2019) were joined and reformatted (inc datetime index) with non-relevant columns dropped. The 1 Meteostat file (2020 with features engineered to match Met Office features) joined. Weather data in GMT, LFB data in GMT/BST so weather data adjusted to suit. ‘Islight’ column added from calculated sunrise/sunset times. LFB and weather data joined and weather data padded/backfilled appropriately.

The final step at this stage was to feature engineer a column to take account of low temperatures on the assumption that a cold spell is likely to cause more callouts. This was done by creating a coumn of (air temperature-13 )**2, so that low temperatures could be positively correlated with callout numbers.

Time Series and Regression EDA

I wanted to predict on callout numbers per hour so I needed to aggregate the data by hour to create callout counts per hour, resulting in a dataframe with 43498 rows. In addition, a column was feature engineered showing the prior year callout counts at the same hour (also meaning that the 29th Feb dates needed to be dropped). The next step was to look at the data in more detail. Firstly looking at the counts over time. This chart clearly shows the annual seasonality (along with interesting spikes in Feb/Mar 2018 during a cold spell and June 2018 during a heatwave).

Next looking at the mean callouts per hour over the whole period, we clearly see a daily seasonality (not many calls at 4 in the morning, with a peak in the early evening).

Looking at the heatmap of correlations between the continuous variables, we can see that there are some variables correlated with the target variable (callouts) and no significant multicollinearity between the predictor variables.

Seeing the daily and annual seasonality, the first step was to explore the time series aspects of the data. initially looking at the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plots, where we can see a strong autocorrelation with the hour of the day.

Classification EDA

Switching to the classification task (where we are looking at 3 different classes: Fire, Special Services and False Alarm), I looked at pairplots of relevant variables, where we can see no obvious clusters.

However, there is an additional variable (PropertyType, 286 distinct types) which wasn't used for the callout predictions which is worth looking at. Here are the counts for the top 50 types of property.

Time Series and Regression Modelling

Time Series

Seeing the annual seasonality, initially I tried a pure time series SARIMA model. However, trying with an annual seasonality and hourly time periods was too much of a stretch for my available processing and memory resources, so I tried a SARIMAX model including the prior year counts an an exogenous variable along with the weather variables. This resulted in an R2 score of 0.52213. This was a useful reference, but there were 2 issues meaning that I wouldn't go further with the SARIMAX modelling: 1) the lack of availability of callout data after the end of December 2020 meant I wouldn't be able to use the model for current predictions and 2) this wasn't a cross-validated score.


Linear Regression

GridSearching a regularised (ElasticNet penalty) Linear Regression model gave the best and most interpretable results:

  • Linear Regressor (alpha = 0.0024, l1-ratio = 0.775)
    -Training Score: 0.5202
    -Test Score: 0.5199
    -CV Score: 0.5186

Looking at the predictions against actual:

Looking at the distribution of the standardised residuals against a normal distribution:

We can see that there is useful predictive information from the model, although with a significant amount of unexplained variance (more investigation required!).

I also divided the process into 2 steps (using the same model parameters) - firstly modelling using the time variables only (CV score 0.4997) and then using the residuals from this model as the target for the weather variables (CV Score 0.05667) in order to see the relative importance of the time against the weather and also to separate the various feature importances. We can see from the cross-validated scores that the time has much more significant predictive information than the weather, but the weather does have some predictive information.

  • Time Feature Importances:

  • Weather Feature Importances:

Other Models

I tried a number of other regression modelling approaches, with the cross-validated scores listed below (the linear regression above was most suitable):

  • Linear Regressor (Power Transformer rather than Standard Scaler) - CV Score 0.5159

  • Linear Regression (Polynomial Features degree 2) - CV Score 0.5151

  • Decision Tree Regressor (GridSearched) - CV Score 0.4183

  • Bagging Decision Tree Regressor - CV Score 0.5065

  • Random Forest Regressor - CV Score 0.5067

  • ADA Boost Regressor - CV Score 0.5103

  • SGD Regressor - CV Score 0.5184

  • SVM Regressor - CV Score 0.5085

  • NNet Regressor - CV Score 0.4639

Callout Prediction

Below is a sample callout prediction for the following 6 full days, produced by running the code in the prediction script ( in the repo). This code scrapes the 2 Met Office webpages, extracts the data and feature engineers weather columns to match the linear regression model above, adds other feature engineered columns, imports the model and creates the prediction. Note the daily seasonality combined with weather variation overlaid.

Classification Modelling

For all of the modelling, the baseline from the data was:
Baseline Values
-False Alarm: 0.5022
-Special Service: 0.3138
-Fire: 0.1840

Logistic Regression

Gridsearching a multinomial regularised (l2 penalty) logistic regression model gave the best and most interpretable results:

  • Logistic Regression (C = 0.01)
    -CV Score: 0.6584

This is significantly better than baseline. Further metrics for the results are shown below (all looking at the test data):

  • Confusion Matrix

  • Precision-Recall Curves

  • Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves

In addition, insight into what factors are associated with False Alarms, Special Service Calls and Fire Calls are given by the coefficients of the models for each of the classes - the most important of which are shown below (the most important coefficients in the centre of each chart). The key point for the classification is that all of these coefficients are related to the property types (the weather and time of call do not appear to have a large effect on the classification of callouts). As a side note, I'm intrigued to know what causes the Special Service Calls to Fire Stations (see the fourth coefficient from the top in the Special Services chart):

  • False Alarm Coefficients

  • Special Service Coefficients

  • Fire Coefficients

Other Models

I tried a number of other regression modelling approaches, with the scores listed below (the logistic regression above was most suitable):

  • Logistic Regressor (Power Transformer rather than Standard Scaler) - CV Score 0.6583

  • Decision Tree Classifier (GridSearched) - CV Score 0.6447

  • Bagging Decision Tree Classifier - CV Score 0.5450

  • Random Forest Classifier - CV Score 0.6338

  • KNN Classifier - CV Score 0.6227

  • SVM Classifier - 20% Train Size (due to speed), not Cross-Validated Score 0.6622

  • NNet Regressor - Non Cross-Validated Score 0.6564

What Next


  • This was a worthwhile exercise for the intended audience with some useful insight gained into the data, both for the regression and for the classification.

  • This was a very worthwhile exercise for me in terms of working with real data from multiple sources with all its foibles.

  • There are plenty of areas to follow up on and investigate in more detail.

Next Steps

  • Investigate possibilities for finding 2021 callout data for regression.

  • Consider other regression predictor variables to add (eg large events, other?).

  • Investigate further steps for classification (eg phone call transcripts for NLP to improve results).

  • Investigate possibilities for using the same model (or process) with other cities or areas.

  • From a personal point of view, improve my own planning, coding and documentation process to improve usability and communicatability of my work.