Summary of all changes made since the first stable release
- DEP: Removed deprecated functions that depend on ssj_auroral_boundary package
- DEP: Removed deprecated methods, attributes, and kwargs in VectorData
- DOC: Added data reference for SuperDARN vorticity data
- BUG: Fixed load_vorticity_ascii_data to correctly cycle through files
- BUG: Fixed EAB index pairing issue in DualBoundary class
- BUG: Fixed zenodo-get import in pyproject.toml
- TST: Updated GitHub Actions yamls
- MAINT: Cycled Python and pysat version support
- DEP: Deprecated functions that depend on ssj_auroral_boundary package
- DEP: Removed classes and kwargs deprecated in v0.3.0
- MAINT: Cycled supported Python versions
- MAINT: Added a pyproject.toml file and removed
- MAINT: Updated numpy logic to address DeprecationWarnings
- MAINT: Updated GitHub Action yamls to use pyproject.toml and cycle versions
- MAINT: Updated GitHub Action yamls to use coveralls-reporter
- ENH: Added AMPERE OCBs up to 2022, using updated AMPERE data
- ENH: Added AMPERE EABs, using the Heppner-Maynard boundary as a valid EAB
- ENH: Changed default directory ID to use pathlib
- ENH: Allow data padding in pysat_instrument functions
- ENH: Separated vector transformations to support multiple coordinate systems
- ENH: Updated VectorData and pysat_instruments to allow geographic inputs
- BUG: Fixed a typo in the documentation's pysat example
- BUG: Added an error catch for badly formatted SuperMAG file reading
- BUG: Fixed the flat/zero masking for vector pole angles with array input
- TST: Added a new CI test for the Test PyPi Release Candidate
- TST: Reduced duplication by creating a common test class and test variable
- TST: Added a ReadTheDocs yaml
- DOC: Improved docstring style compliance and correctness
- DOC: Updated pysat example to use geodetic inputs and improve the EAB plot
- BUG: Fixed header initialization error general instrument loading routine
- BUG: Fixed time cycling in the supermag2ascii_ocb function
- DEP: Moved OCBoundary class to hidden sub-module, _boundary
- DEP: Moved ocboundary functions to new sub-module, cycle_boundary
- DEP: Deprecated kwargs no longer needed to select good IMAGE data
- DEP: Changed the format for vector data stored in pysat Instruments
- DOC: Improved the PEP8 and numpydoc compliance in the documentation examples
- DOC: Updated citations
- DOC: Updated cross-referencing and added missing API sections
- DOC: Added examples for DMSP SSJ boundaries, pysat Instruments, and the
- DualBoundary class, updated the README example
- DOC: Improved documentation configuration
- ENH: Added a setup configuration file
- ENH: Changed class __repr__ to produce a string eval can use as input
- ENH: Updated the IMAGE OCB files and added EAB files
- ENH: Added EAB and dual-boundary classes
- ENH: Added function to select data along a satellite track
- ENH: Changed attributes in VectorData into properties to ensure expected
- behaviour if altering the class data after initialisation
- ENH: Added IMAGE SI12, SI13, and WIC DMSP corrections to harmonic
- ENH: Made scaling optional for SuperMAG and SuperDARN vorticity data
- MAINT: Removed support for Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6; added support for 3.10
- MAINT: Improved PEP8 compliance
- MAINT: Updated pysat routines to v3.0.0 standards
- MAINT: Updated CDF installation
- MAINT: Removed now-unnecessary logic in unit tests for Windows OS
- REL: Added a .zenodo.json file
- TST: Integrated and removed; it requires a payed plan for GitHub
- TST: Added flake8 and documentation tests to CI
- TST: Moved all configurations to setup.cfg, removing .coveragecfg
- TST: Improved test coverage, specifically adding pysat xarray tests and
- expanding unit tests for __repr__ methods
- TST: Migrated to GitHub Actions from Travis CI and Appveyor
- DOC: Updated examples in README
- BUG: Fixed an error in determining the sign and direction of OCB vectors
- STY: Changed a ValueError in VectorData to logger warning
- First stable release