From c1bd1576fd1a0915dfe851c969e55b62fc6ed30a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: aaronspring Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2017 17:23:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] update 6.4.0 --- .vim/NCL_functions.txt | 38 ++++-- .vim/NCL_resources.txt | 272 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- .vim/syntax/ncl.vim | 33 +++-- 3 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-) diff --git a/.vim/NCL_functions.txt b/.vim/NCL_functions.txt index 799f8b7..35e270c 100644 --- a/.vim/NCL_functions.txt +++ b/.vim/NCL_functions.txt @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ all Returns True if all the elements of the input evaluate as True. angmom_atm Calculates the atmosphere's relative angular momentum. any Returns True if any of the values of its input evaluate as True. area_conserve_remap Performs areal conservative remapping from one rectilinear grid to another. -area_conserve_remap_Wrap Performs areal conservative remapping from one rectilinear grid to another and preserves metadata. +area_conserve_remap_Wrap Performs areal conservative remapping from one rectilinear grid to another and retains metadata. area_hi2lores Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to low resolution recitlinear grids using local area averaging. -area_hi2lores_Wrap Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to low resolution rectilinear grids using local area averaging. (retains metadata) +area_hi2lores_Wrap Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to low resolution rectilinear grids using local area averaging and retains metadata. area_poly_sphere Calculates the area enclosed by an arbitrary polygon on the sphere. array_append_record Attaches [appends] additional records [leftmost dimension] to a previously existing array. asciiread Reads a file that contains ASCII representations of basic data types. @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ bootstrap_diff Bootstrap mean differences from two samples. bootstrap_estimate Extract the user specified element from the bootstrapped values. bootstrap_regcoef Bootstrap estimates of linear regression coefficient. bootstrap_stat Bootstrap estimates of a user specified statistic derived from a variable. +box_percentile_plot Creates a box percentile plot. Documentation under construction boxplot Creates a boxplot. -brunt_vaisala Compute the Brunt-Vaisala frequency which is a measure of bouyancy brunt_vaisala_atm Compute the Brunt-Vaisala frequency which is a measure of bouyancy in a continuously stratified atmosphere. bw_bandpass_filter Applies a Butterworth bandpass filter optimized for narrow bandwidths to time series. byte2flt Converts values of type byte to values of type float. @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ calculate_daily_values Calculate daily values [avg, sum, min, max] from high fr calculate_monthly_values Calculate monthly values [avg, sum, min, max] from high frequency temporal values. calculate_segment_values Calculate segment (eg, pentad [5-day], weekly [7-day]) values from high frequency temporal values. calendar_decode2 Translates numeric time coordinates to calendar times. +calendar_decode2_fix Translates numeric time coordinates to calendar times (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details). cancor Performs canonical correlation analysis between two sets of variables. cbinread Reads binary files created using the C block I/O function write. cbinwrite Creates a binary file in raw C block I/O format for a numeric data type. @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ cdfnor_p Calculates the integral of a cumulative normal distribution function. cdfnor_x Calculates the upper limit of integration of a cumulative normal distribution function. cdft_p Calculates the one-sided probability given a t-value and the degrees of freedom. cdft_t Calculates the t-value given the one-sided probability and the degrees of freedom. -ceil Computes the smallest integer value larger than the input. +ceemdan Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise. +ceil Returns the smallest integral value greater than or equal to each input value. center_finite_diff Performs a centered finite difference operation on the rightmost dimension. center_finite_diff_n Performs a centered finite difference operation on the given dimension. cfftb Performs a backward complex discrete fourier transform [Fourier Synthesis]. @@ -305,6 +307,7 @@ dz_height Calculates the height layer thicknesses at each grid point over varyi eady_growth_rate Compute the maximum Eady growth rate. echo_off Disables echoing of NCL statements as they are encountered. echo_on Enables echoing of NCL statements as they are encountered. +eemd Perform ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD). eof2data Reconstructs a data set from EOFs and EOF time series. eof2data_n Reconstructs a data set from EOFs and EOF time series, given an index that specifies which dimension contains the time dimemsion. eof_varimax Rotates EOFs using the using Kaiser row normalization and the varimax criterion (deprecated version). @@ -328,7 +331,7 @@ eofunc_varimax Rotates EOFs using the using Kaiser row normalization and the va eofunc_varimax_reorder Reorder the results returned by eof_varimax into descending order by percent variance explained. eofunc_varimax_Wrap Rotates EOFs using the using Kaiser row normalization and the varimax criterion and retains metadata. eofunc_Wrap Computes empirical orthogonal functions (aka: Principal Component Analysis, Eigen Analysis) and retains metadata. -epflux Compute quasi-geostrophic Eliassen-Palm fluxes at isobaric levels. +epflux Compute quasi-geostrophic Eliassen-Palm fluxes at isobaric levels using NCEP Reanalysis. epsZero Sets all values in input array to zero that are +/- a user supplied epsilon about zero. equiv_sample_size Estimates the number of independent values of a series of correlated observations. erf Evaluates the real error function. @@ -352,8 +355,12 @@ extract_globalatts_hdf5 Extract value from 'KEYWORD,VALUE' pair returned by get extval_frechet Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Frechet Type II distribution given the shape, scale and location parameters. extval_gev Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution given the shape, scale and location parameters. extval_gumbel Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Gumbel (Type I) distribution function given the scale and location parameters. +extval_mlegam Estimates the location, shape, scale and other parameters for the Gamma distribution using maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE). extval_mlegev Estimates the shape, scale and location parameters for the Generalized Extreme-Value (GEV) distribution using Maximum-Likelihood Estimation (MLE). +extval_pareto Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Pareto distributions (Generalized, Type I, TYpe II) given the shape, scale and location parameters. extval_recurrence_table Calculates the recurrence interval (return period), cumulative and exceedence probabilities based upon a time series. +extval_return_period Calculates the period of an event (eg, flood, heat wave, drought) occurring given an average event recurrence interval and specified probability level. +extval_return_prob Calculates the probability of an event (eg, flood, heat wave, drought) given an average event interval and a specified exceedance period. extval_weibull Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Weibull Type III distribution given the shape, scale and location parameters. ezfftb Perform a Fourier synthesis from real and imaginary coefficients. ezfftb_n Perform a Fourier synthesis from real and imaginary coefficients on the given dimension. @@ -406,7 +413,7 @@ floattoint Coerces values of type float to values of type integer. floattointeger Coerces values of type float to values of type integer. floattolong Coerces values of type float to values of type long. floattoshort Coerces values of type float to values of type short. -floor Computes the largest integer value smaller than the input. +floor Returns the largest integral value less than or equal to each input value. flt2dble Converts values of type float to values of type double and preserves metadata. flt2string Converts values of type float to values of type string. fluxEddy Calculates time averaged eddy flux quantities. @@ -471,9 +478,6 @@ get_r2d Return a constant that converts radians to degrees. get_script_name Returns the name of a script of commands provided to NCL for execution. get_script_prefix_name Returns the name of a script of commands provided to NCL for execution, if provided, with any script name tag removed. get_sphere_radius Retrieves the radius of a sphere used in spherical harmonic routines. -get_unique_difference Returns the unique element symmetric differences between two arrays. -get_unique_intersection Returns the unique element intersection (ie., common values) between two arrays. -get_unique_union Returns the unique element union of two arrays. get_unique_values Returns the unique values of the given array. getbitsone Unpacks one-bit chunks from the input array. getenv Returns the string value of a shell environment variable. @@ -737,7 +741,7 @@ local_min Determines the relative minima for a 2-dimensional array. local_min_1d Determines the relative minima for a 1-dimensional array. log Computes the natural log of a numeric type. log10 Computes the log base 10 of a numeric type. -lonFlip Reorders an array about the central longitude coordinate variable (rectilinear grids only). +lonFlip Reorders a global rectilinear array about the central longitude coordinate variable. lonGlobeF Generates longitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed grid. lonGlobeFo Generates longitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed offset grid. longtobyte Coerces values of type long to values of type byte. @@ -746,7 +750,7 @@ longtocharacter Coerces values of type long to values of type character. longtoint Coerces values of type long to values of type integer. longtointeger Coerces values of type long to values of type integer. longtoshort Coerces values of type long to values of type short. -lonPivot Pivots about a user-specified longitude (rectilinear grids only). +lonPivot Pivots an array about a user-specified longitude (rectilinear grids only). lspoly Calculates a set of coefficients for a weighted least squares polynomial fit to the given data. lspoly_n Calculates a set of coefficients for a weighted least squares polynomial fit to the given data on the given dimension. mask Masks a multi-dimensional array against another given a single mask value. @@ -900,6 +904,7 @@ pop_remap Regrids a POP ocean model grid to another grid. PopLatLon Regrids a scalar variable on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid or vice-versa. PopLatLonV Converts vectors on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid and vice-versa. pot_temp Compute potential temperature. +pot_temp_equiv Compute equivalent potential temperature. pot_vort_hybrid Compute potential vorticity on hybrid levels and a global grid. pot_vort_isobaric Compute potential vorticity on isobaric levels and a global rectilinear grid. potmp_insitu_ocn Calculate seawater potential temperature at an arbitrary reference pressure given insitu temperature, salinity and depth. @@ -956,6 +961,7 @@ regCoef_n Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two variables on region_ind Returns the indices (subscripts) of two-dimensional latitude/longitude arrays that span user specified latitude/longitude boundaries. regline Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two series. regline_stats Performs simple linear regression including confidence estimates, an ANOVA table and 95% mean response estimates. +regline_weight Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two series where the dependent (y) variable's values are weighted by some measure of uncertainty (typically, standard deviations) such that the Chi-square goodness-of-fit is minimized. relhum Calculates relative humidity given temperature, mixing ratio, and pressure. relhum_ice Calculates relative humidity with respect to ice, given temperature, mixing ratio, and pressure. relhum_ttd Calculates relative humidity given temperature and dew point temperature. @@ -1037,6 +1043,7 @@ sigma2hybrid Interpolates from sigma to hybrid coordinates. sign_f90 Mimic the behavior of Fortran-90's sign transfer function. sign_matlab Mimic the behavior of Matlab's sign function. simpeq Integrate a sequence of equally spaced points using Simpson's Rule. +simple_legend Creates a legend based on user supplied resources. simpne Integrates a sequence of unequally or equally spaced points using Simpson's three-point formula. sin Computes the sine of numeric types. sindex_yrmo Calculates the Southern Oscillation Index given two series of year-month values. @@ -1138,6 +1145,7 @@ tan Computes the tangent of numeric types. tanh Computes the hyperbolic tangent of numeric types. taper Applies split-cosine-bell tapering to one or more series across the rightmost dimension. taper_n Applies split-cosine-bell tapering to one or more series across the given dimension. +taylor_stats Calculates statistics needed for the Taylor Diagram: pattern_correlation, ratio and bias. tdclrs Defines a set of colors for use with selected TDPACK routines. tdctri Cuts the triangles in a triangle list with a plane perpendicular to an axis (for use with selected TDPACK routines). tdcudp Not yet implemented. @@ -1176,6 +1184,7 @@ time_axis_labels Sets resources necessary to draw nice tickmark labels using a time_reassign Reassign (replace) a CF-conforming "time" variable by calculating the mid-time values using the "bounds" attribute. time_reassign_cv2var Reassign (replace) a CF-conforming "time" coordinate variable associated with a variable by calculating the mid-time values using the "bounds" attribute. time_to_newtime Change a "udunits" recognized time unit to a new (different) "udunits" recognized time unit. +time_to_newtime_fix Change a "udunits" recognized time unit to a new (different) "udunits" recognized time unit (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details). tobyte Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type (NCL) byte (unsigned char). tochar Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type char. todouble Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type double. @@ -1212,9 +1221,13 @@ unstructured_to_ESMF Writes the description of an unstructured grid to an ESMF update Updates the given workstation objects. ushorttoint Coerces values of type unsigned short to values of type integer. ut_calendar Converts a mixed Julian/Gregorian date to a UT-referenced date (deprecated; use cd_calendar). +ut_calendar_fix Converts a mixed Julian/Gregorian date to a UT-referenced date (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details). ut_convert Converts a time variable from one set of units to another (deprecated; use cd_convert). +ut_convert_fix Converts a time variable from one set of units to another (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details). ut_inv_calendar Converts a UT-referenced date to a mixed Julian/Gregorian date (deprecated; use cd_inv_calendar). +ut_inv_calendar_fix Converts a UT-referenced date to a mixed Julian/Gregorian date (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details). ut_string Converts time values into nicely formatted strings (deprecated; use cd_string) +ut_string_fix Converts time values into nicely formatted strings (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details). utm2latlon Converts from UTM to lat/lon using a specified datum. uv2dv_cfd Computes divergence using centered finite differences. uv2dvf Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid. @@ -1246,6 +1259,9 @@ v5d_write Writes compressed data to a Vis5D+ format file. v5d_write_var Writes a single 3-dimensional gridded variable to a Vis5D+ format file. vapor_pres_rh Compute vapor pressure given relative humidity (%) and saturation vapor pressure. variance Computes an unbiased estimate the variance of all input points. +venn2_difference Returns the unique element symmetric differences between two arrays. +venn2_intersection Returns the unique element intersection (ie., common values) between two arrays. +venn2_union Returns the unique element union of two arrays. vhaeC Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. vhaec Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. vhagC Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of vector fields on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics. diff --git a/.vim/NCL_resources.txt b/.vim/NCL_resources.txt index a02c137..b12725e 100644 --- a/.vim/NCL_resources.txt +++ b/.vim/NCL_resources.txt @@ -15,20 +15,35 @@ appResources This resource specifies an array of names. Each one of these names appSysDir This resource is used to indicate what directory the App object should look in for the System application specific resource file. Default: This resource defaults to the value of the $(NCARG_SYSAPPRES) environment variable. appUsrDir This resource is used to indicate what directory the App object should look in for the User's application specific resource file. Default: ./ (Current Working Directory) caCopyArrays This resource is used to determine if the CoordArrays object should make its own copy of the caXArray and caYArray data. If this resource is False, it is important for the programmer to keep the data around without modifying it. However; it is more efficient--if more dangerous--that way. Default: True -caXArray This resource specifies the X values of the X/Y coordinate data. It is an array of X values. If it is a one-dimensional array, then it specifies a single vector of X values. If it is a two-dimensional array, then the caXCast resource is used to determine which dimension indicates the number of vectors, and which dimension indicates the number of elements within each vector. If the caXArray resource is not set, then all of the Y values set with the caYArray resource will be paired with their integer array index. For example, assuming caYCast is MultipleVectors and C syntax: (1, yarray[0][0]) (2, yarray[0][1]) (N, yarray[0][N-1]) If the caXArray resource is not set, then the caYArray resource must be set. Default: NULL -caXCast This resource is used to tell the CoordArrays object how to interpret the caXArray resource. The three valid values are: SingleVector The value SingleVector indicates that the caXArray provides the data for a single vector. This vector will be reused to match every vector specified by the caYArray. If the caXArray resource is set with a one-dimensional array, then the entire array will be used for the vector. If the caXArray resource is set with a two-dimensional array, then the vector will be made up from the values in the fastest-changing dimension. For example, in pseudo C array notation: float xarray[0][0-(N-1)]; In pseudo Fortran array notation: REAL XARR(1-N,1) Where N is the length of the given dimension. MultipleVectors The value MultipleVectors indicates that if the caXArray resource is set with a one-dimensional array, then the entire array is used to specify a single vector that is not reused. If the caXArray resource is set with a two-dimensional array, then the caXArray has the array ordered such that the fastest-changing dimension contains the elements of each vector, and the other dimension contains the vectors. For example, in pseudo C array notation: float xarray[NUM_VECTORS][NUM_ELEMENTS]; In pseudo Fortran array notation: REAL XARR(NUM_ELEMENTS,NUM_VECTORS) SplitVectors The value SplitVectors indicates that the caXArray has the array ordered such that the fastest-changing dimension contains the vectors, and the other dimension contains the elements. For example, in pseudo C array notation: float xarray[NUM_ELEMENTS][NUM_VECTORS]; In pseudo Fortran array notation: REAL XARR(NUM_VECTORS,NUM_ELEMENTS) Default: If the caXArray resource is specified with a one-dimensional array or not at all, then the default value is SingleVector. Otherwise, the default value is MultipleVectors. NOTE: If the caXCast resource is set to SplitVectors, then the caXArray resource will need to be reordered and copied internally so it is not as efficient. +caXArray This resource specifies the X values of the X/Y coordinate data. It is an array of X values. If it is a one-dimensional array, then it specifies a single vector of X values. If it is a two-dimensional array, then the caXCast resource is used to determine which dimension indicates the number of vectors, and which dimension indicates the number of elements within each vector. If the caXArray resource is not set, then all of the Y values set with the caYArray resource will be paired with their integer array index. For example, assuming caYCast is MultipleVectors and C syntax: + (1, yarray[0][0]) (2, yarray[0][1]) (N, yarray[0][N-1]) If the caXArray resource is not set, then the caYArray resource must be set. Default: NULL +caXCast This resource is used to tell the CoordArrays object how to interpret the caXArray resource. The three valid values are: SingleVector The value SingleVector indicates that the caXArray provides the data for a single vector. This vector will be reused to match every vector specified by the caYArray. If the caXArray resource is set with a one-dimensional array, then the entire array will be used for the vector. If the caXArray resource is set with a two-dimensional array, then the vector will be made up from the values in the fastest-changing dimension. For example, in pseudo C array notation: + floatxarray[0][0-(N-1)]; In pseudo Fortran array notation: + REALXARR(1-N,1) Where N is the len gth of the given dimension. MultipleVectors The value MultipleVectors indicates that if the caXArray resource is set with a one-dimensional array, then the entire array is used to specify a single vector that is not reused. If the caXArray resource is set with a two-dimensional array, then the caXArray has the array ordered such that the fastest-changing dimension contains the elements of each vector, and the other dimension contains the vectors. For example, in pseudo C array notation: + floatxarray[NUM_VECTORS][NUM_ELEMENTS]; In pseudo Fortran a rray notation: + REALXARR(NUM_ELEMENTS,NUM_VECTORS) Split Vectors The value SplitVectors indicates that the caXArray has the array ordered such that the fastest-changing dimension contains the vectors, and the other dimension contains the elements. For example, in pseudo C array notation: + floatxarray[NUM_ELEMENTS][NUM_VECT ORS]; In pseudo Fortran array notation: + REALXARR(NU M_VECTORS,NUM_ELEMENTS) Default: If the caXArray resource is specified with a one-dimensional array or not at all, then the default value is SingleVector. Otherwise, the default value is MultipleVectors. NOTE: If the caXCast resource is set to SplitVectors, then the caXArray resource will need to be reordered and copied internally so it is not as efficient. caXMaxV This resource is used to tell the CoordArrays object the maximum value contained in the caXArray resource. If it is not specified, the CoordArrays object will compute it. This resource has a dynamic type so that elements of any type can be set to it. Default: The value will be computed if it is not set. caXMinV This resource is used to tell the CoordArrays object the minimum value contained in the caXArray resource. If it is not specified, the CoordArrays object will compute it. This resource has a dynamic type so that elements of any type can be set to it. Default: The value will be computed if it is not set. caXMissingV This resource indicates a missing value for the elements in the caXArray resource. When the HLU library is parsing the data in the caXArray elements, it will treat any element with this value as missing data. This resource has a dynamic type so that elements of any type can be set to it. Default: None -caYArray This resource specifies the Y values of the X/Y coordinate data. It is an array of Y values. If it is a one-dimensional array, then it specifies a single vector of Y values. If it is a two-dimensional array, then the caYCast resource is used to determine which dimension indicates the number of vectors, and which dimension indicates the number of elements within each vector. If the caYArray resource is not set, then all of the X values set with the caXArray resource will be paired with their integer array index. For example, assuming caYCast is MultipleVectors and C array syntax: (xarray[0][0],1) (xarray[0][1],2) (xarray[0][N-1],N) If the caYArray resource is not set, then the caXArray resource must be set. Default: NULL -caYCast This resource is used to tell the CoordArrays object how to interpret the caYArray resource. The three valid values are: SingleVector The value SingleVector indicates that the caYArray provides the data for a single vector. This vector will be reused to match every vector specified by the caXArray. If the caYArray resource is set with a one dimensional array, then the entire array will be used for the vector. If the caYArray resource is set with a two dimensional array, then the vector will be made up from the values in the fastest changing dimension. For example, in pseudo C array notation: float yarray[0][0-(N-1)]; In pseudo Fortran array notation: REAL YARR(1-N,1) Where N is the length of the given dimension. MultipleVectors The value MultipleVectors indicates that if the caYArray resource is set with a one-dimensional array, then the entire array is used to specify a single vector that is not reused. If the caYArray resource is set with a two-dimensional array, then the caYArray has the array ordered such that the fastest-changing dimension contains the elements of each vector, and the other dimension contains the vectors. For example, in pseudo C array notation: float yarray[NUM_VECTORS][NUM_ELEMENTS]; In pseudo Fortran array notation: REAL YARR(NUM_ELEMENTS,NUM_VECTORS) SplitVectors The value SplitVectors indicates that the caYArray has the array ordered such that the fastest-changing dimension contains the vectors, and the other dimension contains the elements. For example, in pseudo C array notation: float yarray[NUM_ELEMENTS][NUM_VECTORS]; In pseudo Fortran array notation: REAL YARR(NUM_VECTORS,NUM_ELEMENTS) Default: If the caYArray resource is specified with a one-dimensional array or not at all, then the default value is SingleVector. Otherwise, the default value is MultipleVectors. Note: If the caYCast resource is set to SplitVectors, then the caYArray resource will need to be reordered and copied internally so it is not as efficient. +caYArray This resource specifies the Y values of the X/Y coordinate data. It is an array of Y values. If it is a one-dimensional array, then it specifies a single vector of Y values. If it is a two-dimensional array, then the caYCast resource is used to determine which dimension indicates the number of vectors, and which dimension indicates the number of elements within each vector. If the caYArray resource is not set, then all of the X values set with the caXArray resource will be paired with their integer array index. For example, assuming caYCast is MultipleVectors and C array syntax: + (xarray[0][0],1) (xarray[0][1],2) (xarray[0][N-1],N) If the caYArray resource is not set, then the caXArray resource must be set. Default: NULL +caYCast This resource is used to tell the CoordArrays object how to interpret the caYArray resource. The three valid values are: SingleVector The value SingleVector indicates that the caYArray provides the data for a single vector. This vector will be reused to match every vector specified by the caXArray. If the caYArray resource is set with a one dimensional array, then the entire array will be used for the vector. If the caYArray resource is set with a two dimensional array, then the vector will be made up from the values in the fastest changing dimension. For example, in pseudo C array notation: + floatyarray[0][0-(N-1) ]; In pseudo Fortran array notation: + REALYARR(1-N,1 ) Where N is the length of the given dimension. MultipleVectors The value MultipleVectors indicates that if the caYArray resource is set with a one-dimensional array, then the entire array is used to specify a single vector that is not reused. If the caYArray resource is set with a two-dimensional array, then the caYArray has the array ordered such that the fastest-changing dimension contains the elements of each vector, and the other dimension contains the vectors. For example, in pseudo C array notation: + floatyarray[NUM_VECTORS][NUM_ELEMENTS]; In pseudo Fortran arra y notation: + REALYARR(NUM_ELEMENTS,NUM_VECTORS) SplitVec tors The value SplitVectors indicates that the caYArray has the array ordered such that the fastest-changing dimension contains the vectors, and the other dimension contains the elements. For example, in pseudo C array notation: + floatyarray[NUM_ELEMENTS][NUM_VECTORS]; + In pseudo Fortran array notation: + REALYARR(NUM_VECTO RS,NUM_ELEMENTS) Default: If the caYArray resource is specified with a one-dimensional array or not at all, then the default value is SingleVector. Otherwise, the default value is MultipleVectors. Note: If the caYCast resource is set to SplitVectors, then the caYArray resource will need to be reordered and copied internally so it is not as efficient. caYMaxV This resource is used to tell the CoordArrays object the maximum value contained in the caYArrayresource. If it is not specified, the CoordArrays object will compute it. This resource has a dynamic type so that elements of any type can be set to it. Default: The value will be computed if it is not set. caYMinV This resource is used to tell the CoordArrays object the minimum value contained in the caYArray resource. If it is not specified, the CoordArrays object will compute it. This resource has a dynamic type so that elements of any type can be set to it. Default: The value will be computed if it is not set. caYMissingV This resource indicates a missing value for elements in the caYArray resource. When the HLU library is parsing the data in the caYArray elements, it will treat any element with this value as missing data. This resource has a dynamic type so that elements of any type can be set to it. Default: None cnCellFillEdgeColor If cnFillMode is set to CellFill, this resource specifies the color used to draw boundaries around the edges of the data grid cells that contain valid non-missing values. If set to the default value, Transparent, the boundaries do not appear. You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Default: Transparent (-1) cnCellFillMissingValEdgeColor If cnFillMode is set to CellFill, this resource specifies the color used to draw boundaries around the edges of the data grid cells that contain missing values. If set to the default value, Transparent, the boundaries do not appear. You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Default: Transparent (-1) -cnConpackParams This string array resource allows you limited access to a number of parameters belonging to the LLU Conpack package, in order to control certain plot features for which ContourPlot does not yet have native resources. Each element of the array is a string consisting of a Conpack parameter name and its desired value separated by the colon character. Here is an example of its use in a resource file: *cnConpackParams: (/ RC1:0.05 , RC2:0.1 , RC3:0.05 , \ PC1:7.0 , PC2:20.0 , PC3:120.0 , PC4:0.01 , PC5:0.05 , PC6:0.05 , \ PW1:0.0 , PW2:0.0 , PW3:0.0 , PW4:0.0 /) If set programmatically, each string element would need to quoted as appropriate for the source language. The example given above includes all the parameters that affect the density of line labels when the cnLineLabelPlacementMode is set to Randomized or Computed. The example values should normally result in the appearance of more labels than the default settings. See the Conpack parameter descriptions for more information. Note that the only Conpack parameters accessible using the cnConpackParams resource are ones that ContourPlot does not set internally and are unlikely to have an interaction with parameters that ContourPlot does set. Here is a categorized list of the Conpack parameters that can be set using cnConpackParams: Contour hachuring control HCL HCS HCF High/low label density HLX HLY Computed placement mode ("Penalty scheme" in Conpack) label density PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PW1 PW2 PW3 PW4 Randomized placement mode ("Regular scheme" in Conpack) label density RC1 RC2 RC3 Point interpolation for lines and edges PIC PIE Note that you cannot get the value of cnConpackParams. Attempts to do so will result in an error. Default: NULL -cnConstFEnableFill Available in version 6.2.0 and later. If the boolean resource cnConstFEnableFill is set to True, then in most cases, constant or near-constant fields will be rendered as a filled area, rather than having the contoured area remain blank. By default, the constant field informational text box will still appear; turn it off by setting cnConstFLabelOn to False. In the future, cnConstFEnableFill will likely default to True, with cnConstFLabelOn defaulting to False unless contour line drawing is enabled. Default: False +cnConpackParams This string array resource allows you limited access to a number of parameters belonging to the LLU Conpack package, in order to control certain plot features for which ContourPlot does not yet have native resources. Each element of the array is a string consisting of a Conpack parameter name and its desired value separated by the colon character. Here is an example of its use in a resource file: *cnConpackParams: (/ RC1:0.05 , RC2:0.1 , RC3:0.05 , \ PC1:7.0 , PC2:20.0 , PC3:120.0 , PC4:0.01 , PC5:0.05 , PC6:0.05 , \ PW1:0.0 , PW2:0.0 , PW3:0.0 , PW4:0.0 /) If set programmatically, each string element would need to quoted as appropriate for the source language. The example given above includes all the parameters that affect the density of line labels when the cnLineLabelPlacementMode is set to Randomized or Computed. The example values should normally result in the appearance of more labels than the default settings. See the Conpack parameter descriptions for more information. Note that the only Conpack parameters accessible using the cnConpackParams resource are ones that ContourPlot does not set internally and are unlikely to have an interaction with parameters that ContourPlot does set. Here is a categorized list of the Conpack parameters that can be set using cnConpackParams: Contour hachuring control HCL HCS HCF High/low label density HLX HLY Computed placement mode ("Penalty scheme" in Conpack) label density PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PW1 PW2 PW3 PW4 Randomized placement mode ("Regular scheme" in Conpack) label density RC1 RC2 RC3 Point interpolation for lines and edges PIC PIE Note that you cannot get the value of cnConpackParams. Attempts to do so will result in an error. Default: NULL +cnConstFEnableFill If the boolean resource cnConstFEnableFill is set to True, then in most cases, constant or near-constant fields will be rendered as a filled area, rather than having the contoured area remain blank. By default, the constant field informational text box will still appear; turn it off by setting cnConstFLabelOn to False. In the future, cnConstFEnableFill will likely default to True, with cnConstFLabelOn defaulting to False unless contour line drawing is enabled. Default: False cnConstFLabelAngleF This resource specifies the angle, in degrees, of the constant field label text and its surrounding box. Default: 0.0 cnConstFLabelBackgroundColor This resource sets the background color used to fill the box surrounding the constant field label. If you do not want the box to be filled at all, set cnConstFLabelBackgroundColor to Transparent (-1). You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Default: Background (0) cnConstFLabelConstantSpacingF Normally when cnLineLabelFontQuality is set to High, the ContourPlot object writes constant field label text with proportional spacing. Setting the cnConstFLabelConstantSpacingF to a value greater than 0.0 overrides this behavior. Instead, the distance from the start of one character to the next is computed by multiplying a single standard character width by the value of cnLineLabelConstantSpacingF. When cnLineLabelConstantSpacingF has a value between 0.0 and 1.0, characters will overlap. A value of 1.0 implies, on average, no space between characters, while values increasing from 1.0 cause the space between characters to grow. This parameter is ignored when cnConstFLabelFontQuality is not High. Values less than 0.0 result in an error and are replaced with the default value. Default: 0.0 @@ -63,16 +78,16 @@ cnFillDotSizeF This resource sets a uniform dot size, in NDC units, for the stip cnFillDrawOrder This resource of type NhlTDrawOrder determines when areas of the contour plot are filled relative to the drawing of other elements of the plot. There are three choices: PreDraw Fill contour areas before the standard draw phase; fill areas will be overlaid by any subsequently drawn elements. Draw Fill contour areas during the standard draw phase; the fill will overlay any elements drawn during the predraw phase, but will underlie elements drawn during the postdraw phase. PostDraw Fill contour areas after the standard draw; the fill will overlay any elements drawn during the predraw and draw phases. You must manipulate this resource in order to mask contours within the context of an Overlay of multiple plot objects. Default: Draw cnFillMode This resource of type NhlTcnFillMode determines how ContourPlot performs fill when cnFillOn is set True. There are three choices: AreaFill The area between contour levels is decomposed into polygons. The polygons are then filled based on the applicable fill color, fill pattern, the scale factor assigned to the pattern, and, if stipple fill (fill pattern 17) is specified, the size of the stippling dots. The following resources can be used to control fill features when cnFillMode is set to AreaFill: cnFillBackgroundColor cnMonoFillColor cnFillColor cnFillColors cnMonoFillPattern cnFillPattern cnFillPatterns cnFillDotSizeF cnMonoFillScale cnFillScaleF cnFillScales cnGridBoundFillColor cnGridBoundFillPattern cnGridBoundFillScaleF cnMissingValFillColor cnMissingValFillPattern cnMissingValFillScaleF cnOutOfRangeFillColor cnOutOfRangeFillPattern cnOutOfRangeFillScaleF Currently when using AreaFill mode, and cnScalarFieldData is specified using a MeshScalarField object, and the ContourPlot is overlaid on certain map projections, the edges of the plot may have a ragged appearance and not completely fill the projected data boundaries. RasterFill ContourPlot generates a representation of the data by individually assigning colors to the elements of a two-dimensional array of rectangular cells (a raster array) superimposed on an area bounding the data grid. With raster mode, only solid fill is possible, and therefore resources related to fill pattern specification have no effect. The color of each cell is determined based on the fill color assigned to the data value at the cell's location. If cnRasterSmoothingOn is set True, the data value for each raster cell is interpolated from the values of data grid cells in the neighborhood. Otherwise, each raster cell is assigned the color associated with the grid cell within which the greatest proportion of its area lies. Beginning with version 6.2.0, the RasterFill mode fully supports transparency in a manner similar to the AreaFill and CellFill modes. Prior to version 6.2.0, if a fill index of Transparent was set for any cell of a raster fill plot, the Background fill color was used instead. The following resources can be used to control fill features when cnFillMode is set to RasterFill: cnFillColors cnGridBoundFillColor cnMissingValFillColor cnOutOfRangeFillColor cnRasterSmoothingOn cnRasterMinCellSizeF cnRasterSampleFactorF cnRasterCellSizeF Currently when using RasterFill mode, and trGridType is set to TriangularMesh, and the ContourPlot is overlaid on certain map projections, the edges of the plot may have a ragged appearance and not completely fill the projected data boundaries. CellFill ContourPlot performs cell fill by drawing filled polygons whose edges are defined by the borders between adjacent grid cells. If the data grid is defined using cell edges, the cell boundaries are obtained explicitly from the coordinate arrays. Otherwise, the edges are assumed to pass through the halfway points in data grid space between the cell centers. Optionally, you may draw lines around the edges using the cell fill edge resources. As with raster fill, pattern fill is not supported. Beginning with version 6.2.0, the CellFill mode supports rendering of unstructured grids, including triangular grids, quadrilateral grids that cannot be fully defined using a 2D array, and geodesic grids with 5, 6, or more sided cells. In order to render such grids, the vertices of each cell must be explicitly specified using the MeshScalarField resources sfXCellBounds and sfYCellBounds. The following resources can be used to control fill features when cnFillMode is set to CellFill: cnMonoFillColor cnFillColor cnFillColors cnMissingValFillColor cnCellFillEdgeColor cnCellFillMissingValEdgeColor Prior to version 6.2.0, the CellFill mode was not available when cnScalarFieldData was specified using a MeshScalarField object. Default: AreaFill cnFillOn This boolean resource controls whether the areas between contour levels are filled with a solid color and/or, if the fill method permits it, a fill pattern. You can choose between three fill methods by setting the resource cnFillMode. Default: False -cnFillOpacityF Available in version 6.1.0 and later. Specifies the opacity of the fill colors of a contour plot. Give a value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 -cnFillPalette Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource of type NhlTColorDefinitionGenArray allows you to set a color palette from which the values assigned to cnFillColors are chosen. You can set this resource to the string name of a predefined color map, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If you set cnFillPalette using a predefined color map, it will have two fewer elements than if you set wkColorMap using the same color map. This is because the wkColorMap resource contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Use cnSpanFillPalette to indicate whether to span the full color palette or to simply use sequentially increasing values. Default: None +cnFillOpacityF Specifies the opacity of the fill colors of a contour plot. Give a value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 +cnFillPalette This resource of type NhlTColorDefinitionGenArray allows you to set a color palette from which the values assigned to cnFillColors are chosen. You can set this resource to the string name of a predefined color map, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If you set cnFillPalette using a predefined color map, it will have two fewer elements than if you set wkColorMap using the same color map. This is because the wkColorMap resource contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Use cnSpanFillPalette to indicate whether to span the full color palette or to simply use sequentially increasing values. Default: None cnFillPattern When cnMonoFillPattern is set True, this resource of type NhlTFillIndex sets a uniform pattern for all contour fill areas. Default: SolidFill cnFillPatterns If cnMonoFillPattern is False, each element of this array of type NhlTFillIndexGenArray specifies the fill pattern used for a contour fill area. Note that there is always one more fill area than there are contour levels. The first element of cnFillPatterns specifies the fill pattern for any region containing a data value less than the value of cnMinLevelValF, while the highest currently used element of cnFillPatterns specifies the fill pattern for regions containing data values greater than the value of cnMaxLevelValF. If the array is not set explicitly, the ContourPlot object will assign sequential fill pattern indexes (starting with fill index 1--not "SolidFill", which is fill index 0) to each array element up to the maximum number of existing fill patterns. Thereafter it will repeat the sequence using modular arithmetic. If the array currently contains fewer elements than cnLevelCount+1, more elements will be added to the array and given values according to the same assignment scheme; existing elements with valid fill pattern index values will not be modified. Default: cnFillScaleF When cnMonoFillScale is True, this resource sets a uniform scaling value for all contour fill patterns. Default: 1.0 cnFillScales When cnMonoFillScale is False, the cnFillScales array resource allows individual control of the scaling of the pattern used for each contour fill area. It has no effect for solid fill (fill pattern "SolidFill", index 0). Values greater than 1.0 make the pattern spacing bigger than the default spacing, resulting in a fill that appears less dense. Values less than 1.0 have the opposite effect. Values less than or equal to 0.0 are invalid, generate a warning message, and are reset to the default value, 1.0. Note that there is always one more fill area than there are contour levels. If the array is not set explicitly, the ContourPlot object will assign the value 1.0 to all elements of the array. If the array currently contains fewer elements than cnLevelCount+1, more elements will be added to the array and given the same default value of 1.0; existing elements with valid fill scale index values will not be modified. Default: 1.0 for all elements cnFixFillBleed When cnFillOn is set True and cnFillMode is set to AreaFill, ContourPlot performs area fill. Occasionally, due to limitations of the area rendering algorithm, this mode of fill fails and colors "bleed" out into areas they do not belong. If you have this kind of problem with your plot, it will probably be fixed if you set the resource cnFixFillBleed to True. However, there are certain kinds of plots that have problems when cnFixFillBleed is set True, and so far there is no clear algorithm for distinguishing these. Therefore, the corrections that are applied as a result of setting cnFixFillBleed cannot be yet be unconditionally coded into ContourPlot. Eventually, it is hoped that the need for this resource will be eliminated. Default: True (was False in NCL versions 6.0.0 and earlier) -cnGridBoundFillColor Available in version 6.0.0 and later. This resource sets the color to use for filling areas outside the boundaries of the data grid, but within the viewport and the projectable areas of the underlying map, if any. cnFillOn must be set to True and cnGridBoundFillPattern must have a value other than HollowFill (-1) for this resource to have an effect. You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Prior to version 6.2.0, if cnFillMode was set to RasterFill, the Background color was substituted if Transparent was specified for cnGridBoundFillColor. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Also note that the triangular mesh contouring algorithm does not distinguish between missing value areas and areas outside the grid boundary. Therefore if ContourPlot is given non-rectangular data or trGridType is explicitly set to TriangularMesh, the color index used will be the larger value of those assigned to the resources cnMissingValFillColor and cnGridBoundFillColor. Note that when this resource has a value other than Transparent and cnGridBoundFillPattern has a value other than HollowFill the value of cnMaxPointDistanceF is ignored. The underlying parameter it normally controls is constrained to the value 0.001. This is because the grid boundary needs to be calculated more precisely in this instance in order to correctly generate the fill areas on each side of the grid boundary. Default: Transparent (0) -cnGridBoundFillPattern Available in version 6.0.0 and later. This resource sets the fill pattern index used to fill areas outside the boundaries of the data grid, but within the viewport and the projectable areas of the underlying map, if any. cnFillMode must be set to AreaFill, cnFillOn must be set to True, and cnGridBoundFillColor must have a value other than Transparent (-1) for this resource to have an effect. If cnFillMode is set to RasterFill only SolidFill is possible. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Note that the triangular mesh contouring algorithm does not distinguish between missing value areas and areas outside the grid boundary. Therefore if ContourPlot is given non-rectangular data or trGridType is explicitly set to TriangularMesh, the fill index used will be the larger value of those assigned to the resources cnMissingValFillPattern and cnGridBoundFillPattern. Default: SolidFill -cnGridBoundFillScaleF Available in version 6.0.0 and later. The cnGridBoundFillScaleF resource controls the scaling of the pattern used for areas outside the boundaries of the data grid, but within the viewport and the projectable areas of the underlying map, if any. It has no effect for solid fill (fill pattern index Solid or 0) or whenever fill patterns are not enabled. Values greater than 1.0 make the pattern spacing bigger than the default spacing, resulting in a fill that appears less dense. Values less than 1.0 have the opposite effect. Values less than or equal to 0.0 are invalid, generate a warning message, and are reset to the default value, 1.0. Note that the triangular mesh contouring algorithm does not distinguish between missing value areas and areas outside the grid boundary. Therefore if ContourPlot is given non-rectangular data or trGridType is explicitly set to TriangularMesh, the fill scale used will be the value assigned to cnMissingValFillScaleF unless it is set to the default value, 1.0. In that case it will be the value assigned to cnGridBoundFillScaleF. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Default: 1.0 +cnGridBoundFillColor This resource sets the color to use for filling areas outside the boundaries of the data grid, but within the viewport and the projectable areas of the underlying map, if any. cnFillOn must be set to True and cnGridBoundFillPattern must have a value other than HollowFill (-1) for this resource to have an effect. You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Prior to version 6.2.0, if cnFillMode was set to RasterFill, the Background color was substituted if Transparent was specified for cnGridBoundFillColor. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Also note that the triangular mesh contouring algorithm does not distinguish between missing value areas and areas outside the grid boundary. Therefore if ContourPlot is given non-rectangular data or trGridType is explicitly set to TriangularMesh, the color index used will be the larger value of those assigned to the resources cnMissingValFillColor and cnGridBoundFillColor. Note that when this resource has a value other than Transparent and cnGridBoundFillPattern has a value other than HollowFill the value of cnMaxPointDistanceF is ignored. The underlying parameter it normally controls is constrained to the value 0.001. This is because the grid boundary needs to be calculated more precisely in this instance in order to correctly generate the fill areas on each side of the grid boundary. Default: Transparent (0) +cnGridBoundFillPattern This resource sets the fill pattern index used to fill areas outside the boundaries of the data grid, but within the viewport and the projectable areas of the underlying map, if any. cnFillMode must be set to AreaFill, cnFillOn must be set to True, and cnGridBoundFillColor must have a value other than Transparent (-1) for this resource to have an effect. If cnFillMode is set to RasterFill only SolidFill is possible. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Note that the triangular mesh contouring algorithm does not distinguish between missing value areas and areas outside the grid boundary. Therefore if ContourPlot is given non-rectangular data or trGridType is explicitly set to TriangularMesh, the fill index used will be the larger value of those assigned to the resources cnMissingValFillPattern and cnGridBoundFillPattern. Default: SolidFill +cnGridBoundFillScaleF The cnGridBoundFillScaleF resource controls the scaling of the pattern used for areas outside the boundaries of the data grid, but within the viewport and the projectable areas of the underlying map, if any. It has no effect for solid fill (fill pattern index Solid or 0) or whenever fill patterns are not enabled. Values greater than 1.0 make the pattern spacing bigger than the default spacing, resulting in a fill that appears less dense. Values less than 1.0 have the opposite effect. Values less than or equal to 0.0 are invalid, generate a warning message, and are reset to the default value, 1.0. Note that the triangular mesh contouring algorithm does not distinguish between missing value areas and areas outside the grid boundary. Therefore if ContourPlot is given non-rectangular data or trGridType is explicitly set to TriangularMesh, the fill scale used will be the value assigned to cnMissingValFillScaleF unless it is set to the default value, 1.0. In that case it will be the value assigned to cnGridBoundFillScaleF. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Default: 1.0 cnGridBoundPerimColor This resource sets the color to use for drawing the perimeter line around the grid boundary. You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Default: Foreground (1) cnGridBoundPerimDashPattern This resource sets the HLU index of a dash pattern used to render the perimeter line around the grid boundary. Default: 0 cnGridBoundPerimOn If set True, this boolean resource specifies that a perimeter line be drawn around the grid boundary (extent of the ScalarField data) in the ContourPlot plot. Default: False @@ -121,7 +136,7 @@ cnInfoLabelString Specifies the string to use when drawing an informational labe cnInfoLabelTextDirection This resource of type NhlTTextDirection specifies the direction of the text in the informational label. The choices are: Down Each character is placed below the previous character in the text string. Across Each character is placed to the right of the previous character in the text string. These directions apply before any rotation due to cnInfoLabelAngleF is applied to the informational label. Default: Across cnInfoLabelZone ContourPlot implements the informational label as an embedded annotation. cnInfoLabelZone specifies the PlotManager zone assigned to the informational annotation. The PlotManager Location Control Model requires this resource to allow control of the informational label consistent with other annotations. If cnInfoLabelZone is set to 0, the positional origin is the center of the plot viewport; otherwise it is on or outside one of the sides of the viewport. If you create a ContourPlot object without an active PlotManager by setting tfPlotManagerOn False, then ContourPlot manages the informational annotation by itself. In this case, the cnInfoLabelZone resource is not as meaningful. Default: 3 cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn When this boolean resource is set True and cnExplicitLabelBarLabelsOn is False, ContourPlot creates labels for the two ends of the LabelBar. The label at one end will be a string representation of the minimum value in the dataset, and at the other end will be a string representation of the maximum value in the dataset. Both strings will be formatted according to the format specification in effect for the other labels provided by ContourPlot to the LabelBar. As of version 5.0.0 or later this resource is deprecated and is overridden by cnLabelBarEndStyle when both are set at the same time. Default: False -cnLabelBarEndStyle Available in version 5.0.0 and later. This enumerated resource of type NhlTLabelBarEndStyle allows you to select from among three styles for the ends of the ContourPlot LabelBar: IncludeOuterBoxes The two end boxes represent the fill color and/or patterns used for areas of the plot where the data is below the minimum contour level or above the maximum contour level. The first and last labels, representing the minimum and maximum contour levels, are aligned with the interior boundaries of the outer boxes. IncludeMinMaxLabels The two end boxes represent the fill color and/or patterns used for areas of the plot where the data is below the minimum contour level or above the maximum contour level. The first and last labels, representing the minimum and maximum values in the field, are aligned with the exterior boundaries of the outer boxes. However, if the minimum and/or maximum field values fall within the range specified by the minimum and maximum contour levels, one or both of these labels will be set to an empty string. ExcludeOuterBoxes Only boxes representing fill colors and/or patterns between the minimum and maximum contour levels appear in the LabelBar. The first and last labels, representing the minimum and maximum contour levels, are aligned with the exterior boundaries of what have now become the outer boxes of the LabelBar. This setting is useful in cases where there exist maximum and minimum values that by the nature of the quantity always bound the data, e.g. probability or per cent cloud cover. As of version 5.0.0 or later this resource overrides the now deprecated cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn when both are set at the same time. Default: IncludeOuterBoxes +cnLabelBarEndStyle This enumerated resource of type NhlTLabelBarEndStyle allows you to select from among three styles for the ends of the ContourPlot LabelBar: IncludeOuterBoxes The two end boxes represent the fill color and/or patterns used for areas of the plot where the data is below the minimum contour level or above the maximum contour level. The first and last labels, representing the minimum and maximum contour levels, are aligned with the interior boundaries of the outer boxes. IncludeMinMaxLabels The two end boxes represent the fill color and/or patterns used for areas of the plot where the data is below the minimum contour level or above the maximum contour level. The first and last labels, representing the minimum and maximum values in the field, are aligned with the exterior boundaries of the outer boxes. However, if the minimum and/or maximum field values fall within the range specified by the minimum and maximum contour levels, one or both of these labels will be set to an empty string. ExcludeOuterBoxes Only boxes representing fill colors and/or patterns between the minimum and maximum contour levels appear in the LabelBar. The first and last labels, representing the minimum and maximum contour levels, are aligned with the exterior boundaries of what have now become the outer boxes of the LabelBar. This setting is useful in cases where there exist maximum and minimum values that by the nature of the quantity always bound the data, e.g. probability or per cent cloud cover. As of version 5.0.0 or later this resource overrides the now deprecated cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn when both are set at the same time. Default: IncludeOuterBoxes cnLabelDrawOrder This resource of type NhlTDrawOrder determines when contour plot labels are drawn relative to the drawing of other elements of the plot. There are three choices: PreDraw Draw contour labels before the standard draw phase; the labels will be overlaid by any subsequently drawn elements. Draw Draw contour labels during the standard draw phase; the labels will overlay any elements drawn during the predraw phase as well as fill and contour lines drawn during the standard draw phase, but will underlie elements drawn during the postdraw phase. PostDraw Draw contour labels after the standard draw; the labels will overlay any elements drawn during the predraw and draw phases as well as lines and fill drawn during the postdraw phase. Default: Draw cnLabelMasking This resource controls whether ContourPlot lines and fill are masked in the areas where ContourPlot labels are to appear. When working with raster type devices, it is seldom necessary to mask for labels, since they can be made to solidly overlay the areas where they appear. Also there is a noticeable performance penalty when labels are masked, so the use of this option is discouraged unless it is necessary. Default: False cnLabelScaleFactorF cnLabelScaleFactorF is a read-only resource that contains the current scale factor that applies to ContourPlot object labels. Multiplying the numbers in the labels by the value of cnLabelScaleFactorF gives the actual data values the numbers represent. The ContourPlot object calculates its value based on the data value with the maximum absolute value, the current mode of the enumerated resource, cnLabelScalingMode, and perhaps the value of cnLabelScaleValueF. Its value may also be influenced by the number of significant digits specified by the format specification resource, cnMaxDataValueFormat. You may output the value of this resource in the informational label using the the substitution string "$SFU$". Default: @@ -162,7 +177,7 @@ cnLineLabelPerimThicknessF This resource determines the thickness of the perimet cnLineLabelPlacementMode This resource of type NhlTcnLineLabelPlacementMode determines the algorithm ContourPlot uses to place line labels. There are three choices: Constant ContourPlot draws line labels as an integral part of the line dash pattern. As a result, the labels are equally spaced along the lines. You can control the spacing between the labels by setting the cnLineDashSegLenF resource. Randomized ContourPlot places labels using a randomizing algorithm to vary the distance between labels. You can increase or decrease the overall number of labels using the cnLineLabelDensityF resource. Or for more precise control, you can specify the appropriate low level parameter values yourself using cnConpackParams. Computed ContourPlot uses a more complex algorithm involving the local gradient, number of contour lines in a region, cumulative change in direction, and an optimum distance value to determine the best location for line labels. This method usually gives the best-looking results. You can increase or decrease the overall number of labels using the cnLineLabelDensityF resource. Or for more precise control, you can specify the appropriate low level parameter values yourself using cnConpackParams. V4.1 Status Note 3 Default: Randomized cnLineLabelStrings Each element of the array resource cnLineLabelStrings specifies a string to be drawn at a contour level. Note that there is an element of this array for each contour level, whether or not (based on the contents of the cnLevelFlags array) a label will actually be drawn. If cnExplicitLineLabelsOn is set False, ContourPlot automatically sets the contents of the array to a set of strings representing the values of the contour levels, scaled based on the value of cnLabelScaleFactorF, and formatted based on the contents of cnMaxDataValueFormat and cnLineLabelFormat. If cnExplicitLineLabelsOn is set True, ContourPlot will not modify any initialized element of the array, thus allowing you to set its values to strings of your choice. If you set the resource with an array containing fewer elements than the current number of levels, the remaining elements will be assigned using the automatic method. Default: cnLineLabelsOn If this boolean resource is set False, contour line labels will not appear in the contour plot. Note that this resource overrides the values contained in the cnLevelFlags array resource with respect to line labels, but has nothing to do with whether contour lines appear. Default: True (False for gsn_csm contour routines when contour fill is turned on.) -cnLinePalette Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource of type NhlTColorDefinitionGenArray allows you to set a color palette from which the values assigned to cnLineColors are chosen. You can set this resource to the string name of a predefined color map, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If you set cnLinePalette using a predefined color map, it will have two fewer elements than if you set wkColorMap using the same color map. This is because the wkColorMap resource contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Use cnSpanLinePalette to indicate whether to span the full color palette or to simply use sequentially increasing values. Default: None +cnLinePalette This resource of type NhlTColorDefinitionGenArray allows you to set a color palette from which the values assigned to cnLineColors are chosen. You can set this resource to the string name of a predefined color map, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If you set cnLinePalette using a predefined color map, it will have two fewer elements than if you set wkColorMap using the same color map. This is because the wkColorMap resource contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Use cnSpanLinePalette to indicate whether to span the full color palette or to simply use sequentially increasing values. Default: None cnLineThicknessF When cnMonoLineThickness is True, this resource sets a uniform line thickness for all contour lines. Default: 1.0 cnLineThicknesses If cnMonoLineThickness is False, each element of this array resource specifies the line thickness of a contour line drawn at the corresponding contour level. If the array is not set explicitly, all elements default to the value 1.0. If the array currently contains fewer elements than cnLevelCount, more elements will be added to the array and set to the default value, 1.0; existing elements with valid line thicknesses (greater than 0.0) will not be modified. Default: 1.0 for all elements cnLinesOn If this boolean resource is set False, no contour lines will appear in the contour plot, regardless of the values contained in the cnLevelFlags array resource. It has no effect on line labels. Default: True (False for gsn_csm contour routines when contour fill is turned on.) @@ -208,9 +223,9 @@ cnMonoLineLabelFontColor When set True, all contour line labels are rendered usi cnMonoLineThickness When set True, all contour lines are rendered using the same line thickness, as specified by the value of the scalar resource cnLineThicknessF. Otherwise, the elements of the array resource cnLineThicknesses control the thickness of each line individually. Default: True cnNoDataLabelOn This boolean resource, when set True, causes a label to appear when ContourPlot is drawn without any data having been provided. Except for the label string, all attributes of this label, including its position, are set using resources belonging to the constant field label. When set False, no such label appears. Default: True cnNoDataLabelString This resource contains the string that appears in the 'No Data' label if you draw a ContourPlot object without providing any data. No substitution substrings are allowed in this label, since all the substitutions depend on data being available. Except for the boolean switch that turns it on and off, all attributes of this label, including its position, are set using resources belonging to the constant field label. Default: "NO CONTOUR DATA" -cnOutOfRangeFillColor Available in version 6.0.0 and later. This resource sets the color to use for filling areas within the viewport but outside the projectable area of the underlying map, if any. cnFillOn must be set to True and cnOutOfRangeFillPattern must have a value other than HollowFill (-1) for this resource to have an effect. You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Prior to version 6.2.0, if cnFillMode was set to RasterFill, the Background color was substituted if Transparent was specified for cnOutOfRangeFillColor. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Default: Transparent (0) -cnOutOfRangeFillPattern Available in version 6.0.0 and later. This resource sets the fill pattern index used to fill areas within the viewport but outside the projectable area of the underlying map, if any. cnFillOn must be set to True, and cnOutOfRangeFillColor must have a value other than Transparent (-1) for this resource to have an effect. If cnFillMode is set to RasterFill only SolidFill is possible. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Default: SolidFill -cnOutOfRangeFillScaleF Available in version 6.0.0 and later. The cnOutOfRangeFillScaleF resource controls the scaling of the pattern used for areas within the viewport but outside the projectable area of the underlying map, if any. It has no effect for solid fill (fill pattern index Solid or 0) or whenever fill patterns are not enabled. Values greater than 1.0 make the pattern spacing bigger than the default spacing, resulting in a fill that appears less dense. Values less than 1.0 have the opposite effect. Values less than or equal to 0.0 are invalid, generate a warning message, and are reset to the default value, 1.0. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Default: 1.0 +cnOutOfRangeFillColor This resource sets the color to use for filling areas within the viewport but outside the projectable area of the underlying map, if any. cnFillOn must be set to True and cnOutOfRangeFillPattern must have a value other than HollowFill (-1) for this resource to have an effect. You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Prior to version 6.2.0, if cnFillMode was set to RasterFill, the Background color was substituted if Transparent was specified for cnOutOfRangeFillColor. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Default: Transparent (0) +cnOutOfRangeFillPattern This resource sets the fill pattern index used to fill areas within the viewport but outside the projectable area of the underlying map, if any. cnFillOn must be set to True, and cnOutOfRangeFillColor must have a value other than Transparent (-1) for this resource to have an effect. If cnFillMode is set to RasterFill only SolidFill is possible. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Default: SolidFill +cnOutOfRangeFillScaleF The cnOutOfRangeFillScaleF resource controls the scaling of the pattern used for areas within the viewport but outside the projectable area of the underlying map, if any. It has no effect for solid fill (fill pattern index Solid or 0) or whenever fill patterns are not enabled. Values greater than 1.0 make the pattern spacing bigger than the default spacing, resulting in a fill that appears less dense. Values less than 1.0 have the opposite effect. Values less than or equal to 0.0 are invalid, generate a warning message, and are reset to the default value, 1.0. This resource is not supported for cnFillMode set to CellFill. Default: 1.0 cnOutOfRangePerimColor This resource sets the color to use for drawing the perimeter lines around the edge of out-of-range areas. You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Default: Foreground (1) cnOutOfRangePerimDashPattern This resource sets the HLU index of a dash pattern used to render perimeter lines around the edge of out-of-range areas. Default: 0 cnOutOfRangePerimOn If set True, this boolean resource specifies that perimeter lines be drawn around areas where the ScalarField data falls outside the current data boundaries of the plot. Default: False @@ -224,8 +239,8 @@ cnScalarFieldData Specifies the id of a data object belonging to the ScalarField cnSmoothingDistanceF When the boolean resource cnSmoothingOn is set to True (it is False by default), the ContourPlot object will use cnSmoothingDistanceF to help control the parameters of the smoothing algorithm. cnSmoothingDistanceF sets the distance between points used to draw smoothed contour lines. It is expressed as a fraction of the width of the window in the coordinate system in which smoothing is being performed. Note that processing time is affected greatly by the value given to the smoothing distance. Smaller values add to the processing time. Default: 0.01 cnSmoothingOn When the boolean resource cnSmoothingOn is True, the ContourPlot object will smooth the contours using cubic splines under tension. The resources cnSmoothingTensionF and cnSmoothingDistanceF control the parameters of the smoothing algorithm. Note that when smoothing is turned on, it is possible in some cases for adjacent contour lines to cross each other. In this case, you need to adjust the cnSmoothingTensionF experimentally in order to eliminate the problem. Default: False cnSmoothingTensionF When the boolean resource cnSmoothingOn is set to True (it is False by default), the ContourPlot object will use cnSmoothingTensionF to help control the parameters of the smoothing algorithm. If you give cnSmoothingTensionF a value of 0.0, smoothing is turned off. If you give it a negative value, the ContourPlot object performs smoothing prior to any transformations of the data space; if you make it positive, smoothing takes place after any data space transformations. Small absolute values on the order of 0.001 give 'loopy' curves, which are rather likely to cross each other. Large absolute values give tight, nearly polygonal curves. V4.1 Status Note 4 Default: -2.5 -cnSpanFillPalette Available in version 6.1.0 and later. If set to True, and if cnFillColors is not set using explicit values, then ContourPlot automatically spans the cnFillPalette resource to determine color index values for cnFillColors. If cnFillPalette is not set then the wkColorMap resource is spanned instead. If set to False, then ContourPlot uses consecutively ascending values to populate cnFillColors. If the colors are derived from cnFillPalette the first color will be determined from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color will come from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Default: True -cnSpanLinePalette Available in version 6.1.0 and later. If set to True, and if cnLineColors is not set using explicit values, then ContourPlot automatically spans the cnLinePalette resource to determine color index values for cnLineColors. If cnLinePalette is not set then the wkColorMap resource is spanned instead. If set to False, then ContourPlot uses consecutively ascending values to populate cnLineColors. If the color indexes are derived from cnLinePalette the first color will be determeined from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color comes from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Default: True +cnSpanFillPalette If set to True, and if cnFillColors is not set using explicit values, then ContourPlot automatically spans the cnFillPalette resource to determine color index values for cnFillColors. If cnFillPalette is not set then the wkColorMap resource is spanned instead. If set to False, then ContourPlot uses consecutively ascending values to populate cnFillColors. If the colors are derived from cnFillPalette the first color will be determined from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color will come from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Default: True +cnSpanLinePalette If set to True, and if cnLineColors is not set using explicit values, then ContourPlot automatically spans the cnLinePalette resource to determine color index values for cnLineColors. If cnLinePalette is not set then the wkColorMap resource is spanned instead. If set to False, then ContourPlot uses consecutively ascending values to populate cnLineColors. If the color indexes are derived from cnLinePalette the first color will be determeined from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color comes from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Default: True ctCopyTables This resource is used to determine if the CoordArrTable object should make its own copy of the ctXTable and ctYTable data. If this resource is False, it is important for the programmer to keep the data around without modifying it. Default: True ctXElementSize This resource is used to indicate the size of each element of each vector in the ctXTable resource. If the ctXTable resource is set, and this one is not, then the CoordArrTable object will use the ctXTableType resource to try to determine the size of each element; therefore this resource is usually not necessary. Default: Determined from ctXTableType if possible. ctXMaxV This resource is used to tell the CoordArrTable object the maximum value contained in the ctXTable resource. If it is not specified, the CoordArrTable object will compute it. This resource has a dynamic type so that elements of any type can be set to it. Default: The value will be computed if it is not set. @@ -243,13 +258,13 @@ ctYTableLengths This resource is a one-dimensional integer array. Each element o ctYTableType This resource is used to indicate the type of each element of each vector in the ctYTable resource. It is a string value of the type's name. For example, "Integer". There are symbols provided to the C interface for all the available types. "Integer" would be set with NhlTInteger. Default: NULL This resource must be set if the ctYTable resource is set. dcDelayCompute This resource is used to indicate if the DataComm object should buffer its response to changes in DataItem objects that are associated with data resources in the DataComm object. If this resource is False, then the DataComm object will immediately update its internal state to changes the user makes to an associated DataItem. If this resource is True, then the DataComm object will wait until the user tries to draw the DataComm object, or they call the UpdateData function. It may be useful to set this resource True, if a particular data resource has a number of DataItems associated with it and each one of the DataItems are modified. In this case, if the dcDelayCompute resource is True, then the DataComm object will only recompute data extents once, instead of recomputing them every single time each of the associated DataItem objects is modified. Default: False errBuffer This resource determines if error messages should be buffered so they can be extracted by the application programmer at a later time. Default: False -errFileName Specifies the file to print error messages to. The error object understands the file names "stderr" and "stdout" to be the streams associated with those standard FILE pointers in the UNIX environment. If the Error object is in Fortran mode, it will still interpret the "stderr" and "stdout" file names. If the errUnitNumber resource is not set, then the library will use the appropriate unit numbers for these standard UNIX streams. The error object will try to create a file of any other name relative to the current directory or append to that file if it already exists. Default: "stderr" Note: If the Error object is in C mode, and the errFilePtr resource is set, then this resource is ignored. Also, if the Error object is in Fortran mode, and the errUnitNumber is set to an Open unit, this resource is ignored. +errFileName Specifies the file to print error messages to. The error object understands the file names "stderr" and "stdout" to be the streams associated with those standard FILE pointers in the UNIX environment. If the Error object is in Fortran mode, it will still interpret the "stderr" and "stdout" file names. If the errUnitNumber resource is not set, then the library will use the appropriate unit numbers for these standard UNIX streams. The error object will try to create a file of any other name relative to the current directory or append to that file if it already exists. Default: "stderr" Note:If the Error obj ect is in C mode, and the errFilePtr resource is set, then this resource is ignored. Also, if the Error object is in Fortran mode, and the errUnitNumber is set to an Open unit, this resource is ignored. errFilePtr This resource is only used if the HLU library is initialized with one of the C functions NhlInitialize or NhlOpen. This resource specifies the C file pointer to print the error messages to, if the errPrint resource is True. If this resource is set, then the errFileName resource is ignored. Default: NULL errLevel Specifies the error level that should be reported. Any error message that is less severe than this level will not be reported or buffered. Default: WARNING errPrint Used to determine if error messages should be printed or not. If they are, they are printed to the file indicated by the errFileName, errFilePtr and errUnitNumber resources. Default: True errUnitNumber This resource is only used if the HLU library is initialized with one of the Fortran routines NHLFINITIALIZE or NHLFOPEN. This resource specifies the Fortran unit number to print the error messages to if the errPrint resource is True. If the unit number has already been opened, then the Error object ignores the errFileName resource. If the unit number has not been opened yet, then the Error object attempts to open the file. If the errFileName resource has been set, then it uses that name, otherwise it doesn't. If this resource is not set, then the Error object just uses the errFileName resource to determine where it should print error messages. Default: 74 Note: If the errFileName resource is set to either "stdout" or "stderr", then this defaults to the appropriate unit numbers for those standard UNIX streams, usually 6 and 0 respectively. gsClipOn This resource controls whether primitives are clipped to the plot viewport. When set to the default value, True, any parts of the primitive drawn outside the viewport will not appear. If set to False these elements of the primitive will appear, except in the case of data primitives drawn using a MapTransformation or an IrregularTransformation. In these cases the data space is undefined outside the viewport boundary and therefore the location of the primitives cannot be determined. Default: True -gsColors Available in version 6.2.0 and later. This resource allows you to set an array of fill or line color indexes for polygons or polyline segments being drawn on or attached to a plot via the gsSegments resource, so it should have the same size as gsSegments. If it contains fewer elements, then the values will be recycled as often as required to draw all segments. Default: None +gsColors This resource allows you to set an array of fill or line color indexes for polygons or polyline segments being drawn on or attached to a plot via the gsSegments resource, so it should have the same size as gsSegments. If it contains fewer elements, then the values will be recycled as often as required to draw all segments. Default: None gsEdgeColor This resource of type NhlTColorIndex specifies the color used for the edges of fill primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: Foreground gsEdgeDashPattern This resource of type NhlTDashIndex specifies the dash pattern for the edges of fill primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: 0 gsEdgeDashSegLenF This resource specifies the length of each segment of the dash pattern used for the edges of fill primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: .15 @@ -260,13 +275,13 @@ gsFillColor This resource of type NhlTColorIndex sets the color used for fill pr gsFillDotSizeF This resource sets a uniform dot size, in NDC units, for the stipple dot fill pattern. The default value of 0.0 causes the dots to be drawn as before, using a workstation dependent minimum dot size. A caveat is that individual dots are not clipped around the edges of fill areas; this becomes more noticeable as the dot size increases. Default: 0.0 gsFillIndex This resource of type NhlTFillIndex sets the fill pattern used for fill primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: 0 gsFillLineThicknessF This resource specifies the thickness of lines used within the fill patterns of fill primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: 1.0 -gsFillOpacityF Available in version 6.1.0 and later. Sets the opacity of filled polygons. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 +gsFillOpacityF Sets the opacity of filled polygons. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 gsFillScaleF This resource specifies the fill pattern scaling factor for fill primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: 1.0 gsFont This resource specifies the font used to render text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: pwritx gsFontAspectF This resource specifies the font aspect ratio for text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: 1.3125 gsFontColor This resource of type NhlTColorIndex specifies the color of text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: Foreground gsFontHeightF This resource specifies the font height for text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: 0.015 -gsFontOpacityF Available in version 6.1.0 and later. Sets the opacity of text drawn as graphics on a plot. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 +gsFontOpacityF Sets the opacity of text drawn as graphics on a plot. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 gsFontQuality This resource of type NhlFontQuality determines the quality of the font used to render text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. There are three choices: High Draw characters using any of the stoked or filled fonts. Medium Draw characters using a 94-character stroked font that is simpler than the High quality fonts, resulting in somewhat smaller metafiles. The gsFont resource is ignored. Low The characters are output as a string into the metafile. The quality of the output therefore depends on the fonts available to the metafile translator. When NCAR Graphics translators are used, the font quality is similar to that of Medium text. The gsFont resource is ignored. Default: High gsFontThicknessF This resource specifies the font thickness for text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. Default: 1.0 gsLineColor This resource of type NhlTColorIndex specifies the color of line primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: Foreground @@ -281,45 +296,45 @@ gsLineLabelFontQuality This resource of type NhlTFontQuality specifies the quali gsLineLabelFontThicknessF This resource specifies the line label font thickness for line primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. Default: 1.0 gsLineLabelFuncCode This resource of type NhlTCharacter sets the line label function code used for line primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Note: the default function code was a colon (:) in NCL Versions 6.0.0 and earlier. Default: ~ gsLineLabelString This resource specifies the string used as the line label for line primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: -gsLineOpacityF Available in version 6.1.0 and later. Sets the opacity of polyline or polygon boundaries. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 +gsLineOpacityF Sets the opacity of polyline or polygon boundaries. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 gsLineThicknessF This resource specifies the thickness of line primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. Default: 1.0 gsMarkerColor This resource of type NhlTColorIndex specifies the color of marker primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: Foreground gsMarkerIndex This resource of type NhlTMarkerIndex specifies the marker glyph for marker primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: "asterisk" -gsMarkerOpacityF Available in version 6.1.0 and later. Sets the opacity of marker symbols. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 +gsMarkerOpacityF Sets the opacity of marker symbols. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 gsMarkerSizeF This resource specifies the NDC size of marker primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: 0.007 gsMarkerThicknessF This resource specifies the thickness of the lines used to render marker primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. Default: 1.0 -gsSegments Available in version 6.2.0 and later. This resource allows you specify an array of indexes into the X/Y point arrays to indicate the start of each new line or polygon segment. This allows you to treat multiple line or polygon segments as a single composite polyline or polygon. Using this resource can significantly speed up code that is adding thousands of segments to a plot. It is only available with polyline and polygon drawing codes like gsn_add_polyline, gsn_add_polygon, NhlDataPolyline, and NhlDataPolygon. The gsColors allows you to specify an array of color indexes associated with each line or polygon segment in gsSegments. Default: None +gsSegments This resource allows you specify an array of indexes into the X/Y point arrays to indicate the start of each new line or polygon segment. This allows you to treat multiple line or polygon segments as a single composite polyline or polygon. Using this resource can significantly speed up code that is adding thousands of segments to a plot. It is only available with polyline and polygon drawing codes like gsn_add_polyline, gsn_add_polygon, NhlDataPolyline, and NhlDataPolygon. The gsColors allows you to specify an array of color indexes associated with each line or polygon segment in gsSegments. Default: None gsTextAngleF This resource specifies the rotation angle around the justification point of text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: 0.0 gsTextConstantSpacingF Normally when gsFontQuality is set to High, text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object are rendered using proportional spacing. Setting the gsTextConstantSpacingF to a value greater than 0.0 overrides this behavior. Instead, the distance from the start of one character to the next is computed by multiplying a single standard character width by the value of gsTextConstantSpacingF. When gsTextConstantSpacingF has a value between 0.0 and 1.0, characters will overlap. A value of 1.0 implies, on average, no space between characters, while values increasing from 1.0 cause the space between characters to grow. This parameter is ignored when gsFontQuality is not High. Values less than 0.0 result in an error and are replaced with the default value. Default: 0.0 gsTextDirection This resource of type NhlTTextDirection specifies the direction of the text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. There are two choices: Down Each character is placed below the previous character in the text string. Across Each character is placed to the right of the previous character in the text string. These descriptions apply before any rotation due to gsTextAngleF is applied to the text primitive. Default: Across gsTextFuncCode This resource of type NhlTCharacter specifies the function code used for text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Note: the default function code was a colon (:) in NCL Versions 6.0.0 and earlier. Default: ~ gsTextJustification This resource of type NhlJustification sets the justification point for text primitives associated with the GraphicStyle object. Default: CenterCenter -gsnAboveYRefLineBarColors If gsnYRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what colors to use in filling the bars above the given reference line. The colors will repeat if there are fewer colors than bars. Default: None -gsnAboveYRefLineBarFillScales If gsnYRefLine is set, gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns is set, then this resource indicates what fill scales to use for the fill patterns. Values less than 1.0 give you a more dense pattern. Available in version 5.1.0 and later. Default: 1.0 -gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns If gsnYRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what patterns to use in filling the bars above the given reference line. The gsnXYBarChartPatterns resource will be ignored. The patterns will repeat if there are fewer patterns than bars. Default: 0 (solid fill) -gsnAboveYRefLineColor If gsnYRefLine is set, then this resource shades the curve above the reference line at the prescribed color. Default: None +gsnAboveYRefLineBarColors If gsnYRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what colors to use in filling the bars above the given Y reference line. The colors will repeat if there are fewer colors than bars. Default: None +gsnAboveYRefLineBarFillScales If gsnYRefLine is set, gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns is set, then this resource indicates what fill scales to use for the fill patterns. Values less than 1.0 give you a more dense pattern. Default: 1.0 +gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns If gsnYRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what patterns to use in filling the bars above the given Y reference line. The gsnXYBarChartPatterns resource will be ignored. The patterns will repeat if there are fewer patterns than bars. Default: 0 (solid fill) +gsnAboveYRefLineColor If gsnYRefLine is set, then this resource fills the curve above the Y reference line with the given color. Default: None gsnAddCyclic For geo-referenced data, a longitude cyclic point is added as a default to ensure a gap is not plotted at the Greenwich Meridian. This resource only applies to gsn_csm plotting routines that overlay data on a map. This resource should be set to False if your data already has a cyclic point added, or if your data does not cover the whole globe to start with. This resource defaults to True for many gsn_csm_xxxx scripts that create contour, vector, or streamline plots, unless the function can determine automatically that this is not cyclic data. Default: dynamic gsnAttachBorderOn By default, the gsn_attach_plots routine does not remove the interior borders when you attach a series of plots. If this resource is set to False, then the interior borders will be removed. Default: True gsnAttachPlotsXAxis By default, the gsn_attach_plots routine attaches plots by attaching the right Y axis of the current plot to the left Y axis of the next plot. If this resource is set to True, then the plots will be attached at the bottom X axis of the current plot and the top X axis of the next plot. Default: False -gsnBelowYRefLineBarColors If gsnYRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what colors to use in filling the bars below the given reference line. The colors will repeat if there are fewer colors than bars. Default: None -gsnBelowYRefLineBarFillScales If gsnYRefLine is set, gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns is set, then this resource indicates what fill scales to use for the fill patterns. Values less than 1.0 give you a more dense pattern. Available in version 5.1.0 and later. Default: 1.0 -gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns If gsnYRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what patterns to use in filling the bars below the given reference line. The gsnXYBarChartPatterns resource will be ignored. The patterns will repeat if there are fewer patterns than bars. Default: 0 (solid fill) -gsnBelowYRefLineColor If gsnYRefLine is set, then this resource shades the curve below the reference line at the prescribed color. Default: None +gsnBelowYRefLineBarColors If gsnYRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what colors to use in filling the bars below the given Y reference line. The colors will repeat if there are fewer colors than bars. Default: None +gsnBelowYRefLineBarFillScales If gsnYRefLine is set, gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns is set, then this resource indicates what fill scales to use for the fill patterns. Values less than 1.0 give you a more dense pattern. Default: 1.0 +gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns If gsnYRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what patterns to use in filling the bars below the given Y reference line. The gsnXYBarChartPatterns resource will be ignored. The patterns will repeat if there are fewer patterns than bars. Default: 0 (solid fill) +gsnBelowYRefLineColor If gsnYRefLine is set, then this resource fills the curve below the Y reference line with the given color. Default: None gsnBoxMargin This resource specifies the margin (in NDC coordinates) that you want to leave around your plot, if gsnMaximize is set to True and your output is going to an X11 window or an NCGM. Default: 0.02 -gsnCenterString For any gsn_csm plotting routine, this resource adds the given string just above the plot's upper boundary and centers it. Default: none -gsnCenterStringFontColor If gsnCenterString is set, this resource controls the font color of the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFontColor. Available in version 5.1.1 and later. Default: foreground (1) +gsnCenterString For any gsn_csm plotting routine, this resource adds the given string just above the plot's upper boundary and centers it. See other gsnLeftStringXXXX or gsnStringXXXX resources for ways to customize this string. Default: none +gsnCenterStringFontColor If gsnCenterString is set, this resource controls the font color of the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFontColor. 1.1 and later. Default: foreground (1) gsnCenterStringFontHeightF If gsnCenterString is set, this resource controls the font height of the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFontHeightF. Default: dynamic -gsnCenterStringFuncCode If gsnCenterString is set, this resource sets the function code for the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFuncCode. Available in version 6.2.0 and later. Default: ~ +gsnCenterStringFuncCode If gsnCenterString is set, this resource sets the function code for the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFuncCode. Default: ~ gsnCenterStringOrthogonalPosF If gsnCenterString is set, this resource allows you to move this string up or down. Use small negative or positive values to nudge the string closer to or away from the plot boundary. Default: dynamic gsnCenterStringParallelPosF If gsnCenterString is set, this resource allows you to move this string left or right. A value of 0.0 moves the plot to the left boundary of the plot, and a value of 1.0 moves it to the right boundary. A value of 0.5 (the default) centers it. Default: 0.5 gsnContourLineThicknessesScale This resource, recognized by any gsn contour drawing routine, allows you to set line thickness scale factors for all contour lines. For example, aq value of 2.0 will make the lines twice as thick. If this is set to an array that is not large enough to handle all contour lines, then the default value of 1.0 will be used for the remaining contour lines. This resource can be used in conjunction with the resource gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF. Default: none gsnContourNegLineDashPattern This resource, recognized by any gsn contour drawing routine, allows you to select a dash pattern to use for contour lines that fall below the value 0.0. Use a value between 1 and 16 to get a dash pattern. All other contour lines will b e set to solid, unless gsnContourPosLineDashPattern is set. Default: 0 (solid line) -gsnContourPosLineDashPattern This resource, recognized by any gsn contour drawing routine, allows you to select a dash pattern to use for contour lines that fall above the value 0.0. Use a value between 1 and 16 to get a dash pattern. All other contour lines will b e set to solid, unless gsnContourNegLineDashPattern is set. Available in version 4.3.0 and later. Default: 0 (solid line) +gsnContourPosLineDashPattern This resource, recognized by any gsn contour drawing routine, allows you to select a dash pattern to use for contour lines that fall above the value 0.0. Use a value between 1 and 16 to get a dash pattern. All other contour lines will b e set to solid, unless gsnContourNegLineDashPattern is set. Default: 0 (solid line) gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF This resource, recognized by any gsn contour drawing routine, allows you to set a line thickness scale factor for the zero contour line. A value of 2.0 will make the line twice as thick. If you want to change the thicknesses of the non-zero lines, you can use the related resource gsnContourLineThicknessesScale. Default: 1.0 -gsnDebugWriteFileName If you are having problems with a gsn_xxxxx plotting script (like gsn_csm_contour) and want to report it to an NCL developer, then set this resource to a string and rerun your script. This will cause three files to be written: 1) a netCDF file containing the data being passed to your plotting function and all the plot resources (and their values) that you set in your script, 2) a new NCL script that generates the same plot as your original script, using data and plot resource values stored in the new netCDF file, and 3) a resource file. The files will be called, xxxx.ncl, and xxxx.res, respectively where xxxx is the value you set this resource to. The intention of this resource is to help users so they don't have don't have to send us their full script and data when they want to report a plotting problem to us. Available in version 4.3.1 and later. Default: None +gsnDebugWriteFileName If you are having problems with a gsn_xxxxx plotting script (like gsn_csm_contour) and want to report it to an NCL developer, then set this resource to a string and rerun your script. This will cause three files to be written: 1) a netCDF file containing the data being passed to your plotting function and all the plot resources (and their values) that you set in your script, 2) a new NCL script that generates the same plot as your original script, using data and plot resource values stored in the new netCDF file, and 3) a resource file. The files will be called, xxxx.ncl, and xxxx.res, respectively where xxxx is the value you set this resource to. The intention of this resource is to help users so they don't have don't have to send us their full script and data when they want to report a plotting problem to us. 3.1 and later. Default: None gsnDraw This resource is recognized by all gsn functions that draw graphics. If set to False, then the graphics in question will not be drawn when the gsn function is called. See also gsnFrame. Default: True gsnFrame This resource is recognized by all gsn functions that have a frame advance. If set to False, then the frame will not be advanced when the gsn function is called. See also gsnDraw. Default: True -gsnHistogramBarColors This resource allows you to specify colors for each bar in a histogram. You can use named color, index color, or RGB/A colors. If you have two sets of bars, then you can input a 2 x nbars array of indexed or named colors, a 2 x nbars x 3 array of RGB values, or a 2 x nbars x 4 array of RGBA values. Using RGBA values allows you to use transparency if desired. Available in version 6.4.0 and later. Default: dynamic +gsnHistogramBarColors This resource allows you to specify colors for each bar in a histogram. You can use named color, index color, or RGB/A colors. If you have two sets of bars, then you can input a 2 x nbars array of indexed or named colors, a 2 x nbars x 3 array of RGB values, or a 2 x nbars x 4 array of RGBA values. Using RGBA values allows you to use transparency if desired. Default: dynamic gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent This resource allows you to specify the width of the histogram bars as a percentage of the width of the bin that it falls in. The values must be in the range 0 to 100, and they must be smaller for comparison histograms. Default: 66% (66.0) for single histograms, and 50% (50.) for dual histograms. gsnHistogramBinIntervals By default, gsn_histogram will pick the bin intervals for you, using either a set number of bins or a bin width. If you set this resource, then it will use these values for the bin class intervals. For example, to bin values between 1 and 2, 2 and 5, and 5 and 7, you would set gsnHistogramBinIntervals to (/1,2,5,7/). The values will be binned as follows: 1 <= bin_1 < 2 2 <= bin_2 < 5 5 <= bin_3 <= 7 To specify a discrete value rather than a range, list the value twice. For example, to bin values between 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, and then count all values exactly equal to 4 and exactly equal to 5, you would set gsnHistogramBinIntervals to (/1,2,3,4,4,5,5/). Note: no value will get counted twice. In the above example, values would be binned as follows: 1 <= bin_1 < 2 2 <= bin_2 < 3 3 <= bin_3 < 4 bin_3 = 4 bin_4 = 5 Default: N/A gsnHistogramBinMissing If this resource is set to True, then when gsn_histogram is called, an extra bar will be included that counts the number of missing values in the data. Default: False @@ -335,12 +350,16 @@ gsnHistogramMinMaxBinsOn If you set this resource to True when you call gsn_hist gsnHistogramNumberOfBins Indicates number of bin intervals you want when you call gsn_histogram. Depending on whether gsnHistogramSelectNiceIntervals is set to True, you will either get exactly this many bins, or approximately this many bins. Default: 10 gsnHistogramPercentSign If gsnHistogramComputePercentages is set to True when you call gsn_histogram, then the right axis (top axis if doing a horizontal histogram) tickmark labels will contain the "%" symbol, instead of having "Percent" spelled out. Default: False gsnHistogramSelectNiceIntervals Indicates whether "nice" values should be selected for the bin intervals when you call gsn_histogram. Default: True -gsnLeftString For any gsn_csm plotting routine, this resource adds the given string just above the plot's upper boundary and left-justifies it. Default: data@long_name -gsnLeftStringFontColor If gsnLeftString is set, this resource controls the font color of the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFontColor. Available in version 5.1.1 and later. Default: foreground (1) +gsnLeftString For any gsn_csm plotting routine, this resource adds the given string just above the plot's upper boundary and left-justifies it. See other gsnLeftStringXXXX or gsnStringXXXX resources for ways to customize this string. Default: data@long_name +gsnLeftStringFontColor If gsnLeftString is set, this resource controls the font color of the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFontColor. 1.1 and later. Default: foreground (1) gsnLeftStringFontHeightF If gsnLeftString is set, this resource controls the font height of the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFontHeightF. Default: dynamic -gsnLeftStringFuncCode If gsnLeftString is set, this resource sets the function code for the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFuncCode. Available in version 6.2.0 and later. Default: ~ +gsnLeftStringFuncCode If gsnLeftString is set, this resource sets the function code for the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFuncCode. Default: ~ gsnLeftStringOrthogonalPosF If gsnLeftString is set, this resource allows you to move this string up or down. Use small negative or positive values to nudge the string closer to or away from the plot boundary. Default: dynamic gsnLeftStringParallelPosF If gsnLeftString is set, this resource allows you to move this string left or right. A value of 0.0 (the default) moves the plot to the left boundary of the plot, and a value of 1.0 moves it to the right boundary. A value of 0.5 centers it. Default: 0.0 +gsnLeftXRefLineBarColors If gsnXRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what colors to use in filling the bars to the left of the given X reference line. The colors will repeat if there are fewer colors than bars. Default: None +gsnLeftXRefLineBarFillScales If gsnXRefLine is set, gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and gsnLeftXRefLineBarPatterns is set, then this resource indicates what fill scales to use for the fill patterns. Values less than 1.0 give you a more dense pattern. Default: 1.0 +gsnLeftXRefLineBarPatterns If gsnXRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what patterns to use in filling the bars to the left of the given X reference line. The gsnXYBarChartPatterns resource will be ignored. The patterns will repeat if there are fewer patterns than bars. Default: 0 (solid fill) +gsnLeftXRefLineColor If gsnXRefLine is set, then this resource fills the curve to the left of the X reference line with the given color. Default: None gsnMajorLatSpacing Used to indicate the latitude spacing to use for major tickmarks and their labels in any gsn_csm routine that is generating a cylindrical equidistant map and contains a latitude axis. Default: dynamic gsnMajorLonSpacing Used to indicate the longitude spacing to use for major tickmarks and their labels in any gsn_csm routine that is generating a cylindrical equidistant map and contains a longitude axis. Default: dynamic gsnMaskLambertConformal When set to True, turns on masking of a lambert conformal projection. Extent of mask is determined by the four resources mpMinLonF , mpMaxLonF, mpMinLatF, mpMaxLatF. This resource is only recognized by gsn_csm routines in which data is being overlaid on a lambert conformal projection (i.e. by calling one of the gsn_csm_xxxx_map routines and setting mpProjection to "LambertConformal"). Default: False @@ -350,25 +369,27 @@ gsnMinorLatSpacing Used to indicate the latitude spacing to use for minor tickma gsnMinorLonSpacing Used to indicate the longitude spacing to use for minor tickmarks and their labels in any gsn_csm routine that is generating a cylindrical equidistant map and contains a longitude axis. Default: dynamic gsnPanelBottom By default, the gsn_panel routine places all of the plots in the largest area possible in the viewport. This resource, which must be a value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0, allows you to set a limit for where the bottommost plot(s) can be drawn. This allows you to reserve white space at the bottom for something like a labelbar. See also the other gsnPanel* resources. Default: 0.0 gsnPanelCenter By default, the gsn_panel routine centers all of the plots that it is paneling. If there are not enough plots to fill up the requested number of rows and columns, then it will center the remaining plots in the last row. If you set this resource to False, then the remaining plots will be left-justified. Default: True -gsnPanelDebug If you set this resource to True for the gsn_panel routine, then you will get some verbose information printed to the screen about what viewport coordinates are being used for the panelled plots. This information is useful if you want to panel the plots yourself, and you want some viewport values to start with. Available in version 4.3.0 and later. Default: False +gsnPanelDebug If you set this resource to True for the gsn_panel routine, then you will get some verbose information printed to the screen about what viewport coordinates are being used for the panelled plots. This information is useful if you want to panel the plots yourself, and you want some viewport values to start with. Default: False gsnPanelFigureStrings If you set this gsn_panel resource to a list of strings, these strings will be used as figure strings in the lower right hand corner of each paneled plot. You can set the resource amJust to change the location of the figure strings. ("TopRight", "TopLeft", or "BottomLeft" are the other choices.) Default: none gsnPanelFigureStringsBackgroundFillColor If you set gsnPanelFigureStrings in a call to gsn_panel, then this resource allows you to control the background fill color of the box that surrounds each figure string. Default: 0 (background color) gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF If you set gsnPanelFigureStrings in a call to gsn_panel, then this resource allows you to control the font height of the figure strings. If you don't set this resource, then the font height is calculated internally based on a number of factors. Default: dynamic -gsnPanelFigureStringsJust If you set gsnPanelFigureStrings in a call to gsn_panel, then this resource allows you to control the location of the figure strings. The default is the bottom right of each plot. You can also specify "TopRight", "TopLeft", etc. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "amJust" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Available in version 6.4.0 and later. Default: "BottomRight" +gsnPanelFigureStringsJust If you set gsnPanelFigureStrings in a call to gsn_panel, then this resource allows you to control the location of the figure strings. The default is the bottom right of each plot. You can also specify "TopRight", "TopLeft", etc. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "amJust" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Default: "BottomRight" gsnPanelFigureStringsPerimOn If you set gsnPanelFigureStrings in a call to gsn_panel, then this resource turns on the drawing of a box perimeter around each figure string. Default: False gsnPanelLabelBar If you set this gsn_panel resource to True, then a single labelbar will be generated for all the plots on the page. The default is to draw the labelbar on the bottom, unless lbOrientation is set to "Vertical". Note: using this resource assumes that all of your plots have the same labelbar! Default: False gsnPanelLeft By default, the gsn_panel routine tries to place all of the plots in the largest area possible in the viewport. This resource, which must be a value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0, allows you to set a limit for where the leftmost plot(s) can be drawn. This allows you to reserve white space at the left for something like a labelbar. See also the other gsnPanel* resources. Default: 0.0 -gsnPanelMainFont Sets the font for the gsnPanelMainString title. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "txFont" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Available in version 6.4.0 and later. Default: "helvetica" -gsnPanelMainFontColor Sets the font color for the gsnPanelMainString title. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "txFontColor" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Available in version 6.4.0 and later. Default: "black" -gsnPanelMainFontHeightF Sets the font height for the gsnPanelMainString title. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "txFontHeightF" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Available in version 6.4.0 and later. Default: dynamic -gsnPanelMainString Creates a main title for paneled plots generated by gsn_panel. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "txString" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Available in version 6.4.0 and later. Default: "" +gsnPanelMainFont Sets the font for the gsnPanelMainString title. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "txFont" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Default: "helvetica" +gsnPanelMainFontColor Sets the font color for the gsnPanelMainString title. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "txFontColor" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Default: "black" +gsnPanelMainFontHeightF Sets the font height for the gsnPanelMainString title. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "txFontHeightF" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Default: dynamic +gsnPanelMainPosXF Sets the X location of the justification point for the panel main title in NDC coordinates. Default: +gsnPanelMainPosYF Sets the Y location of the justification point for the panel main title in NDC coordinates. Default: +gsnPanelMainString Creates a main title for paneled plots generated by gsn_panel. This resource replaces the awkwardly named "txString" resource that was previously used (this resource will still work, for backwards compatibility, but this new one will take precedence). Default: "" gsnPanelRight By default, the gsn_panel routine tries to place all of the plots in the largest area possible in the viewport. This resource, which must be a value greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0, allows you to set a limit for where the rightmost plot(s) can be drawn. This allows you to reserve white space at the right for something like a labelbar. See also the other gsnPanel* resources. Default: 1.0 gsnPanelRowSpec By default, the gsn_panel routine panels its plots according to the dims variable which indicates rows x columns. If you set gsnPanelRowSpec to True, however, then you can use the dims variable to indicate the number of plots you want per row. For example, setting gsnPanelRowSpec to True and dims to (/2,3,1/) will put 2 plots in the first row, 3 plots in the second row, and 1 plot in the third row. Default: False -gsnPanelScalePlotIndex By default, the gsn_panel routine uses the first valid plot in its list to determine the scale factor for resizing all of the plots to be paneled. If your plots are slightly different sizes, you can use this resource to indicate the index of which plot should be used to determine the scale factor. This is especially useful if your first valid plot is smaller than one or more of the others in the list. Available in version 5.1.0 and later. Default: 0 or the id of the first valid plot in the list +gsnPanelScalePlotIndex By default, the gsn_panel routine uses the first valid plot in its list to determine the scale factor for resizing all of the plots to be paneled. If your plots are slightly different sizes, you can use this resource to indicate the index of which plot should be used to determine the scale factor. This is especially useful if your first valid plot is smaller than one or more of the others in the list. Default: 0 or the id of the first valid plot in the list gsnPanelTop By default, the gsn_panel routine tries to place all of the plots in the largest area possible in the viewport. This resource, which must be a value greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0, allows you to set a limit for where the topmost plot(s) can be drawn. This allows you to reserve white space at the top for something like a title. See also the other gsnPanel* resources. Default: 1.0 -gsnPanelXF The gsn_panel routine calculates the NDC X and Y positions of the upper left corner of every plot on the panel. If you want to tweak any of the X positions, then you can set the gsnPanelXF resource to an array of the same length as the number of plots you want to panel, and give it the new NDC coordinates you want for the X positions. If you want to keep any of the calculated values that gsn_panel uses, then set the corresponding gsnPanelXF value to a negative value. You can set gsnPanelDebug to True to find out what values are being used for the X and Y positions. Available in version 4.3.0 and later. Default: None +gsnPanelXF The gsn_panel routine calculates the NDC X and Y positions of the upper left corner of every plot on the panel. If you want to tweak any of the X positions, then you can set the gsnPanelXF resource to an array of the same length as the number of plots you want to panel, and give it the new NDC coordinates you want for the X positions. If you want to keep any of the calculated values that gsn_panel uses, then set the corresponding gsnPanelXF value to a negative value. You can set gsnPanelDebug to True to find out what values are being used for the X and Y positions. Default: None gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent Takes a percentage value from 0 to 100 to indicate what percentage of the total plot width should be used for white space at the left and right of each plot in a call to gsn_panel. See also the other gsnPanel* resources. Default: 1.0 -gsnPanelYF The gsn_panel routine calculates the NDC X and Y positions of the upper left corner of every plot on the panel. If you want to tweak any of the Y positions, then you can set the gsnPanelYF resource to an array of the same length as the number of plots you want to panel, and give it the new NDC coordinates you want for the Y positions. If you want to keep any of the calculated values that gsn_panel uses, then set the corresponding gsnPanelYF value to a negative value. You can set gsnPanelDebug to True to find out what values are being used for the X and Y positions. Available in version 4.3.0 and later. Default: None +gsnPanelYF The gsn_panel routine calculates the NDC X and Y positions of the upper left corner of every plot on the panel. If you want to tweak any of the Y positions, then you can set the gsnPanelYF resource to an array of the same length as the number of plots you want to panel, and give it the new NDC coordinates you want for the Y positions. If you want to keep any of the calculated values that gsn_panel uses, then set the corresponding gsnPanelYF value to a negative value. You can set gsnPanelDebug to True to find out what values are being used for the X and Y positions. Default: None gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent Takes a percentage value from 0 to 100 to indicate what percentage of the total plot height should be used for white space at the top and bottom of each plot in a call to gsn_panel. See also the other gsnPanel* resources. Default: 1.0 gsnPaperHeight This resource specifies the height (in inches) of the paper that you plan to print the PostScript or PDF file on. This resource only comes into effect if gsnMaximize is set to True. See also gsnPaperMargin, gsnPaperWidth, and gsnPaperOrientation. Note: in NCL version 5.2.0, you can use better resources: wkPaperSize or wkPaperWidthF / wkPaperHeightF for setting the paper size, or the width and height. These resources can only be set when you call gsn_open_wks. Default: 11.0 gsnPaperMargin This resource specifies the margin (in inches) that you want to leave around the plotting area if gsnMaximize is set to True and your output is going to a PS, EPS, EPSI, or PDF file. See also gsnPaperHeight, gsnPaperWidth, and gsnPaperOrientation. If your output is X11 or NCGM, then you can use gsnBoxMargin to control the margin size. Default: 0.5 @@ -381,47 +402,54 @@ gsnPolarLabelFontHeightF If one of the gsn_csm_xxxx_polar routines is called, th gsnPolarLabelSpacing If one of the gsn_csm_xxxx_polar routines is called, this resource sets the longitude spacing for the longitude labels. Default: 30 or whatever mpGridLonSpacingF is set to. gsnPolarTime If this resource is set to True, then instead of getting longitude labels on polar sterographic plots generated by gsn_csm_xxxx_polar, you will get local time. Default: False gsnPolarUT If gsnPolarTime is set to True, then this resource can be set to some value such that the local time axis is shifted in such a way that 0 LT is always at the bottom of the plot. For example, if gsnPolarUT is set to 12 UT, then the whole field is shifted by 180 degrees Default: 0 -gsnRightString For any gsn_csm plotting routine, this resource adds the given string just above the plot's upper boundary and right-justifies it. Default: data@units -gsnRightStringFontColor If gsnRightString is set, this resource controls the font color of the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFontColor. Available in version 5.1.1 and later. Default: foreground (1) +gsnRightString For any gsn_csm plotting routine, this resource adds the given string just above the plot's upper boundary and right-justifies it. See other gsnRightStringXXXX or gsnStringXXXX resources for ways to customize this string. Default: data@units +gsnRightStringFontColor If gsnRightString is set, this resource controls the font color of the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFontColor. 1.1 and later. Default: foreground (1) gsnRightStringFontHeightF If gsnRightString is set, this resource controls the font height of the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFontHeightF. Default: dynamic -gsnRightStringFuncCode If gsnRightString is set, this resource sets the function code for the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFuncCode. Available in version 6.2.0 and later. Default: ~ +gsnRightStringFuncCode If gsnRightString is set, this resource sets the function code for the string. This resource overrides gsnStringFuncCode. Default: ~ gsnRightStringOrthogonalPosF If gsnRightString is set, this resource allows you to move this string up or down. Use small negative or positive values to nudge the string closer to or away from the plot boundary. Default: dynamic gsnRightStringParallelPosF If gsnRightString is set, this resource allows you to move this string left or right. A value of 0.0 moves the plot to the left boundary of the plot, and a value of 1.0 (the default) moves it to the right boundary. A value of 0.5 centers it. Default: 1.0 +gsnRightXRefLineBarColors If gsnXRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what colors to use in filling the bars to the right of the given X reference line. The colors will repeat if there are fewer colors than bars. Default: None +gsnRightXRefLineBarFillScales If gsnXRefLine is set, gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and gsnRightXRefLineBarPatterns is set, then this resource indicates what fill scales to use for the fill patterns. Values less than 1.0 give you a more dense pattern. Default: 1.0 +gsnRightXRefLineBarPatterns If gsnXRefLine is set and gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource indicates what patterns to use in filling the bars to the right of the given X reference line. The gsnXYBarChartPatterns resource will be ignored. The patterns will repeat if there are fewer patterns than bars. Default: 0 (solid fill) +gsnRightXRefLineColor If gsnXRefLine is set, then this resource fills the curve to the right of the X reference line with the given color. Default: None gsnScalarContour If set to True when calling any gsn_csm vector/contour routine, the third field will be drawn as a separate contour field. Otherwise, the vectors will be colored according to the third field. Default: False gsnScale If set to True, then the X and Y axis labels will be scaled to be the same size and the tick marks will be scaled to be the same length in any gsn function that creates tickmarks. This is useful when the X and Y axis are of different lengths, but you still want the labels and tick marks to be the same for each axis. See also gsnShape. Default: False gsnShape If set to True in any non-map gsn function that has an X and Y axis, then whichever axis has the smaller range will be resized so that the ratio of the axes ranges is the same as the ratio of the axes lengths. For example, if the Y axis ranges from 1 to 50, and the X axis ranges from 1 to 100, then setting gsnShape to True will cause the Y axis to be resized to half the length of the X axis. If this resource is set to True, then gsnScale is also automatically set to True. Default: False gsnSpreadColorEnd This resource only takes effect if gsnSpreadColors is set to True. It indicates the index of the last color in the color table that should be used for a color contour or vector plot. If this value is negative, then the value indicates the position from the last color in the color table. For example, -1 indicates the last color, -2 indicates the second to the last color, and so on. (The colors go from 0 to ncol-1, where ncol is the number of colors.) See also gsnSpreadColorStart. If gsnSpreadColorStart and gsnSpreadColorEnd are selected such that the start color is after the end color in the color table, then the colors will be reversed. Default: -1 gsnSpreadColorStart This resource only takes effect if gsnSpreadColors is set to True. It indicates the index of the first color in the color table that should be used for a color contour or vector plot. If this value is negative, then the value indicates the position from the last color in the color table. For example, -1 indicates the last color, -2 indicates the second to the last color, and so on. (The colors go from 0 to ncol-1, where ncol is the number of colors.) See also gsnSpreadColorEnd. If gsnSpreadColorStart and gsnSpreadColorEnd are selected such that the start color is after the end color in the color table, then the colors will be reversed. Default: 2 -gsnSpreadColors In NCL version 6.1.0 and later, this resource is superceded by the use of new resources cnSpanFillPalette, vcSpanLevelPalette, and stSpanLevelPalette. For backwards compatibility, if gsnSpreadColorStart is set to something other than 2, and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd is set to something other than -1, *and* you haven't set gsnSpreadColors to False, then the xxSpanxxxPalette resources will be ignored, and your color map will be spanned according to the index values indicated by gsnSpreadColorStart and gsnSpreadColorEnd. Otherwise, in NCL V6.0.0 and earlier, if this resource is set to True when calling any gsn function that produces vectors and/or contours, then the colors used will be spread across the whole color map. See also gsnSpreadColorStart and gsnSpreadColorEnd. Default: deprecated in V6.1.0 and higher (False in V6.0.0 and earlier) +gsnSpreadColors In NCL version 6.this resource is superceded by the use of new resources cnSpanFillPalette, vcSpanLevelPalette, and stSpanLevelPalette. For backwards compatibility, if gsnSpreadColorStart is set to something other than 2, and/or gsnSpreadColorEnd is set to something other than -1, *and* you haven't set gsnSpreadColors to False, then the xxSpanxxxPalette resources will be ignored, and your color map will be spanned according to the index values indicated by gsnSpreadColorStart and gsnSpreadColorEnd. Otherwise, in NCL V6.0.0 and earlier, if this resource is set to True when calling any gsn function that produces vectors and/or contours, then the colors used will be spread across the whole color map. See also gsnSpreadColorStart and gsnSpreadColorEnd. Default: deprecated in V6.1.0 and higher (False in V6.0.0 and earlier) gsnStringFont If any of gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString, or gsnRightString are set, this resource controls the font of these strings. Default: dynamic -gsnStringFontColor If any of gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString, or gsnRightString are set, this resource controls the font color of these strings. You can use gsnLeftStringFontColor, gsnCenterStringFontColor, or gsnRightStringFontColor to control the individual colors of each string. Available in version 5.1.1 and later. Default: foreground (1) +gsnStringFontColor If any of gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString, or gsnRightString are set, this resource controls the font color of these strings. You can use gsnLeftStringFontColor, gsnCenterStringFontColor, or gsnRightStringFontColor to control the individual colors of each string. 1.1 and later. Default: foreground (1) gsnStringFontHeightF If any of gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString, or gsnRightString are set, then this resource controls the font height of these strings. This resource can be overridden by setting the individual resources gsnLeftStringFontHeightF, gsnRightStringFontHeightF, or gsnCenterStringFontHeightF. Default: dynamic -gsnStringFuncCode If any of gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString, or gsnRightString are set, then this resource sets the function code for these strings. This resource can be overridden by setting the individual resources gsnLeftStringFuncCode, gsnRightStringFuncCode, or gsnCenterStringFuncCode. Available in version 6.2.0 and later. Default: ~ +gsnStringFuncCode If any of gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString, or gsnRightString are set, then this resource sets the function code for these strings. This resource can be overridden by setting the individual resources gsnLeftStringFuncCode, gsnRightStringFuncCode, or gsnCenterStringFuncCode. Default: ~ gsnTickMarksOn If set to False, then no tickmarks or tickmark labels will be drawn in the gsn functions where tickmarks are drawn automatically. This also works for the polar map plots that have longitude labels drawn around the circumference. Default: True gsnXAxisIrregular2Linear If set to True, then the X axis will be linearized for any contour, vector, or streamline plot created by a gsn function. This resource should only be set to True if coordinate arrays are being used to define your X axis values, and they are not linear. Default: False gsnXAxisIrregular2Log If set to True, then the X axis will be changed to log scaling for any contour, vector, or streamline plot created by a gsn function. This resource should only be set to True if coordinate arrays are being used to define your X axis values, and they are not linear. Otherwise, you can just use the trXLog resource to indicate you want log scaling. Default: False gsnXRefLine Draws a vertical line at the given X value in the gsn_csm_xy function. Default: None gsnXRefLineColor If gsnXRefLine is set, this resource indicates the color of the line. Default: 1 (foreground color) +gsnXRefLineColors If gsnXRefLine is set to multiple reference lines, this resource indicates the color of each line. Default: 1 (foreground color) gsnXRefLineDashPattern If gsnXRefLine is set, this resource indicates the dash pattern of the line. Default: 0 (solid line) +gsnXRefLineDashPatterns If gsnXRefLine is set to multiple reference lines, this resource indicates the dash pattern of each line. Default: 0 (solid lines) gsnXRefLineThicknessF If gsnXRefLine is set, this resource indicates a scale factor for the thickness of the line. A value of 2.0 doubles the thickness. Default: 1.0 -gsnXYAboveFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two curves in an XY plot that intersect. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors (either color index values or named colors) that has one fewer values than you have curves. The first value will be used to fill all areas between the first and second curves where the values in the first curve are greater (in the Y direction) than the values in the second curve. The second value will be used to fill all areas between the second and third curves where the values in the second curve are greater than the values in the third curve, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. If the Y axis is reversed, then this resource is a bit misleading because now the "above" curves will be reverted. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. To fill areas where values in one curve are less than values in another curve, use gsnXYBelowFillColors. If you want to fill between two curves that do not intersect, see gsnXYFillColors. Available in version 5.1.0 and later. Default: None -gsnXYBarChart If set to True, turns a gsn_csm_xy line plot into a bar chart, where each bar is an individual Y value. Default: False -gsnXYBarChartBarWidth If gsnXYBarChart is set, then this resource allows the user to control the width of the bars. By default, the width of the bars is the distance between each X value (dx). To get a bar width that is half the default, then, use a value of dx/2. If you have multiple curves, then you can set an array of bar widths, one for each curve. Default: dynamic -gsnXYBarChartColors If gsnXYBarChart is set, then this resource controls the colors of individual bars for charts w/o a reference line. Default: None -gsnXYBarChartColors2 If gsnXYBarChart is set, then this resource controls the colors of individual bars and assigns the colors consecutively, regardless of whether the bar is up or down. Default: None -gsnXYBarChartFillDotSizeF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and the bars are filled with the stipple dot fill pattern, then this resource allows you to increase the dot size. The default value of 0.0 causes the dots to be drawn as before, using a workstation dependent minimum dot size. A caveat is that individual dots are not clipped around the edges of fill areas; this becomes more noticeable as the dot size increases. Available in version 6.2.0 and later. Default: 0.0 -gsnXYBarChartFillLineThicknessF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and the bars are filled with a non-solid pattern, then this resource controls the thickness of the lines in the fill pattern. Available in version 6.2.0 and later. Default: 1.0 -gsnXYBarChartFillOpacityF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and the bars are filled with a solid color, then this resource indicates what fill opacity value to use for the fill colors. Values closer to 0 give you less opacity, and values close to 1.0 give you more opacity. Available in version 6.2.0 and later. Default: 1.0 -gsnXYBarChartFillScaleF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and the bars are filled with a non-solid pattern, then this resource indicates what fill scale to use for the fill pattern. Values less than 1.0 give you a more dense pattern. Available in version 6.2.0 and later. Default: 1.0 +gsnXRefLineThicknesses If gsnXRefLine is set to multiple reference lines, this resource indicates a scale factor for the thickness of each line. A value of 2.0 doubles the thickness. Default: 1.0 +gsnXYAboveFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two curves in an XY plot that intersect. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors that has one fewer values than you have curves. This resource was updated in NCL V6.4.0 to allow for RGB/A color. The first value will be used to fill all areas between the first and second curves where the values in the first curve are greater (in the Y direction) than the values in the second curve. The second value will be used to fill all areas between the second and third curves where the values in the second curve are greater than the values in the third curve, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. If the Y axis is reversed, then this resource is a bit misleading because now the "above" curves will be reverted. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. To fill areas where values in one curve are less than values in another curve, use gsnXYBelowFillColors. If you want to fill between two curves that do not intersect, see gsnXYFillColors. Default: None +gsnXYBarChart If set to True, this will turn an gsn_csm_xy line plot into a vertical bar chart, where each bar is an individual Y value. As of 4.0 and later., if you set gsnXRefLine, then you will get a horizontal bar chart. Default: False +gsnXYBarChartBarWidth If gsnXYBarChart is set, then this resource allows the user to control the width of the bars. By default, the width of the bars is the distance between each X or Y value (dx or dy). To get a bar width that is half the default, then, use a value of dx/2 (dy/2). If you have multiple curves, then you can set an array of bar widths, one for each curve. Default: dynamic +gsnXYBarChartColors If gsnXYBarChart is set, then this resource controls the colors of individual bars for charts without a reference line. Default: None +gsnXYBarChartColors2 If gsnXYBarChart is set, then this resource controls the colors of individual bars and assigns the colors consecutively, regardless of whether the bar is up or down for vertical bar plots, or left or right for horizontal bar plots. Default: None +gsnXYBarChartFillDotSizeF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and the bars are filled with the stipple dot fill pattern, then this resource allows you to increase the dot size. The default value of 0.0 causes the dots to be drawn as before, using a workstation dependent minimum dot size. A caveat is that individual dots are not clipped around the edges of fill areas; this becomes more noticeable as the dot size increases. Default: 0.0 +gsnXYBarChartFillLineThicknessF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and the bars are filled with a non-solid pattern, then this resource controls the thickness of the lines in the fill pattern. Default: 1.0 +gsnXYBarChartFillOpacityF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and the bars are filled with a solid color, then this resource indicates what fill opacity value to use for the fill colors. Values closer to 0 give you less opacity, and values close to 1.0 give you more opacity. Default: 1.0 +gsnXYBarChartFillScaleF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, and the bars are filled with a non-solid pattern, then this resource indicates what fill scale to use for the fill pattern. Values less than 1.0 give you a more dense pattern. Default: 1.0 gsnXYBarChartOutlineOnly If gsnXYBarChart is set, then setting this resource to True indicates you want an outline of the bars, and not each individual bar outlined. Default: False -gsnXYBarChartOutlineThicknessF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource controls the thickness of the bar outlines. Available in version 5.2.1 and later. Default: 1.0 +gsnXYBarChartOutlineThicknessF If gsnXYBarChart is set to True, then this resource controls the thickness of the bar outlines. 2.1 and later. Default: 1.0 gsnXYBarChartPatterns If gsnXYBarChart is set, then this resource controls the patterns of individual bars for charts w/o a reference line. Default: None -gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 If gsnXYBarChart is set, then this resource controls the patterns of individual bars and assigns the patterns consecutively regardless of whether the bar is up or down. Default: None -gsnXYBelowFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two curves in an XY plot that intersect. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors (either color index values or named colors) that has one fewer values than you have curves. The first value will be used to fill all areas between the first and second curves where values in the first curve are less (in the Y direction) than values in the second curve. The second value will be used to fill all areas between the second and third curves where values in the second curve are less than values in the third curve, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. If the Y axis is reversed, then this resource is a bit misleading because now the "below" curves will be reverted. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. To fill areas where values in one curve are greater than values in another curve, use gsnXYAboveFillColors. If you want to fill between two curves that do not intersect, see gsnXYFillColors. Available in version 5.1.0 and later. Default: None -gsnXYFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two adjacent curves in an XY plot. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors (either color index values or named colors) that has one fewer values than you have curves. The first value will be used to fill the area between the first and second curves, the second value will be used to fill the area between the second and third curves, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. If you want to fill between two curves that intersect, see gsnXYAboveFillColors and gsnXYBelowFillColors. Available in version 5.1.0 and later. Default: None -gsnXYFillOpacities This resource can be used to indicate opacity values to use for filled curves that overlap when you set gsnXYFillColors. It should be an array of values between 0.0 and 1.0. Note: there's a bug in V6.2.0 that causes this resource to not work if you only have gsnXYBelowFillColors set. To work around this issue, you need to set gsnXYAboveFillColors to an array of the same size as gsnXYBelowFillColors, but just set it to all -1 or "transparent" so it doesn't have any effect. Available in version 6.2.0 and later. Default: 1.0 -gsnXYLeftFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two curves in an XY plot that intersect. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors (either color index values or named colors) that has one fewer values than you have curves. The first value will be used to fill all areas between the first and second curves where values in the first curve are less than values in the second curve. The second value will be used to fill all areas between the second and third curves where values in the second curve are less than values in the third curve, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. To fill areas where values in one curve are greater than values in another, use gsnXYRightFillColors. If you want to fill between two curves that do not intersect, see gsnXYFillColors. Available in version 5.2.0 and later. Default: None -gsnXYRightFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two curves in an XY plot that intersect. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors (either color index values or named colors) that has one fewer values than you have curves. The first value will be used to fill all areas between the first and second curves where values in the first curve are greater (in the X direction) than values in the second curve. The second value will be used to fill all areas between the second and third curves where values in the second curve are greater than values in the third curve, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. To fill areas where values in one curve are less than values in another, use gsnXYLeftFillColors. If you want to fill between two curves that do not intersect, see gsnXYFillColors. Available in version 5.2.0 and later. Default: None +gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 If gsnXYBarChart is set, then this resource controls the patterns of individual bars and assigns the patterns consecutively regardless of whether the bar is up or down for vertical bar plots, or left or right for horizontal bar plots. Default: None +gsnXYBelowFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two curves in an XY plot that intersect. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors that has one fewer values than you have curves. This resource was updated in NCL V6.4.0 to allow for RGB/A color. The first value will be used to fill all areas between the first and second curves where values in the first curve are less (in the Y direction) than values in the second curve. The second value will be used to fill all areas between the second and third curves where values in the second curve are less than values in the third curve, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. If the Y axis is reversed, then this resource is a bit misleading because now the "below" curves will be reverted. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. To fill areas where values in one curve are greater than values in another curve, use gsnXYAboveFillColors. If you want to fill between two curves that do not intersect, see gsnXYFillColors. Default: None +gsnXYFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two adjacent curves in an XY plot. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors that has one fewer values than you have curves. This resource was updated in NCL V6.4.0 to allow for RGB/A color. The first value will be used to fill the area between the first and second curves, the second value will be used to fill the area between the second and third curves, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. If you want to fill between two curves that intersect, see gsnXYAboveFillColors and gsnXYBelowFillColors. Default: None +gsnXYFillOpacities This resource can be used to indicate opacity values to use for filled curves that overlap when you set gsnXYFillColors. It should be an array of values between 0.0 and 1.0. Note: there's a bug in V6.2.0 that causes this resource to not work if you only have gsnXYBelowFillColors set. To work around this issue, you need to set gsnXYAboveFillColors to an array of the same size as gsnXYBelowFillColors, but just set it to all -1 or "transparent" so it doesn't have any effect. Default: 1.0 +gsnXYLeftFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two curves in an XY plot that intersect. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors that has one fewer values than you have curves. This resource was updated in NCL V6.4.0 to allow for RGB/A color. The first value will be used to fill all areas between the first and second curves where values in the first curve are less than values in the second curve. The second value will be used to fill all areas between the second and third curves where values in the second curve are less than values in the third curve, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. To fill areas where values in one curve are greater than values in another, use gsnXYRightFillColors. If you want to fill between two curves that do not intersect, see gsnXYFillColors. Default: None +gsnXYRightFillColors This resource can be used to indicate a fill color to use between two curves in an XY plot that intersect. It only applies to the gsn_csm_xy function. It should be set to an array of colors that has one fewer values than you have curves. This resource was updated in NCL V6.4.0 to allow for RGB/A color. The first value will be used to fill all areas between the first and second curves where values in the first curve are greater (in the X direction) than values in the second curve. The second value will be used to fill all areas between the second and third curves where values in the second curve are greater than values in the third curve, and so on. If you set this resource to less than ncurves-1 colors, then the colors will be repeated as necessary. To indicate that you don't want any fill, use either "transparent" or the value -1. To fill areas where values in one curve are less than values in another, use gsnXYLeftFillColors. If you want to fill between two curves that do not intersect, see gsnXYFillColors. Default: None gsnYAxisIrregular2Linear If set to True, then the Y axis will be linearized for any contour, vector, or streamline plot created by a gsn function. This resource should only be set to True if coordinate arrays are being used to define your Y axis values, and they are not linear. Default: False gsnYAxisIrregular2Log If set to True, then the Y axis will be changed to log scaling for any contour, vector, or streamline plot created by a gsn function. This resource should only be set to True if coordinate arrays are being used to define your Y axis values, and they are not linear. Otherwise, you can just use the trYLog resource to indicate you want log scaling. Default: False gsnYRefLine Draws a horizontal line at the given Y value in the gsn_csm_xy function. Default: None @@ -438,7 +466,7 @@ gsnZonalMeanYRefLine If gsnZonalMean is set to True, then this resource draws a lbAutoManage The lbAutoManage switch determines how LabelBar operates; when True, LabelBar manages the sizing of the title and the label text. The title is always sized to fit within the currently set boundaries of the LabelBar given any text angle, aspect ratio, etc. The labels also are sized to fit within the current boundary. Additionally, the sizing of the labels is managed so that under any rotation, the labels will not overlap. Also the label justification is managed such that, given any rotation, the end of the label string aligns with the correct LabelBar box. When off, you may directly size the labels and text as you please. However, under rotation, the justification of the labels does not change, and, although the text is moved out of the way of the LabelBar boxes, it will not necessarily line up correctly. In practice, when working interactively, a good method is to create a basic LabelBar layout close to the desired size with the lbAutoManage mode on, then switch it off to tune the text size precisely to your taste. Currently, when the text of the labels is rotated, the size of the LabelBar may increase slightly along the axis of orientation. Default: True lbBottomMarginF Defines an offset, specified as a fraction of whichever LabelBar axis is smallest, between the bottommost LabelBar element and the bottom edge of the LabelBar perimeter. It is always subtracted from the current LabelBar extent. Negative values are allowed. Default: 0.05 lbBoxCount Number of boxes in the labelbar. All the LabelBar array resources, when specified, are required to have a number of elements related to the number of boxes. The arrays specified by lbFillPatterns, lbFillColors, and lbFillScales must have at least as many elements as the box count. The minimum size of the lbLabelStrings array may be the box count, one element less than box count, or one element more than box count, depending on the setting of the lbLabelAlignment resource. The lbBoxFractions array, when set, always requires one element more than box count. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: 16 -lbBoxEndCapStyle Available in version 6.4.0 and later. This resource controls the shape of the two outer boxes of the LabelBar, which may be either rectangular (like the interior boxes) or triangular/arrow shaped. Set it to one of these four values: RectangleEnds TriangleLowEnd TriangleHighEnd TriangleBothEnds Default: RectangleEnds NOTE: this resource should be ignored if the contour resource cnLabelBarEndStyle is set to "ExcludeOuterBoxes". +lbBoxEndCapStyle This resource controls the shape of the two outer boxes of the LabelBar, which may be either rectangular (like the interior boxes) or triangular/arrow shaped. Set it to one of these four values: RectangleEnds TriangleLowEnd TriangleHighEnd TriangleBothEnds Default: RectangleEnds NOTE: this resource should be ignored if the contour resource cnLabelBarEndStyle is set to "ExcludeOuterBoxes". lbBoxFractions An array that specifies sizing of each box in the LabelBar when the box sizing mode is set to ExplicitSizing. There must be one more element in this array than the number of items specified by the resource lbBoxCount. Each element of the array must eventually contain a number in the range 0.0 to 1.0, with succeeding elements increasing monotonically. The first element must be 0.0 and the last 1.0. If invalid values are discovered when the array is checked, it is not considered an error. Instead, the code simply supplies linearly interpolated values for all adjacent elements containing out- of-bounds elements. The interpolation is performed relative to the two closest bounding elements containing valid values, or 0.0 or 1.0 respectively if the first or last element contains invalid data. The values thus obtained represent the beginnings and endings of the LabelBar boxes. Default: NULL lbBoxLineColor The hlu index of the color used to draw lines around the boxes in the LabelBar Default: Foreground lbBoxLineDashPattern The hlu index of the dash pattern used for the lines around the boxes of the LabelBar. Default: 0 @@ -447,21 +475,22 @@ lbBoxLineThicknessF Determines the thickness of the lines used around the boxes. lbBoxLinesOn A boolean flag determining whether lines should appear around the boxes in the LabelBar. Default: True lbBoxMajorExtentF Determines the amount of the area allotted to each box of the LabelBar in the direction of lbOrientation is actually occupied by the box. When set to 1.0, the boxes touch each other. If set to 0.0, the boxes disappear entirely. Intermediate values create separated boxes. Default: 1.0 lbBoxMinorExtentF When the lbAutoManage feature is turned on, this resource determines the fraction of the distance (less the margins) across the axis perpendicular to the orientation (the minor axis) occupied by the boxes of the LabelBar. If set to 1.0, the boxes entirely crowd out their associated labels. If lbTitlePosition is set to a side parallel with the major axis, the lbBoxMinorExtentF cannot exceed 1.0 minus the amount of space used for the title, as set by the resource lbTitleExtentF. When lbAutoManage is False and lbTitlePosition is set to a side perpendicular to the major axis, the axis extent from which the box minor extent is calculated includes any extra extent added due to an increased value given to lbTitleFontHeightF. However, it does not include extra extent due to increased value given to the lbLabelFontHeightF resource. Default: 0.33 -lbBoxSeparatorLinesOn Available in version 6.2.0 and later. If this resource is set to False, it will draw a labelbar with no interior box lines (box separator lines), and just a perimeter line around the "bar" of the labelbar. Default: True +lbBoxSeparatorLinesOn If this resource is set to False, it will draw a labelbar with no interior box lines (box separator lines), and just a perimeter line around the "bar" of the labelbar. Default: True lbBoxSizing When set to UniformSizing, all the boxes in the LabelBar have the same size. When set to ExplicitSizing, the values in the array, lbBoxFractions, determine the relative size of each box along the major axis (the axis of orientation). Default: UniformSizing lbFillBackground The color index used for the background of all the boxes in the LabelBar. By default it is set to Transparent (-1), specifying that the background of the boxes is transparent to whatever it overlays. Note that the box background is only observable when the fill pattern is not solid. This resource also applies to the background of the fill pattern set with the lbPerimFill resource. Default: Transparent lbFillColor When lbMonoFillColor is set True, this resource of type NhlTColorIndex sets a uniform fill color for all the LabelBar boxes. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: Foreground lbFillColors This array resource of type NhlTColorIndexGenArray individually sets the color of each box in the LabelBar when lbMonoFillColor is set False. The LabelBar ensures that this array contains at least as many elements as the current value of lbBoxCount. You may cause a box to appear empty by setting the appropriate array element to the value Transparent. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: By default, each box is assigned to the next succeeding color in the hlu color table, up to the number of defined colors. Additional boxes are assigned the current value of wkForegroundColor. lbFillDotSizeF This resource sets a uniform dot size, in NDC units, for the stipple dot fill pattern. The default value of 0.0 causes the dots to be drawn as before, using a workstation dependent minimum dot size. A caveat is that individual dots are not clipped around the edges of fill areas; this becomes more noticeable as the dot size increases. Default: 0.0 lbFillLineThicknessF The line thickness used for the lines that comprise the fill pattern within the label boxes. Default: 1.0 +lbFillOpacityF This resource is intended for those who explicitly create labelbars, as opposed to the labelbars that are created automatically by a ContoutPlot. It is ignored in the case of automatically created LabelBars. Generally the opacity of automatic LabelBars mirrors the opacity of the colors used in the ContourPlot, although it is possible to override this via lbOverrideFillOpacity. Valid values are real-numbers between 0.0 (completely transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 lbFillPattern When lbMonoFillPattern is set True, this resource of type NhlTFillIndex sets a uniform fill pattern for all the LabelBar boxes. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: SolidFill lbFillPatterns This array resource of type NhlTFillIndexGenArray individually sets the fill pattern of each box in the LabelBar when lbMonoFillPattern is set False. The LabelBar ensures that this array contains at least as many elements as the current value of lbBoxCount. You can cause any box to appear empty by setting the appropriate array element to the value HollowFill (-1). Note that you can use the scalar resource lbFillBackground to set a uniform solid-fill background color the fill patterns. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: All array elements above those specified by the user are assigned values according to the formula: element_index MOD wkFillTableLength + 1. lbFillScaleF When lbMonoFillScale is set True, lbFillScaleF sets a uniform fill scale that applies to all patterns in the LabelBar boxes. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: 1.0 lbFillScales When lbMonoFillScale is False, each element of this array resource contains an individual scale value that is applied to the pattern assigned to the corresponding box in the LabelBar. When the scale value is 1.0, all lines in the currently defined patterns are nominally spaced at about 0.01 NDC units. The scale value is applied as a factor to this spacing. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: 1.0 for all elements lbJustification When the labelbar changes size, the justification determines a fixed point about which the size change occurs. Any of the corners, the center of any edge, or the current center of the LabelBar may be set to the fixed justification point. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: PlotManager Default: BottomLeft -lbLabelAlignment How the labels align with respect to the label boxes. If set to BoxCenters, the labels align with the centers of each box, and the number of labels is equal to the number of boxes. If set to InteriorEdges, the labels align with the internal separators between the boxes, and there is one fewer label than the number of boxes. If set to ExternalEdges, the labels align with the external edges as well as the interior separators between the boxes, and there is one more label than boxes. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: BoxCenters (InteriorEdges in gsn_xxxx_xxx scripts) +lbLabelAlignment How the labels align with respect to the labelbar boxes. If set to BoxCenters, the labels align with the centers of each box, and the number of labels is equal to the number of boxes. If set to InteriorEdges, the labels align with the internal separators between the boxes, and there is one fewer label than the number of boxes. If set to ExternalEdges, the labels align with the external edges as well as the interior separators between the boxes, and there is one more label than boxes. The default for this resource is InteriorEdges when used with a contour, vector, or streamline plot, because the labelbar colors represent colors between levels. If you set this resource to BoxCenters or ExternalEdges, then NCL will use your contour, vector, or streamline levels to label the boxes, but they likely won't be correct. You must supply the correct labels and the extra labels required, by setting lbLabelStrings to the desired array of labels. If you don't, then the extra labels will be set to "Labels_xx". This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: InteriorEdges when used with a contour, vector, or streamline plot, and BoxCenters when creating a labelbar from scratch. lbLabelAngleF The angle of the text of the labels. When the auto-manage resource is turned on, both the size and justification mode of the label text may change in response to changes of the label angle. Default: 0.0 -lbLabelAutoStride When this boolean resource is set True, LabelBar labels are checked for overlap before being drawn. If overlap would otherwise occur, a stride is set through the labels such that overlap will be avoided. The stride proceeds in both directions from a pivot label, chosen based on how "round" it is relative to the other labels. If the labels seem to be equally "round" or if the labels are non-numeric, then the shortest label is chosen as the pivot. If lbLabelAlignment is set to ExternalEdges, the behavior is a bit different. In this case, the stride is set as described above, but the labels at each end are guaranteed to appear. This may cause labels that would otherwise be part of the stride sequence to be eliminated. This behavior is useful when the end labels are used to show the extreme values of a dataset. The stride calculated as a result of setting lbLabelAutoStride is independent of the stride specified by the lbLabelStride resource and is applied subsequently to it. Also note that lbAutoManage must be set False in order for lbLabelAutoStride to have an effect. When lbAutoManage is True, the label font height is reduced to avoid overlap and therefore a stride greater than unity is never required. Default: False (will default to True in V6.1.0 and later) +lbLabelAutoStride When this boolean resource is set True, LabelBar labels are checked for overlap before being drawn. If overlap would otherwise occur, a stride is set through the labels such that overlap will be avoided. The stride proceeds in both directions from a pivot label, chosen based on how "round" it is relative to the other labels. If the labels seem to be equally "round" or if the labels are non-numeric, then the shortest label is chosen as the pivot. If lbLabelAlignment is set to ExternalEdges, the behavior is a bit different. In this case, the stride is set as described above, but the labels at each end are guaranteed to appear. This may cause labels that would otherwise be part of the stride sequence to be eliminated. This behavior is useful when the end labels are used to show the extreme values of a dataset. The stride calculated as a result of setting lbLabelAutoStride is independent of the stride specified by the lbLabelStride resource and is applied subsequently to it. Also note that lbAutoManage must be set False in order for lbLabelAutoStride to have an effect. When lbAutoManage is True, the label font height is reduced to avoid overlap and therefore a stride greater than unity is never required. Default: False (will default to True in V6. lbLabelBarOn A boolean flag that determines whether the LabelBar should appear. Primarily useful as a forwarded resource when the LabelBar is a child of a higher level object. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: PlotManager Default: True lbLabelConstantSpacingF Normally when lbLabelFontQuality is set to High, theLabelBar writes line label text with proportional spacing. Setting the lbLabelConstantSpacingF to a value greater than 0.0 overrides this behavior and instead begins each character a distance of lbLabelConstantSpacingF times the nominal character size from the beginning of the previous character. This implies that values between 0.0 and 1.0 will cause the characters to overlap each other, while a value of 1.0 implies no space between two nominally sized characters. This parameter is ignored when lbLabelFontQuality is not Low or Medium. Values less than 0.0 result in an error and are replaced with the default value. Default: 0.0 lbLabelDirection This resource of type NhlTTextDirection specifies the direction of the label text. Default: Across @@ -485,6 +514,7 @@ lbMonoFillColor When set True, all LabelBar boxes are set to a single color, as lbMonoFillPattern When set True, all the boxes in the labelbar are set to a single pattern, as specified by the value of the scalar resource lbFillPattern. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: False lbMonoFillScale When set True, the patterns applied to each box in the LabelBar are scaled by a single factor, as specified by the value the scalar resource lbFillScaleF. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot VectorPlot StreamlinePlot Default: True lbOrientation This resource of type NhlTOrientation specifies whether the labelbar boxes are arranged horizontally in a row or vertically in a column. The major axis of the LabelBar instance is parallel to the orientation and the minor axis is perpendicular to the orientation. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: PlotManager Default: Vertical +lbOverrideFillOpacity In the case of LabelBars created automatically by a ContourPlot, by default the opacity of the LabelBar mirrors the opacity of the fill-colors of the ContourPlot. Setting this resource to True causes the resultant LabelBar to be fully opaque, regardless of the ContourPlot fill-colors. Default: False lbPerimColor The hlu index of the color used for the line around the perimeter of LabelBar. Default: Foreground lbPerimDashPattern Specifies the hlu index of the dash pattern used to draw the perimeter of the LabelBar. Default: 0, specifying a solid line lbPerimDashSegLenF The length in NDC units of the dash pattern used to draw the perimeter of the LabelBar. Default: 0.15 @@ -524,7 +554,7 @@ lgBoxMinorExtentF When the lgAutoManage feature is turned on, this resource dete lgDashIndex When lgMonoDashIndex is set True, this resource sets a uniform dash pattern index for the lines drawn in all items in the legend. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot XyPlot Default: SolidLine lgDashIndexes When lgMonoDashIndex is set False, this array sets a dash pattern index value for each Legend item individually. If a positive index greater than the number of dash patterns is specified, the dash pattern routines automatically use modular arithmetic to arrive at an index value within the defined range of indexes. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot XyPlot Default: Array elements 0 through the item count - 1 are assigned indexes 1 through item count. lgItemCount Number of items in the Legend. All the Legend array resources, when specified, are required to have at least as many elements as lgItemCount. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot XyPlot Default: 16 -lgItemOrder This resource allows you to control the order of the items in the Legend. It must be set as an array of lgItemCount integers containing the values 0 through item count - 1, ordered as you wish the items to appear. For example, to reverse the order of a Legend with 4 items, you would set the resource with the array (/ 3, 2, 1, 0 /). If the array contains too many or too few elements, repeated values, or any values outside the valid range, the resource will be ignored and a warning message emitted. Available in version 5.1.0 and later. Default: NULL +lgItemOrder This resource allows you to control the order of the items in the Legend. It must be set as an array of lgItemCount integers containing the values 0 through item count - 1, ordered as you wish the items to appear. For example, to reverse the order of a Legend with 4 items, you would set the resource with the array (/ 3, 2, 1, 0 /). If the array contains too many or too few elements, repeated values, or any values outside the valid range, the resource will be ignored and a warning message emitted. Default: NULL lgItemPlacement When set to UniformPlacement all Legend items are evenly spaced within the Legend. If set to ExplicitPlacement, the distance between each item is controlled by the lgItemPositions array. Default: UniformPlacement lgItemPositions When lgItemPlacement is set to ExplicitPlacement, the elements of this array control the relative position within the Legend of each item. The array should be a monotonically increasing sequence in the range 0.0 - 1.0 inclusive (except as noted below). Each element corresponds to the position of the Legend item with the corresponding index. The value indicates the distance of each particular item from the left or bottom (depending on the value of lgOrientation) of the Legend item area. A value of 1.0 indicates the right or top of the item area, while 0.5 would indicate the center of the item area. You can cause a subgroup of the items to be evenly spaced by giving the value -1.0 to the elements between two elements containing valid monotonically increasing values. The Legend object will replace the -1.0 values with monotonically increasing values evenly spaced between the two given valid values. Actually it will replace any invalid values in the same manner, although values other than -1.0 will cause a WARNING error. Default: NULL lgItemType When lgMonoItemType is set True, this resource sets all the items in the legend. It indicates if they should contain a line, a marker, or both. This resource may be intercepted or disabled by: ContourPlot XyPlot Default: Lines @@ -627,19 +657,19 @@ mpBottomWindowF (MapTransformation) When mpLimitMode has the value Window, this mpCenterLatF (MapTransformation) This resource defines the latitude of the center of the map projection coordinate system. It applies for all values of the mpProjection resource except for LambertConformal. Its value must lie between -90.0 and +90.0, where -90.0 represents the South Pole and +90.0 represents the North Pole. V4.1 Status Note 2 Default: 0.0 mpCenterLonF (MapTransformation) This resource defines the longitude of the center of the map projection coordinate system. It applies for all values of the mpProjection resource except for LambertConformal. Its value must lie between -180.0 and +180.0, where both extremes represent the longitude of the International Dateline. V4.1 Status Note 2 Default: 0.0 mpCenterRotF (MapTransformation) Unless the origin lies at one of the poles, this resource defines the angle that the map projection coordinate system is rotated counterclockwise from a vector directed north with origin at the projection center. If the projection center is at the North Pole, the vector points in the direction of mpCenterLonF+180.0. If the center is the South Pole, the vector points in the direction of mpCenterLonF. mpCenterRotF applies for all values of the mpProjection resource except for LambertConformal. Default: 0.0 -mpCountyLineColor (MapPlot) Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource of type NhlTColorIndex can be set using a named color string or an integer value. It specifies the color used to render interior county or climate division boundary outlines. Currently these are available within the Conterminous United States only. It has no effect on County or climate division boundary lines that are coincident with state or geographical boundaries. This resource is ignored unless mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes). Default: Foreground -mpCountyLineDashPattern (MapPlot) Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource sets the index specifying the dash pattern used to render interior county or climate division boundary outlines. Currently these are available within the Conterminous United States only. It has no effect on County or climate division boundary lines that are coincident with state or geographical boundaries. This resource is ignored unless mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes). p> Default: SolidLine -mpCountyLineDashSegLenF (MapPlot) Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource specifies the length of each segment of the dash patterns used to render interior county or climate division boundary outlines. It is the length in NDC before the dash pattern repeats itself. This resource automatically scales with changes in the size of the viewport of the MapPlot object. These boundaries are currently available within the Conterminous United States only. This resource has no effect on County or climate division boundary lines that are coincident with state or geographical boundaries. MapPlot sets the default value of mpCountyLineDashSegLenF dynamically based on the ratio of the actual plot viewport width to a reference viewport width of 0.6 and a reference dash segment length of 0.15. This resource is ignored unless mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes). Default: 0.15 (for a viewport width of 0.6) -mpCountyLineThicknessF (MapPlot) Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource Sets the thickness of the lines used to render interior county or climate division boundary outlines. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. Currently these boundaries areavailable within the Conterminous United States only. This resource has no effect on County or climate division boundary lines that are coincident with state or geographical boundaries. This resource is ignored unless mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes). Default: 1.0 -mpDataBaseVersion (MapPlot) This resource of type NhlTMapDataBaseVersion determines which database version MapPlot should use. Currently there are four choices: Ncarg4_0 (alias: LowRes) Use the original database as supplied with MapPlot in version 4.0. This database is out of date with respect to political boundaries and has much lower resolution than the Ncarg4_1 database. Nevertheless, for global scale plots that involve only geophysical boundaries, this database is the recommended one to use. Because there are so many fewer points, MapPlot can render the data much faster, particularly when fill is involved. This database contains 583 named geographical entities. Ncarg4_1 (alias: MediumRes) Use one of the map datasets developed for the Ncarg4_1 version of the MapPlot database. These datasets contain between 1085 and 6853 geographical entities arranged in an extensible hierarchical fashion. The database is organized in such a way that new subdivisions of existing areas can easily be added. The resolution is much higher than the original database, and the political boundaries are more up-to-date. Use of this database is recommended when plotting limited areas of the earth's surface, any time up-to-date political boundaries are required, or when certain subdivisions of the United States, Canada, or Mexico are desired. Select the dataset using the resource mpDataSetName. The datasets available are: Earth..1 (includes national and US state boundaries) Earth..2 (includes, national, Canadian provincial, US and Mexican state, and US county boundaries) Earth..3 (includes, national, Canadian provincial, US and Mexican state, and US climate division boundaries) (Available in version 5.1.0 and later.) Earth..4 (includes US, Canadian, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Brazilian, and Australian state/provincial boundaries and US county boundaries.) RANGS_GSHHS (aliases: HighRes, RANGS) Use the multi-resolution coastline database RANGS (Regionally Accessible Nested Global Shorelines), developed by Rainer Feistel from Wessel and Smith's GSHHS (Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shoreline) database. This database is not supplied with the NCAR Graphics software suite, but may be freely downloaded from Feistel's site. For this database to be accessible to NCAR Graphics routines, the files that comprise it must be installed in a directory named "rangs" that is a subdirectory of the directory where the other NCAR Graphics map database files reside (typically $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/database). Alternatively, you may set the environment variable NCARG_RANGS to point to the directory location of the RANGS database files. The RANGS database is capable of much higher resolution than the other databases, but it should not be used for maximal area projections of the whole globe since there are some problems in rendering it at this scale. This database currently consists of coastline data only and has no named areas associated with it. Please click here for more information on how to download and install the RANGS/GSHHS database. Dynamic Available in version 6.4.0 and later. With version 6.4.0, this is the new default setting. Generally the LowRes database will be used, which is the default in prior versions of NCL. However, if either of the boundary-set resources mpFillBoundarySets or mpOutlineBoundarySets are set to anything other than Geophysical, then the MediumRes database will be used instead. This behavior represents a balance between performance and accuracy for common use-cases. For global-scale maps depicting just the continents and oceans, the LowRes database is more than sufficient, whereas the more detailed MediumRes database would incur additional compute overhead. However, the political boundaries of the MediumRes database are more up-to-date, and are thus favored if any political boundaries are to be drawn. You may freely switch between the databases after creating a mapplot. However, note that because the databases differ considerably in their area naming schemes, you will be likely to encounter warning messages if you have set any of the specifier resources (mpFillAreaSpecifiers, mpOutlineSpecifiers, mpMaskAreaSpecifiers, or mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers). Default: Dynamic (Ncarg4_0 for NCL versions prior to 6.4.0) +mpCountyLineColor (MapPlot) This resource of type NhlTColorIndex can be set using a named color string or an integer value. It specifies the color used to render interior county or climate division boundary outlines. Currently these are available within the Conterminous United States only. It has no effect on County or climate division boundary lines that are coincident with state or geographical boundaries. This resource is ignored unless mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes). Default: Foreground +mpCountyLineDashPattern (MapPlot) This resource sets the index specifying the dash pattern used to render interior county or climate division boundary outlines. Currently these are available within the Conterminous United States only. It has no effect on County or climate division boundary lines that are coincident with state or geographical boundaries. This resource is ignored unless mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes). p> Default: SolidLine +mpCountyLineDashSegLenF (MapPlot) This resource specifies the length of each segment of the dash patterns used to render interior county or climate division boundary outlines. It is the length in NDC before the dash pattern repeats itself. This resource automatically scales with changes in the size of the viewport of the MapPlot object. These boundaries are currently available within the Conterminous United States only. This resource has no effect on County or climate division boundary lines that are coincident with state or geographical boundaries. MapPlot sets the default value of mpCountyLineDashSegLenF dynamically based on the ratio of the actual plot viewport width to a reference viewport width of 0.6 and a reference dash segment length of 0.15. This resource is ignored unless mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes). Default: 0.15 (for a viewport width of 0.6) +mpCountyLineThicknessF (MapPlot) This resource Sets the thickness of the lines used to render interior county or climate division boundary outlines. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. Currently these boundaries areavailable within the Conterminous United States only. This resource has no effect on County or climate division boundary lines that are coincident with state or geographical boundaries. This resource is ignored unless mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes). Default: 1.0 +mpDataBaseVersion (MapPlot) This resource of type NhlTMapDataBaseVersion determines which database version MapPlot should use. Currently there are four choices: Ncarg4_0 (alias: LowRes) Use the original database as supplied with MapPlot in version 4.0. This database is out of date with respect to political boundaries and has much lower resolution than the Ncarg4_1 database. Nevertheless, for global scale plots that involve only geophysical boundaries, this database is the recommended one to use. Because there are so many fewer points, MapPlot can render the data much faster, particularly when fill is involved. This database contains 583 named geographical entities. Ncarg4_1 (alias: MediumRes) Use one of the map datasets developed for the Ncarg4_1 version of the MapPlot database. These datasets contain between 1085 and 6853 geographical entities arranged in an extensible hierarchical fashion. The database is organized in such a way that new subdivisions of existing areas can easily be added. The resolution is much higher than the original database, and the political boundaries are more up-to-date. Use of this database is recommended when plotting limited areas of the earth's surface, any time up-to-date political boundaries are required, or when certain subdivisions of the United States, Canada, or Mexico are desired. Select the dataset using the resource mpDataSetName. The datasets available are: Earth..1 (includes national and US state boundaries) Earth..2 (includes, national, Canadian provincial, US and Mexican state, and US county boundaries) Earth..3 (includes, national, Canadian provincial, US and Mexican state, and US climate division boundaries) (1.0 and later.) Earth..4 (includes US, Canadian, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Brazilian, and Australian state/provincial boundaries and US county boundaries.) RANGS_GSHHS (aliases: HighRes, RANGS) Use the multi-resolution coastline database RANGS (Regionally Accessible Nested Global Shorelines), developed by Rainer Feistel from Wessel and Smith's GSHHS (Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shoreline) database. This database is not supplied with the NCAR Graphics software suite, but may be freely downloaded from For this database to be accessible to NCAR Graphics routines, the files that comprise it must be installed in a directory named "rangs" that is a subdirectory of the directory where the other NCAR Graphics map database files reside (typically $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/database). Alternatively, you may set the environment variable NCARG_RANGS to point to the directory location of the RANGS database files. The RANGS database is capable of much higher resolution than the other databases, but it should not be used for maximal area projections of the whole globe since there are some problems in rendering it at this scale. This database currently consists of coastline data only and has no named areas associated with it. Please click here for more information on how to download and install the RANGS/GSHHS database. Dynamic With version 6.4.0, this is the new default setting. Generally the LowRes database will be used, which is the default in prior versions of NCL. However, if either of the boundary-set resources mpFillBoundarySets or mpOutlineBoundarySets are set to anything other than Geophysical, then the MediumRes database will be used instead. This behavior represents a balance between performance and accuracy for common use-cases. For global-scale maps depicting just the continents and oceans, the LowRes database is more than sufficient, whereas the more detailed MediumRes database would incur additional compute overhead. However, the political boundaries of the MediumRes database are more up-to-date, and are thus favored if any political boundaries are to be drawn. You may freely switch between the databases after creating a mapplot. However, note that because the databases differ considerably in their area naming schemes, you will be likely to encounter warning messages if you have set any of the specifier resources (mpFillAreaSpecifiers, mpOutlineSpecifiers, mpMaskAreaSpecifiers, or mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers). Default: Dynamic (Ncarg4_0 for NCL versions prior to 6.4.0) mpDataResolution (MapPlot) resource of type NhlTMapDataResolution specifies the resolution used to render the map. There are 6 choices: UnspecifiedResolution (Alias: Unspecified) MapPlot decides what resolution to use based on the range of the map limits currently in effect. Large scale maps will be drawn with high resolution and smaller scale maps with lower resolution. FinestResolution (Alias: Finest) Draw the map using the finest resolution possible. FineResolution (Alias: Fine) Draw the map using fine resolution. MediumResolution (Alias: Medium) Draw the map using medium resolution. CoarseResolution (Alias: Coarse) Draw the map using coarse resolution. CoarsestResolution (Alias: Coarsest) Draw the map using the coarsest resolution possible. These designations for resolution are only relative to the other resolutions that can be rendered using the RANGS database. This resource is ignored when using the Ncarg4_0 or Ncarg4_1 databases. Default: UnspecifiedResolution -mpDataSetName (MapPlot) When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 this string type resource specifies the name of the dataset used to populate the database. Currently there are three possible standard datasets from which to choose: Earth..1 This dataset was created in 1998 and contains geophysical and political boundaries including the states of the United States. Earth..2 This dataset was created in 1999 and is similar to "Earth..1" except that it contains the country Eritrea, and several countries resulting from the breakup of the USSR that were not included in "Earth..1". It also contains the provinces of Canada, the states of Mexico, and all the counties in the United States. Earth..3 This dataset was created in 2000 and is like "Earth..2" except that the US counties are replaced with climate divisions within each state. Earth..4 (Available in version 5.1.0 and later.) This dataset was created in 2008. It is much like "Earth..2", but has about 10 times as much detail and is much more accurate. Its coastlines are simplified versions of those in the RANGS database and its political outlines match what one finds on a web site such as Wikimapia. In addition to the provinces of Canada, the states of Mexico, and the states and counties of the conterminus United States, it provides the state/province outlines of Australia, Brazil, China, and India. The ice shelves of Antarctica are included as separate entities, that can be made to appear or not, as desired. The name of the dataset (e.g. "Earth..1") is actually the basename for a set of files comprising the dataset. Other datasets, such as paleolithic continental boundaries, conforming to the Ncarg4_1 database scheme have been created, but they are not currently part of the standard NCAR Graphics distribution. If you have a dataset that conforms to the scheme, but is not located in the directory where map data is expected to be found (typically $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/database), you may specify a complete pathname (including the dataset basename) as the value of this resource. As with changing the value of mpDataBaseVersion You may freely switch between datasets after creating a mapplot. However, you may encounter warning messages if you have set any of the specifier resources (mpFillAreaSpecifiers, mpOutlineSpecifiers, mpMaskAreaSpecifiers, or mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers) with names that appear in one dataset and not the other. This resource is ignored when using the Ncarg4_0 or RANGS databases. Default: Earth..2 +mpDataSetName (MapPlot) When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 this string type resource specifies the name of the dataset used to populate the database. Currently there are three possible standard datasets from which to choose: Earth..1 This dataset was created in 1998 and contains geophysical and political boundaries including the states of the United States. Earth..2 This dataset was created in 1999 and is similar to "Earth..1" except that it contains the country Eritrea, and several countries resulting from the breakup of the USSR that were not included in "Earth..1". It also contains the provinces of Canada, the states of Mexico, and all the counties in the United States. Earth..3 This dataset was created in 2000 and is like "Earth..2" except that the US counties are replaced with climate divisions within each state. Earth..4 (1.0 and later.) This dataset was created in 2008. It is much like "Earth..2", but has about 10 times as much detail and is much more accurate. Its coastlines are simplified versions of those in the RANGS database and its political outlines match what one finds on a web site such as Wikimapia. In addition to the provinces of Canada, the states of Mexico, and the states and counties of the conterminus United States, it provides the state/province outlines of Australia, Brazil, China, and India. The ice shelves of Antarctica are included as separate entities, that can be made to appear or not, as desired. The name of the dataset (e.g. "Earth..1") is actually the basename for a set of files comprising the dataset. Other datasets, such as paleolithic continental boundaries, conforming to the Ncarg4_1 database scheme have been created, but they are not currently part of the standard NCAR Graphics distribution. If you have a dataset that conforms to the scheme, but is not located in the directory where map data is expected to be found (typically $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/database), you may specify a complete pathname (including the dataset basename) as the value of this resource. As with changing the value of mpDataBaseVersion You may freely switch between datasets after creating a mapplot. However, you may encounter warning messages if you have set any of the specifier resources (mpFillAreaSpecifiers, mpOutlineSpecifiers, mpMaskAreaSpecifiers, or mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers) with names that appear in one dataset and not the other. This resource is ignored when using the Ncarg4_0 or RANGS databases. Default: Earth..2 mpDefaultFillColor (MapPlot) This resource sets the HLU index of the color used to fill all areas within the map projection that, given that mpFillOn is True, are neither filled nor masked. mpDefaultFillColor is constrained to values greater than Transparent (-1). This resource provides an alternate method of setting the value of the first element of mpFillColors. If both resources are set in the same call, the value of mpDefaultFillColor takes precedence. Default: 16 mpDefaultFillPattern (MapPlot) This resource sets the HLU index of the fill pattern used to fill all areas within the map projection that, given that mpFillOn is True, are neither filled nor masked. If mpDefaultFillPattern has the value HollowFill (-1), there will be no fill of the ocean area, regardless of the setting of mpDefaultFillColor. This resource provides an alternate method of setting the value of the first element of mpFillPatterns. If both resources are set in the same call, the value of mpDefaultFillPattern takes precedence. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: SolidFill mpDefaultFillScaleF (MapPlot) The mpDefaultFillScaleF resource controls the scaling of the pattern used to fill all areas within the map projection that, given that mpFillOn is True, are neither filled nor masked. It has no effect for solid fill (SolidFill, fill index 0). Values greater than 1.0 make the pattern spacing bigger than the default spacing, resulting in a fill that appears less dense. Values less than 1.0 have the opposite effect. Values less than or equal to 0.0 are invalid, generate a warning message, and are reset to the default value, 1.0. This resource provides an alternate method of setting the value of the first element of mpFillScales. If both resources are set in the same call, the value of mpDefaultFillScaleF takes precedence. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: 1.0 mpDynamicAreaGroups (MapPlot) MapPlot maintains two arrays that assign area group numbers to each area in a MapPlot database. MapPlot uses the area's group numbers to determine its fill attributes, assuming mpFillOn is True and you do not explicitly specify fill attributes for the area. The mpDynamicAreaGroups resource allows you to access and, if desired, set the elements of the dynamic area group array. The elements of this array have the same order as the mpAreaNames array. By default, within the dynamic group arrray MapPlot assigns each area a group number such that adjoining politically distinct land areas are guaranteed to belong to a different group. For this reason the mpDynamicAreaGroups array is sometimes known as the political groups array, since a map whose fill attributes are based on these area groups shows national and perhaps state and even county boundaries as well as physical features. Anytime mpFillBoundarySets is set in such a way that national or U.S. state areas must be distinguished, and the fill attributes are not set explicitly, MapPlot uses the group numbers in the mpDynamicAreaGroups array as indexes into the fill attribute array resources whose associated Mono flag resource is set False. A more thorough description of the situations that result in MapPlot indexing the fill attribute array resources based on the contents of the mpDynamicAreaGroups array is found in the discussion of area fill in the MapPlot object description. You may reassign the group numbers in the mpDynamicAreaGroups array in any manner you please. At minimum and by default there are 10 area groups, but by setting the resource mpAreaGroupCount you can increase the number of area groups to any number up to a maximum of 255. When using the Ncarg4_0 database: See the Ncarg4_0 database table to find the dynamic area group associated with a particular area name. When using the Ncarg4_1 database: There are three datasets available with this database, and the area names available differ depending on the dataset selected. See mpDataSetName for links to tables containing the dynamic area group associated with the area names contained in the available datasets. When using the RANGS database: This resource is not used and is set to NULL. Default: mpEllipticalBoundary (MapTransformation) When the boolean resource mpEllipticalBoundary is set True, the map projection area is limited to an ellipse inscribed within the normal rectangular perimeter of the viewport. Default: False -mpFillAreaSpecifiers (MapPlot) specify explicitly the names of areas MapPlot is to fill. Your purpose may be to include an area that would not otherwise be drawn (such as an interior national boundary when mpFillBoundarySets has the value Geophysical) or it may be simply that you want to control the area's fill attributes explicitly using the associated specified fill attribute arrays. The named areas are added to the basic set of fill areas specified using the resource mpFillBoundarySets. You may explicitly specify the fill attributes of areas named in the mpFillAreaSpecifiers array using any or all of the three associated attribute array resources, mpSpecifiedFillColors, mpSpecifiedFillPatterns, and mpSpecifiedFillScales. The elements of each of these arrays correspond one-for-one with the elements of the mpFillAreaSpecifiers array. Attributes set using these arrays override all other resources involving fill attributes, including the fill attribute Mono flags. Each of these arrays accept a pre-defined special value allowing you to specify individual elements as "unset." If you also using area masking, note that there is an order of precedence for fill and masking. Explicitly named areas take precedence over area groupings, and small areas take precedence over enclosing larger areas. Otherwise masking takes precedence over filling. Note that the names from different MapPlot databases and datasets are not necessarily compatible. Therefore, if mpFillAreaSpecifiers is non-NULL when you set mpDataBaseVersion and/or mpDataSetName to a different value, you are likely to encounter warning messages unless you also set mpFillAreaSpecifiers using names compatible with the new database. You can retrieve a list of compatible names by getting the value of mpAreaNames. Case is not significant for mpFillAreaSpecifiers string values. When using the Ncarg4_0 database: Within the list you may include groups of areas defined by a number of pre-defined string constants. In addition, a substring matching facility allows you to specify groups of areas that share a common substring. When a fill attribute for a specified fill area is not explicitly set, MapPlot uses its normal method of setting fill attributes based on area group assignments. The group number is chosen from the mpFixedAreaGroups array or from the mpDynamicAreaGroups array depending on the setting of the resource mpSpecifiedFillPriority. You can override the general priority for an individual area by prepending an exclamation point ('!') to the area's name. When using the Ncarg4_1 database: The NullArea string constant is also defined. There is no substring matching facility. When a fill attribute for a specified fill area is not explicitly set, MapPlot uses its normal method of setting fill attributes based on area group assignments. The group number is chosen from the mpFixedAreaGroups array if the area's type is 1 (mpGeophysical) or if its type is 2 (mpContinental) and its parent is Water. Otherwise, the group number is chosen from the mpDynamicAreaGroups array. The use of the exclamation point ('!') prefix and the mpSpecifiedFillPriority resource is not supported. Available in version 4.2.0.a034 and later. In addition to individual area names, you can specify subdivisions of certain areas (states, provinces, and counties) using pre-defined group names appended to the area name following a colon (':') character. When using the RANGS database: This resource is ignored. Default: NULL +mpFillAreaSpecifiers (MapPlot) specify explicitly the names of areas MapPlot is to fill. Your purpose may be to include an area that would not otherwise be drawn (such as an interior national boundary when mpFillBoundarySets has the value Geophysical) or it may be simply that you want to control the area's fill attributes explicitly using the associated specified fill attribute arrays. The named areas are added to the basic set of fill areas specified using the resource mpFillBoundarySets. You may explicitly specify the fill attributes of areas named in the mpFillAreaSpecifiers array using any or all of the three associated attribute array resources, mpSpecifiedFillColors, mpSpecifiedFillPatterns, and mpSpecifiedFillScales. The elements of each of these arrays correspond one-for-one with the elements of the mpFillAreaSpecifiers array. Attributes set using these arrays override all other resources involving fill attributes, including the fill attribute Mono flags. Each of these arrays accept a pre-defined special value allowing you to specify individual elements as "unset." If you also using area masking, note that there is an order of precedence for fill and masking. Explicitly named areas take precedence over area groupings, and small areas take precedence over enclosing larger areas. Otherwise masking takes precedence over filling. Note that the names from different MapPlot databases and datasets are not necessarily compatible. Therefore, if mpFillAreaSpecifiers is non-NULL when you set mpDataBaseVersion and/or mpDataSetName to a different value, you are likely to encounter warning messages unless you also set mpFillAreaSpecifiers using names compatible with the new database. You can retrieve a list of compatible names by getting the value of mpAreaNames. Case is not significant for mpFillAreaSpecifiers string values. When using the Ncarg4_0 database: Within the list you may include groups of areas defined by a number of pre-defined string constants. In addition, a substring matching facility allows you to specify groups of areas that share a common substring. When a fill attribute for a specified fill area is not explicitly set, MapPlot uses its normal method of setting fill attributes based on area group assignments. The group number is chosen from the mpFixedAreaGroups array or from the mpDynamicAreaGroups array depending on the setting of the resource mpSpecifiedFillPriority. You can override the general priority for an individual area by prepending an exclamation point ('!') to the area's name. When using the Ncarg4_1 database: The NullArea string constant is also defined. There is no substring matching facility. When a fill attribute for a specified fill area is not explicitly set, MapPlot uses its normal method of setting fill attributes based on area group assignments. The group number is chosen from the mpFixedAreaGroups array if the area's type is 1 (mpGeophysical) or if its type is 2 (mpContinental) and its parent is Water. Otherwise, the group number is chosen from the mpDynamicAreaGroups array. The use of the exclamation point ('!') prefix and the mpSpecifiedFillPriority resource is not supported. 2.0.a034 and later. In addition to individual area names, you can specify subdivisions of certain areas (states, provinces, and counties) using pre-defined group names appended to the area name following a colon (':') character. When using the RANGS database: This resource is ignored. Default: NULL mpFillBoundarySets (MapPlot) You set this resource of type NhlTMapBoundarySets to specify the basic boundary set used for fill areas. Given the basic boundaries, you can then add other areas by specifying area names outlines in the mpFillAreaSpecifiers string array resource. You can also desiginate areas to be masked (left unfilled) by specifying area names in the mpMaskAreaSpecifiers string array resource. NoBoundaries MapPlot will draw area fill only for areas specified by name in mpFillAreaSpecifiers and not specified in mpMaskAreaSpecifiers. Geophysical MapPlot will draw area fill for geophysical features: land, oceans, and inland water bodies. You may specify by name other areas to be filled in the mpFillAreaSpecifiers resource. National MapPlot will individually fill all national boundary areas. Geophysical features are implicitly included. You may specify by name other areas to be filled in the mpFillAreaSpecifiers resource. USStates MapPlot will fill regions comprising the states of the United States. When using the Ncarg4_0 database, Alaska and Hawaii are not included, although a few areas outside the U.S. proper, including the Bahamas and a few lakes extending into Canadian territory, are drawn. When using the Ncarg4_1 database, Alaska and Hawaii are drawn, but no non-U.S. territory is included. You may add geophysical and/or national areas by name using the mpFillAreaSpecifiers resource. GeophysicalAndUSStates MapPlot will draw area fill for all global geophysical features as well as for the states of the United States. Other national boundaries do not appear unless you specify them by name using the mpFillAreaSpecifiers resource. AllBoundaries MapPlot draws area fill for all the boundaries for the database/dataset currently in use. When using the Ncarg4_0 database this includes geophysical and national boundaries as well as all U.S. states and inland water. When using the Ncarg4_1 database, depending on the dataset, this may include Canadian provinces, Mexican and US States, and counties or climate divisions of US states. When the Ncarg4_1 database is in use, specifying an area name whose mpAreaTypes is 1 or 2 (mpGeophysical or mpContinental) has the effect of suppressing type 3 or higher fill areas within its borders even if the setting of mpFillBoundarySets would otherwise imply that they be drawn . For instance, setting mpFillAreaSpecifiers to the value "Africa" would have the effect of suppressing national boundaries within the African continent. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: Geophysical mpFillColor (MapPlot) When mpMonoFillColor is set True, this resource of type NhlTColorIndex sets a uniform fill color for all MapPlot areas, except for those whose fill color is set explicitly using the mpSpecifiedFillColors array resource. Default: Foreground mpFillColors (MapPlot) If mpMonoFillColor is False, each element of the array specifies the HLU color index used to fill the MapPlot areas belonging a particular area group. The first element of the array specifies the default color for regions within the map projection area that contain neither a filled nor a masked area. The second, third, and fourth elements specify colors for the fixed (geophysical) area groups: the Ocean group, the Land group, and the InlandWater group. For convenience, there are named alias resources for these first four elements of the array: mpDefaultFillColor, mpOceanFillColor, mpLandFillColor, and mpInlandWaterFillColor. If you set any of the alias resources at the same time as the mpFillColors array resource is set, the named alias resource value overrides. The remaining elements (by default, the fifth through the tenth elements) specify colors for the dynamic groups. If mpAreaGroupCount is increased from its minimum (and default) value of 10, more elements become available for additional dynamic group colors. Default: By default the first 10 elements are assigned the following sequence of HLU color indexes: 16, 10, 8, 10, 26, 22, 11, 23, 13, 19. This choice of colors is intended to look reasonable with the "default" color map. @@ -696,8 +726,8 @@ mpLimbLineDashPattern (MapPlot) This resource sets the HLU index of a dash patte mpLimbLineDashSegLenF (MapPlot) This resource specifies the length of each segment of the dash patterns used for the limb line drawn at the edge of visibility in certain map projections. It is the length in NDC before the dash pattern repeats itself. This resource automatically scales with changes in the size of the viewport of the MapPlot object. MapPlot sets the default value of mpLimbLineDashSegLenF dynamically based on the ratio of the actual plot viewport width to a reference viewport width of 0.6 and a reference dash segment length of 0.15. Default: 0.15 (for a viewport width of 0.6) mpLimbLineThicknessF (MapPlot) This resource determines the thickness of the limb line drawn at the edge of visibility in certain map projections. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. Default: 1.0 mpLimitMode (MapTransformation) This resource of type NhlTMapLimitMode specifies how MapTransformation determines the extent of the projected globe that is mapped into the viewport area. It has eight possible settings: MaximalArea The maximum viewable area of the globe allowed by the projection is mapped into the viewport area. LatLon MapTransformation maps into the viewport the maximum viewable portion of the area given the projection, the projection center, and bounded by latitudes mpMinLatF and mpMaxLatF and longitudes mpMinLonF and mpMaxLonF. If you set boundaries such that the resulting area has zero extent, MapTransformation issues a warning and resets mpLimitMode to the value NhlMAXIMALAREA. If you set mpMinLatF to a value greater than mpMaxLatF or mpMinLonF to a value greater than mpMaxLatF, MapTransformation issues a warning and exchanges the values. Angles For most projections, the area mapped into the viewport is based on the positive angular distance from the center of the projection, in each of the four directions determined by the resources mpRightAngleF, mpLeftAngleF,mpBottomAngleF, and mpTopAngleF. For the satellite projection, the angles represent angular deviation from the line of sight from the satellite to the projection center. Angular limits are not supported if mpProjection has the value NhlLAMBERTCONFORMAL or NhlROTATEDMERCATOR. Note that left, right, bottom, and top are oriented with respect to the viewplane; therefore, if mpCenterRotF has a non-zero value, the angles represent varying combinations of latitudinal and longitudinal components. Depending on the projection, the maximum allowable value for each of the angle resources varies, as follows: Angle projection limits: Orthographic mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 90.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 90.0 Stereographic mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 180.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 180.0 LambertEqualArea mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 180.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 180.0 Gnomonic mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 85.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 85.0 AzimuthalEquidistant mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 180.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 180.0 Satellite mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 90.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 90.0 Mollweide mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 180.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 180.0 Mercator mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 180.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 85.0 CylindricalEquidistant mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 180.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 90.0 LambertConformal not supported Robinson mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 180.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 90.0 CylindricalEqualArea mpLeftAngleF and mpRightAngleF: 180.0 mpBottomAngleFand mpTopAngleF: 90.0 RotatedMercator not supported If you attempt to set one of the angle resources to a value outside the range, MapTransformation issues a warning and coerces the value to the limiting value. If you set angles in such a way that the resulting map extent has zero area, MapTransformation issues a warning and resets mpLimitMode to NhlMAXIMALAREA. V4.1 Status Note 3 NPC NPC limits the area based on "Normalized Projection Coordinates," which map the maximal area of the projection into a rectangle bounded by 0.0 and 1.0 horizontally and vertically. Use the resources mpLeftNPCF, mpRightNPCF, mpBottomNPCF, and mpTopNPCF to set normalized projection coordinate limits. If you set NPC boundaries such that the resulting area has zero extent, MapTransformation issues a warning and resets mpLimitMode to the value NhlMAXIMALAREA. If you set mpLeftNPCF to a value greater than mpRightNPCF or mpBottomNPCF to a value greater than mpTopNPCF, MapTransformation issues a warning and exchanges the values. MapTransformation keeps the NPC resources updated to their current value no matter which method is used to set the map limits. NDC NDC limits the area based on the current location of the projected map in Normalized Device Coordinates. Use the resources mpLeftNDCF, mpRightNDCF, mpBottomNDCF, and mpTopNDCF to set normalized device coordinate limits. If you set NDC boundaries such that the resulting area has zero extent, MapTransformation issues a warning and resets mpLimitMode to the value NhlMAXIMALAREA. If you set mpLeftNDCF to a value greater than mpRightNDCF or mpBottomNDCF to a value greater than mpTopNDCF, MapTransformation issues a warning and exchanges the values. Note that setting these resources usually causes the mapping between the projection space and NDC space to change. Changes to the location of the size or shape of the viewport into which the map is projected also modify the mapping into NDC space. Therefore, at the completion of each SetValues call, MapTransformation internally sets the value of each mp...NDCF resource to the new location of the original projected coordinate: that is, to one of the boundaries of the projected area. Corners MapTransformation maps into the viewport a rectangular area with one corner at the point mpLeftCornerLatF and mpLeftCornerLonF, and the opposite corner at the point mpRightCornerLatF and mpRightCornerLonF. The value of mpLeftCornerLonF should be less than mpRightCornerLonF. If either point is outside the maximal area given the projection and projection center, a warning is returned and the limit mode defaults to MaximalArea. Points MapTransformation maps into the viewport an area defined by a viewspace rectangle containing the four points defined by mpLeftPointLatF, mpLeftPointLonF, mpRightPointLatF, mpRightPointLonF, mpBottomPointLatF, mpBottomPointLonF, mpTopPointLatF, and mpTopPointLonF. If any point is outside the maximal area given the projection and projection center, a warning is returned and the limit mode defaults to MaximalArea mode. Window MapTransformation maps into the viewport an area bounded by the window coordinates specified by the resources mpLeftWindowF, mpRightWindowF, mpBottomWindowF, and mpTopWindowF. The window coordinates are in an intermediate rectangular coordinate system into which the map coordinates are mapped prior to the mapping into NDC coordinates. Its extents vary depending on the value of mpProjection. If you set mpLeftWindowF to a value greater than mpRightWindowF, or mpBottomWindowF to a value greater than mpTopWindowF, MapTransformation issues a warning and exchanges the values. MapTransformation keeps the Window resources updated to their current value no matter which method is used to set the map limits. Default: MaximalArea -mpMaskAreaSpecifiers (MapPlot) Specify the names of areas MapPlot is to mask. These areas are subtracted from the fill area set specified using the resource mpFillBoundarySets and mpFillAreaSpecifiers. There is an order of precedence for fill and masking. Explicitly named areas take precedence over area groupings, and small areas take precedence over enclosing larger areas. Otherwise masking takes precedence over filling. Note that the names from different MapPlot databases are not necessarily compatible. Therefore, if mpMaskAreaSpecifiers is non-NULL when you set mpDataBaseVersion and/or mpDataSetName to a different value, you are likely to encounter warning messages unless you also set mpMaskAreaSpecifiers using names compatible with the new database. You can retrieve a list of compatible names by getting the value of mpAreaNames. Case is not significant for mpMaskAreaSpecifiers string values. When using the Ncarg4_0 database: In addition to the individual area names, you may include certain pre-defined groups of areas using a number of pre-defined string constants. Moreover, there is a substring matching facility that allows you to specify groups of areas sharing a common substring. When using the Ncarg4_1 database: The NullArea string constant is defined. Due to the hierarchical nature of this database many area groupings occur as named entities in their own right. For instance, you can mask filling of the small islands of the Pacific Ocean by including the string "Pacific Islands" as an element of mpMaskAreaSpecifiers. There is no substring matching facility. Available in version 4.2.0.a034 and later. In addition to individual area names, you can specify subdivisions of certain areas (states, provinces, and counties) using pre-defined group names appended to the area name following a colon (':') character. When using the RANGS database: This resource is ignored. Default: NULL -mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers (MapPlot) Available in version 4.2.0.a034 and later. Specify the names of outlines MapPlot is to mask, if the boolean resource mpOutlineMaskingOn is set to True. These outlines are subtracted from the outline set specified using the resource mpOutlineBoundarySets and mpOutlineSpecifiers. Note that commonly the outline of an area shares its border with a number of other areas. Masking the outline of an area causes all these common borders not to be drawn. There is an order of precedence for outline drawing masking. Explicitly named outlines take precedence over outline groupings, and small outlines take precedence over enclosing larger outlines. Otherwise masking takes precedence over filling. Note that the names from different MapPlot databases and/or datasets are not necessarily compatible. Therefore, if mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers is non-NULL when you set mpDataBaseVersion and/or mpDataSetName to a different value, you are likely to encounter warning messages unless you also set mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers using names compatible with the new database. You can retrieve a list of compatible names for the current database/dataset by getting the value of mpAreaNames. Case is not significant for mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers string values. When using the Ncarg4_0 database: In addition to the individual area names, you may include certain pre-defined groups of areas using a number of pre-defined string constants. Moreover, there is a substring matching facility that allows you to specify groups of areas sharing a common substring. When using the Ncarg4_1 database: The NullArea string constant is defined. Due to the hierarchical nature of this database, many area groupings occur as named entities in their own right. For instance, you can mask the outlines of the small islands of the Pacific Ocean by including the string "Pacific Islands" as an element of mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers. There is no substring matching facility. In addition to individual area names, you can specify subdivisions of certain areas (states, provinces, and counties) using pre-defined group names appended to the area name following a colon (':') character. There are some subtleties involved in outline masking when using the Ncarg4_1 database that do not occur with area masking. Areas with higher types override lower typed areas. For instance, if you want to mask interior water bodies to simplify the appearance of a map, you might specify "Water" as an element of mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers. However, this would cause all ocean coast lines to disappear because "Ocean" is a member of the "Water" hierarchy. You can overcome this problem by adding "Ocean" to the mpOutlineSpecifier array resource. Since "Ocean" is a type 2 entity it overrides the masking of "Water", one of the two type 1 entities. Also If you add national, state, or county outlines to a map in which the inland water bodies have been masked, you will find that some water bodies still appear. That is because they form part of the the boundary between entities that have been specified. When using the RANGS database: This resource is ignored. Default: NULL +mpMaskAreaSpecifiers (MapPlot) Specify the names of areas MapPlot is to mask. These areas are subtracted from the fill area set specified using the resource mpFillBoundarySets and mpFillAreaSpecifiers. There is an order of precedence for fill and masking. Explicitly named areas take precedence over area groupings, and small areas take precedence over enclosing larger areas. Otherwise masking takes precedence over filling. Note that the names from different MapPlot databases are not necessarily compatible. Therefore, if mpMaskAreaSpecifiers is non-NULL when you set mpDataBaseVersion and/or mpDataSetName to a different value, you are likely to encounter warning messages unless you also set mpMaskAreaSpecifiers using names compatible with the new database. You can retrieve a list of compatible names by getting the value of mpAreaNames. Case is not significant for mpMaskAreaSpecifiers string values. When using the Ncarg4_0 database: In addition to the individual area names, you may include certain pre-defined groups of areas using a number of pre-defined string constants. Moreover, there is a substring matching facility that allows you to specify groups of areas sharing a common substring. When using the Ncarg4_1 database: The NullArea string constant is defined. Due to the hierarchical nature of this database many area groupings occur as named entities in their own right. For instance, you can mask filling of the small islands of the Pacific Ocean by including the string "Pacific Islands" as an element of mpMaskAreaSpecifiers. There is no substring matching facility. 2.0.a034 and later. In addition to individual area names, you can specify subdivisions of certain areas (states, provinces, and counties) using pre-defined group names appended to the area name following a colon (':') character. When using the RANGS database: This resource is ignored. Default: NULL +mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers (MapPlot) 2.0.a034 and later. Specify the names of outlines MapPlot is to mask, if the boolean resource mpOutlineMaskingOn is set to True. These outlines are subtracted from the outline set specified using the resource mpOutlineBoundarySets and mpOutlineSpecifiers. Note that commonly the outline of an area shares its border with a number of other areas. Masking the outline of an area causes all these common borders not to be drawn. There is an order of precedence for outline drawing masking. Explicitly named outlines take precedence over outline groupings, and small outlines take precedence over enclosing larger outlines. Otherwise masking takes precedence over filling. Note that the names from different MapPlot databases and/or datasets are not necessarily compatible. Therefore, if mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers is non-NULL when you set mpDataBaseVersion and/or mpDataSetName to a different value, you are likely to encounter warning messages unless you also set mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers using names compatible with the new database. You can retrieve a list of compatible names for the current database/dataset by getting the value of mpAreaNames. Case is not significant for mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers string values. When using the Ncarg4_0 database: In addition to the individual area names, you may include certain pre-defined groups of areas using a number of pre-defined string constants. Moreover, there is a substring matching facility that allows you to specify groups of areas sharing a common substring. When using the Ncarg4_1 database: The NullArea string constant is defined. Due to the hierarchical nature of this database, many area groupings occur as named entities in their own right. For instance, you can mask the outlines of the small islands of the Pacific Ocean by including the string "Pacific Islands" as an element of mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers. There is no substring matching facility. In addition to individual area names, you can specify subdivisions of certain areas (states, provinces, and counties) using pre-defined group names appended to the area name following a colon (':') character. There are some subtleties involved in outline masking when using the Ncarg4_1 database that do not occur with area masking. Areas with higher types override lower typed areas. For instance, if you want to mask interior water bodies to simplify the appearance of a map, you might specify "Water" as an element of mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers. However, this would cause all ocean coast lines to disappear because "Ocean" is a member of the "Water" hierarchy. You can overcome this problem by adding "Ocean" to the mpOutlineSpecifier array resource. Since "Ocean" is a type 2 entity it overrides the masking of "Water", one of the two type 1 entities. Also If you add national, state, or county outlines to a map in which the inland water bodies have been masked, you will find that some water bodies still appear. That is because they form part of the the boundary between entities that have been specified. When using the RANGS database: This resource is ignored. Default: NULL mpMaxLatF (MapTransformation) When mpLimitMode has the value LatLon, this resource specifies the maximum latitude bounding the area to be mapped to the viewport. It should not be greater than 90.0. Default: 90.0 mpMaxLonF (MapTransformation) When mpLimitMode has the value LatLon, this resource specifies the maximum longitude bounding the area to be mapped to the viewport. It may be set to any value in the range -540.0 to 540.0 such that mpMaxLonF minus mpMinLonF is greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 360.0. Default: 180.0 mpMinLatF (MapTransformation) When mpLimitMode has the value LatLon, this resource specifies the minimum latitude bounding the area to be mapped to the viewport. It should not be less than -90.0. Default: -90.0 @@ -714,21 +744,21 @@ mpOceanFillPattern (MapPlot) This resource sets the HLU index of the fill patter mpOceanFillScaleF (MapPlot) The mpOceanFillScaleF resource controls the scaling of the pattern used to fill areas representing the oceans. It has no effect for solid fill (SolidFill, fill pattern index 0). Values greater than 1.0 make the pattern spacing bigger than the default spacing, resulting in a fill that appears less dense. Values less than 1.0 have the opposite effect. Values less than or equal to 0.0 are invalid, generate a warning message, and are reset to the default value, 1.0. This resource provides an alternate method of setting the value of the second element of mpFillScales. If both resources are set in the same call, the value of mpOceanFillScaleF takes precedence. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: 1.0 mpOutlineBoundarySets (MapPlot) You set this resource of type NhlTMapBoundarySets to specify the basic boundary set used to render area outlines. Given the basic boundaries, you can then add other outline areas by specifying area names in the mpOutlineSpecifiers string array resource. There are six choices: NoBoundaries MapPlot will draw area outlines only for areas specified by name in mpOutlineSpecifiers. Geophysical MapPlot will draw area outlines for geophysical features: continents, oceans, islands, and inland water areas. Specific national boundary lines may be added by name in mpOutlineSpecifiers. National MapPlot will draw area outlines delineating all national boundary areas as contained in the MapPlot database being used. All the geophysical features specified by Geophysical are implicitly included. You may add U.S. State area outlines by name using the mpOutlineSpecifiers resource. USStates MapPlot will draw area outlines delineating the states of the United States. When using the Ncarg4_0 database, Alaska and Hawaii are not included, although a few areas outside the U.S. proper, including the Bahamas and a few lakes extending into Canadian territory, are drawn. When using the Ncarg4_1 database, Alaska and Hawaii are drawn, but no non-U.S. territory is included. You may add geophysical and/or national areas by name using the mpOutlineSpecifiers resource. GeophysicalAndUSStates MapPlot will draw area outlines of all global geophysical features as well as the states of the U.S. Other national boundaries do not appear unless you specify them by name using the mpOutlineSpecifiers resource. AllBoundaries MapPlot draws outlines for all the boundaries for the database/dataset currently in use. When using the Ncarg4_0 database this includes geophysical and national boundaries as well as all U.S. states and inland water. When using the Ncarg4_1 database, depending on the dataset, this may include Canadian provinces, Mexican and US States, and counties or climate divisions of US states. When using the Ncarg4_1 database, specifying an area name whose mpAreaTypes is 1 or 2 (mpGeophysical or mpContinental) has the effect of suppressing type 3 or higher boundaries within its borders even if the setting of mpFillBoundarySets would otherwise imply that they be drawn . For instance, setting mpOutlineSpecifiers to the value "Africa" would have the effect of suppressing national boundaries within the African continent. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: Geophysical mpOutlineDrawOrder (MapPlot) This resource of type NhlTDrawOrder determines when MapPlot area outlines are drawn relative to other elements of the plot. There are three choices: PreDraw Draw the area outlines before the standard draw phase; the lines will overlay MapPlot fill and grid or limb lines also drawn during the predraw phase but will underlie MapPlot labels and perimeter lines drawn during the predraw phase and anything drawn during the draw and postdraw phases. Draw Draw the area outlines during the standard draw; the lines will overlay any elements drawn during the predraw phase, as well as MapPlot fill and grid or limb lines drawn during the standard draw phase, but will underlie MapPlot labels and perimeter lines drawn during the draw phase and anything drawn during the postdraw phase. PostDraw Draw the lines after the standard draw; the lines will overlay all MapPlot elements except for labels and perimeter lines drawn during the postdraw phase. Default: PostDraw -mpOutlineMaskingOn (MapPlot) Available in version 4.2.0.a034 and later. This boolean resource is the master switch for enabling the outline masking facility. If True, MapPlot enables outline masking, causing the boundaries of areas named in the mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers array to remain undrawn. If False, no masking is performed, regardless of the contents of mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers. For convenience, setting mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers causes mpOutlineMaskingOn to be set True, if it is not explicitly set otherwise in the same call. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: False +mpOutlineMaskingOn (MapPlot) 2.0.a034 and later. This boolean resource is the master switch for enabling the outline masking facility. If True, MapPlot enables outline masking, causing the boundaries of areas named in the mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers array to remain undrawn. If False, no masking is performed, regardless of the contents of mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers. For convenience, setting mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers causes mpOutlineMaskingOn to be set True, if it is not explicitly set otherwise in the same call. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: False mpOutlineOn (MapPlot) This boolean resource is the master switch for drawing of MapPlot area outlines. If True, the MapPlot enables drawing of map area outlines. Otherwise, these outlines will not appear, regardless of the setting of any other area-outline-related resources. However, note that this resource does not apply to MapPlot grid or limb lines or to the perimeter line. Default: True (False for some gsn_csm_xxxx routines) -mpOutlineSpecifiers (MapPlot) You use the array resource mpOutlineSpecifiers to specify particular area outlines MapPlot is to draw by name. These areas are added to the basic outline area set specified using the resource mpOutlineBoundarySets. Note that the names from different MapPlot databases and datasets are not necessarily compatible. Therefore, if mpOutlineSpecifiers is non-NULL when you set mpDataBaseVersion and/or mpDataSetName to a different value, you are likely to encounter warning messages unless you also set mpOutlineSpecifiers using names compatible with the new database. You can retrieve a list of compatible names by getting the value of mpAreaNames. Case is not significant for mpOutlineSpecifiers string values. When using the Ncarg4_0 database: In addition to the individual area names, you may include certain pre-defined groups of areas using a number of pre-defined string constants. Moreover, there is a substring matching facility that allows you to specify groups of areas sharing a common substring. When using the Ncarg4_1 database: The NullArea string constant is defined. Due to the hierarchical nature of this database, many area groupings occur as named entities in their own right. For instance, you can draw the small islands of the Pacific Ocean by including the string "Pacific Islands" as an element of mpOutlineSpecifiers. There is no substring matching facility. Available in version 4.2.0.a034 and later. In addition to individual area names, you can specify subdivisions of certain areas (states, provinces, and counties) using pre-defined group names appended to the area name following a colon (':') character. When using the RANGS database: This resource is ignored. Default: NULL +mpOutlineSpecifiers (MapPlot) You use the array resource mpOutlineSpecifiers to specify particular area outlines MapPlot is to draw by name. These areas are added to the basic outline area set specified using the resource mpOutlineBoundarySets. Note that the names from different MapPlot databases and datasets are not necessarily compatible. Therefore, if mpOutlineSpecifiers is non-NULL when you set mpDataBaseVersion and/or mpDataSetName to a different value, you are likely to encounter warning messages unless you also set mpOutlineSpecifiers using names compatible with the new database. You can retrieve a list of compatible names by getting the value of mpAreaNames. Case is not significant for mpOutlineSpecifiers string values. When using the Ncarg4_0 database: In addition to the individual area names, you may include certain pre-defined groups of areas using a number of pre-defined string constants. Moreover, there is a substring matching facility that allows you to specify groups of areas sharing a common substring. When using the Ncarg4_1 database: The NullArea string constant is defined. Due to the hierarchical nature of this database, many area groupings occur as named entities in their own right. For instance, you can draw the small islands of the Pacific Ocean by including the string "Pacific Islands" as an element of mpOutlineSpecifiers. There is no substring matching facility. 2.0.a034 and later. In addition to individual area names, you can specify subdivisions of certain areas (states, provinces, and counties) using pre-defined group names appended to the area name following a colon (':') character. When using the RANGS database: This resource is ignored. Default: NULL mpPerimDrawOrder (MapPlot) This resource of type NhlTDrawOrder determines when the perimeter line around the edge of the map projection is drawn relative to other elements of the plot. There are three choices: PreDraw Draw the perimeter before the standard draw phase; the perimeter overlays all other MapPlot elements drawn during the predraw phase except MapPlot labels but underlies anything drawn during the draw and postdraw phases. Draw Draw the perimeter during the standard draw; the perimeter overlays anything drawn during the predraw phase and any other MapPlot elements (except MapPlot labels) drawn during the draw phase but underlies anything drawn during the postdraw phase. PostDraw Draw the perimeter after the standard draw; the perimeter overlays anything drawn during the predraw and draw phases and all other MapPlot elements (except MapPlot labels) drawn during the postdraw phase. Default: Draw mpPerimLineColor (MapPlot) This resource sets the HLU index of the color used to render the perimeter line around the edge of the map projection. Default: Foreground mpPerimLineDashPattern (MapPlot) This resource sets the HLU index of a dash pattern used to render the perimeter line around the edge of the map projection. Default: SolidLine mpPerimLineDashSegLenF (MapPlot) This resource specifies the length of each segment of the dash patterns used to draw the perimeter line around the edge of the map projection. It is the length in NDC before the dash pattern repeats itself. This resource automatically scales with changes in the size of the viewport of the MapPlot object. MapPlot sets the default value of mpPerimLineDashSegLenF dynamically based on the ratio of the actual plot viewport width to a reference viewport width of 0.6 and a reference dash segment length of 0.15. Default: 0.15 (for a viewport width of 0.6) mpPerimLineThicknessF (MapPlot) This resource determines the thickness of the perimeter line around the edge of the map projection. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. Default: 1.0 mpPerimOn (MapPlot) This boolean resource determines whether the MapPlot object draws a perimeter line around the edge of the map projection. Depending on the setting of the MapTransformation resource mpEllipticalBoundary, this perimeter may have a rectangular or elliptical shape. Default: False -mpPolyMode (MapTransformation) Available in version 6.2.0 and later. This resource takes three possible values: "StandardPoly", "FastPoly", and "AutoPoly". It allows you to set which method to use when adding polygons to a map plot. The default is "AutoPoly", which means that NCL decides which type of polygon to draw based on the great circle distance of each component line segment and on the polygon's GraphicStyle attributes. If the great circle distance of any component line segment is greater than 10 degress or if any fill pattern other than solid is in effect, then the "StandardPoly" method is used, which was always in effect in NCL versions 6.1.2 and earlier. Otherwise, the "FastPoly" method is used, which was introduced in NCL version 6.2.0. Default: AutoPoly -mpProjection (MapTransformation) This resource of type NhlTProjection defines the projection used for the map transformation. There are several choices: Orthographic Transform using an aziumthal orthographic projection. Stereographic Transform using an azimuthal stereographic projection. LambertEqualArea Transform using the azimuthal Lambert Equal-Area projection. Gnomonic Transform using the azimuthal gnomonic projection. AzimuthalEquidistant Transform using an azimuthal equidistant projection. Satellite Transform using an azimuthal satellite projection. PseudoMollweide Transform using a PseudoMollweide projection. Prior to version 5.1.0 this projection was specified simply as "Mollweide". However, a more correct implementation of the "Mollweide" projection has now been given that name, while the "PseudoMolleweide" projection is still available for backwards compatibility. Mercator Transform using the cylindrical Mercator projection. CylindricalEquidistant Transform using a cylindrical equidistant projection. LambertConformal Transform using the conical Lambert Conformal projection. Robinson Transform using a Robinson projection. CylindricalEqualArea Transform using a CylindricalEqualArea projection. RotatedMercator Transform using a RotatedMercator projection. Aitoff (Available in version 5.1.0 and later.) Transform using a Aitoff projection. Hammer (Available in version 5.1.0 and later.) Transform using a Hammer projection. Mollweide (Available in version 5.1.0 and later.) Transform using a cylindrical Mollweide projection. Note that as of version 5.1.0 the original Mollweide-type projection has been replaced with an improved version that more correctly implements the projection. The original Mollweide-like projection is still available using the name "PseudoMollweide". WinkelTripel (Available in version 5.1.0 and later.) Transform using a WinkelTripel projection. Default: CylindricalEquidistant -mpProvincialLineColor (MapPlot) Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource of type NhlTColorIndex can be set using a named color string or an integer value. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes) it specifies the color used to render interior provincial or state boundary outlines for a selected number of countries. It has no effect on boundary lines that are coincident with geographical boundaries or on inland water bodies that border or are enclosed within a state or province. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_0 (LowRes) it specifies the color used to render state boundary outlines for the Conterminous United States and a few nearby islands. In this case, it also controls the color of the geophysical boundaries of the United States including inland water bodies, such as the Great Lakes, that border the country as a whole. This resource is an another name for the mpUSStatesLineColor resource. The name has been updated to reflect its more universal applicability. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: Foreground -mpProvincialLineDashPattern (MapPlot) Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource sets the index specifying the dash pattern used to render state or provincial boundary lines. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes) it specifies the dash pattern used to render interior provincial or state boundary outlines for a selected number of countries. It has no effect on boundary lines that are coincident with geographical boundaries or on inland water bodies that border or are enclosed within a state or province. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_0 (LowRes) it specifies the dash pattern used to render state boundary outlines for the Conterminous United States and a few nearby islands. In this case, it also controls the color of the geophysical boundaries of the United States including inland water bodies, such as the Great Lakes, that border the country as a whole. This resource is another name for the mpUSStatesLineDashPattern resource, updated to reflect its more universal applicability. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. p> Default: SolidLine -mpProvincialLineDashSegLenF (MapPlot) Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource specifies the length of each segment of the dash patterns used to render state or provincial boundary outlines. It is the length in NDC before the dash pattern repeats itself. This resource automatically scales with changes in the size of the viewport of the MapPlot object. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes) it specifies the segment length used to render interior provincial or state boundary outlines for a selected number of countries. It has no effect on boundary lines that are coincident with geographical boundaries or on inland water bodies that border or are enclosed within a state or province. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_0 (LowRes) it specifies the segment length used to render state boundary outlines for the Conterminous United States and a few nearby islands. In this case, it also controls the color of the geophysical boundaries of the United States including inland water bodies, such as the Great Lakes, that border the country as a whole. This resource is another name for the mpUSStatesLineDashSegLenF resource, updated to reflect its more universal applicability. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. MapPlot sets the default value of mpProvincialLineDashSegLenF dynamically based on the ratio of the actual plot viewport width to a reference viewport width of 0.6 and a reference dash segment length of 0.15. Default: 0.15 (for a viewport width of 0.6) -mpProvincialLineThicknessF (MapPlot) Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource Sets the thickness of the lines used to render state or provincal boundary outlines. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes) it specifies the thickness used to render interior provincial or state boundary outlines for a selected number of countries. It has no effect on boundary lines that are coincident with geographical boundaries or on inland water bodies that border or are enclosed within a state or province. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_0 (LowRes) it specifies the thickness used to render state boundary outlines for the Conterminous United States and a few nearby islands. In this case, it also controls the color of the geophysical boundaries of the United States including inland water bodies, such as the Great Lakes, that border the country as a whole. This resource is another name for the mpUSStatesLineThicknessF resource, updated to reflect its more universal applicability. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: 1.0 +mpPolyMode (MapTransformation) This resource takes three possible values: "StandardPoly", "FastPoly", and "AutoPoly". It allows you to set which method to use when adding polygons to a map plot. The default is "AutoPoly", which means that NCL decides which type of polygon to draw based on the great circle distance of each component line segment and on the polygon's GraphicStyle attributes. If the great circle distance of any component line segment is greater than 10 degress or if any fill pattern other than solid is in effect, then the "StandardPoly" method is used, which was always in effect in NCL versions 6.1.2 and earlier. Otherwise, the "FastPoly" method is used, which was introduced in NCL version 6.2.0. Default: AutoPoly +mpProjection (MapTransformation) This resource of type NhlTProjection defines the projection used for the map transformation. There are several choices: Orthographic Transform using an aziumthal orthographic projection. Stereographic Transform using an azimuthal stereographic projection. LambertEqualArea Transform using the azimuthal Lambert Equal-Area projection. Gnomonic Transform using the azimuthal gnomonic projection. AzimuthalEquidistant Transform using an azimuthal equidistant projection. Satellite Transform using an azimuthal satellite projection. PseudoMollweide Transform using a PseudoMollweide projection. Prior to version 5.1.0 this projection was specified simply as "Mollweide". However, a more correct implementation of the "Mollweide" projection has now been given that name, while the "PseudoMolleweide" projection is still available for backwards compatibility. Mercator Transform using the cylindrical Mercator projection. CylindricalEquidistant Transform using a cylindrical equidistant projection. LambertConformal Transform using the conical Lambert Conformal projection. Robinson Transform using a Robinson projection. CylindricalEqualArea Transform using a CylindricalEqualArea projection. RotatedMercator Transform using a RotatedMercator projection. Aitoff (1.0 and later.) Transform using a Aitoff projection. Hammer (1.0 and later.) Transform using a Hammer projection. Mollweide (1.0 and later.) Transform using a cylindrical Mollweide projection. Note that as of version 5.1.0 the original Mollweide-type projection has been replaced with an improved version that more correctly implements the projection. The original Mollweide-like projection is still available using the name "PseudoMollweide". WinkelTripel (1.0 and later.) Transform using a WinkelTripel projection. Default: CylindricalEquidistant +mpProvincialLineColor (MapPlot) This resource of type NhlTColorIndex can be set using a named color string or an integer value. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes) it specifies the color used to render interior provincial or state boundary outlines for a selected number of countries. It has no effect on boundary lines that are coincident with geographical boundaries or on inland water bodies that border or are enclosed within a state or province. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_0 (LowRes) it specifies the color used to render state boundary outlines for the Conterminous United States and a few nearby islands. In this case, it also controls the color of the geophysical boundaries of the United States including inland water bodies, such as the Great Lakes, that border the country as a whole. This resource is an another name for the mpUSStatesLineColor resource. The name has been updated to reflect its more universal applicability. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: Foreground +mpProvincialLineDashPattern (MapPlot) This resource sets the index specifying the dash pattern used to render state or provincial boundary lines. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes) it specifies the dash pattern used to render interior provincial or state boundary outlines for a selected number of countries. It has no effect on boundary lines that are coincident with geographical boundaries or on inland water bodies that border or are enclosed within a state or province. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_0 (LowRes) it specifies the dash pattern used to render state boundary outlines for the Conterminous United States and a few nearby islands. In this case, it also controls the color of the geophysical boundaries of the United States including inland water bodies, such as the Great Lakes, that border the country as a whole. This resource is another name for the mpUSStatesLineDashPattern resource, updated to reflect its more universal applicability. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. p> Default: SolidLine +mpProvincialLineDashSegLenF (MapPlot) This resource specifies the length of each segment of the dash patterns used to render state or provincial boundary outlines. It is the length in NDC before the dash pattern repeats itself. This resource automatically scales with changes in the size of the viewport of the MapPlot object. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes) it specifies the segment length used to render interior provincial or state boundary outlines for a selected number of countries. It has no effect on boundary lines that are coincident with geographical boundaries or on inland water bodies that border or are enclosed within a state or province. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_0 (LowRes) it specifies the segment length used to render state boundary outlines for the Conterminous United States and a few nearby islands. In this case, it also controls the color of the geophysical boundaries of the United States including inland water bodies, such as the Great Lakes, that border the country as a whole. This resource is another name for the mpUSStatesLineDashSegLenF resource, updated to reflect its more universal applicability. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. MapPlot sets the default value of mpProvincialLineDashSegLenF dynamically based on the ratio of the actual plot viewport width to a reference viewport width of 0.6 and a reference dash segment length of 0.15. Default: 0.15 (for a viewport width of 0.6) +mpProvincialLineThicknessF (MapPlot) This resource Sets the thickness of the lines used to render state or provincal boundary outlines. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_1 (MediumRes) it specifies the thickness used to render interior provincial or state boundary outlines for a selected number of countries. It has no effect on boundary lines that are coincident with geographical boundaries or on inland water bodies that border or are enclosed within a state or province. When mpDataBaseVersion is set to Ncarg4_0 (LowRes) it specifies the thickness used to render state boundary outlines for the Conterminous United States and a few nearby islands. In this case, it also controls the color of the geophysical boundaries of the United States including inland water bodies, such as the Great Lakes, that border the country as a whole. This resource is another name for the mpUSStatesLineThicknessF resource, updated to reflect its more universal applicability. When using the RANGS database this resource is ignored. Default: 1.0 mpRelativeCenterLat (MapTransformation) When mpLimitMode has the value LatLon and mpRelativeCenterLat is set True, the resource mpCenterLatF becomes an offset in degrees from the latitude halfway between mpMinLatF and mpMaxLatF. That is, if mpCenterLatF is 0.0, the half point latitude will be the center of the projection. Default: False mpRelativeCenterLon (MapTransformation) When mpLimitMode has the value LatLon and mpRelativeCenterLon is set True, the resource mpCenterLonF becomes an offset in degrees from the longitude halfway between mpMinLonF and mpMaxLonF. That is, if mpCenterLonF is 0.0, the half point longitude will be the center of the projection. Default: False mpRightAngleF (MapTransformation) When mpLimitMode has the value Angles, this resource specifies the positive angle in degrees right from the center to the edge of the projection, or, if using a satellite projection, the displacement angle right from the satellite line of sight to the projection center. Note that direction of the line over which the angle is measured remains parallel to the top of the viewport, regardless of the rotation angle applied to the projection. mpRightAngleF has a maximum allowable value that varies depending on the projection. Default: 80.0 @@ -837,12 +867,12 @@ stLabelFormat The stLabelFormat resource is a string that specifies a printing f stLengthCheckCount This resource specifies the number of iterations through the streamline-building loop between each check of the streamline growth. If the distance between the current position of the streamline and the position saved at the time of the previous check is less than a minimum amount, defined as stMinStepFactorF times stStepSizeF, then the current streamline is terminated and a new one begun if possible. Default: 35 stLevelColors The elements of this array of type NhlTColorIndexGenArray can be set using an array of color indexes, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If stMonoLineColor is False, this resource controls the progressive step-wise coloring of the streamlines based on the interpolated magnitude or other scalar value at each step location. Each element of stLevelColors specifies the color for locations along the streamline whose associated scalar data value is less than the corresponding element of the stLevels array. Note that there is always one more color than there are levels. The first element of stLevelColors specifies a color index for any location associated data value less than the value of stMinLevelValF. The highest currently used element of stLevelColors specifies a color for locations with associated data values greater than the value of stMaxLevelValF. Although backwards compatibility is for the most part maintained, beginning with version 6.1.0, this resource supports the new 32-bit color model, as follows: If stLevelColors is not set explicitly, its values are derived from the settings of stLevelPalette and stSpanLevelPalette, or, if stLevelPalette is not set, wkColorMap and stSpanLevelPalette. If stSpanLevelPalette is True, the values are distributed evenly through the range of colors available from stLevelPalette or wkColorMap. Otherwise, the values are sequential. If the colors are derived from stLevelPalette the first color comes from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color comes from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. If some but not all of the available elements of stLevelColors are explicitly set, the remaining elements will be determined as if stSpanLevelPalette has the value False. For backwards compatibility, colors set based on wkColorMap remain indexed to the current color map associated with the workstation. Consequently, if the workstation color map is changed prior to drawing the plot, the color indexes will map into the new color map. In contrast, color indexes derived from the stLevelPalette resource always refer to a specific color regardless of changes to wkColorMap. Default: stLevelCount A read-only resource set to the actual number of levels chosen during the level selection process. Default: 16 -stLevelPalette Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource of type NhlTColorDefinitionGenArray allows you to set a color palette from which the values assigned to stLevelColors are chosen. You can set this resource to the string name of a predefined color map, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If you set stLevelPalette using a predefined color map, it will have two fewer elements than if you set wkColorMap using the same color map. This is because the wkColorMap resource contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Use stSpanLevelPalette to indicate whether to span the full color palette or to simply use sequentially increasing values. Default: None +stLevelPalette This resource of type NhlTColorDefinitionGenArray allows you to set a color palette from which the values assigned to stLevelColors are chosen. You can set this resource to the string name of a predefined color map, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If you set stLevelPalette using a predefined color map, it will have two fewer elements than if you set wkColorMap using the same color map. This is because the wkColorMap resource contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Use stSpanLevelPalette to indicate whether to span the full color palette or to simply use sequentially increasing values. Default: None stLevelSelectionMode This enumerated resource of type NhlTLevelSelectionMode provides four methods for selecting the levels used to color the streamlines: AutomaticLevels Ordinarily this mode determines levels by picking a spacing value from a set of relatively "round" numbers scaled by powers of 10 to the range of the data. This set of numbers is as follows: 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0. The number of levels chosen will be as close as possible to the value of stMaxLevelCount without exceeding it. Once the spacing is chosen, the minimum level is set to the value of the least multiple of the spacing greater than the minimum data value. Likewise the maximum vector level becomes the greatest multiple of the spacing less than the maximum data value. Based on these values, StreamlinePlot sets the resources stLevelSpacingF, stMinLevelValF, and stMaxLevelValF appropriately. On the other hand, if you explicitly set the resource stLevelSpacingF to a valid value greater than 0.0 and less than the range of the data, it will be used as the interval spacing. The minimum and maximum levels are calculated as before. If as a consequence, stMaxLevelCount is less than the number of levels so specified, it will be set to the number of levels actually needed. However, if the choice of spacing causes the absolute maximum number of levels (currently 255) to be exceeded, StreamlinePlot will issue a warning message and recalculate the spacing as previously described. In any case, StreamlinePlot sets the elements of the array resource stLevels to the values of the levels chosen and the read-only resource stLevelCount to the number of levels. ManualLevels ManualLevels mode bases the choice of levels on the values of the resources stLevelSpacingF, stMinLevelValF, and stMaxLevelValF. Starting at stMinLevelValF, vector levels are created at intervals spaced by the value of stLevelSpacingF until stMaxLevelValF is reached. The final vector level will always be stMaxLevelValF. StreamlinePlot sets elements of the array resource stLevels to the values of each vector level chosen and the read-only resource stLevelCount to the number of levels. If the current value of stMaxLevelCount is less than stLevelCount, it is reset to the value of stLevelCount. However, if the level count would exceed the absolute maximum number of levels, currently 255, StreamlinePlot issues a warning and chooses a new value of stLevelSpacingF based on the value of stMaxLevelCount. If you choose ManualLevels selection mode when the StreamlinePlot object is created, and do not set stMinLevelValF, StreamlinePlot will choose levels as if you had set AutomaticLevels mode. If you set stMinLevelValF only, a default spacing is used, and the value of stMaxLevelValF is determined as it would be for AutomaticLevels mode. ExplicitLevels This mode allows you to specify the value of each level by explicitly setting the contents of the stLevels array. If you choose ExplicitLevels selection mode when creating a StreamlinePlot object, but do not specify the contents of the stLevels array, StreamlinePlot will choose levels as if you had specified AutomaticLevels mode. Thereafter, when you set ExplicitLevels mode, StreamlinePlot uses the current contents of stLevels, whether or not you set it explicitly. If the number of elements in stLevels exceeds the absolute maximum number of levels (currently 255), StreamlinePlot issues a warning and the mode defaults to AutomaticLevels. Note that StreamlinePlot always sorts the elements of stLevels into a monotonically increasing sequence. After sorting, stMinLevelValF is set equal to the value of first element of stLevels, and stMaxLevelValF is set to the value of the last element. stLevelSpacingF is set to the average value of the spacing separating each level. EqualSpacedLevels For this mode, StreamlinePlot divides the range spanning the dataset minimum and maximum values into stMaxLevelCount+1 equally spaced intervals. stLevelSpacingF is set to the value of this interval. stMinLevelValF is set to the value of the dataset minimum plus the value of stLevelSpacingF. stMaxLevelValF is set to the value of the dataset maximum minus the value of stLevelSpacingF. This results in stMaxLevelCount levels; therefore StreamlinePlot sets the read-only resource stLevelCount equal to stMaxLevelCount. Default: AutomaticLevels stLevelSpacingF When the stLevelSelectionMode is ManualLevels or when the stLevelSelectionMode is AutomaticLevels, and stLevelSpacingF is explicitly set, stLevelSpacingF determines the spacing between vector intervals. Otherwise, the StreamlinePlot object sets the value of stLevelSpacingF based on the levels actually chosen. When the stLevelSelectionMode is ExplicitLevels, stLevelSpacingF will be set to the arithmetic average of the spacing between levels. Default: 5.0 stLevels An array of floats containing values that determine the color of incremental steps along each streamline when stMonoLineColor is set False. If stScalarFieldData is valid and the resource stUseScalarArray is set True, the level values are based on the scalar array data; otherwise the level values are based on the magnitudes of the vector elements in the vector field. If the stLevelSelectionMode is ExplicitLevels, you may set these values yourself. Otherwise, the StreamlinePlot object sets the elements of this array. Default: stLineColor This resource of type NhlTColorIndex sets the color index used to draw the streamlines. Default: Foreground -stLineOpacityF Available in version 6.1.0 and later. Sets the opacity of streamlines in a plot. Specify a floating-point value in the range from 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 +stLineOpacityF Sets the opacity of streamlines in a plot. Specify a floating-point value in the range from 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 stLineStartStride StreamlinePlot can start only one streamline within each data grid box. This resource allows you to define a sparser streamline plot by allowing only certain grid boxes to be eligible for starting a streamline. If stLineStartStride is set to 3, for instance, only every third grid box (along each axis direction) will be eligible for starting a streamline. A streamline will actually be started within an eligible grid box only if no previously drawn streamline passes through the grid box. This resource is ignored if the resource stMinDistanceF is set to a positive non-zero value. Default: 2 stLineThicknessF This resource sets the thickness of the lines used to draw the streamlines and also the directional arrows. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. Default: 1.0 stMapDirection This resource controls whether the streamline direction is mapped into the same coordinate space as the location of the vector data grid point, or whether it is rendered in a locally uniform Cartesian coordinate space. This resource has an effect whenever a non-uniform transformation is in effect. These include most of the MapTransformation transformations and IrregularTransformation transformations. Also included are logarithmic transformations provided by the LogLinTransformation and even linear transformations when the X and Y unit size is different. Default: True @@ -858,7 +888,7 @@ stNoDataLabelOn This boolean resource, when set True, causes a label to appear w stNoDataLabelString This resource contains the string that appears in the 'No Data' label if you draw a StreamlinePlot object without providing any data. No substitution substrings are allowed in this label, since all the substitutions depend on data being available. Except for the boolean switch that turns it on and off, all attributes of this label, including its position, are set using resources belonging to the zero field label. Default: "NO STREAMLINE DATA" stScalarFieldData Specifies the id of a ScalarField data object. If this resource is set with a valid ScalarField object and the resource stUseScalarArray is set True, StreamlinePlot will use the scalar array data for coloring the streamlines. In order for StreamlinePlot to consider the ScalarField object valid, it must find that it has the same number of elements along each dimension as are found in the VectorField object. Note that currently the number of elements is checked only after strides and subsetting are applied. The data coordinate extents set for the ScalarField object are ignored. For now, the data coordinate extents of the processed ScalarField data are assumed to coincide with the data coordinate extents of the VectorField data. Default: none stScalarMissingValColor When stUseScalarArray is True, this resource sets the HLU index of the fill or line color used to draw portions of a streamline where an interpolated scalar value cannot be determined because of missing data in the scalar field. Default: Foreground -stSpanLevelPalette Available in version 6.1.0 and later. If set to True, and if stLevelColors is not set using explicit values, then StreamlinePlot automatically spans the stLevelPalette resource to determine color index values for stLevelColors. If stLevelPalette is not set then the wkColorMap resource is spanned instead. If set to False, then StreamlinePlot uses consecutively ascending values to populate stLevelColors. If the colors are derived from stLevelPalette the first color will be determined from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color will come from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Default: True +stSpanLevelPalette If set to True, and if stLevelColors is not set using explicit values, then StreamlinePlot automatically spans the stLevelPalette resource to determine color index values for stLevelColors. If stLevelPalette is not set then the wkColorMap resource is spanned instead. If set to False, then StreamlinePlot uses consecutively ascending values to populate stLevelColors. If the colors are derived from stLevelPalette the first color will be determined from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color will come from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Default: True stStepSizeF This resource specifies, in NDC, the basic step size used to build the streamlines. Where the flow direction changes rapidly, the step size is scaled down from the basic step size in order to retain accuracy. Smaller step sizes produce a more accurate plot at the cost of a longer drawing time. At initialization or any time stStepSizeF is given a value less than or equal to 0.0, StreamlinePlot calculates a value for stStepSizeF based on the NDC size of an individual grid cell assuming a linear transformation from data to NDC space. Otherwise, when stStepSizeF is not set explicitly, StreamlinePlot makes proportional adjustments to its value in response to changes in the assumed NDC size of the grid cell (resulting from changes to the viewport size and/or the number of elements in the data grid). Default: stStreamlineDrawOrder This resource of type NhlTDrawOrder determines when the streamlines are drawn relative to the drawing of other elements of a composite plot. There are three choices: PreDraw Draw the streamlines before the standard draw phase; the arrows will be overlaid by any subsequently drawn elements. Draw Draw the streamlines during the standard draw phase; the arrows will overlay any elements drawn during the predraw phase, but will underlie elements drawn during the postdraw phase. PostDraw Draw the streamlines after the standard draw; the arrows will overlay any elements drawn during the predraw and draw phases. Default: Draw stUseScalarArray If this boolean resource is set True, the resource stScalarFieldData is set with a valid ScalarField object, and the appropriate StreamlinePlot resources are set to enable multi-colored streamlines, then the ScalarField data are used to select the level (and hence the color index) assigned to each glyph. Otherwise, when multi-colored streamlines are enabled, coloring will be based on the interpolated vector magnitude at each step location along the streamline. Default: False @@ -1165,11 +1195,11 @@ txAngleF Sets the rotation angle of the text around the justification point. The txBackgroundFillColor When txPerimOn is True, txBackgroundFillColor sets the background color used as solid fill of the box defined by the TextItem perimeter. To leave the box unfilled, set txBackgroundFillColor to Transparent (-1). Default: Transparent txConstantSpacingF If this resource has the value 0.0, TextItem draws characters with proportional spacing; in other words, each character is spaced according to its width relative to other characters in the font. If txConstantSpacingF has a value greater than 0.0, the distance from the beginning of one character to the beginning of the next character will be constant. The value of txConstantSpacingF sets this constant distance as a multiple of the width of a reference character box within which all characters of the font will fit. If txConstantSpacingF has the value 1.0, the constant distance will cause there to be almost no space between two wide characters such as 'M' placed next to each other. As txConstantSpacingF decreases from 1.0, characters will begin to overlap. As it increases from 1.0, characters become further separated from each other. Values less than 0.0 result in an error and are replaced with the default value. Default: 0.0 txDirection This resource of type NhlTTextDirection specifies the direction of the text drawn by the TextItem. There are two choices: Down Each character is placed below the previous character in the text string. Across Each character is placed to the right of the previous character in the text string. These descriptions apply before any rotation due to txAngleF is applied to the TextItem. Default: Across -txFont When the txFontQuality resource has the value High, this resource of type NhlTFont specifies the font used for the TextItem. The fonts may be categorized into two types according to the way their characters are rendered: they are either stroked using lines or filled as areas. Only the stroked fonts are affected by the resource, txFontThicknessF, which sets the thickness of the stroking line. When txFontQuality is set to Medium or Low, the txFont resource is ignored. The default font, the pwritx_database font (font index 0), differs from all other fonts in that it intrinsically contains many more characters than the other fonts (564 as opposed to somewhere between 97 and 128). A number of the Text Function Codes allow special access to the characters of the pwritx_database font. You may use either the integer index or the string font name to specify a value for txFont. Note that whenever you change a font, the low-level NCAR Graphics library must read in the new font data from a file. The following table lists each fonts by index and name, and also indicates the rendering method used for the font: +-------------------------------------------------------+ | HLU Fonts | |-------------------------------------------------------| | INDEX | TYPE | NAME | |=======================================================| | 0 | stroked | pwritx_database | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | stroked | default | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 2 | stroked | cartographic_roman | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 3 | stroked | cartographic_greek | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 4 | stroked | simplex_roman | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 5 | stroked | simplex_greek | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 6 | stroked | simplex_script | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 7 | stroked | complex_roman | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 8 | stroked | complex_greek | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 9 | stroked | complex_script | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 10 | stroked | complex_italic | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 11 | stroked | complex_cyrillic | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 12 | stroked | duplex_roman | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 13 | stroked | triplex_roman | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 14 | stroked | triplex_italic | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 15 | stroked | gothic_german | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 16 | stroked | gothic_english | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 17 | stroked | gothic_italian | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 18 | stroked | math_symbols | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 19 | stroked | symbol_set1 | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 20 | stroked | symbol_set2 | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 21 | filled | helvetica | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 22 | filled | helvetica-bold | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 25 | filled | times-roman | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 26 | filled | times-bold | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 29 | filled | courier | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 30 | filled | courier-bold | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 33 | filled | greek | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 34 | filled | math-symbols | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 35 | filled | text-symbols | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 36 | filled | weather1 | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 37 | filled | weather2 | +-------------------------------------------------------+ Default: 0 +txFont When the txFontQuality resource has the value High, this resource of type NhlTFont specifies the font used for the TextItem. The fonts may be categorized into two types according to the way their characters are rendered: they are either stroked using lines or filled as areas. Only the stroked fonts are affected by the resource, txFontThicknessF, which sets the thickness of the stroking line. When txFontQuality is set to Medium or Low, the txFont resource is ignored. The default font, the pwritx_database font (font index 0), differs from all other fonts in that it intrinsically contains many more characters than the other fonts (564 as opposed to somewhere between 97 and 128). A number of the Text Function Codes allow special access to the characters of the pwritx_database font. You may use either the integer index or the string font name to specify a value for txFont. Note that whenever you change a font, the low-level NCAR Graphics library must read in the new font data from a file. The following table lists each fonts by index and name, and also indicates the rendering method used for the font: +-------------------------------------------------------+ |HLU Fonts| | -------------------------------------------------------| | INDEX| TYPE| NAME| |================================================ =======| | 0| stroked| pwritx_database| |----------------- --------------------------------------| | 1| stroked| default | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 2| stroked| cartographic_roman| |------------------------------- ------------------------| | 3| stroked| cartographic_greek| |-------------------------------------------------------| | 4| stroked| simplex_roman| |-------------------------------------- -----------------| | 5| stroked| simplex_greek| |-------- -----------------------------------------------| | 6| stroked| s implex_script | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 7| stroked| complex_roman| |------------------- ------------------------------------| | 8| stroked| complex_gree k| |-------------------------------------------------------| | 9| stroked| complex_script| |------------------------------ -------------------------| | 10| stroked| complex_italic| | -------------------------------------------------------| | 11 | stroked| complex_cyrillic| |----------------------------------------- --------------| | 12 | stroked| duplex_roman| |----------- --------------------------------------------| | 13 | stroked| tri plex_roman| |--------------------------------------------------- ----| | 14 | stroked| triplex_italic| |-------------------- -----------------------------------| | 15 | stroked| gothic_germa n| |-------------------------------------------------------| | 16 | stroked| gothic_english| |----------------------------- --------------------------| | 17 | stroked| gothic_italian| |-------------------------------------------------------| | 18 | stroked| math_symbols| |----------------------------------------- --------------| | 19 | stroked| symbol_set1| |------------ -------------------------------------------| | 20 | stroked| symb ol_set2| |------------------------------------------------------ -| | 21| filled| helvetica| |----------------------------- --------------------------| | 22| filled| helvetica-bold| | -------------------------------------------------------| | 25| fil led| times-roman| |-------------------------------------------- -----------| | 26| filled| times-bold| |------------------ -------------------------------------| | 29| filled| courier| |-------------------------------------------------------| | 30 | filled| courier-bold| |---------------------------------------- ---------------| | 33| filled| greek| |------------------ -------------------------------------| | 34| filled| math-symbols | |-------------------------------------------------------| | 35| filled| text-symbols| |-------------------------------------- -----------------| | 36| filled| weather1| |-------------- -----------------------------------------| | 37| filled| weather2 | +-------------------------------------------------------+ Default: 0 txFontAspectF This resource sets the aspect ratio, defined as the height divided by the width of a reference character box within which all characters of the font will fit. Its value determines the width of the characters relative to txFontHeightF. If given the value 1.0, wide characters such as 'M' will be approximately square in shape. Values increasing from 1.0 result in thinner characters, while values decreasing from 1.0 result in wider characters. Default: 1.3125 txFontColor Integer value that is an index into parent workstations color map. Default: 1 txFontHeightF Height of text from bottom of average character to top of average character in NDC coordinates. Default: .05 -txFontOpacityF Available in version 6.1.0 and later. Sets the opacity of text drawn as graphics on a plot. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 +txFontOpacityF Sets the opacity of text drawn as graphics on a plot. Specify a floating-point value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 txFontQuality This resource of type NhlTFontQuality determines the quality of the font used to draw the TextItem. There are three choices: High Draw characters using any of the stoked or filled fonts. Medium Draw characters using a 94 character stroked font that is simpler than the High quality fonts, resulting in somewhat smaller metafiles. The txFont resource is ignored. Low The characters are output as a string into the metafile. The quality of the output therefore depends on the fonts available to the metafile translator. When NCAR translators are used the font quality is similar to that of Medium text. The txFont resource is ignored. Default: High txFontThicknessF Sets the thickness of the lines used to draw the characters of the TextItem. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. This resource is ignored when the txFont specifies a filled font (font indexes 21-22, 25-26, 29-30, and 33-37). Default: 1.0 txFuncCode Specifies the character used to delimit Text Function Codes embedded in the TextItem string. Note: the default function code was a colon (:) in NCL Versions 6.0.0 and earlier. Default: ~ @@ -1196,7 +1226,7 @@ vcFillArrowMinFracWidthF This resource specifies the width of a filled arrow dra vcFillArrowWidthF This resource specifies the width of a filled vector arrow drawn at the reference length as a fraction of vcRefLengthF. (See figure.) If vcFillArrowMinFracWidthF has the value 0.0, then the ratio of the arrow width to the arrow length will be invariant for all arrows in the plot. The value of vcFillArrowWidthF is constrained to the range 0.0 through 1.0. This resource has an effect only when vcGlyphStyle is set to FillArrow. Default: 0.1 vcFillArrowsOn vcGlyphStyle overrides and eventually is intended to replace this resource. However, if you set vcFillArrowsOn and do not at the same time set vcGlyphStyle, you can use it to select between the LineArrow and FillArrow glyph styles. When set True, fill arrows are selected; when set False, line arrows are selected. Default: False vcFillOverEdge If this boolean resource is set True, the perimeter outline of a filled vector arrow is drawn first, underneath the fill. In this case, the line must be drawn using a line thickness greater than 1.0 in order for the line to appear. The advantage of drawing the line underneath is that the full extent of the fill appears; when the line is drawn on top of the fill using a different color index, the fill color may be partially or completely obscured, especially for small vector arrows. This resource has an effect only when vcGlyphStyle is set to FillArrow. Default: True -vcGlyphOpacityF Available in version 6.1.0 and later. Sets the opacity of vector glyphs in a plot. Specify a floating-point value between 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 +vcGlyphOpacityF Sets the opacity of vector glyphs in a plot. Specify a floating-point value between 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 vcGlyphStyle This resource selects the style of glyph used to represent the vector magnitude and direction. There are four choices: LineArrow Vectors are represented using an arrow-shaped polyline pointing in the direction of the vector. The arrow length and head size may vary with the magnitude of the vector. Resources prefixed by vcLineArrow... have an effect when vcGlyphStyle is set to this value. FillArrow Vectors are represented using a polygon and possibly a polyline edge that point in the direction of the vector. The length, width, and various parameters affecting the head size and overall shape may vary with the magnitude of the vector. Resources prefixed by vcFillArrow... have an effect when vcGlyphStyle is set to this value. WindBarb Vectors are represented using a standard wind barb glyph, composed of a shaft parallel to the vector direction, and pennants and/or ticks spaced at even intervals along the shaft starting at the end nearest the direction from which the flow is coming. (For the purposes of the vcPositionMode resource, this end is the "tail" of the wind barb.) If the velocity is less than 2.5 in magnitude, a circle is drawn instead of the barbed shaft. Otherwise half ticks represent 5 units of magnitude, full ticks represent 10 units, and pennants represent 50 units. By convention, the units usually represent knots. The pennants are drawn using a filled polygon, while the ticks, the shaft, and the calm circle are all rendered with polylines. Unlike the other glyph styles, wind barbs maintain a basically uniform length for all magnitudes. Resources prefixed by vcWindBarb... have an effect when vcGlyphStyle is set to this value. CurlyVector Vector are represented using a curved polyline tangent to the instantaneous flow in the neighborhood of the grid point. A variably-sized arrowhead at one end of the line points in the direction of the flow. The path length of the curve may vary with the vector magnitude at the grid point location. CurlyVector mode is like LineArrow mode in that it is rendered using a polyline, and therefore resources prefixed by vcLineArrow... have an effect when vcGlyphStyle is set to this value. Unlike the other glyph styles, when vectors drawn with this style are colored, the color varies along the path length of the vector depending on the interpolated value of the magnitude or other scalar field at each step along the path. This resource overrides and eventually is intended to replace the resource vcFillArrowsOn. vcFillArrowsOn can still be used to choose between line arrows and fill arrows, as long as you do not set vcGlyphStyle at the same time. Default: LineArrow vcLabelBarEndLabelsOn When this boolean resource is set True and vcExplicitLabelBarLabelsOn is False, VectorPlot creates labels for the two ends of the LabelBar. The label at one end will be a string representation of a minimum value and at the other end will be a string representation of the maximum value. These values represent either a vector magnitude or, if vcUseScalarArray is set True, some other scalar value. Both strings will be formatted according to the format specification in effect for the other labels provided by VectorPlot to the LabelBar. Default: False vcLabelFontColor If vcLabelsUseVectorColor is set False, this resource specifies the HLU color index used to draw the vector magnitude labels. Default: Foreground @@ -1205,7 +1235,7 @@ vcLabelsOn If this resource is set True, VectorPlot will place labels representi vcLabelsUseVectorColor If this resource is set True, VectorPlot draws the vector magnitude labels using the color of the corresponding vector. Otherwise the labels are drawn using the color index specified by vcLabelFontColor. Default: False vcLevelColors The elements of this array of type NhlTColorIndexGenArray can be set using an array of color indexes, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If vcGlyphStyle is set to LineArrow or CurlyVector and vcMonoLineArrowColor is False, this resource controls the color of the line-drawn vector arrows. If vcGlyphStyle is set to FillArrow, then this resource may control the fill and/or the edge color of the filled vector arrows, depending on the values of the resources vcMonoFillArrowFillColor and vcMonoFillArrowEdgeColor. If vcGlyphStyle is set to WindBarb and vcMonoWindBarbColor is False, this resource controls the color of the wind barb glyphs. Each element of vcLevelColors specifies a color for vectors whose associated scalar data value is less than the corresponding element of the vcLevels array. Note that there is always one more color than there are vector levels. The first element of vcLevelColors specifies a color index for any vector with an associated data value less than the value of vcMinLevelValF. The highest currently used element of vcLevelColors specifies a color for vectors with associated data values greater than the value of vcMaxLevelValF. When vcGlyphStyle is set to CurlyVector, the vectors appear multicolored with the color varying along the path length of the vector depending on the interpolated value of the magnitude or other scalar field at each incremental step. Although backwards compatibility is for the most part maintained, beginning with version 6.1.0, this resource supports the new 32-bit color model, as follows: If vcLevelColors is not set explicitly, its values are derived from the settings of vcLevelPalette and vcSpanLevelPalette, or, if vcLevelPalette is not set, wkColorMap and vcSpanLevelPalette. If vcSpanLevelPalette is True, the values are distributed evenly through the range of colors available from vcLevelPalette or wkColorMap. Otherwise, the values are sequential. If the color indexes are derived from vcLevelPalette the first color comes from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color comes from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. If some but not all of the available elements of vcLevelColors are explicitly set, the remaining elements will be determined as if vcSpanLevelPalette has the value False. For backwards compatibility, colors set based on wkColorMap remain indexed to the current color map associated with the workstation. Consequently, if the workstation color map is changed prior to drawing the plot, the color indexes will map into the new color map. In contrast, color indexes derived from the vcLevelPalette resource always refer to a specific color regardless of changes to wkColorMap. Default: vcLevelCount A read-only resource set to the actual number of levels chosen during the level selection process. Default: 16 -vcLevelPalette Available in version 6.1.0 and later. This resource of type NhlTColorDefinitionGenArray allows you to set a color palette from which the values assigned to vcLevelColors are chosen. You can set this resource to the string name of a predefined color map, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If you set vcLevelPalette using a predefined color map, it will have two fewer elements than if you set wkColorMap using the same color map. This is because the wkColorMap resource contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Use vcSpanLevelPalette to indicate whether to span the full color palette or to simply use sequentially increasing values. Default: None +vcLevelPalette This resource of type NhlTColorDefinitionGenArray allows you to set a color palette from which the values assigned to vcLevelColors are chosen. You can set this resource to the string name of a predefined color map, an array of named colors, or an array of RGB or RGBA values. If you set vcLevelPalette using a predefined color map, it will have two fewer elements than if you set wkColorMap using the same color map. This is because the wkColorMap resource contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Use vcSpanLevelPalette to indicate whether to span the full color palette or to simply use sequentially increasing values. Default: None vcLevelSelectionMode This enumerated resource of type NhlTLevelSelectionMode provides four methods for selecting the levels used to color the vector arrows: AutomaticLevels Ordinarily this mode determines vector levels by picking a spacing value from a set of relatively "round" numbers scaled by powers of 10 to the range of the data. This set of numbers is as follows: 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0. The number of levels chosen will be as close as possible to the value of vcMaxLevelCount without exceeding it. Once the spacing is chosen, the minimum vector level is set to the value of the least multiple of the spacing greater than the minimum data value. Likewise the maximum vector level becomes the greatest multiple of the spacing less than the maximum data value. Based on these values, VectorPlot sets the resources vcLevelSpacingF, vcMinLevelValF, and vcMaxLevelValF appropriately. On the other hand, if you explicitly set the resource vcLevelSpacingF to a valid value greater than 0.0 and less than the range of the data, it will be used as the interval spacing. The minimum and maximum levels are calculated as before. If as a consequence, vcMaxLevelCount is less than the number of levels so specified, it will be set to the number of levels actually needed. However, if the choice of spacing causes the absolute maximum number of levels (currently 255) to be exceeded, VectorPlot will issue a warning message and recalculate the spacing as previously described. In any case, VectorPlot sets the elements of the array resource vcLevels to the values of the vector levels chosen and the read-only resource vcLevelCount to the number of levels. ManualLevels ManualLevels mode bases the choice of vector levels on the values of the resources vcLevelSpacingF, vcMinLevelValF, and vcMaxLevelValF. Starting at vcMinLevelValF, vector levels are created at intervals spaced by the value of vcLevelSpacingF until vcMaxLevelValF is reached. The final vector level will always be vcMaxLevelValF. VectorPlot sets elements of the array resource vcLevels to the values of each vector level chosen and the read-only resource vcLevelCount to the number of levels. If the current value of vcMaxLevelCount is less than vcLevelCount, it is reset to the value of vcLevelCount. However, if the level count would exceed the absolute maximum number of levels, currently 255, VectorPlot issues a warning and chooses a new value of vcLevelSpacingF based on the value of vcMaxLevelCount. If you choose ManualLevels selection mode when the VectorPlot object is created, and do not set vcMinLevelValF, VectorPlot will choose levels as if you had set AutomaticLevels mode. If you set vcMinLevelValF only, a default spacing is used, and the value of vcMaxLevelValF is determined as it would be for AutomaticLevels mode. ExplicitLevels This mode allows you to specify the value of each vector level by explicitly setting the contents of the vcLevels array. If you choose ExplicitLevels selection mode when creating a VectorPlot object, but do not specify the contents of the vcLevels array, VectorPlot will choose levels as if you had specified AutomaticLevels mode. Thereafter, when you set ExplicitLevels mode, VectorPlot uses the current contents of vcLevels, whether or not you set it explicitly. If the number of elements in vcLevels exceeds the absolute maximum number of levels (currently 255), VectorPlot issues a warning and the mode defaults to AutomaticLevels. Note that VectorPlot always sorts the elements of vcLevels into a monotonically increasing sequence. After sorting, vcMinLevelValF is set equal to the value of first element of vcLevels, and vcMaxLevelValF is set to the value of the last element. vcLevelSpacingF is set to the average value of the spacing separating each level. EqualSpacedLevels For this mode, VectorPlot divides the range spanning the dataset minimum and maximum values into vcMaxLevelCount+1 equally spaced intervals. vcLevelSpacingF is set to the value of this interval. vcMinLevelValF is set to the value of the dataset minimum plus the value of vcLevelSpacingF. vcMaxLevelValF is set to the value of the dataset maximum minus the value of vcLevelSpacingF. This results in vcMaxLevelCount levels; therefore VectorPlot sets the read-only resource vcLevelCount equal to vcMaxLevelCount. Default: AutomaticLevels vcLevelSpacingF When the vcLevelSelectionMode is ManualLevels or when the vcLevelSelectionMode is AutomaticLevels, and vcLevelSpacingF is explicitly set, vcLevelSpacingF determines the spacing between vector intervals. Otherwise, the VectorPlot object sets the value of vcLevelSpacingF based on the vector levels actually chosen. When the vcLevelSelectionMode is ExplicitLevels, vcLevelSpacingF will be set to the arithmetic average of the spacing between levels. Default: 5.0 vcLevels An array of floats containing values that determine the color of the vector arrows in the vector field plot. If vcScalarFieldData is valid and the resource vcUseScalarArray is set True, the level values are based on the scalar array data; otherwise the level values are based on the magnitudes of the vector elements in the vector field. If the vcLevelSelectionMode is ExplicitLevels, you may set these values yourself. Otherwise, the VectorPlot object sets the elements of this array. Default: @@ -1308,7 +1338,7 @@ vcScalarValueFormat The vcScalarValueFormat resource is a string that specifies vcScalarValueScaleFactorF vcScalarValueScaleFactorF is a read-only resource that contains the current scale factor that applies to annotations with numbers representing values from the associated ScalarField object. Multiplying the numbers in the annotations by the value of vcScalarValueScaleFactorF gives the actual scalar values the numbers represent. VectorPlot calculates its value based on the maximum absolute value in the scalar field data, the current mode of the enumerated resource, vcScalarValueScalingMode, and perhaps the value of vcScalarValueScaleValueF. Its value may also be influenced by the number of significant digits specified by the format specification resource, vcScalarValueFormat. Default: 1.0 vcScalarValueScaleValueF The interpretation of vcScalarValueScaleValueF depends on the value of the enumerated resource vcScalarValueScalingMode. When vcScalarValueScalingMode is set to ScaleFactor, values are divided by the value of vcScalarValueScaleValueF to obtain the numbers appearing in VectorPlot object labels. If vcScalarValueScalingMode is set to ConfineToRange, the vcScalarValueScaleValueF represents an exclusive upper bound for the numbers used to represent the data values. For other values of vcScalarValueScalingMode, the vcScalarValueScaleValueF resource is ignored. Default: 1.0 vcScalarValueScalingMode This resource of type NhlTScalingMode determines how to scale numbers related to the scalar field data used to color the vectors when these numbers appear in the annotations provided by VectorPlot. There are five choices: ScaleFactor The VectorPlot object divides the scalar value by the value of vcScalarValueScaleValueF to obtain the number that appears in the label. ConfineToRange The VectorPlot object uses vcScalarValueScaleValueF as an exclusive upper bound. A scale factor is selected such that the scaled value representing the scalar maximum absolute value will be less than vcScalarValueScaleValueF, but greater than or equal to vcScalarValueScaleValueF divided by 10.0. As an example, setting vcScalarValueScaleValueF to 100.0 would result in the number used to represent the maximum absolute value falling in the range 10.0 to 99.999.... TrimZeros The VectorPlot object selects a scale factor such that the number representing the value with the maximum absolute value will have the fewest possible extra zeros. If the maximum absolute value were 245000, for instance, it would scale to 245. If it were 0.000245, it would scale to 0.245. (The zero conventionally placed before the decimal point of a number less than 1.0 is not considered.) MaxSigDigitsLeft The VectorPlot object selects a scale factor such that the number representing the value with the maximum absolute value will have its rightmost significant digit directly to the left of the decimal point. The number of significant digits is determined by the format string resource, vcScalarValueFormat. AllIntegers The VectorPlot object selects a scale factor such that the numbers representing vector levels (as determined by examination of the values of the vcLevels array) are reduced to integers. In each case, the scale factor selected is placed into the read-only resource, vcScalarValueScaleFactorF. Default: ScaleFactor -vcSpanLevelPalette Available in version 6.1.0 and later. If set to True, and if vcLevelColors is not set using explicit values, then VectorPlot automatically spans the vcLevelPalette resource to determine color index values for vcLevelColors. If vcLevelPalette is not set then the wkColorMap resource is spanned instead. If set to False, then VectorPlot uses consecutively ascending values to populate vcLevelColors. If the colors are derived from vcLevelPalette the first color will be determined from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color will come from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Default: True +vcSpanLevelPalette If set to True, and if vcLevelColors is not set using explicit values, then VectorPlot automatically spans the vcLevelPalette resource to determine color index values for vcLevelColors. If vcLevelPalette is not set then the wkColorMap resource is spanned instead. If set to False, then VectorPlot uses consecutively ascending values to populate vcLevelColors. If the colors are derived from vcLevelPalette the first color will be determined from element 0, whereas if they are derived from wkColorMap, the first color will come from element 2. This is because wkColorMap contains special elements (0 and 1) for the Background and Foreground colors, whereas the palette-type resources do not. Default: True vcUseRefAnnoRes If this boolean resource is True, the values for many resources belonging to the reference vector annotation are copied to the minimum vector annotation and the zero field annotation, allowing you to ensure consistency in the appearance of each of these annotations without the need to set each resource individually. The following text attribute resource values are copied to the corresponding resources of both the minimum vector annotation and the zero field annotation: vcRefAnnoFontHeightF vcRefAnnoTextDirection vcRefAnnoFont vcRefAnnoFontColor vcRefAnnoFontAspectF vcRefAnnoFontThicknessF vcRefAnnoFontQuality vcRefAnnoConstantSpacingF vcRefAnnoFuncCode vcRefAnnoBackgroundColor vcRefAnnoPerimOn vcRefAnnoPerimSpaceF vcRefAnnoPerimColor vcRefAnnoPerimThicknessF The following resources are copied only to the corresponding minimum vector annotation resource: vcRefAnnoArrowSpaceF vcRefAnnoArrowMinOffsetF vcRefAnnoArrowLineColor vcRefAnnoArrowFillColor vcRefAnnoArrowEdgeColor vcRefAnnoArrowUseVecColor Note that the zonal location resources, angle, the string contents, the "on" switches, and the explicit magnitude resources are not copied. Default: False vcUseScalarArray If this boolean resource is set True, the resource vcScalarFieldData is set with a valid ScalarField object, and the appropriate VectorPlot resources are set to enable multi-colored vector glyphs, then the ScalarField data are used to select the level (and hence the color index) assigned to each glyph. Otherwise, when multi-colored vector glyphs are enabled, vector coloring will be based on the magnitude of the vectors. Default: False vcVectorDrawOrder This resource of type NhlTDrawOrder determines when the vector arrows are drawn relative to the drawing of other elements of a composite plot. There are three choices: PreDraw Draw vector arrows before the standard draw phase; the arrows will be overlaid by any subsequently drawn elements. Draw Draw vector arrows during the standard draw phase; the arrows will overlay any elements drawn during the predraw phase, but will underlie elements drawn during the postdraw phase. PostDraw Draw vector arrows after the standard draw; the arrows will overlay any elements drawn during the predraw and draw phases. Default: Draw @@ -1387,13 +1417,9 @@ vpUseSegments When the boolean resource vpUseSegments is set True for a View cla vpWidthF vpWidthF specifies the width of View object's bounding box in NDC units. Default: 0.6 vpXF vpXF specifies the location of left edge of the View object's bounding box in NDC space. Default: 0.2 vpYF vpYF specifies the location of top edge of the View object's bounding box in NDC space. Default: 0.8 -wkAntiAlias (DocumentWorkstation) Used to control whether the Workstation employs anti-aliasing algorithms in the generation of graphical output. (Anti-aliasing refers to a number of techniques for softening the appearance of graphical artifacts such as jagged edges/lines.) There are three possible settings: On Anti-aliasing measures are applied to all graphical output. Off No anti-aliasing algorithms are used. TextOnly Anti-aliasing is applied to only the generation of textual graphics. Default: On -wkAntiAlias (ImageWorkstation) Used to control whether the Workstation employs anti-aliasing algorithms in the generation of graphical output. (Anti-aliasing refers to a number of techniques for softening the appearance of graphical artifacts such as jagged edges/lines.) There are three possible settings: On Anti-aliasing measures are applied to all graphical output. Off No anti-aliasing algorithms are used. TextOnly Anti-aliasing is applied to only the generation of textual graphics. Default: On -wkAntiAlias (XWorkstation) Used to control whether the Workstation employs anti-aliasing algorithms in the generation of graphical output. (Anti-aliasing refers to a number of techniques for softening the appearance of graphical artifacts such as jagged edges/lines.) There are three possible settings: On Anti-aliasing measures are applied to all graphical output. Off No anti-aliasing algorithms are used. TextOnly Anti-aliasing is applied to only the generation of textual graphics. Default: On +wkAntiAlias (Workstation) Used to control whether the Workstation employs anti-aliasing algorithms in the generation of graphical output. (Anti-aliasing refers to a number of techniques for softening the appearance of graphical artifacts such as jagged edges/lines.) There are three possible settings: On Anti-aliasing measures are applied to all graphical output. Off No anti-aliasing algorithms are used. TextOnly Anti-aliasing is applied to only the generation of textual graphics. NOTE: This resource is not applicable to the PSWorkstation or PDFWorkstation types. Default: On wkBackgroundColor (Workstation) This resource can be a one-dimensional array containing three elements of type NhlTFloat that specify (in order) the red, green, and blue components (an RGB triplet) of the Workstation background color, or a string containing a color name from the file $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/database/rgb.txt. You may set wkBackgroundColor only when the Workstation object is created. The background color is accessed for drawing purposes using HLU color index 0 (or the defined constant NhlBACKGROUND when using the C language interface). If defining this resource with an RGB triplet, each element must be in the range 0.0 through 1.0 inclusive. If any element is invalid, the Workstation object issues a warning, and reverts to the default background color value. Default: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) (Black) -wkBackgroundOpacityF (DocumentWorkstation) Sets the opacity of the background color. This should be a value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 -wkBackgroundOpacityF (ImageWorkstation) Sets the opacity of the background color. This should be a value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 -wkBackgroundOpacityF (XWorkstation) Sets the opacity of the background color. This should be a value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: 1.0 +wkBackgroundOpacityF (Workstation) Sets the opacity of the background color. This should be a value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). NOTE: This resource is not applicable to the PSWorkstation or PDFWorkstation types. Default: 1.0 wkColorMapLen (Workstation) This read-only resource allows you to determine the number of elements currently in the wkColorMap without retrieving the whole table. This is one more than the largest currently defined index. Default: wkColorMap (Workstation) Use this resource to set or retrieve the colormap for a Workstation object. To set this resource, use a two-dimensional array of type NhlTFloat, an array of color specification formats, or a pre-defined colormap name. If you retrieve this resource, it will be a two-dimensional array of type NhlTFloat. For a two-dimensional array, the fastest varying dimension contains three elements that define (in order) the red, green, and blue components of a single color. Each component should be within the range 0.0 through 1.0 inclusive. If the red component of a color is specified with a negative number, then the color is considered to be a missing value, and that index of the colormap will default. In all other cases, an error message will be generated if values are outside the range of 0.0 through 1.0 inclusive. For an array of color specification formats, each element must be enclosed in double quotes and be either an RGB triplet as described above, or a named color from the $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/database/rgb.txt file. For a pre-defined colormap name, set the resource to one of over 40 pre-defined colormap names found in the color table gallery. If you do not set wkColorMap, the Workstation object will use a default color map. The first triple of the wkColorMap array (index 1 of the slow-varying dimension using the Fortran interface, or index 0 using the C interface) is the background color for the Workstation and is accessed as HLU color index 0. In the default colormap, the color is dynamically determined based on the Workstation subclass. For example, the background color for the XWorkstation is black, but the background color for the PSWorkstation and PDFWorkstation is white. The background color can also be set using the wkBackgroundColor resource as a convenience. The second triple of the wkColorMap array (index 2 of the slow-varying dimension using the Fortran interface, or index 1 using the C interface) is the foreground color for the Workstation and is accessed as HLU color index 1. The foreground color is also dynamically determined. It defaults to either white or black, whichever is determined to contrast more with the background color. Default: "default" wkColorModel (PDFWorkstation) Note: applies only to the original PDF driver, referred to as "oldpdf" in gsn_open_wks. This resource specifies the color model used to describe colors in the output PDF file. The choices are "rgb" for the Red-Green-Blue color model or "cmyk" for the Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black color model. Note that this resource affects the output file only. Elements of the wkColorMap array be set using the RGB model or named colors only. Default: "rgb" @@ -1416,15 +1442,15 @@ wkFileName (DocumentWorkstation) This resource specifies the name of the output wkFileName (ImageWorkstation) This resource specifies the name of the output file. Default: wkFillTableLength (Workstation) This read-only resource contains the number of currently available unique fill patterns. Default: wkForegroundColor (Workstation) This resource can be a one-dimensional array containing three elements of type NhlTFloat that specify (in order) the red, green, and blue components (an RGB triplet) of the Workstation foreground color, or a string containing a color name from the file $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/database/rgb.txt. The foreground color is equivalent to HLU color index 1 (the defined constant NhlFOREGROUND when using the C language interface). It is the first element of the wkColorMap array (index 0 of the array when using the C interface). Unlike wkBackgroundColor, you may set wkForegroundColor at any time during the life of the Workstation object. If you set wkForegroundColor and wkColorMap at the same time, the set value of the first element of wkColorMap will be replaced with the value of wkForegroundColor. If neither wkForegroundColor nor wkColorMap is set when the Workstation object is created, the foreground is determined dynamically. Default: If background color is determined to be closer to black than white, the foreground color is set to white (1.0, 1.0, 1.0); otherwise the foreground color is set to black (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). -wkFormat (DocumentWorkstation) This resource is used to specify which output format should be produced; use "newps" for postscript output, or "newpdf" for PDF output. Default: "newps" -wkFormat (ImageWorkstation) This resource is used to specify which output format should be produced. Currently, only PNG is supported, specified as "png" or "newpng". Default: "newpng" +wkFormat (DocumentWorkstation) This resource is used to specify which output format should be produced; use "ps" for postscript output, "pdf" for PDF output, "eps" for encapsulated-postscript, or "svg" for scalable vector graphics format. Default: "ps" +wkFormat (ImageWorkstation) This resource is used to specify which output format should be produced. Currently, only PNG is supported, specified as "png". Default: "png" wkFullBackground (PDFWorkstation) If this resource is True, then the entire output page will have the background color applied to it. If it is False, then only the normalized device coordinate viewport will be effected by the background color. The background is the first thing drawn on the page. Therefore, if this resource is modified after something has been drawn, it will not change the background for the current page. It will effectively change for the next page of the output. Default: False wkFullBackground (PSWorkstation) If this resource is True, then the entire output page will have the background color applied to it. If it is False, then only the normalized device coordinate viewport will be effected by the background color. The background is the first thing drawn on the page. Therefore, if this resource is modified after something has been drawn, it will not change the background for the current page. It will effectively change for the next page of the output. Default: False wkGksWorkId (Workstation) This read-only resource contains the low-level GKS workstation identifier. It can be used to mix calls to the low-level NCAR Graphics library and the GKS library with the HLU library. The HLU library expects the GKS workstation to be in a deactivated state. Therefore, any set of low-level calls occurring between HLU library calls should be bracketed by a GKS activate workstation call and a GKS deactivate workstation call. Default: This value is determined by the low-level GKS library. wkHeight (ImageWorkstation) This resource specifies the height, in pixels, of the resultant image. Default: 1024 -wkHeight (XWorkstation) This resource specifies the height, in pixels, of the X11 window. Default: 512 wkMarkerTableLength (Workstation) This read-only resource contains the number of currently available unique markers. Default: wkMetaName (NcgmWorkstation) Specifies the name and path of the output metafile. By default a file called gmeta will be created in the current working directory. The NcgmWorkstation object will attempt to resolve pathnames that start with the "~" character. Default: "gmeta" +wkOrientation (DocumentWorkstation) This resource is used to indicate if the PS or PDF output should be produced in "portrait" mode (pictures displayed along the width of the paper or viewing window) or "landscape" mode (pictures displayed along the length). Default: "portrait" wkOrientation (PDFWorkstation) This resource is used to indicate if the PDF output should be produced in "portrait" mode (pictures displayed along the width of the paper or viewing window) or "landscape" mode (pictures displayed along the length). Default: "portrait" wkOrientation (PSWorkstation) This resource is used to indicate if the PostScript output should be produced in "portrait" mode (pictures displayed along the width of the paper or viewing window) or "landscape" mode (pictures displayed along the length). Default: "portrait" wkPDFFileName (PDFWorkstation) This resource is used to specify the name of the PDF file to output. If a wkPDFFileName of "stdout" is given, the PDFWorkstation understands the output should be sent to the stream associated with the stdout FILE pointer in the UNIX environment. The PDFWorkstation object will attempt to resolve pathnames that start with the "~" character. Default: This resource defaults to the name of the PDFWorkstation object with the wkPDFFormat as a suffix. For example, "workname.pdf". @@ -1434,23 +1460,19 @@ wkPSFileName (PSWorkstation) This resource is used to specify the name of the Po wkPSFormat (PSWorkstation) This resource is used to specify which PostScript format should be produced. Currently, the PSWorkstation can produce generic "ps", EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) "eps", and EPSI (Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format) "epsi". EPS is a specialized format used primarily for importing PostScript into other applications. EPS files contain information in them, that allow an importing application to know the extent of the marks on the PostScript page. They are also restricted to a single page of output in them. EPSI are EPS files that have a "preview bitmap" that represents the PostScript image contained in the file. This bitmap can be used by an importing application to display quickly a picture of the imported file. This is used by applications that do not have a built-in PostScript interpreter. As of Version 4.0, the "preview bitmap" output by the PSWorkstation does not represent the picture contained in the EPSI file, but rather is simply a bitmap containing the message: APPLICATION CANNOT DISPLAY NCAR GRAPHIC HERE. VIEW THE POSTSCRIPT OUTPUT TO VERIFY SUCCESSFUL IMPORT. Default: "ps" wkPSResolution (PSWorkstation) This resource indicates the resolution of the internal coordinate space of the PostScript file. This resource is used to increase or decrease the resolution of the output. The effective resolution you get on a particular PostScript printer or screen display depends on the resolution of the internal PostScript coordinate system as well as the resolution of the output device. The units of this resource are compatible with DPI (Dots Per Inch). If wkPSResolution is set to a number that is greater than or equal to the resolution of the printer, then you can be sure that you are making full use of the resolution of the printer. It is important to realize that printers that have a lower resolution can print PostScript files that have a higher internal coordinate space resolution without problems, since the internal coordinate space resolution just indicates the resolution of the points within the file's coordinate space. If the PostScript is generated with a lower internal coordinate space resolution then the printer, the full resolution of the printer will not be utilized. One advantage of lowering the wkPSResolution would be to make the actual size of the PostScript file smaller, although the difference is rather modest. Default: 1800 wkPaperHeightF (DocumentWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the height of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperWidthF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Default: 11 inches -wkPaperHeightF (PDFWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the height of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperWidthF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Available in version 5.2.0 and later. Default: 11 inches -wkPaperHeightF (PSWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the height of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperWidthF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Available in version 5.2.0 and later. Default: 11 inches +wkPaperHeightF (PDFWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the height of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperWidthF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Default: 11 inches +wkPaperHeightF (PSWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the height of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperWidthF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Default: 11 inches wkPaperSize (DocumentWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify a standard paper size by name. Currently recognized names are: ANSI/U.S. paper sizes name points inches millimeters "A" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "letter" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "legal" 612 1008 8.5 14.0 216 356 "B" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "ledger" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "superA3" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "superB" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "C" 1224 1584 17.0 22.0 432 559 "D" 1584 2520 22.0 34.0 559 864 "E" 2448 3168 34.0 44.0 864 1118 ISO/Metric paper sizes "A5" 418 598 5.8 8.3 148 210 "A4" 598 842 8.3 11.7 210 297 "A3" 842 1188 11.7 16.5 297 420 "A3+" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 329 483 "A2" 1188 1685 16.5 23.4 420 594 "A1" 1685 2383 23.4 33.1 594 841 "A0" 2383 3370 33.1 46.8 841 1189 Default: "letter" -wkPaperSize (PDFWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify a standard paper size by name. Currently recognized names are: ANSI/U.S. paper sizes name points inches millimeters "A" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "letter" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "legal" 612 1008 8.5 14.0 216 356 "B" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "ledger" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "superA3" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "superB" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "C" 1224 1584 17.0 22.0 432 559 "D" 1584 2520 22.0 34.0 559 864 "E" 2448 3168 34.0 44.0 864 1118 ISO/Metric paper sizes "A5" 418 598 5.8 8.3 148 210 "A4" 598 842 8.3 11.7 210 297 "A3" 842 1188 11.7 16.5 297 420 "A3+" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 329 483 "A2" 1188 1685 16.5 23.4 420 594 "A1" 1685 2383 23.4 33.1 594 841 "A0" 2383 3370 33.1 46.8 841 1189 Available in version 5.2.0 and later. Default: "letter" -wkPaperSize (PSWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify a standard paper size by name. Currently recognized names are: ANSI/U.S. paper sizes name points inches millimeters "A" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "letter" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "legal" 612 1008 8.5 14.0 216 356 "B" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "ledger" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "superA3" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "superB" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "C" 1224 1584 17.0 22.0 432 559 "D" 1584 2520 22.0 34.0 559 864 "E" 2448 3168 34.0 44.0 864 1118 ISO/Metric paper sizes "A5" 418 598 5.8 8.3 148 210 "A4" 598 842 8.3 11.7 210 297 "A3" 842 1188 11.7 16.5 297 420 "A3+" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 329 483 "A2" 1188 1685 16.5 23.4 420 594 "A1" 1685 2383 23.4 33.1 594 841 "A0" 2383 3370 33.1 46.8 841 1189 Available in version 5.2.0 and later. Default: "letter" +wkPaperSize (PDFWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify a standard paper size by name. Currently recognized names are: ANSI/U.S. paper sizes name points inches millimeters "A" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "letter" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "legal" 612 1008 8.5 14.0 216 356 "B" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "ledger" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "superA3" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "superB" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "C" 1224 1584 17.0 22.0 432 559 "D" 1584 2520 22.0 34.0 559 864 "E" 2448 3168 34.0 44.0 864 1118 ISO/Metric paper sizes "A5" 418 598 5.8 8.3 148 210 "A4" 598 842 8.3 11.7 210 297 "A3" 842 1188 11.7 16.5 297 420 "A3+" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 329 483 "A2" 1188 1685 16.5 23.4 420 594 "A1" 1685 2383 23.4 33.1 594 841 "A0" 2383 3370 33.1 46.8 841 1189 Default: "letter" +wkPaperSize (PSWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify a standard paper size by name. Currently recognized names are: ANSI/U.S. paper sizes name points inches millimeters "A" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "letter" 612 792 8.5 11.0 216 279 "legal" 612 1008 8.5 14.0 216 356 "B" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "ledger" 792 1224 11.0 17.0 279 432 "superA3" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "superB" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 330 483 "C" 1224 1584 17.0 22.0 432 559 "D" 1584 2520 22.0 34.0 559 864 "E" 2448 3168 34.0 44.0 864 1118 ISO/Metric paper sizes "A5" 418 598 5.8 8.3 148 210 "A4" 598 842 8.3 11.7 210 297 "A3" 842 1188 11.7 16.5 297 420 "A3+" 936 1368 13.0 19.0 329 483 "A2" 1188 1685 16.5 23.4 420 594 "A1" 1685 2383 23.4 33.1 594 841 "A0" 2383 3370 33.1 46.8 841 1189 Default: "letter" wkPaperWidthF (DocumentWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the width of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperHeightF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Default: 8.5 inches -wkPaperWidthF (PDFWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the width of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperHeightF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Available in version 5.2.0 and later. Default: 8.5 inches -wkPaperWidthF (PSWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the width of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperHeightF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Available in version 5.2.0 and later. Default: 8.5 inches -wkPause (XWorkstation) This enables and disables the workstation pause feature. When True the NhlFrame call will pause until the user has pressed a key or pressed a mouse button. If the wkWindowId is set when the window is created, causing the XWorkstation to draw into an externally created window, wkPause is constrained to False. Otherwise a conflict would result in the event management of the window. Default: wkPause defaults to True unless the wkWindowId resource is set. +wkPaperWidthF (PDFWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the width of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperHeightF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Default: 8.5 inches +wkPaperWidthF (PSWorkstation) This resource can be used to specify the width of the paper, in inches. Must be used in conjunction with wkPaperHeightF. If these two resources are used along with wkPaperSize, the value for wkPaperSize will prevail. Default: 8.5 inches wkTopLevelViews (Workstation) This read-only array resource contains the ids of only those View children of the Workstation that may be drawn directly. This list excludes all View objects that are currently plot members. Default: wkViews (Workstation) This read-only array resource contains the ids of all View object children of the Workstation. This list includes View objects that are plot members. Default: wkVisualType (PDFWorkstation) This resource is used to indicate if the PDF file should produce "color", or "monochrome" output. Color output can be displayed on a grayscale printer, and the colors will be mapped to shades of gray. If "monochrome" output is selected, all colors, except the background color, will be mapped to the foreground color. If you are plotting a color image on a grayscale printer and find the results unsatisfactory since colors are getting mapped to light shades of gray that are difficult to see, it may be better to produce the picture in "monochrome". Default: "color" wkVisualType (PSWorkstation) This resource is used to indicate if the PostScript file should produce "color", or "monochrome" output. Color output can be displayed on a grayscale printer, and the colors will be mapped to shades of gray. If "monochrome" output is selected, all colors, except the background color, will be mapped to the foreground color. If you are plotting a color image on a grayscale printer and find the results unsatisfactory since colors are getting mapped to light shades of gray that are difficult to see, it may be better to produce the picture in "monochrome". Default: "color" wkWidth (ImageWorkstation) This resource specifies the width, in pixels, of the resultant image. Default: 1024 -wkWidth (XWorkstation) This resource specifies the width, in pixels, of the X11 window. Default: 512 -wkWindowId (XWorkstation) This resource allows X window programs to pass in to the HLU library an X-Window Id into which output will be drawn. If the aspect ratio of the window is not square NCAR graphics will inscribe a square output frame centered in the window. If you do not set wkWindowId, the XWorkstation object will create and manage its own window. This resource can only be set on create. Default: NULL -wkXColorMode (XWorkstation) This resource is used to specify what type of X color allocation scheme the XWorkstation object should use. If this resource is set to "share", then the XWorkstation object will attempt to use the "default" colormap for the display. Since most X displays only use an 8 bit - PseudoColor colormap, only 256 unique colors can be displayed at a time. This means that it is unlikely that the XWorkstation will be able to have 256 unique colors, since other applications will take some of the available colors. If this resource is set to "private", then the XWorkstation object will create a colormap to be used exclusively with the output window. This means that a full 256 colors will be available to the XWorkstation output window. However, this can have some interesting side effects for other windows. The colormap for the XWorkstation output window will be installed when that window has the "focus". When it doesn't have the "focus", it's colormap will not be installed. Therefore, the XWorkstation output will not look correct unless its window has the "focus". Also, when it has the "focus", other windows on the display are likely to look strange. If this resource is set to "mixed", then the XWorkstation object will attempt to use the "default" colormap as long as it can. Once a color allocation from the X server fails, it will create a private colormap, and behave as if this resource were set to "private". This change is completely dynamic, and the user doesn't have any control as to exactly when the object switches from using the "default" colormap, to using a "private" one. However, everything drawn up to that point will still be seen within the X window in the correct colors as long as the window has the "focus". Default: wkXColorMode defaults to "mixed" unless the wkWindowId resource is set, when it is forced to "share". wsCurrentSize You can determine the total size currently allocated for all workspaces managed by the Workspace object at any point in an HLU program by retrieving the value of the read-only resource wsCurrentSize. To do this, you must first get the id of the Workspace object using the NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId function. Default: 0 wsMaximumSize This resource specifies the total size in bytes that is allowed to be allocated at any single time for all workspaces managed by the Workspace object during the execution of an HLU program. If the Workspace object is asked to allocate or reallocate a workspace such that this value would be exceeded, the Workspace refuses to attempt the allocation and returns a fatal error. In order to modify wsMaximumSize you must first get the id of the Workspace object using the NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId function. Alternatively, in order to permanently change the size you can put a line such as *wsMaximumSize : 300000000 into your .hluresfile. Note that when very large amounts of workspace are required, usually the processing time also increases greatly. Sometimes errors indicating that the workspace is exhausted actually are a symptom of another problem with the code. Default: 100000000 wsThresholdSize Whenever the sum of the size in bytes of all currently allocated workspaces exceeds the value of the resource wsThresholdSize, the Workspace object attempts to reduce the total allocation below the threshold size by freeing workspaces that are not currently in use. If it is necessary to keep the data in a workspace, the contents of the workspace will first be written to a file. The total size allocated to workspaces may exceed wsThresholdSize if the total size of workspaces currently in use exceeds the threshold size. In order to modify wsThresholdSize you must first get the id of the Workspace object using the NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId function. Default: 4194304 @@ -1478,6 +1500,8 @@ xyLineLabelFontHeightF This allows the user to set the size of the characters us xyLineLabelFontQuality This resource of type NhlTFontQuality determines the quality of the font used to draw XyPlot line labels. Note that there is only a scalar version of this resource. If the XyPlot object references more than one DataItem object, the XyDataSpec object referenced by the first element of the xyCoordDataSpec array will provide the resource value for all line labels. Default: High xyLineLabelFontThicknessF Sets the thickness of the line used to draw line label text. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. This resource is ignored when the xyLineLabelFont specifies a filled font (font indexes 21-22, 25-26, 29-30, and 33-37). Note that there is only a scalar version of this resource. If the XyPlot object references more than one DataItem object, the XyDataSpec object referenced by the first element of the xyCoordDataSpec array will provide the resource value for all line labels. Default: 1.0 xyLineLabelFuncCode This resource of type NhlTCharacter sets the function code character that the low level utilities will use when parsing the label string. Note that there is only a scalar version of this resource. If the XyPlot object references more than one DataItem object, the XyDataSpec object referenced by the first element of the xyCoordDataSpec array will provide the resource value for all line labels. Note: the default function code was a colon (:) in NCL Versions 6.0.0 and earlier. Default: ~ +xyLineOpacities An array of opacity-values to use when drawing the corresponding curves in the associated data object. This resource generally overrides the xyLineOpacityF resource. However, If there are more curves than the number of opacities given in this resource, the remaining curves will be drawn using the xyLineOpacityF resource. Specify as an array of floating-point values between 0.0 (full transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: NULL +xyLineOpacityF Sets the opacity of the curves in the plot. Specify a floating-point value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). This resource is ignored if xyLineOpacities is specified. Default: 1.0 xyLineThicknessF This resource sets the linewidth scale factor for curves derived from the associated data object if xyMonoLineThickness is True. Default: 1.0 xyLineThicknesses An array of floating point numbers that are used as linewidth scale factors when drawing the corresponding curves in the associated data object. If there are more curves than the number of floating point numbers in this resource, the remaining curves will be drawn using the xyLineThicknessF resource. This resource is only used if the xyMonoLineThickness resource is False. Default: NULL xyMarkLineMode This resource of type NhlTMarkLineMode determines if markers, lines, or both markers and lines will be displayed for all coordinate arrays derived from the associated data object if xyMonoMarkLineMode is True. There are three choices: Lines Draw the curves using lines only. Markers Draw the curves using markers only. MarkLines Draw the curves using both lines and markers. Default: Lines @@ -1485,6 +1509,8 @@ xyMarkLineModes An array of NhlTMarkLineMode enumerations to use when drawing th xyMarker This resource indicates which marker index all the coordinate pair arrays derived from the associated data object will be drawn with if xyMonoMarker is True. Default: 0 xyMarkerColor This resource indicates what color all markers drawn using the coordinate arrays from the associated data object will be drawn with if xyMonoMarkerColor is True. You can use a color index value (integer) or a named color (string). Default: Foreground (1) xyMarkerColors An array of color indexes to use when drawing the markers for the corresponding coordinate arrays in the associated data object. If there are more coordinate arrays than the number of color indexes in this resource, the remaining coordinate arrays will be drawn using the xyMarkerColor resource. Default: NULL +xyMarkerOpacities An array of opacity-values to use when drawing markers along corresponding curves in the associated data object. This resource generally overrides the xyMarkerOpacityF resource. However, If there are more curves than the number of opacities given in this resource, the remaining curves' markers will be drawn using the xyMarkerOpacityF resource. Specify as an array of floating-point values between 0.0 (full transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). Default: NULL +xyMarkerOpacityF Sets the opacity of markers in the plot. Specify a floating-point value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). This resource is ignored if xyMarkerOpacities is specified. Default: 1.0 xyMarkerSizeF This resource indicates the size for all markers drawn using the coordinate arrays from the associated data object if xyMonoMarkerSize is True. The size is in NDCs. Default: .01 xyMarkerSizes An array of floats that indicate the size for the markers in the corresponding coordinate arrays in the associated data object. If there are more coordinate arrays than the number of floats in this resource, the remaining coordinate arrays will be drawn using the xyMarkerSizeF resource. The size is in NDCs. Default: NULL xyMarkerThicknessF This resource sets the linewidth scale factor for markers derived from the associated data object if xyMonoMarkerThickness is True. Default: 1.0 @@ -1504,4 +1530,4 @@ xyXIrregularPoints An array of floats that specify a discrete representation of xyXStyle Sets the style for the X-Axis of the XyPlot. The styles are Log, Linear, and Irregular These are identical to the styles available through the TickMark object. XyPlot does not allow the programmer to set the top and bottom styles directly like it is done in the TickMark object. To achieve multiple scales (i.e. Pressure on top, Km on bottom), either the tmXBMode or the tmXTMode resource can be set to Explicit, and the alternate scale can be provided using the tmXBValues and tmXBLabels resources or the tmXTValues and tmXTLabels resources. Default: Linear xyYIrrTensionF Specifies the tension to apply to the spline approximation used to determine the transformation for the xyYIrregularPoints. This resource is only used if xyYStyle is Irregular. Default: 2.0 xyYIrregularPoints An array of floats that specify a discrete representation of an irregular coordinate system. The values in this array must be monotonically increasing or decreasing. This resource is only used if xyYStyle is Irregular. Default: NULL -xyYStyle Sets the style for the Y Axis of the XyPlot. The styles are Log, Linear, and Irregular. These are identical to the styles available through the TickMark object. XyPlot does not allow the programmer to set the left and right styles directly like it is done in the TickMark object. To achieve multiple scales (i.e. Pressure on left, Km on right), either the tmYLMode or the tmYRMode resource can be set to Explicit, and the alternate scale can be provided using the tmYLValues and tmYRLabels resources or the tmYLValues and tmYRLabels resources. Default: Linear +xyYStyle Sets the style for the Y Axis of the XyPlot. The styles are Log, Linear, and Irregular. These are identical to the styles available through the TickMark object. XyPlot does not allow the programmer to set the left and right styles directly like it is done in the TickMark object. To achieve multiple scales (i.e. Pressure on left, Km on right), either the tmYLMode or the tmYRMode resource can be set to Explicit, and the alternate scale can be provided using the tmYLValues and tmYRLabels resources or the tmYLValues and tmYRLabels resources. diff --git a/.vim/syntax/ncl.vim b/.vim/syntax/ncl.vim index 90baace..531f215 100644 --- a/.vim/syntax/ncl.vim +++ b/.vim/syntax/ncl.vim @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ +" " Vim syntax File " Language: NCL " Author: Carl Schreck ( " Based on previous versions by Kevin Mueller and Arindam Chakraborty -" Updated Wed Mar 18 13:41:53 MDT 2015 +" Updated Thu Mar 2 17:24:24 MST 2017 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items @@ -14,20 +15,24 @@ elseif exists("b:current_syntax") endif -syn keyword nclBUILTIN abs acos addfile addfiles Functions all angmom_atm any area_conserve_remap area_hi2lores area_poly_sphere asciiread asciiwrite asin atan atan2 attsetvalues avg betainc bin_avg bin_sum bw_bandpass_filter cancor cbinread cbinwrite cd_calendar cd_inv_calendar cdfbin_p cdfbin_pr cdfbin_s cdfbin_xn cdfchi_p cdfchi_x cdfgam_p cdfgam_x cdfnor_p cdfnor_x cdft_p cdft_t ceil center_finite_diff center_finite_diff_n cfftb cfftf cfftf_frq_reorder cfftf Functions Functions charactertodouble charactertofloat charactertointeger charactertolong charactertoshort charactertostring chartodouble chartofloat chartoint chartointeger chartolong chartoshort chartostring chiinv clear color_index_to_rgba conform conform_dims cos cosh count_unique_values covcorm covcorm_xy craybinnumrec craybinrecread create_graphic csa1 csa1d csa1s csa1x csa1xd csa1xs csa2 csa2d csa2l csa2ld csa2ls csa2lx csa2lxd csa2lxs csa2s csa2x csa2xd csa2xs csa3 csa3d csa3l csa3ld csa3ls csa3lx csa3lxd csa3lxs csa3s csa3x csa3xd csa3xs csc2s csgetp css2c cssetp cssgrid csstri csvoro cumsum cz2ccm datatondc day_of_week day_of_year days_in_month default_fillvalue delete depth_to_pres destroy determinant dewtemp_trh dgeevx_lapack dim_acumrun_n dim_avg dim_avg_n dim_avg_wgt dim_avg_wgt_n dim_cumsum dim_cumsum_n dim_gamfit_n dim_gbits dim_max dim_max_n dim_median dim_median_n dim_min dim_min_n dim_num dim_num_n dim_numrun_n dim_pqsort dim_pqsort_n dim_product dim_product_n dim_rmsd dim_rmsd_n dim_rmvmean dim_rmvmean_n dim_rmvmed dim_rmvmed_n dim_spi_n dim_standardize dim_standardize_n dim_stat4 dim_stat4_n dim_stddev dim_stddev_n dim_sum dim_sum_n dim_sum_wgt dim_sum_wgt_n dim_variance dim_variance_n dimsizes doubletobyte doubletochar doubletocharacter doubletofloat doubletoint doubletointeger doubletolong doubletoshort dpres_hybrid_ccm dpres_plevel draw draw_color_palette dsgetp dsgrid2 dsgrid2d dsgrid2s dsgrid3 dsgrid3d dsgrid3s dspnt2 dspnt2d dspnt2s dspnt3 dspnt3d dspnt3s dssetp dtrend dtrend_msg dtrend_msg_n dtrend_n dtrend_quadratic dtrend_quadratic_msg_n dv2uvF dv2uvf dv2uvG dv2uvg dz_height echo_off echo_on eof2data eof_varimax eofcor eofcor_pcmsg eofcor_ts eofcov eofcov_pcmsg eofcov_ts eofunc eofunc_ts eofunc_varimax eof_varimax equiv_sample_size erf erfc esacr esacv esccr esccv escorc escorc_n escovc exit exp exp_tapersh exp_tapersh_wgts exp_tapershC ezfftb ezfftb_n ezfftf ezfftf_n f2fosh f2foshv f2fsh f2fshv f2gsh f2gshv fabs fbindirread fbindirread fbindirwrite fbinnumrec fbinread fbinrecread fbinrecwrite fbinwrite fft2db fft2df fftshift fileattdef filechunkdimdef filedimdef fileexists filegrpdef filevarattdef filevarchunkdef filevarcompressleveldef filevardef filevardimsizes filwgts_lancos filwgts_lanczos filwgts_normal floattobyte floattochar floattocharacter floattoint floattointeger floattolong floattoshort floor fluxEddy fo2fsh fo2fshv fourier_info frame fspan ftcurv ftcurvd ftcurvi ftcurvp ftcurvpi ftcurvps ftcurvs ftest ftgetp ftkurv ftkurvd ftkurvp ftkurvpd ftsetp ftsurf g2fsh g2fshv g2gsh g2gshv gamma gammainc gaus gaus_lobat gaus_lobat_wgt gc_aangle gc_clkwise gc_dangle gc_inout gc_latlon gc_onarc gc_pnt2gc gc_qarea gc_tarea generate_2d_array get_color_index get_color_rgba get_cpu_time get_isolines get_ncl_version get_script_name get_script_prefix_name get_sphere_radius get_unique_values getbitsone getenv getfiledimsizes getfilegrpnames getfilepath getfilevaratts getfilevarchunkdimsizes getfilevardims getfilevardimsizes getfilevarnames getfilevartypes getvaratts getvardims gradsf gradsg greg2jul grid2triple hlsrgb hsvrgb hydro hyi2hyo idsfft igradsf igradsF igradsg igradsG ilapsf ilapsF ilapsg ilapsG ilapvf ilapvg ind ind_resolve Functions int2p int2p_n integertobyte integertochar integertocharacter integertoshort inttobyte inttochar inttoshort inverse_matrix isatt isbigendian isbyte ischar iscoord isdefined isdim isdimnamed isdouble isenumeric isfile isfilepresent isfilevar isfilevaratt isfilevarcoord isfilevardim isfloat isfunc isgraphic isint isint64 isinteger isleapyear islogical islong ismissing isnan_ieee isnumeric ispan isproc isshort issnumeric isstring isubyte isuint isuint64 isulong isunlimited isunsigned isushort isvar jul2greg kmeans_as136 kolsm2_n kron_product lapsF lapsf lapsG lapsg lapvf lapvg latlon2utm lclvl lderuvf lderuvg linint1 linint1_n linint2 linint2_points linmsg linmsg_n linrood_latwgt linrood_wgt list_files list_filevars list_hlus list_procfuncs list_vars ListAppend ListCount ListGetType ListIndex ListIndexFromName ListPop ListPush ListSetType loadscript local_max local_min log log10 longtobyte longtochar longtocharacter longtoint longtointeger longtoshort lspoly lspoly_n mask max maxind min minind mixed_layer_depth mixhum_ptd mixhum_ptrh mjo_cross_coh2pha mjo_cross_segment mjo_cross_segment moc_globe_atl monthday natgrid natgridd natgrids ncargpath ncargversion ndctodata ndtooned new NewList ngezlogo nggcog nggetp ngezlogo nglogo ngsetp ngezlogo NhlAddAnnotation NhlAddData NhlAddOverlay NhlAddPrimitive NhlAppGetDefaultParentId NhlChangeWorkstation NhlClassName NhlClearWorkstation NhlDataPolygon NhlDataPolyline NhlDataPolymarker NhlDataToNDC NhlDestroy NhlDraw NhlFrame NhlFreeColor NhlGetBB NhlGetClassResources NhlGetErrorObjectId NhlGetNamedColorIndex NhlGetParentId NhlGetParentWorkstation NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId NhlIsAllocatedColor NhlIsApp NhlIsDataComm NhlIsDataItem NhlIsDataSpec NhlIsTransform NhlIsView NhlIsWorkstation NhlName NhlNDCPolygon NhlNDCPolyline NhlNDCPolymarker NhlNDCToData NhlNewColor NhlNewDashPattern NhlNewMarker NhlPalGetDefined NhlRemoveAnnotation NhlRemoveData NhlRemoveOverlay NhlRemovePrimitive NhlSetColor NhlSetDashPattern NhlSetMarker NhlUpdateData NhlUpdateWorkstation nice_mnmxintvl nngetaspectd nngetaspects nngetp nngetsloped nngetslopes nngetwts nngetwtsd nnpnt nnpntd nnpntend nnpntendd nnpntinit nnpnt nnpntinitd nnpntd nnpntinits nnpnts nnpnts nnsetp num obj_anal_ic omega_ccm onedtond overlay paleo_outline pdfxy_bin poisson_grid_fill pop_remap potmp_insitu_ocn prcwater_dp pres2hybrid pres_hybrid_ccm pres_sigma print print_table printFileVarSummary printVarSummary product pslec pslhor pslhyp qsort rand random_chi random_gamma random_normal random_setallseed random_uniform rcm2points rcm2rgrid rdsstoi read_colormap_file reg_multlin regcoef regCoef regCoef_n regline relhum replace_ieeenan Functions reshape reshape_ind cfftf rgba_to_color_index rgbhls rgbhsv rgbyiq rgrid2rcm rhomb_trunc rhomb_trunC rip_cape_2d rip_cape_3d round rtest runave runave_n set_default_fillvalue set_sphere_radius setfileoption sfvp2uvf sfvp2uvg shaeC shaec shagC shagc shgetnp shgetp shgrid shorttobyte shorttochar shorttocharacter show_ascii shsec shseC shsetp shsgc shsgC shsgc_R42 sigma2hybrid simpeq simpne sin sindex_yrmo sinh sizeof sleep smth9 snindex_yrmo solve_linsys span_color_indexes span_color_rgba sparse_matrix_mult spcorr spcorr_n specx_anal specxy_anal spei sprintf sprinti sqrt sqsort srand rand stat2 stat4 stat_medrng stat_trim status_exit stdatmus_p2tdz stdatmus_z2tdp stddev str_capital str_concat str_fields_count str_get_cols str_get_dq str_get_field str_get_nl str_get_sq str_get_tab str_index_of_substr str_insert str_is_blank str_join str_left_strip str_lower str_match str_match_ic str_match_ic_regex str_match_ind str_match_ind_ic str_match_ind_ic_regex str_match_ind_regex str_match_regex str_right_strip str_split str_split_by_length str_split_csv str_squeeze str_strip str_sub_str str_switch str_upper stringtochar stringtocharacter stringtodouble stringtofloat stringtoint stringtointeger stringtolong stringtoshort strlen student_t sum svd_lapack svdcov svdcov_sv svdstd svdstd_sv system systemfunc tan tanh taper taper_n tdclrs tdctri tdcudp tdcurv tddtri tdez2d tdez3d tdgetp tdgrds tdgrid tdgtrs tdinit tditri tdlbla tdlblp tdlbls tdline tdlndp tdlnpa tdlpdp tdmtri tdotri tdpara tdplch tdprpa tdprpi tdprpt tdsetp tdsort tdstri tdstrs tdttri thornthwaite tobyte tochar todouble tofloat toint toint64 tointeger tolong toshort tosigned tostring tostring_with_format totype toubyte touint touint64 toulong tounsigned toushort trend_manken tri_trunC tri_trunc triple2grid triple2grid2d trop_wmo ttest typeof undef unique_string update ushorttoint ut_calendar Functions ut_inv_calendar Functions utm2latlon uv2dv_cfd uv2dvf uv2dvF uv2dvg uv2dvG uv2sfvpF uv2sfvpf uv2sfvpG uv2sfvpg uv2vr_cfd uv2vrdvF uv2vrdvf uv2vrdvg uv2vrdvG uv2vrF uv2vrf uv2vrG uv2vrg v5d_close v5d_create v5d_setLowLev v5d_setUnits v5d_write v5d_write_var variance vhaeC vhaec vhagC vhagc vhseC vhsec vhsgc vhsgC vibeta vinth2p vinth2p_ecmwf vinth2p_ecmwf_nodes vinth2p_nodes vintp2p_ecmwf vr2uvf vr2uvF vr2uvg vr2uvG vrdv2uvf vrdv2uvF vrdv2uvg vrdv2uvG wavelet wavelet_default weibull wgt_area_smooth wgt_areaave wgt_areaave2 wgt_arearmse wgt_arearmse2 wgt_areasum2 wgt_runave wgt_runave_n wgt_vert_avg_beta wgt_volave wgt_volave_ccm wgt_volrmse wgt_volrmse_ccm where wk_smooth121 wmbarb wmbarbmap wmdrft wmgetp wmlabs wmsetp wmstnm wmvect wmvectmap wmvlbl wmvect wrf_avo wrf_cape_2d wrf_cape_3d wrf_dbz wrf_eth wrf_helicity wrf_ij_to_ll wrf_interp_1d wrf_interp_2d_xy wrf_interp_3d_z wrf_latlon_to_ij wrf_ll_to_ij wrf_omega wrf_pvo wrf_rh wrf_slp wrf_smooth_2d wrf_td wrf_tk wrf_updraft_helicity wrf_uvmet wrf_virtual_temp wrf_wetbulb wrf_wps_close_int wrf_wps_open_int wrf_wps_rddata_int wrf_wps_rdhead_int wrf_wps_read_int wrf_wps_write_int write_matrix write_table yiqrgb z2geouv zonal_mpsi -syn keyword nclCONTRIB addfiles_GetVar advect_variable area_conserve_remap_Wrap area_hi2lores_Wrap array_append_record assignFillValue byte2flt byte2flt_hdf calcDayAnomTLL calcMonAnomLLLT calcMonAnomLLT calcMonAnomTLL calcMonAnomTLLL calculate_monthly_values cd_convert changeCase changeCaseChar clmDayTLL clmDayTLLL clmMon2clmDay clmMonLLLT clmMonLLT clmMonTLL clmMonTLLL closest_val copy_VarAtts copy_VarCoords copy_VarCoords_1 copy_VarCoords_2 copy_VarMeta copyatt crossp3 cshstringtolist cssgrid_Wrap dble2flt decimalPlaces delete_VarAtts dim_avg_n_Wrap dim_avg_wgt_n_Wrap dim_avg_wgt_Wrap dim_avg_Wrap dim_cumsum_n_Wrap dim_cumsum_Wrap dim_max_n_Wrap dim_min_n_Wrap dim_rmsd_n_Wrap dim_rmsd_Wrap dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap dim_rmvmean_Wrap dim_rmvmed_n_Wrap dim_rmvmed_Wrap dim_standardize_n_Wrap dim_standardize_Wrap dim_stddev_n_Wrap dim_stddev_Wrap dim_sum_n_Wrap dim_sum_wgt_n_Wrap dim_sum_wgt_Wrap dim_sum_Wrap dim_variance_n_Wrap dim_variance_Wrap dpres_plevel_Wrap dtrend_leftdim dv2uvF_Wrap dv2uvG_Wrap eof_north eofcor_Wrap eofcov_Wrap eofunc_north eofunc_ts_Wrap eofunc_varimax_reorder eofunc_varimax_Wrap eofunc_Wrap epsZero f2fosh_Wrap f2foshv_Wrap f2fsh_Wrap f2fshv_Wrap f2gsh_Wrap f2gshv_Wrap fbindirSwap fbinseqSwap1 fbinseqSwap2 flt2dble flt2string fo2fsh_Wrap fo2fshv_Wrap g2fsh_Wrap g2fshv_Wrap g2gsh_Wrap g2gshv_Wrap generate_resample_indices generate_sample_indices generate_unique_indices genNormalDist get1Dindex get1Dindex_Collapse get1Dindex_Exclude get_file_suffix GetFillColor GetFillColorIndex getFillValue getind_latlon2d getVarDimNames getVarFillValue grib_stime2itime hyi2hyo_Wrap ilapsF_Wrap ilapsG_Wrap ind_nearest_coord indStrSubset int2dble int2flt int2p_n_Wrap int2p_Wrap isMonotonic isStrSubset latGau latGauWgt latGlobeF latGlobeFo latRegWgt linint1_n_Wrap linint1_Wrap linint2_points_Wrap linint2_Wrap local_max_1d local_min_1d lonFlip lonGlobeF lonGlobeFo lonPivot merge_levels_sfc mod month_to_annual month_to_annual_weighted month_to_season month_to_season12 month_to_seasonN monthly_total_to_daily_mean nameDim natgrid_Wrap NewCosWeight niceLatLon2D NormCosWgtGlobe numAsciiCol numAsciiRow numeric2int obj_anal_ic_deprecated obj_anal_ic_Wrap omega_ccm_driver omega_to_w oneDtostring pack_values pattern_cor pdfx pdfxy Contributed pdfxy pdfxy_conform pdfxy pdfxy pot_temp pot_vort_hybrid pot_vort_isobaric pres2hybrid_Wrap print_clock printMinMax quadroots rcm2points_Wrap rcm2rgrid_Wrap readAsciiHead readAsciiTable reg_multlin_stats region_ind regline_stats relhum_ttd replaceSingleChar RGBtoCmap rgrid2rcm_Wrap rho_mwjf rm_single_dims rmAnnCycle1D rmInsufData rmMonAnnCycLLLT rmMonAnnCycLLT rmMonAnnCycTLL runave_n_Wrap runave_Wrap short2flt short2flt_hdf shsgc_R42_Wrap sign_f90 sign_matlab smth9_Wrap smthClmDayTLL smthClmDayTLLL SqrtCosWeight stat_dispersion static_stability stdMonLLLT stdMonLLT stdMonTLL stdMonTLLL symMinMaxPlt table_attach_columns table_attach_rows time_to_newtime transpose triple2grid_Wrap ut_convert Contributed uv2dvF_Wrap uv2dvG_Wrap uv2vrF_Wrap uv2vrG_Wrap vr2uvF_Wrap vr2uvG_Wrap w_to_omega wallClockElapseTime wave_number_spc wgt_areaave_Wrap wgt_runave_leftdim wgt_runave_n_Wrap wgt_runave_Wrap wgt_vertical_n wind_component wind_direction yyyyddd_to_yyyymmdd yyyymm_time yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac yyyymmdd_time yyyymmdd_to_yyyyddd yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac yyyymmddhh_time yyyymmddhh_to_yyyyfrac zonal_mpsi_Wrap zonalAve -syn keyword nclDIAG band_pass_area_time band_pass_area_time_plot band_pass_area_time band_pass_hovmueller band_pass_hovmueller_plot band_pass_hovmueller band_pass_latlon_time band_pass_latlon_time_plot band_pass_latlon_time decomposeSymAsym mjo_cross mjo_cross_plot mjo_cross mjo_phase_background mjo_space_time_cross mjo_spectra mjo_spectra_season mjo_wavenum_freq_season mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot mjo_wavenum_freq_season mjo_xcor_lag_ovly mjo_xcor_lag_season mjo_xcor_lag_ovly_panel mjo_xcor_lag_season mjo_xcor_lag_season resolveWavesHayashi wkSpaceTime wkSpaceTime_cam +syn keyword nclBUILTIN abs acos addfile addfiles all angmom_atm any area_conserve_remap area_hi2lores area_poly_sphere asciiread asciiwrite asin atan atan2 attsetvalues avg betainc bin_avg bin_sum bw_bandpass_filter cancor cbinread cbinwrite cd_calendar cd_inv_calendar cdfbin_p cdfbin_pr cdfbin_s cdfbin_xn cdfchi_p cdfchi_x cdfgam_p cdfgam_x cdfnor_p cdfnor_x cdft_p cdft_t ceemdan ceil center_finite_diff center_finite_diff_n cfftb cfftf cfftf_frq_reorder charactertodouble charactertofloat charactertointeger charactertolong charactertoshort charactertostring chartodouble chartofloat chartoint chartointeger chartolong chartoshort chartostring chiinv cla_sq clear color_index_to_rgba conform conform_dims cos cosh count_unique_values count_unique_values_n covcorm covcorm_xy craybinnumrec craybinrecread create_graphic csa1 csa1d csa1s csa1x csa1xd csa1xs csa2 csa2d csa2l csa2ld csa2ls csa2lx csa2lxd csa2lxs csa2s csa2x csa2xd csa2xs csa3 csa3d csa3l csa3ld csa3ls csa3lx csa3lxd csa3lxs csa3s csa3x csa3xd csa3xs csc2s csgetp css2c cssetp cssgrid csstri csvoro cumsum cz2ccm datatondc day_of_week day_of_year days_in_month default_fillvalue delete depth_to_pres destroy determinant dewtemp_trh dgeevx_lapack dim_acumrun_n dim_avg dim_avg_n dim_avg_wgt dim_avg_wgt_n dim_cumsum dim_cumsum_n dim_gamfit_n dim_gbits dim_max dim_max_n dim_median dim_median_n dim_min dim_min_n dim_num dim_num_n dim_numrun_n dim_pqsort dim_pqsort_n dim_product dim_product_n dim_rmsd dim_rmsd_n dim_rmvmean dim_rmvmean_n dim_rmvmed dim_rmvmed_n dim_spi_n dim_standardize dim_standardize_n dim_stat4 dim_stat4_n dim_stddev dim_stddev_n dim_sum dim_sum_n dim_sum_wgt dim_sum_wgt_n dim_variance dim_variance_n dimsizes doubletobyte doubletochar doubletocharacter doubletofloat doubletoint doubletointeger doubletolong doubletoshort dpres_hybrid_ccm dpres_plevel draw draw_color_palette dsgetp dsgrid2 dsgrid2d dsgrid2s dsgrid3 dsgrid3d dsgrid3s dspnt2 dspnt2d dspnt2s dspnt3 dspnt3d dspnt3s dssetp dtrend dtrend_msg dtrend_msg_n dtrend_n dtrend_quadratic dtrend_quadratic_msg_n dv2uvF dv2uvf dv2uvG dv2uvg dz_height echo_off echo_on eemd eof2data eof2data_n eof_varimax eofcor eofcor_pcmsg eofcor_ts eofcov eofcov_pcmsg eofcov_ts eofunc eofunc_n eofunc_ts eofunc_ts_n eofunc_varimax equiv_sample_size erf erfc esacr esacv esccr esccv escorc escorc_n escovc exit exp exp_tapersh exp_tapersh_wgts exp_tapershC extval_mlegev ezfftb ezfftb_n ezfftf ezfftf_n f2fosh f2foshv f2fsh f2fshv f2gsh f2gshv fabs fbindirread fbindirwrite fbinnumrec fbinread fbinrecread fbinrecwrite fbinwrite fft2db fft2df fftshift fileattdef filechunkdimdef filedimdef fileexists filegrpdef filevarattdef filevarchunkdef filevarcompressleveldef filevardef filevardimsizes filwgts_lancos filwgts_lanczos filwgts_normal floattobyte floattochar floattocharacter floattoint floattointeger floattolong floattoshort floor fluxEddy fo2fsh fo2fshv fourier_info frame fspan ftcurv ftcurvd ftcurvi ftcurvp ftcurvpi ftcurvps ftcurvs ftest ftgetp ftkurv ftkurvd ftkurvp ftkurvpd ftsetp ftsurf g2fsh g2fshv g2gsh g2gshv gamma gammainc gaus gaus_lobat gaus_lobat_wgt gc_aangle gc_clkwise gc_dangle gc_inout gc_latlon gc_onarc gc_pnt2gc gc_qarea gc_tarea generate_2d_array get_color_rgba get_cpu_time get_isolines get_ncl_version get_script_name get_script_prefix_name get_sphere_radius get_unique_values getbitsone getenv getfiledimsizes getfilegrpnames getfilepath getfilevaratts getfilevarchunkdimsizes getfilevardims getfilevardimsizes getfilevarnames getfilevartypes getvaratts getvardims gradsf gradsg greg2jul grid2triple hlsrgb hsvrgb hydro hyi2hyo idsfft igradsf igradsF igradsG igradsg ilapsf ilapsF ilapsg ilapsG ilapvf ilapvg ind ind_resolve int2p int2p_n integertobyte integertochar integertocharacter integertoshort inttobyte inttochar inttoshort inverse_matrix is_string_numeric isatt isbigendian isbyte ischar iscoord isdefined isdim isdimnamed isdouble isenumeric isfile isfilepresent isfilevar isfilevaratt isfilevarcoord isfilevardim isfloat isfunc isgraphic isint isint64 isinteger isleapyear islogical islong ismissing isnan_ieee isnumeric ispan isproc isscalar isshort issnumeric isstring isubyte isuint isuint64 isulong isunlimited isunsigned isushort isvar jul2greg kmeans_as136 kolsm2_n kron_product lapsF lapsf lapsG lapsg lapvf lapvg latlon2utm lclvl lderuvf lderuvg linint1 linint1_n linint2 linint2_points linmsg linmsg_n linrood_latwgt linrood_wgt list_files list_filevars list_hlus list_procfuncs list_vars ListAppend ListCount ListGetType ListIndex ListIndexFromName ListPop ListPush ListSetType loadscript local_max local_min log log10 longtobyte longtochar longtocharacter longtoint longtointeger longtoshort lspoly lspoly_n mask max maxind min minind mixed_layer_depth mixhum_ptd mixhum_ptrh mjo_cross_coh2pha mjo_cross_segment moc_globe_atl monthday namedcolor2rgb namedcolor2rgba natgrid natgridd natgrids ncargpath ncargversion ndctodata ndtooned new NewList ngezlogo nggcog nggetp nglogo ngsetp NhlAddAnnotation NhlAddData NhlAddOverlay NhlAddPrimitive NhlAppGetDefaultParentId NhlChangeWorkstation NhlClassName NhlClearWorkstation NhlDataPolygon NhlDataPolyline NhlDataPolymarker NhlDataToNDC NhlDestroy NhlDraw NhlFrame NhlFreeColor NhlGetBB NhlGetClassResources NhlGetErrorObjectId NhlGetNamedColorIndex NhlGetParentId NhlGetParentWorkstation NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId NhlIsAllocatedColor NhlIsApp NhlIsDataComm NhlIsDataItem NhlIsDataSpec NhlIsTransform NhlIsView NhlIsWorkstation NhlName NhlNDCPolygon NhlNDCPolyline NhlNDCPolymarker NhlNDCToData NhlNewColor NhlNewDashPattern NhlNewMarker NhlPalGetDefined NhlRemoveAnnotation NhlRemoveData NhlRemoveOverlay NhlRemovePrimitive NhlSetColor NhlSetDashPattern NhlSetMarker NhlUpdateData NhlUpdateWorkstation nice_mnmxintvl nngetaspectd nngetaspects nngetp nngetsloped nngetslopes nngetwts nngetwtsd nnpnt nnpntd nnpntend nnpntendd nnpntinit nnpntinitd nnpntinits nnpnts nnsetp num obj_anal_ic omega_ccm onedtond overlay paleo_outline pdfxy_bin poisson_grid_fill pop_remap potmp_insitu_ocn prcwater_dp pres2hybrid pres_hybrid_ccm pres_hybrid_jra55 pres_sigma print print_table printFileVarSummary printVarSummary product pslec pslhor pslhyp qsort rand random_chi random_gamma random_normal random_setallseed random_uniform rcm2points rcm2rgrid rdsstoi read_colormap_file reg_multlin regCoef regcoef regCoef_n regline relhum relhum_ice relhum_water replace_ieeenan reshape reshape_ind rgbhls rgbhsv rgbyiq rgrid2rcm rhomb_trunc rhomb_trunC rip_cape_2d rip_cape_3d round rtest runave runave_n set_default_fillvalue set_sphere_radius setfileoption sfvp2uvf sfvp2uvg shaeC shaec shagC shagc shgetnp shgetp shgrid shorttobyte shorttochar shorttocharacter show_ascii shseC shsec shsetp shsgC shsgc shsgc_R42 sigma2hybrid simpeq simpne sin sindex_yrmo sinh sizeof sleep smth9 snindex_yrmo solve_linsys span_color_indexes span_color_rgba span_named_colors sparse_matrix_mult spcorr spcorr_n specx_anal specxy_anal sprintf sprinti sqrt sqsort srand stat2 stat4 stat_medrng stat_trim status_exit stdatmus_p2tdz stdatmus_z2tdp stddev str_capital str_concat str_fields_count str_get_cols str_get_dq str_get_field str_get_nl str_get_sq str_get_tab str_index_of_substr str_insert str_is_blank str_join str_left_strip str_lower str_match str_match_ic str_match_ic_regex str_match_ind str_match_ind_ic str_match_ind_ic_regex str_match_ind_regex str_match_regex str_right_strip str_split str_split_by_length str_split_csv str_squeeze str_strip str_sub_str str_switch str_upper stringtochar stringtocharacter stringtodouble stringtofloat stringtoint stringtointeger stringtolong stringtoshort strlen student_t sum svd_lapack svdcov svdcov_sv svdstd svdstd_sv system systemfunc tan tanh taper taper_n tdclrs tdctri tdcudp tdcurv tddtri tdez2d tdez3d tdgetp tdgrds tdgrid tdgtrs tdinit tditri tdlbla tdlblp tdlbls tdline tdlndp tdlnpa tdlpdp tdmtri tdotri tdpara tdplch tdprpa tdprpi tdprpt tdsetp tdsort tdstri tdstrs tdttri thornthwaite tobyte tochar todouble tofloat toint toint64 tointeger tolong toshort tosigned tostring tostring_with_format totype toubyte touint touint64 toulong tounsigned toushort trend_manken tri_trunC tri_trunc triple2grid triple2grid2d trop_wmo ttest typeof undef unique_string update ushorttoint ut_calendar ut_calendar_fix ut_inv_calendar ut_inv_calendar_fix utm2latlon uv2dv_cfd uv2dvf uv2dvF uv2dvg uv2dvG uv2sfvpF uv2sfvpf uv2sfvpG uv2sfvpg uv2vr_cfd uv2vrdvF uv2vrdvf uv2vrdvG uv2vrdvg uv2vrF uv2vrf uv2vrG uv2vrg v5d_close v5d_create v5d_setLowLev v5d_setUnits v5d_write v5d_write_var variance vhaeC vhaec vhagC vhagc vhsec vhseC vhsgc vhsgC vibeta vinth2p vinth2p_ecmwf vinth2p_ecmwf_nodes vinth2p_nodes vintp2p_ecmwf vr2uvF vr2uvf vr2uvG vr2uvg vrdv2uvf vrdv2uvF vrdv2uvg vrdv2uvG wavelet wavelet_default weibull wetbulb wgt_area_smooth wgt_areaave wgt_areaave2 wgt_arearmse wgt_arearmse2 wgt_areasum2 wgt_runave wgt_runave_n wgt_vert_avg_beta wgt_volave wgt_volave_ccm wgt_volrmse wgt_volrmse_ccm where wk_smooth121 wmbarb wmbarbmap wmdrft wmgetp wmlabs wmsetp wmstnm wmvect wmvectmap wmvlbl wrf_avo wrf_cape_2d wrf_cape_3d wrf_dbz wrf_eth wrf_helicity wrf_ij_to_ll wrf_interp_1d wrf_interp_2d_xy wrf_interp_3d_z wrf_latlon_to_ij wrf_ll_to_ij wrf_omega wrf_pvo wrf_rh wrf_slp wrf_smooth_2d wrf_td wrf_tk wrf_updraft_helicity wrf_uvmet wrf_virtual_temp wrf_wetbulb wrf_wps_close_int wrf_wps_open_int wrf_wps_rddata_int wrf_wps_rdhead_int wrf_wps_read_int wrf_wps_write_int write_matrix write_table yiqrgb z2geouv zonal_mpsi +syn keyword nclBOOTSTRAP bootstrap_correl bootstrap_diff bootstrap_estimate bootstrap_regcoef bootstrap_stat +syn keyword nclCONTRIB addfiles_GetVar advect_variable albedo_ccm area_conserve_remap_Wrap area_hi2lores_Wrap array_append_record assignFillValue brunt_vaisala_atm byte2flt byte2flt_hdf calcDayAnomTLL calcMonAnomLLLT calcMonAnomLLT calcMonAnomTLL calcMonAnomTLLL calculate_daily_values calculate_monthly_values calculate_segment_values cd_convert changeCase changeCaseChar clmDayTLL clmDayTLLL clmMon2clmDay clmMonLLLT clmMonLLT clmMonTLL clmMonTLLL closest_val cohsq_c2p cohsq_p2c copy_VarAtts copy_VarCoords copy_VarCoords_1 copy_VarCoords_2 copy_VarMeta copyatt coriolis_param crossp3 cshstringtolist cssgrid_Wrap dble2flt decimalPlaces delete_VarAtts demod_cmplx dim_avg_n_Wrap dim_avg_wgt_n_Wrap dim_avg_wgt_Wrap dim_avg_Wrap dim_cumsum_n_Wrap dim_cumsum_Wrap dim_max_n_Wrap dim_maxind dim_min_n_Wrap dim_minind dim_rmsd_n_Wrap dim_rmsd_Wrap dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap dim_rmvmean_Wrap dim_rmvmed_n_Wrap dim_rmvmed_Wrap dim_standardize_n_Wrap dim_standardize_Wrap dim_stddev_n_Wrap dim_stddev_Wrap dim_sum_n_Wrap dim_sum_wgt_n_Wrap dim_sum_wgt_Wrap dim_sum_Wrap dim_variance_n_Wrap dim_variance_Wrap dpres_plevel_Wrap dtrend_leftdim dv2uvF_Wrap dv2uvG_Wrap eady_growth_rate eofcor_Wrap eofcov_Wrap eofunc_n_Wrap eofunc_north eofunc_ts_n_Wrap eofunc_ts_Wrap eofunc_varimax_reorder eofunc_varimax_Wrap eofunc_Wrap epflux epsZero extract_globalatts_hdf5 f2fosh_Wrap f2foshv_Wrap f2fsh_Wrap f2fshv_Wrap f2gsh_Wrap f2gshv_Wrap fbindirSwap fbinseqSwap1 fbinseqSwap2 fire_index_haines flt2dble flt2string fo2fsh_Wrap fo2fshv_Wrap g2fsh_Wrap g2fshv_Wrap g2gsh_Wrap g2gshv_Wrap generate_sample_indices generate_unique_indices genNormalDist get1Dindex_Collapse get1Dindex_Exclude get_d2r get_file_suffix get_pi get_r2d GetFillColor GetFillColorIndex getFillValue getind_latlon2d getVarDimNames getVarFillValue grad_latlon_cfd grib_stime2itime hyi2hyo_Wrap ilapsF_Wrap ilapsG_Wrap ind_nearest_coord indStrSubset int2dble int2flt int2p_n_Wrap int2p_Wrap isMonotonic isStrSubset latent_heat_water latGau latGauWgt latGlobeF latGlobeFo latRegWgt linint1_n_Wrap linint1_Wrap linint2_points_Wrap linint2_Wrap local_max_1d local_min_1d lonFlip lonGlobeF lonGlobeFo lonPivot merge_levels_sfc mod month_to_annual month_to_annual_weighted month_to_season month_to_season12 month_to_seasonN monthly_total_to_daily_mean nameDim natgrid_Wrap NewCosWeight niceLatLon2D NormCosWgtGlobe numAsciiCol numAsciiRow numeric2int obj_anal_ic_deprecated obj_anal_ic_Wrap omega_ccm_driver omega_to_w oneDtostring pack_values parse_globalatts_hdf5 pattern_cor pdfx pdfxy pdfxy_conform pot_temp pot_temp_equiv pot_vort_hybrid pot_vort_isobaric pres2hybrid_Wrap print_clock printMinMax quadroots rcm2points_Wrap rcm2rgrid_Wrap readAsciiHead readAsciiTable reg_multlin_stats region_ind regline_stats relhum_ttd replaceSingleChar RGBtoCmap rgrid2rcm_Wrap rho_mwjf rigrad_bruntv_atm rm_single_dims rmAnnCycle1D rmInsufData rmMonAnnCycLLLT rmMonAnnCycLLT rmMonAnnCycTLL runave_n_Wrap runave_Wrap satvpr_water_bolton satvpr_water_stipanuk short2flt short2flt_hdf shsgc_R42_Wrap sign_f90 sign_matlab smth9_Wrap smthClmDayTLL smthClmDayTLLL SqrtCosWeight stat_dispersion static_stability stdMonLLLT stdMonLLT stdMonTLL stdMonTLLL symMinMaxPlt table_attach_columns table_attach_rows time_reassign time_reassign_cv2var time_to_newtime time_to_newtime_fix transpose triple2grid_Wrap ut_convert ut_convert_fix uv2dvF_Wrap uv2dvG_Wrap uv2vrF_Wrap uv2vrG_Wrap vapor_pres_rh venn2_difference venn2_intersection venn2_union vr2uvF_Wrap vr2uvG_Wrap w_to_omega wallClockElapseTime wave_number_spc wetbulb_stull wgt_areaave_Wrap wgt_runave_leftdim wgt_runave_n_Wrap wgt_runave_Wrap wgt_vertical_n wind_component wind_direction wind_speed wind_stats yyyyddd_to_yyyymmdd yyyymm_time yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac yyyymmdd_time yyyymmdd_to_yyyyddd yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac yyyymmddhh_time yyyymmddhh_to_yyyyfrac zonal_mpsi_Wrap zonalAve +syn keyword nclCROP actvpr_mnmx_fao56 actvpr_rhmean_fao56 crop_water_need daylight_fao56 netlw_fao56 netrad_fao56 netsw_fao56 prsatm_tz_fao56 prsatm_z_fao56 psychro_fao56 radext_fao56 radsol2_fao56 radsol3_hargreaves_fao56 radsol_clrsky_fao56 radsol_fao56 refevt_hargreaves_fao56 refevt_penman_fao56 refevt_turc refevt_turc_rh rhum_fao56 satvpr_mean_fao56 satvpr_slope_fao56 satvpr_tdew_fao56 satvpr_temp_fao56 soil_heatflux_month_fao56 tdew_actvpr_fao56 u2_fao56 +syn keyword nclDIAG band_pass_area_time band_pass_area_time_plot band_pass_hovmueller band_pass_hovmueller_plot band_pass_latlon_time band_pass_latlon_time_plot decomposeSymAsym mjo_cross mjo_cross_plot mjo_phase_background mjo_space_time_cross mjo_spectra mjo_spectra_season mjo_wavenum_freq_season mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot mjo_xcor_lag_ovly mjo_xcor_lag_ovly_panel mjo_xcor_lag_season resolveWavesHayashi wkSpaceTime wkSpaceTime_cam +syn keyword nclESMF curvilinear_to_SCRIP ESMF_regrid ESMF_regrid_gen_weights ESMF_regrid_with_weights latlon_to_SCRIP rectilinear_to_SCRIP unstructured_to_ESMF +syn keyword nclEXTVAL extval_frechet extval_gev extval_gumbel extval_mlegam extval_pareto extval_recurrence_table extval_return_period extval_return_prob extval_weibull +syn keyword nclHEAT heat_apptemp heat_discoi heat_discoi_stull heat_esidx_moran heat_humidex heat_index_nws heat_swamp_cooleff heat_thic_thip heat_wbgt_inout heat_wbgt_simplified syn keyword nclPOP PopLatLon PopLatLonV -syn keyword nclSHEA add90LatX add90LatY boxplot ColorNegDashZeroPosContour ColorShadeLeGeContour drawNDCGrid infoTimeStamp landsea_mask msgValOutline pie_chart plt_pdfxy setColorContourClear ShadeCOI ShadeGeLeContour ShadeGtContour ShadeLtContour ShadeLtGtContour specx_ci -syn keyword nclSKEWT skewT_BackGround skewT_PlotData skewT_BackGround -syn keyword nclUSER calendar_decode2 cd_string kf_filter run_cor time_axis_labels ut_string User_contributed +syn keyword nclSHEA add90LatX add90LatY boxplot ColorNegDashZeroPosContour ColorShadeLeGeContour drawNDCGrid infoTimeStamp landsea_mask msgValOutline pie_chart plt_pdfxy setColorContourClear ShadeCOI ShadeGeLeContour ShadeGtContour ShadeLtContour ShadeLtGtContour simple_legend specx_ci +syn keyword nclSKEWT skewT_BackGround skewT_PlotData +syn keyword nclUSER box_percentile_plot calendar_decode2 calendar_decode2_fix cd_inv_string cd_string kf_filter run_cor time_axis_labels ut_string ut_string_fix syn keyword nclWRFARW wrf_contour wrf_map wrf_map_overlay wrf_map_overlays wrf_map_resources wrf_map_zoom wrf_overlay wrf_overlays wrf_user_getvar wrf_user_ij_to_ll wrf_user_intrp2d wrf_user_intrp3d wrf_user_latlon_to_ij wrf_user_list_times wrf_user_ll_to_ij wrf_user_unstagger wrf_user_vert_interp wrf_vector syn keyword nclWRFCONTRIB wrf_mapres_c wrf_times_c syn keyword nclWINDROSE WindRoseBasic WindRoseColor WindRoseThickLine -syn keyword nclESMF curvilinear_to_SCRIP ESMF_regrid ESMF_regrid_gen_weights ESMF_regrid_with_weights latlon_to_SCRIP rectilinear_to_SCRIP unstructured_to_ESMF -syn keyword nclGSN Interfaces gsn_add_annotation gsn_add_polygon gsn_add_polyline gsn_add_polymarker gsn_add_shapefile_polygons gsn_add_shapefile_polylines gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers gsn_add_text gsn_attach_plots gsn_blank_plot gsn_contour gsn_contour_map gsn_contour_shade gsn_coordinates gsn_create_labelbar gsn_create_legend gsn_create_text gsn_csm_attach_zonal_means gsn_csm_blank_plot gsn_csm_contour gsn_csm_contour_map gsn_csm_contour_map_ce gsn_csm_contour_map_overlay gsn_csm_contour_map_polar gsn_csm_hov gsn_csm_lat_time gsn_csm_map gsn_csm_map_ce gsn_csm_map_polar gsn_csm_pres_hgt gsn_csm_pres_hgt_streamline gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector gsn_csm_streamline gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar gsn_csm_streamline_map gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar gsn_csm_streamline_scalar gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_ce gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_polar gsn_csm_time_lat gsn_csm_vector gsn_csm_vector_map gsn_csm_vector_map_ce gsn_csm_vector_map_polar gsn_csm_vector_scalar gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar gsn_csm_x2y gsn_csm_x2y2 gsn_csm_xy gsn_csm_xy2 gsn_csm_xy3 gsn_csm_y gsn_define_colormap gsn_draw_colormap gsn_draw_named_colors gsn_histogram gsn_labelbar_ndc gsn_legend_ndc gsn_map gsn_merge_colormaps gsn_open_wks gsn_panel gsn_polygon gsn_polygon_ndc gsn_polyline gsn_polyline_ndc gsn_polymarker gsn_polymarker_ndc gsn_retrieve_colormap gsn_reverse_colormap gsn_streamline gsn_streamline_map gsn_streamline_scalar gsn_streamline_scalar_map gsn_table gsn_text gsn_text_ndc gsn_vector gsn_vector_map gsn_vector_scalar gsn_vector_scalar_map gsn_xy gsn_y hsv2rgb maximize_output namedcolor2rgb namedcolor2rgba reset_device_coordinates Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces span_named_colors -syn keyword nclResource amDataXF amDataYF amJust amOn amOrthogonalPosF amParallelPosF amResizeNotify amSide amTrackData amViewId amZone appDefaultParent appFileSuffix appResources appSysDir appUsrDir caCopyArrays caXArray caXCast caXMaxV caXMinV caXMissingV caYArray caYCast caYMaxV caYMinV caYMissingV cnCellFillEdgeColor cnCellFillMissingValEdgeColor cnConpackParams cnConstFEnableFill cnConstFLabelAngleF cnConstFLabelBackgroundColor cnConstFLabelConstantSpacingF cnConstFLabelFont cnConstFLabelFontAspectF cnConstFLabelFontColor cnConstFLabelFontHeightF cnConstFLabelFontQuality cnConstFLabelFontThicknessF cnConstFLabelFormat cnConstFLabelFuncCode cnConstFLabelJust cnConstFLabelOn cnConstFLabelOrthogonalPosF cnConstFLabelParallelPosF cnConstFLabelPerimColor cnConstFLabelPerimOn cnConstFLabelPerimSpaceF cnConstFLabelPerimThicknessF cnConstFLabelSide cnConstFLabelString cnConstFLabelTextDirection cnConstFLabelZone cnConstFUseInfoLabelRes cnExplicitLabelBarLabelsOn cnExplicitLegendLabelsOn cnExplicitLineLabelsOn cnFillBackgroundColor cnFillColor cnFillColors cnFillDotSizeF cnFillDrawOrder cnFillMode cnFillOn cnFillOpacityF cnFillPalette cnFillPattern cnFillPatterns cnFillScaleF cnFillScales cnFixFillBleed cnGridBoundFillColor cnGridBoundFillPattern cnGridBoundFillScaleF cnGridBoundPerimColor cnGridBoundPerimDashPattern cnGridBoundPerimOn cnGridBoundPerimThicknessF cnHighLabelAngleF cnHighLabelBackgroundColor cnHighLabelConstantSpacingF cnHighLabelCount cnHighLabelFont cnHighLabelFontAspectF cnHighLabelFontColor cnHighLabelFontHeightF cnHighLabelFontQuality cnHighLabelFontThicknessF cnHighLabelFormat cnHighLabelFuncCode cnHighLabelPerimColor cnHighLabelPerimOn cnHighLabelPerimSpaceF cnHighLabelPerimThicknessF cnHighLabelString cnHighLabelsOn cnHighLowLabelOverlapMode cnHighUseLineLabelRes cnInfoLabelAngleF cnInfoLabelBackgroundColor cnInfoLabelConstantSpacingF cnInfoLabelFont cnInfoLabelFontAspectF cnInfoLabelFontColor cnInfoLabelFontHeightF cnInfoLabelFontQuality cnInfoLabelFontThicknessF cnInfoLabelFormat cnInfoLabelFuncCode cnInfoLabelJust cnInfoLabelOn cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF cnInfoLabelParallelPosF cnInfoLabelPerimColor cnInfoLabelPerimOn cnInfoLabelPerimSpaceF cnInfoLabelPerimThicknessF cnInfoLabelSide cnInfoLabelString cnInfoLabelTextDirection cnInfoLabelZone cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn cnLabelBarEndStyle cnLabelDrawOrder cnLabelMasking cnLabelScaleFactorF cnLabelScaleValueF cnLabelScalingMode cnLegendLevelFlags cnLevelCount cnLevelFlag cnLevelFlags cnLevelSelectionMode cnLevelSpacingF cnLevels cnLineColor cnLineColors cnLineDashPattern cnLineDashPatterns cnLineDashSegLenF cnLineDrawOrder cnLineLabelAngleF cnLineLabelBackgroundColor cnLineLabelConstantSpacingF cnLineLabelCount cnLineLabelDensityF cnLineLabelFont cnLineLabelFontAspectF cnLineLabelFontColor cnLineLabelFontColors cnLineLabelFontHeightF cnLineLabelFontQuality cnLineLabelFontThicknessF cnLineLabelFormat cnLineLabelFuncCode cnLineLabelInterval cnLineLabelPerimColor cnLineLabelPerimOn cnLineLabelPerimSpaceF cnLineLabelPerimThicknessF cnLineLabelPlacementMode cnLineLabelStrings cnLineLabelsOn cnLinePalette cnLineThicknessF cnLineThicknesses cnLinesOn cnLowLabelAngleF cnLowLabelBackgroundColor cnLowLabelConstantSpacingF cnLowLabelCount cnLowLabelFont cnLowLabelFontAspectF cnLowLabelFontColor cnLowLabelFontHeightF cnLowLabelFontQuality cnLowLabelFontThicknessF cnLowLabelFormat cnLowLabelFuncCode cnLowLabelPerimColor cnLowLabelPerimOn cnLowLabelPerimSpaceF cnLowLabelPerimThicknessF cnLowLabelString cnLowLabelsOn cnLowUseHighLabelRes cnMaxDataValueFormat cnMaxLevelCount cnMaxLevelValF cnMaxPointDistanceF cnMinLevelValF cnMissingValFillColor cnMissingValFillPattern cnMissingValFillScaleF cnMissingValPerimColor cnMissingValPerimDashPattern cnMissingValPerimGridBoundOn cnMissingValPerimOn cnMissingValPerimThicknessF cnMonoFillColor cnMonoFillPattern cnMonoFillScale cnMonoLevelFlag cnMonoLineColor cnMonoLineDashPattern cnMonoLineLabelFontColor cnMonoLineThickness cnNoDataLabelOn cnNoDataLabelString cnOutOfRangeFillColor cnOutOfRangeFillPattern cnOutOfRangeFillScaleF cnOutOfRangePerimColor cnOutOfRangePerimDashPattern cnOutOfRangePerimOn cnOutOfRangePerimThicknessF cnRasterCellSizeF cnRasterMinCellSizeF cnRasterModeOn cnRasterSampleFactorF cnRasterSmoothingOn cnScalarFieldData cnSmoothingDistanceF cnSmoothingOn cnSmoothingTensionF cnSpanFillPalette cnSpanLinePalette ctCopyTables ctXElementSize ctXMaxV ctXMinV ctXMissingV ctXTable ctXTableLengths ctXTableType ctYElementSize ctYMaxV ctYMinV ctYMissingV ctYTable ctYTableLengths ctYTableType dcDelayCompute errBuffer errFileName errFilePtr errLevel errPrint errUnitNumber gsClipOn gsColors gsEdgeColor gsEdgeDashPattern gsEdgeDashSegLenF gsEdgeThicknessF gsEdgesOn gsFillBackgroundColor gsFillColor gsFillDotSizeF gsFillIndex gsFillLineThicknessF gsFillOpacityF gsFillScaleF gsFont gsFontAspectF gsFontColor gsFontHeightF gsFontOpacityF gsFontQuality gsFontThicknessF gsLineColor gsLineDashPattern gsLineDashSegLenF gsLineLabelConstantSpacingF gsLineLabelFont gsLineLabelFontAspectF gsLineLabelFontColor gsLineLabelFontHeightF gsLineLabelFontQuality gsLineLabelFontThicknessF gsLineLabelFuncCode gsLineLabelString gsLineOpacityF gsLineThicknessF gsMarkerColor gsMarkerIndex gsMarkerOpacityF gsMarkerSizeF gsMarkerThicknessF gsSegments gsTextAngleF gsTextConstantSpacingF gsTextDirection gsTextFuncCode gsTextJustification gsnAboveYRefLineBarColors gsnAboveYRefLineBarFillScales gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns gsnAboveYRefLineColor gsnAddCyclic gsnAttachBorderOn gsnAttachPlotsXAxis gsnBelowYRefLineBarColors gsnBelowYRefLineBarFillScales gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns gsnBelowYRefLineColor gsnBoxMargin gsnCenterString gsnCenterStringFontColor gsnCenterStringFontHeightF gsnCenterStringFuncCode gsnCenterStringOrthogonalPosF gsnCenterStringParallelPosF gsnContourLineThicknessesScale gsnContourNegLineDashPattern gsnContourPosLineDashPattern gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF gsnDebugWriteFileName gsnDraw gsnFrame gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent gsnHistogramBinIntervals gsnHistogramBinMissing gsnHistogramBinWidth gsnHistogramClassIntervals gsnHistogramCompare gsnHistogramComputePercentages gsnHistogramComputePercentagesNoMissing gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues gsnHistogramHorizontal gsnHistogramMinMaxBinsOn gsnHistogramNumberOfBins gsnHistogramPercentSign gsnHistogramSelectNiceIntervals gsnLeftString gsnLeftStringFontColor gsnLeftStringFontHeightF gsnLeftStringFuncCode gsnLeftStringOrthogonalPosF gsnLeftStringParallelPosF gsnMajorLatSpacing gsnMajorLonSpacing gsnMaskLambertConformal gsnMaskLambertConformalOutlineOn gsnMaximize gsnMinorLatSpacing gsnMinorLonSpacing gsnPanelBottom gsnPanelCenter gsnPanelDebug gsnPanelFigureStrings gsnPanelFigureStringsBackgroundFillColor gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF gsnPanelFigureStringsPerimOn gsnPanelLabelBar gsnPanelLeft gsnPanelRight gsnPanelRowSpec gsnPanelScalePlotIndex gsnPanelTop gsnPanelXF gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent gsnPanelYF gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent gsnPaperHeight gsnPaperMargin gsnPaperOrientation gsnPaperWidth gsnPolar gsnPolarLabelDistance gsnPolarLabelFont gsnPolarLabelFontHeightF gsnPolarLabelSpacing gsnPolarTime gsnPolarUT gsnRightString gsnRightStringFontColor gsnRightStringFontHeightF gsnRightStringFuncCode gsnRightStringOrthogonalPosF gsnRightStringParallelPosF gsnScalarContour gsnScale gsnShape gsnSpreadColorEnd gsnSpreadColorStart gsnSpreadColors gsnStringFont gsnStringFontColor gsnStringFontHeightF gsnStringFuncCode gsnTickMarksOn gsnXAxisIrregular2Linear gsnXAxisIrregular2Log gsnXRefLine gsnXRefLineColor gsnXRefLineDashPattern gsnXRefLineThicknessF gsnXYAboveFillColors gsnXYBarChart gsnXYBarChartBarWidth gsnXYBarChartColors gsnXYBarChartColors2 gsnXYBarChartFillDotSizeF gsnXYBarChartFillLineThicknessF gsnXYBarChartFillOpacityF gsnXYBarChartFillScaleF gsnXYBarChartOutlineOnly gsnXYBarChartOutlineThicknessF gsnXYBarChartPatterns gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 gsnXYBelowFillColors gsnXYFillColors gsnXYFillOpacities gsnXYLeftFillColors gsnXYRightFillColors gsnYAxisIrregular2Linear gsnYAxisIrregular2Log gsnYRefLine gsnYRefLineColor gsnYRefLineColors gsnYRefLineDashPattern gsnYRefLineDashPatterns gsnYRefLineThicknessF gsnYRefLineThicknesses gsnZonalMean gsnZonalMeanXMaxF gsnZonalMeanXMinF gsnZonalMeanYRefLine lbAutoManage lbBottomMarginF lbBoxCount lbBoxFractions lbBoxLineColor lbBoxLineDashPattern lbBoxLineDashSegLenF lbBoxLineThicknessF lbBoxLinesOn lbBoxMajorExtentF lbBoxMinorExtentF lbBoxSeparatorLinesOn lbBoxSizing lbFillBackground lbFillColor lbFillColors lbFillDotSizeF lbFillLineThicknessF lbFillPattern lbFillPatterns lbFillScaleF lbFillScales lbJustification lbLabelAlignment lbLabelAngleF lbLabelAutoStride lbLabelBarOn lbLabelConstantSpacingF lbLabelDirection lbLabelFont lbLabelFontAspectF lbLabelFontColor lbLabelFontHeightF lbLabelFontQuality lbLabelFontThicknessF lbLabelFuncCode lbLabelJust lbLabelOffsetF lbLabelPosition lbLabelStride lbLabelStrings lbLabelsOn lbLeftMarginF lbMaxLabelLenF lbMinLabelSpacingF lbMonoFillColor lbMonoFillPattern lbMonoFillScale lbOrientation lbPerimColor lbPerimDashPattern lbPerimDashSegLenF lbPerimFill lbPerimFillColor lbPerimOn lbPerimThicknessF lbRasterFillOn lbRightMarginF lbTitleAngleF lbTitleConstantSpacingF lbTitleDirection lbTitleExtentF lbTitleFont lbTitleFontAspectF lbTitleFontColor lbTitleFontHeightF lbTitleFontQuality lbTitleFontThicknessF lbTitleFuncCode lbTitleJust lbTitleOffsetF lbTitleOn lbTitlePosition lbTitleString lbTopMarginF lgAutoManage lgBottomMarginF lgBoxBackground lgBoxLineColor lgBoxLineDashPattern lgBoxLineDashSegLenF lgBoxLineThicknessF lgBoxLinesOn lgBoxMajorExtentF lgBoxMinorExtentF lgDashIndex lgDashIndexes lgItemCount lgItemOrder lgItemPlacement lgItemPositions lgItemType lgItemTypes lgJustification lgLabelAlignment lgLabelAngleF lgLabelAutoStride lgLabelConstantSpacingF lgLabelDirection lgLabelFont lgLabelFontAspectF lgLabelFontColor lgLabelFontHeightF lgLabelFontQuality lgLabelFontThicknessF lgLabelFuncCode lgLabelJust lgLabelOffsetF lgLabelPosition lgLabelStride lgLabelStrings lgLabelsOn lgLeftMarginF lgLegendOn lgLineColor lgLineColors lgLineDashSegLenF lgLineDashSegLens lgLineLabelConstantSpacingF lgLineLabelFont lgLineLabelFontAspectF lgLineLabelFontColor lgLineLabelFontColors lgLineLabelFontHeightF lgLineLabelFontHeights lgLineLabelFontQuality lgLineLabelFontThicknessF lgLineLabelFuncCode lgLineLabelStrings lgLineLabelsOn lgLineThicknessF lgLineThicknesses lgMarkerColor lgMarkerColors lgMarkerIndex lgMarkerIndexes lgMarkerSizeF lgMarkerSizes lgMarkerThicknessF lgMarkerThicknesses lgMonoDashIndex lgMonoItemType lgMonoLineColor lgMonoLineDashSegLen lgMonoLineLabelFontColor lgMonoLineLabelFontHeight lgMonoLineThickness lgMonoMarkerColor lgMonoMarkerIndex lgMonoMarkerSize lgMonoMarkerThickness lgOrientation lgPerimColor lgPerimDashPattern lgPerimDashSegLenF lgPerimFill lgPerimFillColor lgPerimOn lgPerimThicknessF lgRightMarginF lgTitleAngleF lgTitleConstantSpacingF lgTitleDirection lgTitleExtentF lgTitleFont lgTitleFontAspectF lgTitleFontColor lgTitleFontHeightF lgTitleFontQuality lgTitleFontThicknessF lgTitleFuncCode lgTitleJust lgTitleOffsetF lgTitleOn lgTitlePosition lgTitleString lgTopMarginF mpAreaGroupCount mpAreaMaskingOn mpAreaNames mpAreaTypes mpBottomAngleF mpBottomMapPosF mpBottomNDCF mpBottomNPCF mpBottomPointLatF mpBottomPointLonF mpBottomWindowF mpCenterLatF mpCenterLonF mpCenterRotF mpCountyLineColor mpCountyLineDashPattern mpCountyLineDashSegLenF mpCountyLineThicknessF mpDataBaseVersion mpDataResolution mpDataSetName mpDefaultFillColor mpDefaultFillPattern mpDefaultFillScaleF mpDynamicAreaGroups mpEllipticalBoundary mpFillAreaSpecifiers mpFillBoundarySets mpFillColor mpFillColors mpFillDotSizeF mpFillDrawOrder mpFillOn mpFillPatternBackground mpFillPattern mpFillPatterns mpFillScaleF mpFillScales mpFixedAreaGroups mpGeophysicalLineColor mpGeophysicalLineDashPattern mpGeophysicalLineDashSegLenF mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF mpGreatCircleLinesOn mpGridAndLimbDrawOrder mpGridAndLimbOn mpGridLatSpacingF mpGridLineColor mpGridLineDashPattern mpGridLineDashSegLenF mpGridLineThicknessF mpGridLonSpacingF mpGridMaskMode mpGridMaxLatF mpGridPolarLonSpacingF mpGridSpacingF mpInlandWaterFillColor mpInlandWaterFillPattern mpInlandWaterFillScaleF mpLabelDrawOrder mpLabelFontColor mpLabelFontHeightF mpLabelsOn mpLambertMeridianF mpLambertParallel1F mpLambertParallel2F mpLandFillColor mpLandFillPattern mpLandFillScaleF mpLeftAngleF mpLeftCornerLatF mpLeftCornerLonF mpLeftMapPosF mpLeftNDCF mpLeftNPCF mpLeftPointLatF mpLeftPointLonF mpLeftWindowF mpLimbLineColor mpLimbLineDashPattern mpLimbLineDashSegLenF mpLimbLineThicknessF mpLimitMode mpMaskAreaSpecifiers mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers mpMaxLatF mpMaxLonF mpMinLatF mpMinLonF mpMonoFillColor mpMonoFillPattern mpMonoFillScale mpNationalLineColor mpNationalLineDashPattern mpNationalLineDashSegLenF mpNationalLineThicknessF mpOceanFillColor mpOceanFillPattern mpOceanFillScaleF mpOutlineBoundarySets mpOutlineDrawOrder mpOutlineMaskingOn mpOutlineOn mpOutlineSpecifiers mpPerimDrawOrder mpPerimLineColor mpPerimLineDashPattern mpPerimLineDashSegLenF mpPerimLineThicknessF mpPerimOn mpPolyMode mpProjection mpProvincialLineColor mpProvincialLineDashPattern mpProvincialLineDashSegLenF mpProvincialLineThicknessF mpRelativeCenterLat mpRelativeCenterLon mpRightAngleF mpRightCornerLatF mpRightCornerLonF mpRightMapPosF mpRightNDCF mpRightNPCF mpRightPointLatF mpRightPointLonF mpRightWindowF mpSatelliteAngle1F mpSatelliteAngle2F mpSatelliteDistF mpShapeMode mpSpecifiedFillColors mpSpecifiedFillDirectIndexing mpSpecifiedFillPatterns mpSpecifiedFillPriority mpSpecifiedFillScales mpTopAngleF mpTopMapPosF mpTopNDCF mpTopNPCF mpTopPointLatF mpTopPointLonF mpTopWindowF mpUSStateLineColor mpUSStateLineDashPattern mpUSStateLineDashSegLenF mpUSStateLineThicknessF pmAnnoManagers pmAnnoViews pmLabelBarDisplayMode pmLabelBarHeightF pmLabelBarKeepAspect pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF pmLabelBarParallelPosF pmLabelBarSide pmLabelBarWidthF pmLabelBarZone pmLegendDisplayMode pmLegendHeightF pmLegendKeepAspect pmLegendOrthogonalPosF pmLegendParallelPosF pmLegendSide pmLegendWidthF pmLegendZone pmOverlaySequenceIds pmTickMarkDisplayMode pmTickMarkZone pmTitleDisplayMode pmTitleZone prGraphicStyle prPolyType prXArray prYArray sfCopyData sfCopyData sfDataArray sfDataArray sfDataMaxV sfDataMaxV sfDataMinV sfDataMinV sfElementNodes sfExchangeDimensions sfFirstNodeIndex sfMissingValueV sfMissingValueV sfXArray sfXArray sfXCActualEndF sfXCActualEndF sfXCActualStartF sfXCActualStartF sfXCEndIndex sfXCEndSubsetV sfXCEndV sfXCStartIndex sfXCStartSubsetV sfXCStartV sfXCStride sfXCellBounds sfYArray sfYArray sfYCActualEndF sfYCActualEndF sfYCActualStartF sfYCActualStartF sfYCEndIndex sfYCEndSubsetV sfYCEndV sfYCStartIndex sfYCStartSubsetV sfYCStartV sfYCStride sfYCellBounds stArrowLengthF stArrowStride stCrossoverCheckCount stExplicitLabelBarLabelsOn stLabelBarEndLabelsOn stLabelFormat stLengthCheckCount stLevelColors stLevelCount stLevelPalette stLevelSelectionMode stLevelSpacingF stLevels stLineColor stLineOpacityF stLineStartStride stLineThicknessF stMapDirection stMaxLevelCount stMaxLevelValF stMinArrowSpacingF stMinDistanceF stMinLevelValF stMinLineSpacingF stMinStepFactorF stMonoLineColor stNoDataLabelOn stNoDataLabelString stScalarFieldData stScalarMissingValColor stSpanLevelPalette stStepSizeF stStreamlineDrawOrder stUseScalarArray stVectorFieldData stZeroFLabelAngleF stZeroFLabelBackgroundColor stZeroFLabelConstantSpacingF stZeroFLabelFont stZeroFLabelFontAspectF stZeroFLabelFontColor stZeroFLabelFontHeightF stZeroFLabelFontQuality stZeroFLabelFontThicknessF stZeroFLabelFuncCode stZeroFLabelJust stZeroFLabelOn stZeroFLabelOrthogonalPosF stZeroFLabelParallelPosF stZeroFLabelPerimColor stZeroFLabelPerimOn stZeroFLabelPerimSpaceF stZeroFLabelPerimThicknessF stZeroFLabelSide stZeroFLabelString stZeroFLabelTextDirection stZeroFLabelZone tfDoNDCOverlay tfPlotManagerOn tfPolyDrawList tfPolyDrawOrder tiDeltaF tiMainAngleF tiMainConstantSpacingF tiMainDirection tiMainFont tiMainFontAspectF tiMainFontColor tiMainFontHeightF tiMainFontQuality tiMainFontThicknessF tiMainFuncCode tiMainJust tiMainOffsetXF tiMainOffsetYF tiMainOn tiMainPosition tiMainSide tiMainString tiUseMainAttributes tiXAxisAngleF tiXAxisConstantSpacingF tiXAxisDirection tiXAxisFont tiXAxisFontAspectF tiXAxisFontColor tiXAxisFontHeightF tiXAxisFontQuality tiXAxisFontThicknessF tiXAxisFuncCode tiXAxisJust tiXAxisOffsetXF tiXAxisOffsetYF tiXAxisOn tiXAxisPosition tiXAxisSide tiXAxisString tiYAxisAngleF tiYAxisConstantSpacingF tiYAxisDirection tiYAxisFont tiYAxisFontAspectF tiYAxisFontColor tiYAxisFontHeightF tiYAxisFontQuality tiYAxisFontThicknessF tiYAxisFuncCode tiYAxisJust tiYAxisOffsetXF tiYAxisOffsetYF tiYAxisOn tiYAxisPosition tiYAxisSide tiYAxisString tmBorderLineColor tmBorderThicknessF tmEqualizeXYSizes tmLabelAutoStride tmSciNoteCutoff tmXBAutoPrecision tmXBBorderOn tmXBDataLeftF tmXBDataRightF tmXBFormat tmXBIrrTensionF tmXBIrregularPoints tmXBLabelAngleF tmXBLabelConstantSpacingF tmXBLabelDeltaF tmXBLabelDirection tmXBLabelFont tmXBLabelFontAspectF tmXBLabelFontColor tmXBLabelFontHeightF tmXBLabelFontQuality tmXBLabelFontThicknessF tmXBLabelFuncCode tmXBLabelJust tmXBLabelStride tmXBLabels tmXBLabelsOn tmXBMajorLengthF tmXBMajorLineColor tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF tmXBMajorThicknessF tmXBMaxLabelLenF tmXBMaxTicks tmXBMinLabelSpacingF tmXBMinorLengthF tmXBMinorLineColor tmXBMinorOn tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF tmXBMinorPerMajor tmXBMinorThicknessF tmXBMinorValues tmXBMode tmXBOn tmXBPrecision tmXBStyle tmXBTickEndF tmXBTickSpacingF tmXBTickStartF tmXBValues tmXMajorGrid tmXMajorGridLineColor tmXMajorGridLineDashPattern tmXMajorGridThicknessF tmXMinorGrid tmXMinorGridLineColor tmXMinorGridLineDashPattern tmXMinorGridThicknessF tmXTAutoPrecision tmXTBorderOn tmXTDataLeftF tmXTDataRightF tmXTFormat tmXTIrrTensionF tmXTIrregularPoints tmXTLabelAngleF tmXTLabelConstantSpacingF tmXTLabelDeltaF tmXTLabelDirection tmXTLabelFont tmXTLabelFontAspectF tmXTLabelFontColor tmXTLabelFontHeightF tmXTLabelFontQuality tmXTLabelFontThicknessF tmXTLabelFuncCode tmXTLabelJust tmXTLabelStride tmXTLabels tmXTLabelsOn tmXTMajorLengthF tmXTMajorLineColor tmXTMajorOutwardLengthF tmXTMajorThicknessF tmXTMaxLabelLenF tmXTMaxTicks tmXTMinLabelSpacingF tmXTMinorLengthF tmXTMinorLineColor tmXTMinorOn tmXTMinorOutwardLengthF tmXTMinorPerMajor tmXTMinorThicknessF tmXTMinorValues tmXTMode tmXTOn tmXTPrecision tmXTStyle tmXTTickEndF tmXTTickSpacingF tmXTTickStartF tmXTValues tmXUseBottom tmYLAutoPrecision tmYLBorderOn tmYLDataBottomF tmYLDataTopF tmYLFormat tmYLIrrTensionF tmYLIrregularPoints tmYLLabelAngleF tmYLLabelConstantSpacingF tmYLLabelDeltaF tmYLLabelDirection tmYLLabelFont tmYLLabelFontAspectF tmYLLabelFontColor tmYLLabelFontHeightF tmYLLabelFontQuality tmYLLabelFontThicknessF tmYLLabelFuncCode tmYLLabelJust tmYLLabelStride tmYLLabels tmYLLabelsOn tmYLMajorLengthF tmYLMajorLineColor tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF tmYLMajorThicknessF tmYLMaxLabelLenF tmYLMaxTicks tmYLMinLabelSpacingF tmYLMinorLengthF tmYLMinorLineColor tmYLMinorOn tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF tmYLMinorPerMajor tmYLMinorThicknessF tmYLMinorValues tmYLMode tmYLOn tmYLPrecision tmYLStyle tmYLTickEndF tmYLTickSpacingF tmYLTickStartF tmYLValues tmYMajorGrid tmYMajorGridLineColor tmYMajorGridLineDashPattern tmYMajorGridThicknessF tmYMinorGrid tmYMinorGridLineColor tmYMinorGridLineDashPattern tmYMinorGridThicknessF tmYRAutoPrecision tmYRBorderOn tmYRDataBottomF tmYRDataTopF tmYRFormat tmYRIrrTensionF tmYRIrregularPoints tmYRLabelAngleF tmYRLabelConstantSpacingF tmYRLabelDeltaF tmYRLabelDirection tmYRLabelFont tmYRLabelFontAspectF tmYRLabelFontColor tmYRLabelFontHeightF tmYRLabelFontQuality tmYRLabelFontThicknessF tmYRLabelFuncCode tmYRLabelJust tmYRLabelStride tmYRLabels tmYRLabelsOn tmYRMajorLengthF tmYRMajorLineColor tmYRMajorOutwardLengthF tmYRMajorThicknessF tmYRMaxLabelLenF tmYRMaxTicks tmYRMinLabelSpacingF tmYRMinorLengthF tmYRMinorLineColor tmYRMinorOn tmYRMinorOutwardLengthF tmYRMinorPerMajor tmYRMinorThicknessF tmYRMinorValues tmYRMode tmYROn tmYRPrecision tmYRStyle tmYRTickEndF tmYRTickSpacingF tmYRTickStartF tmYRValues tmYUseLeft trGridType trLineInterpolationOn trXAxisType trXCoordPoints trXInterPoints trXLog trXMaxF trXMinF trXReverse trXSamples trXTensionF trYAxisType trYCoordPoints trYInterPoints trYLog trYMaxF trYMinF trYReverse trYSamples trYTensionF txAngleF txBackgroundFillColor txConstantSpacingF txDirection txFont txFontAspectF txFontColor txFontHeightF txFontOpacityF txFontQuality txFontThicknessF txFuncCode txJust txPerimColor txPerimDashLengthF txPerimDashPattern txPerimOn txPerimSpaceF txPerimThicknessF txPosXF txPosYF txString vcExplicitLabelBarLabelsOn vcFillArrowEdgeColor vcFillArrowEdgeThicknessF vcFillArrowFillColor vcFillArrowHeadInteriorXF vcFillArrowHeadMinFracXF vcFillArrowHeadMinFracYF vcFillArrowHeadXF vcFillArrowHeadYF vcFillArrowMinFracWidthF vcFillArrowWidthF vcFillArrowsOn vcFillOverEdge vcGlyphOpacityF vcGlyphStyle vcLabelBarEndLabelsOn vcLabelFontColor vcLabelFontHeightF vcLabelsOn vcLabelsUseVectorColor vcLevelColors vcLevelCount vcLevelPalette vcLevelSelectionMode vcLevelSpacingF vcLevels vcLineArrowColor vcLineArrowHeadMaxSizeF vcLineArrowHeadMinSizeF vcLineArrowThicknessF vcMagnitudeFormat vcMagnitudeScaleFactorF vcMagnitudeScaleValueF vcMagnitudeScalingMode vcMapDirection vcMaxLevelCount vcMaxLevelValF vcMaxMagnitudeF vcMinAnnoAngleF vcMinAnnoArrowAngleF vcMinAnnoArrowEdgeColor vcMinAnnoArrowFillColor vcMinAnnoArrowLineColor vcMinAnnoArrowMinOffsetF vcMinAnnoArrowSpaceF vcMinAnnoArrowUseVecColor vcMinAnnoBackgroundColor vcMinAnnoConstantSpacingF vcMinAnnoExplicitMagnitudeF vcMinAnnoFont vcMinAnnoFontAspectF vcMinAnnoFontColor vcMinAnnoFontHeightF vcMinAnnoFontQuality vcMinAnnoFontThicknessF vcMinAnnoFuncCode vcMinAnnoJust vcMinAnnoOn vcMinAnnoOrientation vcMinAnnoOrthogonalPosF vcMinAnnoParallelPosF vcMinAnnoPerimColor vcMinAnnoPerimOn vcMinAnnoPerimSpaceF vcMinAnnoPerimThicknessF vcMinAnnoSide vcMinAnnoString1 vcMinAnnoString1On vcMinAnnoString2 vcMinAnnoString2On vcMinAnnoTextDirection vcMinAnnoZone vcMinDistanceF vcMinFracLengthF vcMinLevelValF vcMinMagnitudeF vcMonoFillArrowEdgeColor vcMonoFillArrowFillColor vcMonoLineArrowColor vcMonoWindBarbColor vcNoDataLabelOn vcNoDataLabelString vcPositionMode vcRefAnnoAngleF vcRefAnnoArrowAngleF vcRefAnnoArrowEdgeColor vcRefAnnoArrowFillColor vcRefAnnoArrowLineColor vcRefAnnoArrowMinOffsetF vcRefAnnoArrowSpaceF vcRefAnnoArrowUseVecColor vcRefAnnoBackgroundColor vcRefAnnoConstantSpacingF vcRefAnnoExplicitMagnitudeF vcRefAnnoFont vcRefAnnoFontAspectF vcRefAnnoFontColor vcRefAnnoFontHeightF vcRefAnnoFontQuality vcRefAnnoFontThicknessF vcRefAnnoFuncCode vcRefAnnoJust vcRefAnnoOn vcRefAnnoOrientation vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF vcRefAnnoParallelPosF vcRefAnnoPerimColor vcRefAnnoPerimOn vcRefAnnoPerimSpaceF vcRefAnnoPerimThicknessF vcRefAnnoSide vcRefAnnoString1 vcRefAnnoString1On vcRefAnnoString2 vcRefAnnoString2On vcRefAnnoTextDirection vcRefAnnoZone vcRefLengthF vcRefMagnitudeF vcScalarFieldData vcScalarMissingValColor vcScalarValueFormat vcScalarValueScaleFactorF vcScalarValueScaleValueF vcScalarValueScalingMode vcSpanLevelPalette vcUseRefAnnoRes vcUseScalarArray vcVectorDrawOrder vcVectorFieldData vcWindBarbCalmCircleSizeF vcWindBarbColor vcWindBarbLineThicknessF vcWindBarbScaleFactorF vcWindBarbTickAngleF vcWindBarbTickLengthF vcWindBarbTickSpacingF vcZeroFLabelAngleF vcZeroFLabelBackgroundColor vcZeroFLabelConstantSpacingF vcZeroFLabelFont vcZeroFLabelFontAspectF vcZeroFLabelFontColor vcZeroFLabelFontHeightF vcZeroFLabelFontQuality vcZeroFLabelFontThicknessF vcZeroFLabelFuncCode vcZeroFLabelJust vcZeroFLabelOn vcZeroFLabelOrthogonalPosF vcZeroFLabelParallelPosF vcZeroFLabelPerimColor vcZeroFLabelPerimOn vcZeroFLabelPerimSpaceF vcZeroFLabelPerimThicknessF vcZeroFLabelSide vcZeroFLabelString vcZeroFLabelTextDirection vcZeroFLabelZone vfCopyData vfDataArray vfExchangeDimensions vfExchangeUVData vfMagMaxV vfMagMinV vfMissingUValueV vfMissingVValueV vfPolarData vfSingleMissingValue vfUDataArray vfUMaxV vfUMinV vfVDataArray vfVMaxV vfVMinV vfXArray vfXCActualEndF vfXCActualStartF vfXCEndIndex vfXCEndSubsetV vfXCEndV vfXCStartIndex vfXCStartSubsetV vfXCStartV vfXCStride vfYArray vfYCActualEndF vfYCActualStartF vfYCEndIndex vfYCEndSubsetV vfYCEndV vfYCStartIndex vfYCStartSubsetV vfYCStartV vfYCStride vpAnnoManagerId vpClipOn vpHeightF vpKeepAspect vpOn vpUseSegments vpWidthF vpXF vpYF wkAntiAlias wkAntiAlias wkAntiAlias wkBackgroundColor wkBackgroundOpacityF wkBackgroundOpacityF wkBackgroundOpacityF wkColorMapLen wkColorMap wkColorModel wkColorModel wkDashTableLength wkDefGraphicStyleId wkDeviceLowerX wkDeviceLowerX wkDeviceLowerX wkDeviceLowerY wkDeviceLowerY wkDeviceLowerY wkDeviceUpperX wkDeviceUpperX wkDeviceUpperX wkDeviceUpperY wkDeviceUpperY wkDeviceUpperY wkFileName wkFileName wkFillTableLength wkForegroundColor wkFormat wkFormat wkFullBackground wkFullBackground wkGksWorkId wkHeight wkHeight wkMarkerTableLength wkMetaName wkOrientation wkOrientation wkPDFFileName wkPDFFormat wkPDFResolution wkPDFResolution wkPSFileName wkPSFormat wkPSResolution wkPaperHeightF wkPaperHeightF wkPaperHeightF wkPaperSize wkPaperSize wkPaperSize wkPaperWidthF wkPaperWidthF wkPaperWidthF wkPause wkTopLevelViews wkViews wkVisualType wkVisualType wkWidth wkWidth wkWindowId wkXColorMode wsCurrentSize wsMaximumSize wsThresholdSize xyComputeXMax xyComputeXMin xyComputeYMax xyComputeYMin xyCoordData xyCoordDataSpec xyCurveDrawOrder xyDashPattern xyDashPatterns xyExplicitLabels xyExplicitLegendLabels xyLabelMode xyLineColor xyLineColors xyLineDashSegLenF xyLineLabelConstantSpacingF xyLineLabelFont xyLineLabelFontAspectF xyLineLabelFontColor xyLineLabelFontColors xyLineLabelFontHeightF xyLineLabelFontQuality xyLineLabelFontThicknessF xyLineLabelFuncCode xyLineThicknessF xyLineThicknesses xyMarkLineMode xyMarkLineModes xyMarker xyMarkerColor xyMarkerColors xyMarkerSizeF xyMarkerSizes xyMarkerThicknessF xyMarkerThicknesses xyMarkers xyMonoDashPattern xyMonoLineColor xyMonoLineLabelFontColor xyMonoLineThickness xyMonoMarkLineMode xyMonoMarker xyMonoMarkerColor xyMonoMarkerSize xyMonoMarkerThickness xyXIrrTensionF xyXIrregularPoints xyXStyle xyYIrrTensionF xyYIrregularPoints xyYStyle -syn keyword nclKeyword begin break byte character continue create defaultapp do double else end enumeric external exit file float function getvalues graphic group if integer int64 list load local logical long new _Missing Missing new noparent numeric procedure quit QUIT Quit record return setvalues short snumeric stop string then ubyte uint uint64 ulong ushort while +syn keyword nclGSN gsn_add_annotation gsn_add_polygon gsn_add_polyline gsn_add_polymarker gsn_add_shapefile_polygons gsn_add_shapefile_polylines gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers gsn_add_text gsn_attach_plots gsn_blank_plot gsn_contour gsn_contour_map gsn_contour_shade gsn_coordinates gsn_create_labelbar gsn_create_legend gsn_create_text gsn_csm_attach_zonal_means gsn_csm_blank_plot gsn_csm_contour gsn_csm_contour_map gsn_csm_contour_map_ce gsn_csm_contour_map_overlay gsn_csm_contour_map_polar gsn_csm_hov gsn_csm_lat_time gsn_csm_map gsn_csm_map_ce gsn_csm_map_polar gsn_csm_pres_hgt gsn_csm_pres_hgt_streamline gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector gsn_csm_streamline gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar gsn_csm_streamline_map gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar gsn_csm_streamline_scalar gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_ce gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_polar gsn_csm_time_lat gsn_csm_vector gsn_csm_vector_map gsn_csm_vector_map_ce gsn_csm_vector_map_polar gsn_csm_vector_scalar gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar gsn_csm_x2y gsn_csm_x2y2 gsn_csm_xy gsn_csm_xy2 gsn_csm_xy3 gsn_csm_y gsn_define_colormap gsn_draw_colormap gsn_draw_named_colors gsn_histogram gsn_labelbar_ndc gsn_legend_ndc gsn_map gsn_merge_colormaps gsn_open_wks gsn_panel gsn_polygon gsn_polygon_ndc gsn_polyline gsn_polyline_ndc gsn_polymarker gsn_polymarker_ndc gsn_retrieve_colormap gsn_reverse_colormap gsn_streamline gsn_streamline_map gsn_streamline_scalar gsn_streamline_scalar_map gsn_table gsn_text gsn_text_ndc gsn_vector gsn_vector_map gsn_vector_scalar gsn_vector_scalar_map gsn_xy gsn_y hsv2rgb maximize_output reset_device_coordinates +syn keyword nclResource amDataXF amDataYF amJust amOn amOrthogonalPosF amParallelPosF amResizeNotify amSide amTrackData amViewId amZone appDefaultParent appFileSuffix appResources appSysDir appUsrDir caCopyArrays caXArray caXCast caXMaxV caXMinV caXMissingV caYArray caYCast caYMaxV caYMinV caYMissingV cnCellFillEdgeColor cnCellFillMissingValEdgeColor cnConpackParams cnConstFEnableFill cnConstFLabelAngleF cnConstFLabelBackgroundColor cnConstFLabelConstantSpacingF cnConstFLabelFont cnConstFLabelFontAspectF cnConstFLabelFontColor cnConstFLabelFontHeightF cnConstFLabelFontQuality cnConstFLabelFontThicknessF cnConstFLabelFormat cnConstFLabelFuncCode cnConstFLabelJust cnConstFLabelOn 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cnHighLabelPerimSpaceF cnHighLabelPerimThicknessF cnHighLabelString cnHighLabelsOn cnHighLowLabelOverlapMode cnHighUseLineLabelRes cnInfoLabelAngleF cnInfoLabelBackgroundColor cnInfoLabelConstantSpacingF cnInfoLabelFont cnInfoLabelFontAspectF cnInfoLabelFontColor cnInfoLabelFontHeightF cnInfoLabelFontQuality cnInfoLabelFontThicknessF cnInfoLabelFormat cnInfoLabelFuncCode cnInfoLabelJust cnInfoLabelOn cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF cnInfoLabelParallelPosF cnInfoLabelPerimColor cnInfoLabelPerimOn cnInfoLabelPerimSpaceF cnInfoLabelPerimThicknessF cnInfoLabelSide cnInfoLabelString cnInfoLabelTextDirection cnInfoLabelZone cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn cnLabelBarEndStyle cnLabelDrawOrder cnLabelMasking cnLabelScaleFactorF cnLabelScaleValueF cnLabelScalingMode cnLegendLevelFlags cnLevelCount cnLevelFlag cnLevelFlags cnLevelSelectionMode cnLevelSpacingF cnLevels cnLineColor cnLineColors cnLineDashPattern cnLineDashPatterns cnLineDashSegLenF cnLineDrawOrder cnLineLabelAngleF cnLineLabelBackgroundColor cnLineLabelConstantSpacingF cnLineLabelCount cnLineLabelDensityF cnLineLabelFont cnLineLabelFontAspectF cnLineLabelFontColor cnLineLabelFontColors cnLineLabelFontHeightF cnLineLabelFontQuality cnLineLabelFontThicknessF cnLineLabelFormat cnLineLabelFuncCode cnLineLabelInterval cnLineLabelPerimColor cnLineLabelPerimOn cnLineLabelPerimSpaceF cnLineLabelPerimThicknessF cnLineLabelPlacementMode cnLineLabelStrings cnLineLabelsOn cnLinePalette cnLineThicknessF cnLineThicknesses cnLinesOn cnLowLabelAngleF cnLowLabelBackgroundColor cnLowLabelConstantSpacingF cnLowLabelCount cnLowLabelFont cnLowLabelFontAspectF cnLowLabelFontColor cnLowLabelFontHeightF cnLowLabelFontQuality cnLowLabelFontThicknessF cnLowLabelFormat cnLowLabelFuncCode cnLowLabelPerimColor cnLowLabelPerimOn cnLowLabelPerimSpaceF cnLowLabelPerimThicknessF cnLowLabelString cnLowLabelsOn cnLowUseHighLabelRes cnMaxDataValueFormat cnMaxLevelCount cnMaxLevelValF cnMaxPointDistanceF cnMinLevelValF cnMissingValFillColor cnMissingValFillPattern cnMissingValFillScaleF cnMissingValPerimColor cnMissingValPerimDashPattern cnMissingValPerimGridBoundOn cnMissingValPerimOn cnMissingValPerimThicknessF cnMonoFillColor cnMonoFillPattern cnMonoFillScale cnMonoLevelFlag cnMonoLineColor cnMonoLineDashPattern cnMonoLineLabelFontColor cnMonoLineThickness cnNoDataLabelOn cnNoDataLabelString cnOutOfRangeFillColor cnOutOfRangeFillPattern cnOutOfRangeFillScaleF cnOutOfRangePerimColor cnOutOfRangePerimDashPattern cnOutOfRangePerimOn cnOutOfRangePerimThicknessF cnRasterCellSizeF cnRasterMinCellSizeF cnRasterModeOn cnRasterSampleFactorF cnRasterSmoothingOn cnScalarFieldData cnSmoothingDistanceF cnSmoothingOn cnSmoothingTensionF cnSpanFillPalette cnSpanLinePalette ctCopyTables ctXElementSize ctXMaxV ctXMinV ctXMissingV ctXTable ctXTableLengths ctXTableType ctYElementSize ctYMaxV ctYMinV ctYMissingV ctYTable ctYTableLengths ctYTableType dcDelayCompute errBuffer errFileName errFilePtr errLevel errPrint errUnitNumber gsClipOn gsColors gsEdgeColor gsEdgeDashPattern gsEdgeDashSegLenF gsEdgeThicknessF gsEdgesOn gsFillBackgroundColor gsFillColor gsFillDotSizeF gsFillIndex gsFillLineThicknessF gsFillOpacityF gsFillScaleF gsFont gsFontAspectF gsFontColor gsFontHeightF gsFontOpacityF gsFontQuality gsFontThicknessF gsLineColor gsLineDashPattern gsLineDashSegLenF gsLineLabelConstantSpacingF gsLineLabelFont gsLineLabelFontAspectF gsLineLabelFontColor gsLineLabelFontHeightF gsLineLabelFontQuality gsLineLabelFontThicknessF gsLineLabelFuncCode gsLineLabelString gsLineOpacityF gsLineThicknessF gsMarkerColor gsMarkerIndex gsMarkerOpacityF gsMarkerSizeF gsMarkerThicknessF gsSegments gsTextAngleF gsTextConstantSpacingF gsTextDirection gsTextFuncCode gsTextJustification gsnAboveYRefLineBarColors gsnAboveYRefLineBarFillScales gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns gsnAboveYRefLineColor gsnAddCyclic gsnAttachBorderOn gsnAttachPlotsXAxis gsnBelowYRefLineBarColors gsnBelowYRefLineBarFillScales gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns gsnBelowYRefLineColor gsnBoxMargin gsnCenterString gsnCenterStringFontColor gsnCenterStringFontHeightF gsnCenterStringFuncCode gsnCenterStringOrthogonalPosF gsnCenterStringParallelPosF gsnContourLineThicknessesScale gsnContourNegLineDashPattern gsnContourPosLineDashPattern gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF gsnDebugWriteFileName gsnDraw gsnFrame gsnHistogramBarColors gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent gsnHistogramBinIntervals gsnHistogramBinMissing gsnHistogramBinWidth gsnHistogramClassIntervals gsnHistogramCompare gsnHistogramComputePercentages gsnHistogramComputePercentagesNoMissing gsnHistogramDiscreteBinValues gsnHistogramDiscreteClassValues gsnHistogramHorizontal gsnHistogramMinMaxBinsOn gsnHistogramNumberOfBins gsnHistogramPercentSign gsnHistogramSelectNiceIntervals gsnLeftString gsnLeftStringFontColor gsnLeftStringFontHeightF gsnLeftStringFuncCode gsnLeftStringOrthogonalPosF gsnLeftStringParallelPosF gsnLeftXRefLineBarColors gsnLeftXRefLineBarFillScales gsnLeftXRefLineBarPatterns gsnLeftXRefLineColor gsnMajorLatSpacing gsnMajorLonSpacing gsnMaskLambertConformal gsnMaskLambertConformalOutlineOn gsnMaximize gsnMinorLatSpacing gsnMinorLonSpacing gsnPanelBottom gsnPanelCenter gsnPanelDebug gsnPanelFigureStrings gsnPanelFigureStringsBackgroundFillColor gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF gsnPanelFigureStringsJust gsnPanelFigureStringsPerimOn gsnPanelLabelBar gsnPanelLeft gsnPanelMainFont gsnPanelMainFontColor gsnPanelMainFontHeightF gsnPanelMainPosXF gsnPanelMainPosYF gsnPanelMainString gsnPanelRight gsnPanelRowSpec gsnPanelScalePlotIndex gsnPanelTop gsnPanelXF gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent gsnPanelYF gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent gsnPaperHeight gsnPaperMargin gsnPaperOrientation gsnPaperWidth gsnPolar gsnPolarLabelDistance gsnPolarLabelFont gsnPolarLabelFontHeightF gsnPolarLabelSpacing gsnPolarTime gsnPolarUT gsnRightString gsnRightStringFontColor gsnRightStringFontHeightF gsnRightStringFuncCode gsnRightStringOrthogonalPosF gsnRightStringParallelPosF gsnRightXRefLineBarColors gsnRightXRefLineBarFillScales gsnRightXRefLineBarPatterns gsnRightXRefLineColor gsnScalarContour gsnScale gsnShape gsnSpreadColorEnd gsnSpreadColorStart gsnSpreadColors gsnStringFont gsnStringFontColor gsnStringFontHeightF gsnStringFuncCode gsnTickMarksOn gsnXAxisIrregular2Linear gsnXAxisIrregular2Log gsnXRefLine gsnXRefLineColor gsnXRefLineColors gsnXRefLineDashPattern gsnXRefLineDashPatterns gsnXRefLineThicknessF gsnXRefLineThicknesses gsnXYAboveFillColors gsnXYBarChart gsnXYBarChartBarWidth gsnXYBarChartColors gsnXYBarChartColors2 gsnXYBarChartFillDotSizeF gsnXYBarChartFillLineThicknessF gsnXYBarChartFillOpacityF gsnXYBarChartFillScaleF gsnXYBarChartOutlineOnly gsnXYBarChartOutlineThicknessF gsnXYBarChartPatterns gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 gsnXYBelowFillColors gsnXYFillColors gsnXYFillOpacities gsnXYLeftFillColors gsnXYRightFillColors gsnYAxisIrregular2Linear gsnYAxisIrregular2Log gsnYRefLine gsnYRefLineColor gsnYRefLineColors gsnYRefLineDashPattern gsnYRefLineDashPatterns gsnYRefLineThicknessF gsnYRefLineThicknesses gsnZonalMean gsnZonalMeanXMaxF gsnZonalMeanXMinF gsnZonalMeanYRefLine lbAutoManage lbBottomMarginF lbBoxCount lbBoxEndCapStyle lbBoxFractions lbBoxLineColor lbBoxLineDashPattern lbBoxLineDashSegLenF lbBoxLineThicknessF lbBoxLinesOn lbBoxMajorExtentF lbBoxMinorExtentF lbBoxSeparatorLinesOn lbBoxSizing lbFillBackground lbFillColor lbFillColors lbFillDotSizeF lbFillLineThicknessF lbFillOpacityF lbFillPattern lbFillPatterns lbFillScaleF lbFillScales lbJustification lbLabelAlignment lbLabelAngleF lbLabelAutoStride lbLabelBarOn lbLabelConstantSpacingF lbLabelDirection lbLabelFont lbLabelFontAspectF lbLabelFontColor lbLabelFontHeightF lbLabelFontQuality lbLabelFontThicknessF lbLabelFuncCode lbLabelJust lbLabelOffsetF lbLabelPosition lbLabelStride lbLabelStrings lbLabelsOn lbLeftMarginF lbMaxLabelLenF lbMinLabelSpacingF lbMonoFillColor lbMonoFillPattern lbMonoFillScale lbOrientation lbOverrideFillOpacity lbPerimColor lbPerimDashPattern lbPerimDashSegLenF lbPerimFill lbPerimFillColor lbPerimOn lbPerimThicknessF lbRasterFillOn lbRightMarginF lbTitleAngleF lbTitleConstantSpacingF lbTitleDirection lbTitleExtentF lbTitleFont lbTitleFontAspectF lbTitleFontColor lbTitleFontHeightF lbTitleFontQuality lbTitleFontThicknessF lbTitleFuncCode lbTitleJust lbTitleOffsetF lbTitleOn lbTitlePosition lbTitleString lbTopMarginF lgAutoManage lgBottomMarginF lgBoxBackground lgBoxLineColor lgBoxLineDashPattern lgBoxLineDashSegLenF lgBoxLineThicknessF lgBoxLinesOn lgBoxMajorExtentF lgBoxMinorExtentF lgDashIndex lgDashIndexes lgItemCount lgItemOrder lgItemPlacement lgItemPositions lgItemType lgItemTypes lgJustification lgLabelAlignment lgLabelAngleF lgLabelAutoStride lgLabelConstantSpacingF lgLabelDirection lgLabelFont lgLabelFontAspectF lgLabelFontColor lgLabelFontHeightF lgLabelFontQuality lgLabelFontThicknessF lgLabelFuncCode lgLabelJust lgLabelOffsetF lgLabelPosition lgLabelStride lgLabelStrings lgLabelsOn lgLeftMarginF lgLegendOn lgLineColor lgLineColors lgLineDashSegLenF lgLineDashSegLens lgLineLabelConstantSpacingF lgLineLabelFont lgLineLabelFontAspectF lgLineLabelFontColor lgLineLabelFontColors lgLineLabelFontHeightF lgLineLabelFontHeights lgLineLabelFontQuality lgLineLabelFontThicknessF lgLineLabelFuncCode lgLineLabelStrings lgLineLabelsOn lgLineThicknessF lgLineThicknesses lgMarkerColor lgMarkerColors lgMarkerIndex lgMarkerIndexes lgMarkerSizeF lgMarkerSizes lgMarkerThicknessF lgMarkerThicknesses lgMonoDashIndex lgMonoItemType lgMonoLineColor lgMonoLineDashSegLen lgMonoLineLabelFontColor lgMonoLineLabelFontHeight lgMonoLineThickness lgMonoMarkerColor lgMonoMarkerIndex lgMonoMarkerSize lgMonoMarkerThickness lgOrientation lgPerimColor lgPerimDashPattern lgPerimDashSegLenF lgPerimFill lgPerimFillColor lgPerimOn lgPerimThicknessF lgRightMarginF lgTitleAngleF lgTitleConstantSpacingF lgTitleDirection lgTitleExtentF lgTitleFont lgTitleFontAspectF lgTitleFontColor lgTitleFontHeightF lgTitleFontQuality lgTitleFontThicknessF lgTitleFuncCode lgTitleJust lgTitleOffsetF lgTitleOn lgTitlePosition lgTitleString lgTopMarginF mpAreaGroupCount mpAreaMaskingOn mpAreaNames mpAreaTypes mpBottomAngleF mpBottomMapPosF mpBottomNDCF mpBottomNPCF mpBottomPointLatF mpBottomPointLonF mpBottomWindowF mpCenterLatF mpCenterLonF mpCenterRotF mpCountyLineColor mpCountyLineDashPattern mpCountyLineDashSegLenF mpCountyLineThicknessF mpDataBaseVersion mpDataResolution mpDataSetName mpDefaultFillColor mpDefaultFillPattern mpDefaultFillScaleF mpDynamicAreaGroups mpEllipticalBoundary mpFillAreaSpecifiers mpFillBoundarySets mpFillColor mpFillColors mpFillDotSizeF mpFillDrawOrder mpFillOn mpFillPatternBackground mpFillPattern mpFillPatterns mpFillScaleF mpFillScales mpFixedAreaGroups mpGeophysicalLineColor mpGeophysicalLineDashPattern mpGeophysicalLineDashSegLenF mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF mpGreatCircleLinesOn mpGridAndLimbDrawOrder mpGridAndLimbOn mpGridLatSpacingF mpGridLineColor mpGridLineDashPattern mpGridLineDashSegLenF mpGridLineThicknessF mpGridLonSpacingF mpGridMaskMode mpGridMaxLatF mpGridPolarLonSpacingF mpGridSpacingF mpInlandWaterFillColor mpInlandWaterFillPattern mpInlandWaterFillScaleF mpLabelDrawOrder mpLabelFontColor mpLabelFontHeightF mpLabelsOn mpLambertMeridianF mpLambertParallel1F mpLambertParallel2F mpLandFillColor mpLandFillPattern mpLandFillScaleF mpLeftAngleF mpLeftCornerLatF mpLeftCornerLonF mpLeftMapPosF mpLeftNDCF mpLeftNPCF mpLeftPointLatF mpLeftPointLonF mpLeftWindowF mpLimbLineColor mpLimbLineDashPattern mpLimbLineDashSegLenF mpLimbLineThicknessF mpLimitMode mpMaskAreaSpecifiers mpMaskOutlineSpecifiers mpMaxLatF mpMaxLonF mpMinLatF mpMinLonF mpMonoFillColor mpMonoFillPattern mpMonoFillScale mpNationalLineColor mpNationalLineDashPattern mpNationalLineDashSegLenF mpNationalLineThicknessF mpOceanFillColor mpOceanFillPattern mpOceanFillScaleF mpOutlineBoundarySets mpOutlineDrawOrder mpOutlineMaskingOn mpOutlineOn mpOutlineSpecifiers mpPerimDrawOrder mpPerimLineColor mpPerimLineDashPattern mpPerimLineDashSegLenF mpPerimLineThicknessF mpPerimOn mpPolyMode mpProjection mpProvincialLineColor mpProvincialLineDashPattern mpProvincialLineDashSegLenF mpProvincialLineThicknessF mpRelativeCenterLat mpRelativeCenterLon mpRightAngleF mpRightCornerLatF mpRightCornerLonF mpRightMapPosF mpRightNDCF mpRightNPCF mpRightPointLatF mpRightPointLonF mpRightWindowF mpSatelliteAngle1F mpSatelliteAngle2F mpSatelliteDistF mpShapeMode mpSpecifiedFillColors mpSpecifiedFillDirectIndexing mpSpecifiedFillPatterns mpSpecifiedFillPriority mpSpecifiedFillScales mpTopAngleF mpTopMapPosF mpTopNDCF mpTopNPCF mpTopPointLatF mpTopPointLonF mpTopWindowF mpUSStateLineColor mpUSStateLineDashPattern mpUSStateLineDashSegLenF mpUSStateLineThicknessF pmAnnoManagers pmAnnoViews pmLabelBarDisplayMode pmLabelBarHeightF pmLabelBarKeepAspect pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF pmLabelBarParallelPosF pmLabelBarSide pmLabelBarWidthF pmLabelBarZone pmLegendDisplayMode pmLegendHeightF pmLegendKeepAspect pmLegendOrthogonalPosF pmLegendParallelPosF pmLegendSide pmLegendWidthF pmLegendZone pmOverlaySequenceIds pmTickMarkDisplayMode pmTickMarkZone pmTitleDisplayMode pmTitleZone prGraphicStyle prPolyType prXArray prYArray sfCopyData sfCopyData sfDataArray sfDataArray sfDataMaxV sfDataMaxV sfDataMinV sfDataMinV sfElementNodes sfExchangeDimensions sfFirstNodeIndex sfMissingValueV sfMissingValueV sfXArray sfXArray sfXCActualEndF sfXCActualEndF sfXCActualStartF sfXCActualStartF sfXCEndIndex sfXCEndSubsetV sfXCEndV sfXCStartIndex sfXCStartSubsetV sfXCStartV sfXCStride sfXCellBounds sfYArray sfYArray sfYCActualEndF sfYCActualEndF sfYCActualStartF sfYCActualStartF sfYCEndIndex sfYCEndSubsetV sfYCEndV sfYCStartIndex sfYCStartSubsetV sfYCStartV sfYCStride sfYCellBounds stArrowLengthF stArrowStride stCrossoverCheckCount stExplicitLabelBarLabelsOn stLabelBarEndLabelsOn stLabelFormat stLengthCheckCount stLevelColors stLevelCount stLevelPalette stLevelSelectionMode stLevelSpacingF stLevels stLineColor stLineOpacityF stLineStartStride stLineThicknessF stMapDirection stMaxLevelCount stMaxLevelValF stMinArrowSpacingF stMinDistanceF stMinLevelValF stMinLineSpacingF stMinStepFactorF stMonoLineColor stNoDataLabelOn stNoDataLabelString stScalarFieldData stScalarMissingValColor stSpanLevelPalette stStepSizeF stStreamlineDrawOrder stUseScalarArray stVectorFieldData stZeroFLabelAngleF stZeroFLabelBackgroundColor stZeroFLabelConstantSpacingF stZeroFLabelFont stZeroFLabelFontAspectF stZeroFLabelFontColor stZeroFLabelFontHeightF stZeroFLabelFontQuality stZeroFLabelFontThicknessF stZeroFLabelFuncCode stZeroFLabelJust stZeroFLabelOn stZeroFLabelOrthogonalPosF stZeroFLabelParallelPosF stZeroFLabelPerimColor stZeroFLabelPerimOn stZeroFLabelPerimSpaceF stZeroFLabelPerimThicknessF stZeroFLabelSide stZeroFLabelString stZeroFLabelTextDirection stZeroFLabelZone tfDoNDCOverlay tfPlotManagerOn tfPolyDrawList tfPolyDrawOrder tiDeltaF tiMainAngleF tiMainConstantSpacingF tiMainDirection tiMainFont tiMainFontAspectF tiMainFontColor tiMainFontHeightF tiMainFontQuality tiMainFontThicknessF tiMainFuncCode tiMainJust tiMainOffsetXF tiMainOffsetYF tiMainOn tiMainPosition tiMainSide tiMainString tiUseMainAttributes tiXAxisAngleF tiXAxisConstantSpacingF tiXAxisDirection tiXAxisFont tiXAxisFontAspectF tiXAxisFontColor tiXAxisFontHeightF tiXAxisFontQuality tiXAxisFontThicknessF tiXAxisFuncCode tiXAxisJust tiXAxisOffsetXF tiXAxisOffsetYF tiXAxisOn tiXAxisPosition tiXAxisSide tiXAxisString tiYAxisAngleF tiYAxisConstantSpacingF tiYAxisDirection tiYAxisFont tiYAxisFontAspectF tiYAxisFontColor tiYAxisFontHeightF tiYAxisFontQuality tiYAxisFontThicknessF tiYAxisFuncCode tiYAxisJust tiYAxisOffsetXF tiYAxisOffsetYF tiYAxisOn tiYAxisPosition tiYAxisSide tiYAxisString tmBorderLineColor tmBorderThicknessF tmEqualizeXYSizes tmLabelAutoStride tmSciNoteCutoff tmXBAutoPrecision tmXBBorderOn tmXBDataLeftF tmXBDataRightF tmXBFormat tmXBIrrTensionF tmXBIrregularPoints tmXBLabelAngleF tmXBLabelConstantSpacingF tmXBLabelDeltaF tmXBLabelDirection tmXBLabelFont tmXBLabelFontAspectF tmXBLabelFontColor tmXBLabelFontHeightF tmXBLabelFontQuality tmXBLabelFontThicknessF tmXBLabelFuncCode tmXBLabelJust tmXBLabelStride tmXBLabels tmXBLabelsOn tmXBMajorLengthF tmXBMajorLineColor tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF tmXBMajorThicknessF tmXBMaxLabelLenF tmXBMaxTicks tmXBMinLabelSpacingF tmXBMinorLengthF tmXBMinorLineColor tmXBMinorOn tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF tmXBMinorPerMajor tmXBMinorThicknessF tmXBMinorValues tmXBMode tmXBOn tmXBPrecision tmXBStyle tmXBTickEndF tmXBTickSpacingF tmXBTickStartF tmXBValues tmXMajorGrid tmXMajorGridLineColor tmXMajorGridLineDashPattern tmXMajorGridThicknessF tmXMinorGrid tmXMinorGridLineColor tmXMinorGridLineDashPattern tmXMinorGridThicknessF tmXTAutoPrecision tmXTBorderOn tmXTDataLeftF tmXTDataRightF tmXTFormat tmXTIrrTensionF tmXTIrregularPoints tmXTLabelAngleF tmXTLabelConstantSpacingF tmXTLabelDeltaF tmXTLabelDirection tmXTLabelFont 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tmYLMaxLabelLenF tmYLMaxTicks tmYLMinLabelSpacingF tmYLMinorLengthF tmYLMinorLineColor tmYLMinorOn tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF tmYLMinorPerMajor tmYLMinorThicknessF tmYLMinorValues tmYLMode tmYLOn tmYLPrecision tmYLStyle tmYLTickEndF tmYLTickSpacingF tmYLTickStartF tmYLValues tmYMajorGrid tmYMajorGridLineColor tmYMajorGridLineDashPattern tmYMajorGridThicknessF tmYMinorGrid tmYMinorGridLineColor tmYMinorGridLineDashPattern tmYMinorGridThicknessF tmYRAutoPrecision tmYRBorderOn tmYRDataBottomF tmYRDataTopF tmYRFormat tmYRIrrTensionF tmYRIrregularPoints tmYRLabelAngleF tmYRLabelConstantSpacingF tmYRLabelDeltaF tmYRLabelDirection tmYRLabelFont tmYRLabelFontAspectF tmYRLabelFontColor tmYRLabelFontHeightF tmYRLabelFontQuality tmYRLabelFontThicknessF tmYRLabelFuncCode tmYRLabelJust tmYRLabelStride tmYRLabels tmYRLabelsOn tmYRMajorLengthF tmYRMajorLineColor tmYRMajorOutwardLengthF tmYRMajorThicknessF tmYRMaxLabelLenF tmYRMaxTicks tmYRMinLabelSpacingF tmYRMinorLengthF tmYRMinorLineColor tmYRMinorOn tmYRMinorOutwardLengthF tmYRMinorPerMajor tmYRMinorThicknessF tmYRMinorValues tmYRMode tmYROn tmYRPrecision tmYRStyle tmYRTickEndF tmYRTickSpacingF tmYRTickStartF tmYRValues tmYUseLeft trGridType trLineInterpolationOn trXAxisType trXCoordPoints trXInterPoints trXLog trXMaxF trXMinF trXReverse trXSamples trXTensionF trYAxisType trYCoordPoints trYInterPoints trYLog trYMaxF trYMinF trYReverse trYSamples trYTensionF txAngleF txBackgroundFillColor txConstantSpacingF txDirection txFont txFontAspectF txFontColor txFontHeightF txFontOpacityF txFontQuality txFontThicknessF txFuncCode txJust txPerimColor txPerimDashLengthF txPerimDashPattern txPerimOn txPerimSpaceF txPerimThicknessF txPosXF txPosYF txString vcExplicitLabelBarLabelsOn vcFillArrowEdgeColor vcFillArrowEdgeThicknessF vcFillArrowFillColor vcFillArrowHeadInteriorXF vcFillArrowHeadMinFracXF vcFillArrowHeadMinFracYF vcFillArrowHeadXF vcFillArrowHeadYF vcFillArrowMinFracWidthF vcFillArrowWidthF vcFillArrowsOn vcFillOverEdge vcGlyphOpacityF vcGlyphStyle vcLabelBarEndLabelsOn vcLabelFontColor vcLabelFontHeightF vcLabelsOn vcLabelsUseVectorColor vcLevelColors vcLevelCount vcLevelPalette vcLevelSelectionMode vcLevelSpacingF vcLevels vcLineArrowColor vcLineArrowHeadMaxSizeF vcLineArrowHeadMinSizeF vcLineArrowThicknessF vcMagnitudeFormat vcMagnitudeScaleFactorF vcMagnitudeScaleValueF vcMagnitudeScalingMode vcMapDirection vcMaxLevelCount vcMaxLevelValF vcMaxMagnitudeF vcMinAnnoAngleF vcMinAnnoArrowAngleF vcMinAnnoArrowEdgeColor vcMinAnnoArrowFillColor vcMinAnnoArrowLineColor vcMinAnnoArrowMinOffsetF vcMinAnnoArrowSpaceF vcMinAnnoArrowUseVecColor vcMinAnnoBackgroundColor vcMinAnnoConstantSpacingF vcMinAnnoExplicitMagnitudeF vcMinAnnoFont vcMinAnnoFontAspectF vcMinAnnoFontColor vcMinAnnoFontHeightF vcMinAnnoFontQuality vcMinAnnoFontThicknessF vcMinAnnoFuncCode vcMinAnnoJust vcMinAnnoOn vcMinAnnoOrientation vcMinAnnoOrthogonalPosF vcMinAnnoParallelPosF vcMinAnnoPerimColor vcMinAnnoPerimOn vcMinAnnoPerimSpaceF vcMinAnnoPerimThicknessF vcMinAnnoSide vcMinAnnoString1 vcMinAnnoString1On vcMinAnnoString2 vcMinAnnoString2On vcMinAnnoTextDirection vcMinAnnoZone vcMinDistanceF vcMinFracLengthF vcMinLevelValF vcMinMagnitudeF vcMonoFillArrowEdgeColor vcMonoFillArrowFillColor vcMonoLineArrowColor vcMonoWindBarbColor vcNoDataLabelOn vcNoDataLabelString vcPositionMode vcRefAnnoAngleF vcRefAnnoArrowAngleF vcRefAnnoArrowEdgeColor vcRefAnnoArrowFillColor vcRefAnnoArrowLineColor vcRefAnnoArrowMinOffsetF vcRefAnnoArrowSpaceF vcRefAnnoArrowUseVecColor vcRefAnnoBackgroundColor vcRefAnnoConstantSpacingF vcRefAnnoExplicitMagnitudeF vcRefAnnoFont vcRefAnnoFontAspectF vcRefAnnoFontColor vcRefAnnoFontHeightF vcRefAnnoFontQuality vcRefAnnoFontThicknessF vcRefAnnoFuncCode vcRefAnnoJust vcRefAnnoOn vcRefAnnoOrientation vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF vcRefAnnoParallelPosF vcRefAnnoPerimColor vcRefAnnoPerimOn vcRefAnnoPerimSpaceF vcRefAnnoPerimThicknessF vcRefAnnoSide vcRefAnnoString1 vcRefAnnoString1On vcRefAnnoString2 vcRefAnnoString2On vcRefAnnoTextDirection vcRefAnnoZone vcRefLengthF vcRefMagnitudeF vcScalarFieldData vcScalarMissingValColor vcScalarValueFormat vcScalarValueScaleFactorF vcScalarValueScaleValueF vcScalarValueScalingMode vcSpanLevelPalette vcUseRefAnnoRes vcUseScalarArray vcVectorDrawOrder vcVectorFieldData vcWindBarbCalmCircleSizeF vcWindBarbColor vcWindBarbLineThicknessF vcWindBarbScaleFactorF vcWindBarbTickAngleF vcWindBarbTickLengthF vcWindBarbTickSpacingF vcZeroFLabelAngleF vcZeroFLabelBackgroundColor vcZeroFLabelConstantSpacingF vcZeroFLabelFont vcZeroFLabelFontAspectF vcZeroFLabelFontColor vcZeroFLabelFontHeightF vcZeroFLabelFontQuality vcZeroFLabelFontThicknessF vcZeroFLabelFuncCode vcZeroFLabelJust vcZeroFLabelOn vcZeroFLabelOrthogonalPosF vcZeroFLabelParallelPosF vcZeroFLabelPerimColor vcZeroFLabelPerimOn vcZeroFLabelPerimSpaceF vcZeroFLabelPerimThicknessF vcZeroFLabelSide vcZeroFLabelString vcZeroFLabelTextDirection vcZeroFLabelZone vfCopyData vfDataArray vfExchangeDimensions vfExchangeUVData vfMagMaxV vfMagMinV vfMissingUValueV vfMissingVValueV vfPolarData vfSingleMissingValue vfUDataArray vfUMaxV vfUMinV vfVDataArray vfVMaxV vfVMinV vfXArray vfXCActualEndF vfXCActualStartF vfXCEndIndex vfXCEndSubsetV vfXCEndV vfXCStartIndex vfXCStartSubsetV vfXCStartV vfXCStride vfYArray vfYCActualEndF vfYCActualStartF vfYCEndIndex vfYCEndSubsetV vfYCEndV vfYCStartIndex vfYCStartSubsetV vfYCStartV vfYCStride vpAnnoManagerId vpClipOn vpHeightF vpKeepAspect vpOn vpUseSegments vpWidthF vpXF vpYF wkAntiAlias wkBackgroundColor wkBackgroundOpacityF wkColorMapLen wkColorMap wkColorModel wkColorModel wkDashTableLength wkDefGraphicStyleId wkDeviceLowerX wkDeviceLowerX wkDeviceLowerX wkDeviceLowerY wkDeviceLowerY wkDeviceLowerY wkDeviceUpperX wkDeviceUpperX wkDeviceUpperX wkDeviceUpperY wkDeviceUpperY wkDeviceUpperY wkFileName wkFileName wkFillTableLength wkForegroundColor wkFormat wkFormat wkFullBackground wkFullBackground wkGksWorkId wkHeight wkMarkerTableLength wkMetaName wkOrientation wkOrientation wkOrientation wkPDFFileName wkPDFFormat wkPDFResolution wkPSFileName wkPSFormat wkPSResolution wkPaperHeightF wkPaperHeightF wkPaperHeightF wkPaperSize wkPaperSize wkPaperSize wkPaperWidthF wkPaperWidthF wkPaperWidthF wkTopLevelViews wkViews wkVisualType wkVisualType wkWidth wsCurrentSize wsMaximumSize wsThresholdSize xyComputeXMax xyComputeXMin xyComputeYMax xyComputeYMin xyCoordData xyCoordDataSpec xyCurveDrawOrder xyDashPattern xyDashPatterns xyExplicitLabels xyExplicitLegendLabels xyLabelMode xyLineColor xyLineColors xyLineDashSegLenF xyLineLabelConstantSpacingF xyLineLabelFont xyLineLabelFontAspectF xyLineLabelFontColor xyLineLabelFontColors xyLineLabelFontHeightF xyLineLabelFontQuality xyLineLabelFontThicknessF xyLineLabelFuncCode xyLineOpacities xyLineOpacityF xyLineThicknessF xyLineThicknesses xyMarkLineMode xyMarkLineModes xyMarker xyMarkerColor xyMarkerColors xyMarkerOpacities xyMarkerOpacityF xyMarkerSizeF xyMarkerSizes xyMarkerThicknessF xyMarkerThicknesses xyMarkers xyMonoDashPattern xyMonoLineColor xyMonoLineLabelFontColor xyMonoLineThickness xyMonoMarkLineMode xyMonoMarker xyMonoMarkerColor xyMonoMarkerSize xyMonoMarkerThickness xyXIrrTensionF xyXIrregularPoints xyXStyle xyYIrrTensionF xyYIrregularPoints xyYStyle +syn keyword nclKeyword begin break byte character continue create defaultapp do double else end enumeric external file float function getvalues graphic group if integer int64 list load local logical long new _Missing Missing new noparent numeric procedure quit QUIT Quit record return setvalues short snumeric stop string then ubyte uint uint64 ulong ushort while syn match nclOperator "(/" syn match nclOperator "\/)" @@ -80,6 +85,11 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_ncl_syn_inits") HiLink nclCONTRIB Special HiLink nclDIAG Special HiLink nclPOP Special + HiLink nclESMF Special + HiLink nclCROP Special + HiLink nclBOOTSTRAP Special + HiLink nclEXTVAL Special + HiLink nclHEAT Special HiLink nclSHEA Special HiLink nclSKEWT Special HiLink nclUSER Special @@ -87,7 +97,6 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_ncl_syn_inits") HiLink nclWRFCONTRIB Special HiLink nclWINDROSE Special HiLink nclGSN Special - HiLink nclESMF Special HiLink nclResource Type HiLink nclKeyword Keyword HiLink nclOperator Operator