From b0086b232de1ad63ccc74b9b617816a6f53aaccc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Radek Adamec Go to namespaces or types DeclaringFile
public Full path to the file declaring the source-only package (containing the package metadata as <NuProp.xxxx/> XML documentation comments
-ExternalReferences public List of external references (NuGet package dependencies) that are not declared in the package, but the consumer has to include
+HasNuProps public Master flag whether the NuProps class containts the valid metadata for source-only package HasNuProps public Master flag whether the NuProps class contains the valid metadata for source-only package IncludesType public Definition of the additional files to include into the source-only package PackageDescription public Optional description of the package PackageFiles public List of all files to be included into the source-only package
+PackageId public Unique ID of the package PackageRemarksSource public Type to get the XML Documentation remarks from to document the source only package PackageTags public Optional package tags divided by space
-PackageVersion public Optional version of the package.
+Usings public List of the dependencied that are to be declared within the package Usings public List of the dependencies that are to be declared within the package Constructors
@@ -82,6 +83,11 @@ Constructors
NuProps(string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>) public CTOR - Checks the compilation file with given fileName for the source-only package metadata. When the metadata are present and valid, the NuProps object is initialized and HasNuProps property is set to true Methods
+Name Modifier Summary
+ToString() public Returns the string representation of current object NuProps.DeclaringFile Property
@@ -109,7 +115,7 @@ NuProps
Sources: AddOns\SourceOnlyPackages\Model\NuProps.cs
Master flag whether the NuProps class containts the valid metadata for source-only package
+Master flag whether the NuProps class contains the valid metadata for source-only package
public bool HasNuProps { get; }
Property value
Go to namespaces or types
@@ -156,6 +162,16 @@Go to namespaces or types
+Assembly: MarkupDoc
+Type: NuProps
+Sources: AddOns\SourceOnlyPackages\Model\NuProps.cs
Type to get the XML Documentation remarks from to document the source only package
+public string PackageRemarksSource { get; }
+Property value
Go to namespaces or types
Assembly: MarkupDoc
@@ -183,7 +199,7 @@ NuProps
Sources: AddOns\SourceOnlyPackages\Model\NuProps.cs
List of the dependencied that are to be declared within the package
+List of the dependencies that are to be declared within the package
public IReadOnlyList<> Usings { get; }
Property value
Go to namespaces or types
@@ -198,6 +214,16 @@Go to namespaces or types
+Assembly: MarkupDoc
+Type: NuProps
+Sources: AddOns\SourceOnlyPackages\Model\NuProps.cs
Returns the string representation of current object
+public override string ToString()
+Return value
Go to namespaces or types
Assembly: MarkupDoc
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 85f3cca..bd490cb 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Source-only NuGet packages contain just the source code that is added to the pro
- <NuProp.Includes type = "" /> - file includes (optional). If type="Folder", the package will include all compile files in folder, if type="FolderRecursive" the subfolders will be also included
- <NuProp.Using id = "" version=""/> - package imports (optional). Version is optional
- <NuProp.Needs id="" /> - "external" imports needed (optional) - not included in package, just info when consuming!!!
+ - <NuProp.Remarks cref="" /> - type to get the XML Documentation remarks from to document the source only package.
@@ -66,14 +67,15 @@ Source-only NuGet packages contain just the source code that is added to the pro
| ------ | ---------- | --------- |
| [DeclaringFile]( | public | Full path to the file declaring the source-only package (containing the package metadata as <NuProp.xxxx/> XML documentation comments |
| [ExternalReferences]( | public | List of external references (NuGet package dependencies) that are not declared in the package, but the consumer has to include |
- | [HasNuProps]( | public | Master flag whether the [NuProps]( class containts the valid metadata for source-only package |
+ | [HasNuProps]( | public | Master flag whether the [NuProps]( class contains the valid metadata for source-only package |
| [IncludesType]( | public | Definition of the additional files to include into the source-only package |
| [PackageDescription]( | public | Optional description of the package |
| [PackageFiles]( | public | List of all files to be included into the source-only package |
| [PackageId]( | public | Unique ID of the package |
+ | [PackageRemarksSource]( | public | Type to get the XML Documentation remarks from to document the source only package |
| [PackageTags]( | public | Optional package tags divided by space |
| [PackageVersion]( | public | Optional version of the package. |
- | [Usings]( | public | List of the dependencied that are to be declared within the package |
+ | [Usings]( | public | List of the dependencies that are to be declared within the package |
@@ -87,6 +89,15 @@ Source-only NuGet packages contain just the source code that is added to the pro
+### Methods ###
+ | Name | Modifier | Summary |
+ | ------ | ---------- | --------- |
+ | [ToString()]( | public | Returns the string representation of current object |
Go to [namespaces]( or [types](
@@ -148,7 +159,7 @@ Type: [NuProps](
Sources: AddOns\SourceOnlyPackages\Model\NuProps.cs
-Master flag whether the [NuProps]( class containts the valid metadata for source-only package
+Master flag whether the [NuProps]( class contains the valid metadata for source-only package
@@ -265,6 +276,30 @@ Go to [namespaces]( or [types](
+## NuProps.PackageRemarksSource Property ##
+Namespace: [](
+Assembly: MarkupDoc
+Type: [NuProps](
+Sources: AddOns\SourceOnlyPackages\Model\NuProps.cs
+Type to get the XML Documentation remarks from to document the source only package
+public string PackageRemarksSource { get; }
+Property value