关于Electron的notification,先总结我的经验。Mac下直接用electron的notification module就可以。Win下的notification如果想要用win原生的,会有一些问题。Win7和win8/8.1/10在用户体验和内容上差别很大,前者为气泡,后者为Metro风格的。electron自己的notification现在这个版本(18-01-01)在win下问题很多。另外,electron-windows-notifcation这个在8/8.1/10上表现很好,但是不支持7,但7很用户量更大。
所以还是用这个electron-notifications,它是直接用browserwindow模拟的notification,原本的UI比较丑、Bug也很多,并且细节上闪烁也比较严重,但它会是比较稳定的(因为其原理)。原来的项目bug提了很久也不修,似乎作者并不想维护了。而A.F.C App正好有这个需求,因而在原fork基础上进行了一些工作。
npm install --save electron-notifications-lite
- 不再支持所谓的vertical 模式,不再支持按钮。
- 当Notification被点击时,它会向主线程发
的消息。 - option中增加一个adicon字段,能够额外在右侧显示一个ICON。
- notification不再抢走焦点
A node module for sending notifications in electron applications.
const notifier = require('electron-notifications')
// Just title
// Full Options
notifier.notify('Calendar', {
message: 'Event begins in 10 minutes',
icon: 'http://cl.ly/J49B/3951818241085781941.png',
buttons: ['Dismiss', 'Snooze'],
npm install --save electron-notifications
If you'd like to see this in action you can run the playbook and try out live examples and edit the code in place.
git clone git@github.com:blainesch/electron-notifications.git
npm run playbook
When you create a new notification, your notification is queued, since we only display one at a time. Each notification is a BrowserWindow instance, so it's completely cross platform.
All options are optional.
: A message to display under the title.icon
: The absolute URL of a icon displayed to the left of the text.buttons
: One or two buttons to display on the right of the notification.vertical
: Boolean (default: false) that specifies that the buttons should be stacked vertically.duration
: Integer duration in milliseconds (default: 4000) to show the notification.flat
: Boolean (default: false) that specifies to use a flat button style notification.
In addition to the events provided by electron you also have access to the following 3 additional events.
When the notification was clicked, but not dragged. This usually does the default action, or closes the notification.
const notification = notifier.notify('Calendar')
notification.on('clicked', () => {
When the notification has been swiped to the right. This usually indicates that the user wants to dismiss the notification.
const notification = notifier.notify('Calendar')
notification.on('swipedRight', () => {
When any one of the buttons are clicked, it'll trigger a buttonClicked
and pass the text, button index and options to the handler.
const notification = notifier.notify('Calendar', {
buttons: ['Dismiss', 'Snooze'],
url: "http://google.com"
notification.on('buttonClicked', (text, buttonIndex, options) => {
if (text === 'Snooze') {
// Snooze!
} else if(buttonIndex === 1) {
//open options.url