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Action 'show_search'

By default, ActiveScaffold has the action module :search, but it can be changed to :field_search, using conf.actions.swap :search, :field_search. Both modules use the action show_search to open the form.

The search forms submit the data to the index action.

Using 'search' module

These methods are called in the following order:

  1. search_authorized_filter called as before_action
    1. search_authorized? (or the method defined in if it's changed) is called to check the permission. If this method returns false, search_authorized_filter will raise ActiveScaffold::ActionNotAllowed.
  2. show_search
    1. respond_to_action, which will call the corresponding response method for show_search action and the requested format.

Then it will render these views:

  • search.html.erb (only for HTML request)
    • _search.html.erb

Search Conditions Generation

There will be only a search string, and the query looks for it on every column in, using column.search_sql to build the conditions, joining all the comparisons with OR. Search_sql may be an array of column names or SQL code, e.g. using functions. The comparison will be made with LIKEfor text columns and=for other columns, and depending on the value` will use wrap the text:

  • with % if it's :full, to match the text anywhere in the columns
  • appending % if it's :start, to match the text at the beginning
  • prepending % if it's :end, to match the text at the end
  • without adding any %, if it's any other value, to match the exact text

And depending on the value of, it will look for the whole text, or will split the text using the value of split_terms into tokens and look for each token, joining everything with AND, so it requires to find every token, but each token may be found in different columns.

Using 'field_search' module

These methods are called in the following order:

  1. search_authorized_filter called as before_action
    1. search_authorized? (or the method defined in if it's changed) is called to check the permission. If this method returns false, search_authorized_filter will raise ActiveScaffold::ActionNotAllowed.
  2. show_search
    1. respond_to_action, which will call the corresponding response method for show_search action and the requested format.

Then it will render these views:

  • field_search.html.erb (only for HTML request)
    • _field_search.html.erb

Some of the columns defined in config.field_search.columns may be rendered in a subgroup which is collapsible and hidden by default, adding them to config.field_search.optional_columns too. When the form is open with a search active, they will be in the default group instead of the optional subgroup. The method visibles_and_hiddens can be overrided in a helper module to change the columns which are hidden, e.g. depending on params used to load the list.

Search Conditions Generation

There will be different search params for each column, and each column may generate SQL condition in a different way. For each column in conf.field_search.columns will call the class method condition_for_column, which may use the following class methods:

  1. condition_for_<column_name>_column if exists, allowing to override how the conditions for a column are generated
  2. condition_for_<search_ui>_type if exists, with search_ui being the search_ui of the column, or the column's type if no search_ui was defined.
  3. column.search_sql if it's a Proc
  4. condition_for_search_ui

If the first method exists, it will be called and the value returned as SQL condition, otherwise, the value of one of the other 3 methods is expected to be a string used as SQL comparison (like the one used in where rails method when using an array), and one or more values, and the SQL string is used as a template used to interpolate, replacing %<search_sql>s or %{search_sql} with each item in column.search_sql, and joining all the conditions with OR.

Using both modules

Field_search module can be added without using swap, with conf.actions << :field_search. ActiveScaffold don't support having 2 action links for the same action with the same parameters, so the action link for field_search should use the parameter kind with the value :field_search: = {kind: :field_search}

Then show_search will render the view or partial for search module, and show_search with kind=field_search will render the view or partial for field_search module.

Accessing to the search params

When index action is called, a before_action store_search_params_into_session will read the params in :search key, and delete them. If active_scaffold_config.store_user_settings is enabled, search params are saved in the session, in active_scaffold_session_storage['search'], otherwise search params are saved in @search_params. Anyway, search params are accessible with the method search_params, which can be used in controller, views and helpers. To access the search params for field_search only, in case of using both modules, field_search_params can be used, which will return search_params if it's a Hash, or an empty Hash.

The index action will add conditions to the list query from the search params with the do_search method, which is called with before_action too.

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