Intention is to protect your account
- Assigning MFA to user
- Take a look in IAM
- Set MFA on the IAM-user (or root account)
Intention is to protect your account with an audit log
- Check out cloud-trail, enable if not enabled
Intention is to use S3 to host webpages.
- Make a simple webserver
- Make a bucket in S3
- Configure it to act as a webserver
- Upload some content (html, img…)
- Bucket policy
- Static Website Hosting
Cleanup: Remove bucket
This tutorial set up a load balanced redundant web-envronment in PHP. Use this to explorer how loadbalancing and autoscaling works. After the system is up and running, check out the setup of Loadbalancers and Autoscaling in the EC2-console. Also try to adjust number og hosts, shutdown a host etc. Whan you have more than one server running, deloy a new versjon of the application.
(The following applies to the new web-interface)
- Start a Beanstalk-stack via “Create New Application”
- Create environment
- webserver environment
- PHP and upload application (zip-file)
- Configure more
- High availability
- Instance
- type t3.nano
- Capacity
- min 3, max 6 servers
- Network
- create environment inside VPC
- select all subnets for ELB og EC2
- make load balancer public available (public IPs for LB and servers)
- Create environment (takes aprox 5 mins, have a beer or a cofee...)
Things to try and see:
- Check settings for loadbalancer and autoscaling on EC2-console
- Open the application in a browser-windows (or more). The page will reload every 5 sec.
- Adjust number of servers
- Deploy a new version of the app
- Shutdown a server (EC2-console)
- Change to antother instance-type
Set up a serverless event-driven system for processing files:
** NOTE THIS ** Because of a bug in an older version of this tutorial download this cloudformation template and launch the stack from this template in us-east-1 (Virginia)
Then go to this page to see instructions (except the launching)
Set up a photo-album with automatic resize of photos and tagging of content