Current Version: 4.0
Yet another awesome plugin by Chris Christoff
This plugin allows you to extend the abilities of the grouped product in Jigoshop
Parent Product:
There are 4 settings for the parent product:
- Add a min number of child items per parent product. Use to require at least X number of items be added per "package". 0=no limit
- Add a max number of child items per parent product. Can be used to limit number of items per "package". 0=no limit
- Add a price for the parent. Used if you charge for the parent alone, or charge for the parent and then the child items are add-ons. 0=no price
- Add a quantity to parent. Currently does not auto-deduct (will in next version). Useful, if you only wish to sell the product as a limited package (first 100 ordered). When combined with Jigoshop's "Remove item on out of stock", can be used to temp/perm remove item from shop.
Child Product:
There are 2 settings for the child product:
- Add a min number of child items. Used to require at least X number of child option X be added. Not enforced in this version completely. 0=no limit
- Add a max number of child items. Used to limit the number to one child option to X amount. 0=no limit
= 4.0 =
- Released on
= 3.0 branch =
- Updates to autoupdater
= 2.1.0 =
- Fixes Price of Parent Product Issue
- Rewords error if max=min
= 2.0.0 =
- Remove Freezone Feature
- Add price for parent product
- Add quantity for parent product
- Allow for limits on individual child items
- Update documentation
- Revamp backend
- Add validation of numbers
= 1.1.0 =
- Add Documentation
- Improved the backend
= 1.0.0 =
- Initial Release