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5077 lines (4225 loc) · 154 KB

Article Title: Cred App clone Author Name: Ved Prakash Bhaskar Author Profile: Date: 27th october 2021


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rewards for paying credit card bills.
join 7.5M+ members and win rewards worth over ₹5 crores this IPL.
Download CRED
feel special more often.
exclusive rewards for paying your bills
every time you pay your credit card bills on CRED, you receive CRED coins. you can use these to win exclusive rewards or get special access to curated products and experiences. on CRED, good begets good.
Explore rewards
rewards from brands you love.
we take your money matters seriously.
so that you don’t have to.
never miss a due date with reminders to help you pay your bills on time, instant settlements mean you never wait for your payments to go through and statement analysis lets you know where your money goes, always.
Experience the upgrade
we’ve got your back.
gain complete control over your credit card with CRED Protect. receive category-based analysis of your spends, detect hidden charges, and track your credit limit in real-time.
begin your winning streak.
use your CRED coins to participate in games and raffles to win the most exclusive rewards and cashbacks on CRED. good luck.
for your eclectic taste.
get access to the CRED Store, a member-exclusive selection of products and experiences at special prices that complement your taste. this is the good life they speak of.
more cash in your pockets.
switch to CRED RentPay and start paying rent with your credit card. this way you get up to 45 days of credit free period, more reward points and a happy landlord.
we’ve got your back.
gain complete control over your credit card with CRED Protect. receive category-based analysis of your spends, detect hidden charges, and track your credit limit in real-time.
begin your winning streak.
use your CRED coins to participate in games and raffles to win the most exclusive rewards and cashbacks on CRED. good luck.
for your eclectic taste.
get access to the CRED Store, a member-exclusive selection of products and experiences at special prices that complement your taste. this is the good life they speak of.
more cash in your pockets.
switch to CRED RentPay and start paying rent with your credit card. this way you get up to 45 days of credit free period, more reward points and a happy landlord.
security first. and second.
what’s yours remains only yours.
CRED ensures that all your personal data and transactions are encrypted, and secured so what’s yours remains only yours. there’s no room for mistakes because we didn’t leave any.
Become a member
the story of CRED begins with trust.
trust as a virtue has consistently played an essential role in every great human achievement. and consistently, its importance has been overlooked. not just by individuals, but by entire societies. we felt it was time someone gave it the spotlight it deserves. especially for the ones who live by this virtue: the trustworthy.
so we thought of creating a system that rewards its members for doing good and being trustworthy. this way, trust as a virtue becomes something to aspire to, just the way it should be. then we went one step ahead: we built it. we know we are on the right track because here you are.
if you make it to CRED, congratulations and welcome. we have a lot of things planned for you.


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about CRED

CRED is a members only credit card bill payment platform that rewards its members for clearing their credit card bills on time. CRED members get access to exclusive rewards and experiences from premier brands upon clearing their credit card bills on CRED.

how does CRED reward their users?

CRED partners with the best premier and luxury brands to bring you an unmatched experience at the end of every credit card bill payment cycle.

how to earn rewards on CRED?

members can earn rewards in two different ways. CRED coins & gems.

CRED Coin Rewards:

- when you pay your credit card bill on CRED, for every rupee cleared on your bill you earn a CRED coin.

- you can then use earned CRED coins to claim exclusive rewards from different brands.

CRED Gem Rewards:

- for every person that you refer to CRED who makes a bill payment, you earn 10 gems.

what do you get as a CRED Member?

as a CRED member, you instantly make your credit card payment experience hassle-free by unlocking several perks only available to CRED members.

- seamless bill payment experience through modes like upi, net banking and debit cards

- timely credit card bill payment reminders

- automate your credit card bill payments

- expose hidden charges on your credit card with cred protect

- get real-time alerts on duplicate transactions on your credit card

- manage multiple credit cards on a single portal

- keep a realtime check on your credit score

how does one become a member of CRED?

you can apply to be a member by signing up on CRED with your name and valid mobile number(issued within India). CRED is India’s most trustworthy and creditworthy community. This means we are selective about the members we take. For membership an Experian credit score of 750 or above is mandatory.

how to know your credit score?

upon becoming a member, you can check and refresh your credit score with a single click. CRED then proceeds to acquire your updated credit score through a CIBIL score soft inquiry. on CRED, you can access your credit score data anytime without any extra charges. as a member, this helps you keep regular checks on your credit score and re-evaluate your spending patterns to maintain a healthy credit status.

banks supported on CRED

CRED supports credit card bill payment for American Express, Standard Chartered, Citibank, HSBC, HDFC, ICICI, SBI, AXIS, Kotak, RBL, PNB and other top Indian banks. We support VISA, MasterCard, American express & RuPay cards.

cred logosecurity logo
complete security. no asterisks.
CRED encrypts all data and transactions to ensure a completely secure experience for our members.
copyright © 2020-21 Dreamplug Technologies Pvt Ltd.
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CRED then proceeds to acquire your updated credit score through a CIBIL score soft inquiry. on CRED, you can access your credit score data anytime without any extra charges. as a member, this helps you keep regular checks on your credit score and re-evaluate your spending patterns to maintain a healthy credit status.", "spans": [{ "start": 55, "end": 67, "type": "hyperlink", "data": { "link_type": "Web", "url": "" } }] }] } }, { "slice_type": "text_content", "slice_label": null, "items": [{}], "primary": { "header": [{ "type": "heading2", "text": "banks supported on CRED", "spans": [] }], "content": [{ "type": "paragraph", "text": "CRED supports credit card bill payment for American Express, Standard Chartered, Citibank, HSBC, HDFC, ICICI, SBI, AXIS, Kotak, RBL, PNB and other top Indian banks. 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