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Git Bash Terminal

Download the Terminal from here

0-> Configuring the Bash Terminal

git config --global “Your Name”
git config --global “”

1-> Creating a Repository

git init
git remote add origin [repoLink]

Origin works like a pointer to the repoLink, making the referencing easier

git remote -v
git add .
git commit -m "[your message]"
git push origin [branchName]

2-> Creating a Pull Request

Fork the desired Repo

git clone [forkedRepoLink]

Do your Contribution

git add .
git commit -m "your message"
git push origin [branchName]

3-> Getting Updates from the Main Repo to Your Forked Repo

git remote add upstream [originalRepoLink]

Upstream Acts as a pointer towards the Main Repo's remote

git pull upstream master

Changes from the Main remote are pulled Locally

git push origin

Changes are pushed to the Forked Remote Repo !

4-> Get Information about Your Commits

git log --pretty=oneline

5-> Move to Your Desired Commit or Branch

git checkout hash/branch

6-> Undoing Staged Files

git reset HEAD <file>

where HEAD can be your Hash number (First Four Digits will do fine) or your Branch Name

7-> Undoing Commited Files

git revert HEAD

where HEAD can be your Hash number (First Four Digits will do fine) or your Branch Name

8-> Pulling changes Locally from a Remote Repo

git pull origin [branchName]

Where the origin can be replaced by the respective remote pointer.

9-> View the state of your Staging Area and Changes in your Directory

git status

10-> View the History of your Commits along with their Hash Codes of the Repo

git log --pretty=oneline

11-> View the difference between branches

git diff --color thatBranchNameYouWantToCompare

12-> Delete a branch remotely

git push origin --delete <branch>

13-> Unstage your changes

git reset

13-> Unstage your changes and reset the working directory

git reset --hard

13-> Revert back to the last commit (Undo Last Commit)

git reset HEAD~1


git revert [last-commit-hash] (This will create a new commit for reverted changes)

Some Questions and Answers !!

Q1-> I have pushed some commit/s that I shouldn't. Now, I want to remove them locally and remotely. I want my History on Github to be cleared of those wrong commits. What should I do ??

First, see your commits, understand them and select how many commit/s you want to delete.

git log --pretty=oneline

Now, choose a number of commits you want to change i.e lets say recent 4 commits and delete them locally. Type the following command and simply remove the commits in your text editor(simply delete the line) and save the file

git rebase -i HEAD~4

Check your commit tree by using git log command and become sure that your commits have been removed locally. Once, you're certain, push the remaining commits.

git push origin branchName --force

Your History will be altered and the commits will be removed remotely as well as locally

Q2-> How can I pull a certain branch from GitHub ?

git fetch origin
git branch -f [branchName]/[branchName]
git checkout branchName

This command will create a branch of the same name of the remote branch that you're going to pull from