This page (hopefully!) will help you to install Marinette
- Python
- Very basic technical skills
- A bit of time and patience
Here is step-by-step guide on how to perform the minimal installation of Marinette:
- Download the source code (
- Unpack it anywhere on your computer
- Enter marinette-main which you've unpacked in prefered terminal emulator
- Generate a preinstall script by running the following:
- On Windows:
py scripts\
- On *nix:
python scripts/
- On Windows:
- Generate a password and an identificator by running the following:
- On Windows:
py scripts\ MAKE_UP_A_PASSWORD
py scripts\
- On *nix:
python scripts/ MAKE_UP_A_PASSWORD
python scripts/
- On Windows:
- Copy the script you've generated on step 4 into the game, compile and launch it
- The generated script is located in scriptsgh/install_marinette.src
- Copy-paste every .src file located in marinette-main on your computer to the in-game /home/guest/Sources/Marinette
- Open /home/guest/Sources/Marinette/src/marinette.src and change password and identificator to the ones you've generated on step 5
- Compile and launch marinette.src
- You can launch Marinette two ways:
- With specifying password:
marinette --password PASSWORD_FROM_STEP_5
- Without specifying password. In this case, Marinette will ask you to enter it:
- With specifying password:
- You can launch Marinette two ways:
Congratulations! You've successfully installed Marinette!
If you want to use Marinette at her best, consider going through configuration