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Produce Raw Results

Scripts to produce the raw results that can be used to create plots and tables. For both datasets (CASMI 2016 and EA (Massbank)) there are three scripts:

Script MS2 Base Scorer Note Reference in the Paper
eval__MetFrag22 MetFrag 2.2 Evaluation of metabolite identification performance Section 4.3.1, Table 3
eval__TFG Our, Bach et al. (2018) Evaluation of metabolite identification performance Section 4.3.1, Table 3
Inspect parameters of our framework, e.g. margin type or number of spanning trees Section 4.2.*
Inspect hyper-parameter estimation Section 4.2.2
eval__TGF__missing_MS2 Our Evaluation of score integration framework for missing tandem mass spectra (MS2) Section 4.4

Re-run Experiments

Here, we will describe how the experiments can be re-run on the example of (EA Massbank). Assuming you have installed the nmsmsrt_scorer package and, if needed, activated the virtual environment, you can run the evaluation script as follows:

python EA_Massbank/ \
      --mode=EVALUATION_MODE \
      --D_value_grid 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.5 \
      --make_order_prob=EDGE_POTENTIAL_FUNCTION \
      --order_prob_k_grid platt \
      --margin_type=MARGIN_TYPE \
      --ion_mode=IONIZATION_MODE \
      --max_n_ms2=NUMBER_OF_MS2_FOR_TEST \
      --database_fn=SCORE_DB_FN \

Detailed description of selected parameters

A description of all parameters, can be found in the __main___ of the "eval__" script files. Some selected parameters will be explained here:


EVALUATION_MODE [1, 2] Description
application Results to Evaluate the performance on the test sets in the application setting.
development Performance evaluation of training and test set for each hyper parameter grid value
missing_ms2 Performance evaluation for the mssing MS2 experiment


Grid used to search for the best retention order weight (see Section 2.2.4 and 3.4). We use [0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5] in our experiments.


Grid used to search for the best sigmoid slope parameter when using EDGE_POTENTIAL_FUNCTION=sigmoid or EDGE_POTENTIAL_FUNCTION=hinge_sigmoid (see Section 2.2.3 and 3.4). As grid we use [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 10.0 for the Hinge-Sigmoid. Our experiments shows that for Sigmoid we can use Platt's ("platt") method to determine the optimal value for k (see Section 4.2.2).

--ìon_mode and --max_n_ms2

These two parameter controll which ionization mode should be evaluation (negative or positive) and how many MS-features are used to calculate the test accuracy. The following settings are available (see Section 3.1):

CASMI (2016) positive 75
negative 50
EA (Massbank) positive 100
negative 65


Number of (training, test)-set samples. In our experiments we use NUMBER_OF_RANDOM_TEST_TRAINING_SETS=50 (CASMI, EA (negative)) and NUMBER_OF_RANDOM_TEST_TRAINING_SETS=100 (EA (positive))


Path to the SQLite DB.


Path to the output directory storing the raw results. The output directory will sub-directories separating the results resulting from different parameter settings.

Example: EA (Massbank) positive, Results for Table 3

Running the following command can be used to reproduce the EA (Massbank) positive results in Table 3. Note, to speed up the calculations, this command uses a reduced D-value grid, only 4 random spanning trees and only 3 samples. To get the exact results as in the paper, you need to set:

--mode application
--D_value_grid 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.5
--n_random_trees 32
--n_samples 100

However, running the simplified setting can verify for you that the scripts are running in your configuration.

python EA_Massbank/ \
      --mode=debug_application \
      --D_value_grid 0.01 0.1 0.25\
      --make_order_prob=sigmoid \
      --order_prob_k_grid platt \
      --margin_type=max \
      --n_random_trees=4 \
      --n_samples=3 \
      --ion_mode=negative \
      --max_n_ms2=65 \
      --database_fn=!!!_YOUR_SCORE_DB_FN_!!! \

The results will be stored in:

      └── debug_application
          └── tree_method=random__n_trees=4__make_order_prob=sigmoid__param_selection_measure=topk_auc__norm_scores=none__mtype=max
              └── ion_mode=negative__participant=MetFrag_2.4.5__8afe4a14__max_n_cand=inf__sort_candidates_by_ms2_score=0
                  └── trainset=MEOH_AND_CASMI_JOINT__keep_test=0__est=ranksvm__mol_rep=substructure_count

You will find:

File Description
measures.csv Training set performance measures for each (D, k) grid value to select the best parameter
opt_params.csv Selected (D, k) for each sample
topk_casmi__max_n_ms2=VALUE__sample_id=VALUE.pkl.gz Top-k accuracies for the baseline (Only MS) and after the score integration (MS + RT)

You can load the results using the load_results function. To reproduce figures and tables of the paper, please take a look here.