Data Availability Statement for "How delayed learning about climate uncertainty impacts decarbonization investment strategies"
By: Adam Michael Bauer -- adammb4 [at] illinois [dot] edu
This directory contains a set of codes that reproduces all of the figures and analysis carried out in: How delayed learning about climate uncertainty impacts decarbonization investment strategies by Bauer, McIsaac, and Hallegatte.
To cite our working paper that uses these codes: Bauer, A. M., F. McIsaac, S. Hallegatte. How Delayed Learning about Climate Uncertainty Impacts Decarbonization Investment Strategies. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. WPS10743, World Bank Group, Washington DC, 2024.
All of the data used in our study is taken and/or interpreted from publically available publications and reports. Raw data is used to calibrate the numerical model. Individual numbers used in the simulations can be found in the codes/data/cal/
files for each simulation. All values are taken from the following papers or reports:
- Data for the remaining carbon budget and its uncertainty is taken from Dvorak et al., 2022, see Table 2, the "No cessation" rows.
- Marginal abatement costs and abatement potentials in each economic sector we considered is taken from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Sixth Assessment Report, specifically the contributions of Working Group III, Figure SPM.7 on p. 38 of the Summary for Policymakers. An excel spreadsheet of this data was provided to AMB by one of the authors of the IPCC Report, and is available upon request.
- Capital depreciation rates are taken from Philibert, C., 2007, see Figure 8. The capital depreciation rate is the inverse of the capital lifetime.
- The social discount rate is taken from Drupp et al., 2018, their median estimate.
Last edited: 5 April, 2024.