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80 lines (50 loc) · 4.25 KB

File metadata and controls

80 lines (50 loc) · 4.25 KB


You can do this!

We've tagged a number of issues as you can do this!. These will generally not require much (or any!) working knowledge of our SDK, they are tasks like migrating a single enum into Swift, or a uncomplicated model from objc to swift.

If you decide you want to help, that you can do this! tag is a good place to start. Now, here's how you can actually get going:

  • Follow the directions from 2. Create a fork/branch. to setup your environment.
  • Find an issue that speaks to you, and comment in it "I've got this" or something like that 😄.
  • If the issue isn't clear enough, feel free to tag in sdk team @RevenueCat/sdk asking for clarification.
  • Work on the issue!
  • Use our Swift Style Guide to ensure that the style is consistent with the rest of the codebase.
  • Once you think you're done, build the APITester target. That target compiles a file that contains references to all public api for the Purchases framework. This is how we ensure our changes don't impact the public api.
  • If that builds, then follow the final steps (Create a pull request to RevenueCat/main)
  • Done!

Contributing to the main project

1. Create an issue to make sure its something that should be done.

Before submitting a Github issue, please make sure to

Common project specific issues.

There are certain project specific issues that are commonly misinterpreted as bugs.

For support I'd recommend our online community, StackOverflow and/or Help Center 👍

If you have a clearly defined bug (with a Minimal, Complete, and Reproducible example) that is not specific to your project, follow the steps in the GitHub Issue template to file it with RevenueCat without removing any of the steps. For SDK-related bugs, make sure they can be reproduced on a physical device, not a simulator (there are simulator-specific problems that prevent purchases from working).

2. Create a fork/branch.

3. Setup your development environment.

Install fastlane.

We use fastlane 🚀 for all our automation, including setting up out dev environment.

$brew install fastlane
Run the setup lane.
$fastlane setup_dev

This installs Homebrew, and then SwiftLint. After, it links in our pre-commit hook to run swiftlint. That saves you time so you don't have to wait for our CI to do it ⏱.

4. Check out the Style Guide.

The Swift Style Guide illustrates the code style used across the project!

5. Build something!

Use our Swift Style Guide to ensure that the style is consistent with the rest of the codebase. This is pretty subjective, so don't get too stressed about it. If there's any issue, we'll suggest a change.

6. Write tests for your fix/new functionality.

You can run the tests by selecting the All Tests Scheme in Xcode and hitting Cmd+U. The tests are written in Swift, using XCTest and Nimble.

7. Create a pull request to RevenueCat/main and request review.

Explain in your pull request the work that was done and the reasoning.

8. Make changes in response to review.

9. Bask in the glory of community maintained software 😎