All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- uwb_init_trigger: standalone ros node that triggers the uwb_init nodes services automatically after a timeout or via dyn. reconf. gui.
- two-way ranging measurments,
- calibration (position and pairwise biases) using multiple tags or known stationary anchors,
- and an outlier rejection method based on RANSAC.
- support for nav_msgs::Odometry as pose update
- Readme in uwb_init_lib
- optionally saving calibrated anchors in CSV file (id, x,y,z,sigma_x,sigma_y,sigma_z)
- command line example tool to run a anchor calibration
- (N)LsSolver: RANSAC bases outlier rejection method added
- CMakeList option to use system wide or local Eigen3 library
- supporting: both Tag-to-Anchor and Anchor-to-Anchor calibration
- (N)LsSolver: supporting multiple tags for anchnor position and bias calibration
- UwbInitRos: thread safe ROS callbacks
- LS/NLSSolution: ref_id added to represent relation between tags and anchors
- UWB ID blacklisting: ignore IDs from that list in two way ranging measurements.
- supporting: geometry_msgs::PoseStamped + geometry_msgs::TransformStamped
- supporting: uwb_msgs::TwoWayRangeStamped (from
- dependency to UwbInitOptions removed from Solvers
- UwbAnchor*.msg moved to uwb_msgs package ( needed to remove dependency that package
- Upgrading to YAML-CPP v.0.8.0
- saved anchors file supports multiple tags and multiple pairwise biases. Check for future use with BughWright2 packages.
- distance bias in anchor_calib YAML file is directly written. Previously it was substracted by 1, like "yaml << dist_bias - 1.0;"
- CMakeLists.txt: fix populated internal dependency + install binary
- semicolon after method removed and typos fixed
- TimedBuffer: return value fixed
- CMakeLists.txt: fix issues with debug build (#2)