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APSOC '22 Improved JSON Schema for UI Generation

Aadrika Bhargava edited this page Jul 21, 2022 · 8 revisions

Project Overview:

  1. Currently , if a user who is working on Accord Project , wants to create a web form to populate or add data for a template , then they have to create a custom web form for the same , using React JS or any other preferred framework , this is a tedious task for the developers.

  2. So to make the Accord Project more efficient and User-friendly , we can create a library /package that would interrogate the data model for the template and auto-generate a UI which could then be used to view/edit the data in the template.

  3. During the APSOC period I will create a library / package which would generate a custom web form with help of JSON Schema and also make sure that this library is user-friendly and well-documented so that Accord Project developers can easily get acquainted with the same .

Meeting Schedule and Key Points of Discussion

Meeting 1 : July 14 , 2022

  • Basic Introduction Call with all the contributors & mentors.

Meeting 2 : July 20 , 2022

  • Met with Martin to discuss further about the project .
  • Showed the demo project / sample project created , which generates a dynamic form via JSON Schema .
  • Discussed on how to convert Concerto data model format to JSON Schema .
  • Discussed in depth about the project steps and how to convert JSON Schema to UI Schema in order to further use it .


July 14 - July 21 , 2022

  • Created the sample project and got it approved by Martin .
  • Working on converting the concerto data model format to JSON Schema , using Concerto tools .
  • Researching and understanding Concerto model in a better way .