The following methods are available for querying or manipulating the Rhino application.
Method | Description |
AddAlias | Adds a command alias to Rhino. |
AddSearchPath | Adds a path to Rhino's search path. |
AliasCount | Returns the number of command aliases. |
AliasMacro | Returns or modifies the macro of a command alias. |
AliasNames | Returns a list of all alias names. |
AppearanceColor | Returns or modifies an application interface item's color. |
AppearanceDisplay | Returns or modifies an application interface item's visibility. |
AutosaveFile | Returns or sets the autosave filename. |
AutosaveInterval | Returns or sets the autosave interval. |
BuildDate | Returns the build date of Rhino. |
ClearCommandHistory | Clears the contents of the command history window. |
Command | Runs a Rhino command. |
CommandHistory | Returns the contents of the command history window. |
DefaultRenderer | Returns or changed Rhino's current, or default, render plug-in. |
DeleteAlias | Deletes a command alias from Rhino. |
DeleteSearchPath | Removes a path from Rhino's search path. |
DisplayOleAlerts | Enables or disables the display of OLE "busy" and "not responding" dialog boxes. |
EdgeAnalysisColor | Return or set's Rhino's default edge analysis color. |
EdgeAnalysisMode | Return or set's Rhino's default edge analysis mode. |
EnableAutosave | Enables or disables Rhino's autosave mechanism. |
EnableHistoryRecording | Enables or disables Rhino's command history recording. |
ExeFolder | Returns Rhino's executable folder. |
Exit | Exits Rhino. |
FindFile | Searches for file using Rhino's search path. |
GetPlugInObject | Returns a scriptable object from a plug-in. |
Help | Displays a topic in Rhino's help file. |
InCommand | Determines if Rhino is currently running a command. |
InstallFolder | Returns Rhino's installation folder. |
IsAlias | Verifies that a command alias exists. |
IsCommand | Verifies a command exists in Rhino. |
LastCommandName | Returns the name of the last executed command. |
LastCommandResult | Returns the result code for the last executed command. |
LastLoadedScriptFile | Returns a path to the last file loaded by the LoadScript command. |
LocaleID | Returns Rhino's current language setting. |
Ortho | Enables or disables ortho mode. |
Osnap | Enables or disables object snaps. |
OsnapDialog | Shows or hides Rhino's dockable object snap bar. |
OsnapMode | Returns or sets the object snap mode. |
Planar | Enables or disables planar mode. |
PlugIns | Returns a list of registered plug-ins. |
ProjectOsnaps | Enables or disables object snap projection. |
Prompt | Changes Rhino's command window prompt. |
RegistryKey | Returns Rhino's Windows Registry key. |
ScreenSize | Returns the current width and height, in pixels, of the screen of the primary display monitor. |
SdkVersion | Return the supported Rhino SDK version. |
SearchPathCount | Return the number of paths in Rhino's search path. |
SearchPathList | Returns all Rhino search paths. |
SendKeystrokes | Sends a string of characters to the Rhino command line. |
Snap | Enables or disables grid snap. |
StatusBarDistance | Sets Rhino's status bar distance pane. |
StatusBarMessage | Sets Rhino's status bar message pane. |
StatusBarNumber | Sets Rhino's status bar number pane. |
StatusBarPoint | Sets Rhino's status bar point pane. |
TemplateFile | Returns or sets Rhino's default template file. |
TemplateFolder | Returns or sets Rhino's template folder location. |
WindowHandle | Returns a handle to Rhino's main window. |
WorkingFolder | Returns or sets Rhino's working folder. |