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Application Methods

The following methods are available for querying or manipulating the Rhino application.

Method Description
AddAlias Adds a command alias to Rhino.
AddSearchPath Adds a path to Rhino's search path.
AliasCount Returns the number of command aliases.
AliasMacro Returns or modifies the macro of a command alias.
AliasNames Returns a list of all alias names.
AppearanceColor Returns or modifies an application interface item's color.
AppearanceDisplay Returns or modifies an application interface item's visibility.
AutosaveFile Returns or sets the autosave filename.
AutosaveInterval Returns or sets the autosave interval.
BuildDate Returns the build date of Rhino.
ClearCommandHistory Clears the contents of the command history window.
Command Runs a Rhino command.
CommandHistory Returns the contents of the command history window.
DefaultRenderer Returns or changed Rhino's current, or default, render plug-in.
DeleteAlias Deletes a command alias from Rhino.
DeleteSearchPath Removes a path from Rhino's search path.
DisplayOleAlerts Enables or disables the display of OLE "busy" and "not responding" dialog boxes.
EdgeAnalysisColor Return or set's Rhino's default edge analysis color.
EdgeAnalysisMode Return or set's Rhino's default edge analysis mode.
EnableAutosave Enables or disables Rhino's autosave mechanism.
EnableHistoryRecording Enables or disables Rhino's command history recording.
ExeFolder Returns Rhino's executable folder.
Exit Exits Rhino.
FindFile Searches for file using Rhino's search path.
GetPlugInObject Returns a scriptable object from a plug-in.
Help Displays a topic in Rhino's help file.
InCommand Determines if Rhino is currently running a command.
InstallFolder Returns Rhino's installation folder.
IsAlias Verifies that a command alias exists.
IsCommand Verifies a command exists in Rhino.
LastCommandName Returns the name of the last executed command.
LastCommandResult Returns the result code for the last executed command.
LastLoadedScriptFile Returns a path to the last file loaded by the LoadScript command.
LocaleID Returns Rhino's current language setting.
Ortho Enables or disables ortho mode.
Osnap Enables or disables object snaps.
OsnapDialog Shows or hides Rhino's dockable object snap bar.
OsnapMode Returns or sets the object snap mode.
Planar Enables or disables planar mode.
PlugIns Returns a list of registered plug-ins.
ProjectOsnaps Enables or disables object snap projection.
Prompt Changes Rhino's command window prompt.
RegistryKey Returns Rhino's Windows Registry key.
ScreenSize Returns the current width and height, in pixels, of the screen of the primary display monitor.
SdkVersion Return the supported Rhino SDK version.
SearchPathCount Return the number of paths in Rhino's search path.
SearchPathList Returns all Rhino search paths.
SendKeystrokes Sends a string of characters to the Rhino command line.
Snap Enables or disables grid snap.
StatusBarDistance Sets Rhino's status bar distance pane.
StatusBarMessage Sets Rhino's status bar message pane.
StatusBarNumber Sets Rhino's status bar number pane.
StatusBarPoint Sets Rhino's status bar point pane.
TemplateFile Returns or sets Rhino's default template file.
TemplateFolder Returns or sets Rhino's template folder location.
WindowHandle Returns a handle to Rhino's main window.
WorkingFolder Returns or sets Rhino's working folder.