component provides a way to select a a range of dates using
DateField & Calendar component. It follows the
Native Input Date
for the keyboard navigation & accessibility features. Supports all the features
as React Aria's
import React from "react";
import DateFieldBasic from "./DateFieldBasic.component";
import {
} from "@adaptui/react";
import CalendarRange from "./RangeCalendarBasic.component";
import { CalendarIcon } from "./Utils.component";
export const DateRangePickerBasic = props => {
const state = useDateRangePickerBaseState({ ...props, gutter: 10 });
const daterangepicker = useDateRangePickerState({ ...props, state });
return (
<div className="datepicker">
<DatePickerLabel state={daterangepicker} className="datepicker__label">
<DatePickerGroup state={daterangepicker} className="datepicker__group">
<DateFieldBasic {...daterangepicker.startFieldProps} />
<DateFieldBasic {...daterangepicker.endFieldProps} />
<CalendarIcon />
{ && (
<DatePickerPopover state={daterangepicker} className="popover">
<CalendarRange {...daterangepicker.calendarProps} />
export default DateRangePickerBasic;
- useDateRangePickerBaseState uses
- useDateRangePickerState uses its own state
DateRangePickerStateProps props
> These props are returned by the other props You can also provide these props.Name | Type | Description |
shouldCloseOnSelect |
boolean | (() => boolean) | undefined |
Determines whether the date picker popover should close automatically when a date is selected. |
allowsNonContiguousRanges |
boolean | undefined |
When combined with isDateUnavailable , determines whether non-contiguous ranges,i.e. ranges containing unavailable dates, may be selected. |
minValue |
DateValue | undefined |
The minimum allowed date that a user may select. |
maxValue |
DateValue | undefined |
The maximum allowed date that a user may select. |
isDateUnavailable |
((date: DateValue) => boolean) | undefined |
Callback that is called for each date of the calendar. If it returns true, then the date is unavailable. |
placeholderValue |
T | undefined |
A placeholder date that influences the format of the placeholder shown when no value is selected. Defaults to today's date at midnight. |
hourCycle |
12 | 24 | undefined |
Whether to display the time in 12 or 24 hour format. By default, this is determined by the user's locale. |
granularity |
Granularity | undefined |
Determines the smallest unit that is displayed in the date picker. By default, this is "day" for dates, and "minute" for times. |
hideTimeZone |
boolean | undefined |
Whether to hide the time zone abbreviation. |
isDisabled |
boolean | undefined |
Whether the input is disabled. |
isReadOnly |
boolean | undefined |
Whether the input can be selected but not changed by the user. |
validationState |
ValidationState | undefined |
Whether the input should display its "valid" or "invalid" visual styling. |
isRequired |
boolean | undefined |
Whether user input is required on the input before form submission.Often paired with the necessityIndicator prop to add a visual indicator to the input. |
autoFocus |
boolean | undefined |
Whether the element should receive focus on render. |
onFocus |
((e: FocusEvent<Element, Element>) => void) | u... |
Handler that is called when the element receives focus. |
onBlur |
((e: FocusEvent<Element, Element>) => void) | u... |
Handler that is called when the element loses focus. |
onFocusChange |
((isFocused: boolean) => void) | undefined |
Handler that is called when the element's focus status changes. |
onKeyDown |
((e: KeyboardEvent) => void) | undefined |
Handler that is called when a key is pressed. |
onKeyUp |
((e: KeyboardEvent) => void) | undefined |
Handler that is called when a key is released. |
label |
ReactNode |
The content to display as the label. |
description |
ReactNode |
A description for the field. Provides a hint such as specific requirements for what to choose. |
errorMessage |
ReactNode |
An error message for the field. |
isOpen |
boolean | undefined |
Whether the overlay is open by default (controlled). |
defaultOpen |
boolean | undefined |
Whether the overlay is open by default (uncontrolled). |
onOpenChange |
((isOpen: boolean) => void) | undefined |
Handler that is called when the overlay's open state changes. |
value |
T | undefined |
The current value (controlled). |
defaultValue |
T | undefined |
The default value (uncontrolled). |
onChange |
((value: C) => void) | undefined |
Handler that is called when the value changes. |
PopoverStateProps props
> These props are returned by the other props You can also provide these props.Name | Type | Description |
defaultOpen |
boolean | undefined |
Whether the overlay is open by default (uncontrolled). |
open |
boolean |
The visibility state of the content. |
animated |
number | boolean |
Determines whether the content should animate when it is shown or hidden. - If true , the animating state will be true when the content is shown or hidden and it will wait for stopAnimation to be called or a CSS animation/transition to end before becoming false . - If it's set to a number, the animating state will be true when the content is shown or hidden and it will wait for the number of milliseconds to pass before becoming false . |
setOpen |
((open: boolean) => void) | undefined |
Function that will be called when setting the disclosure open state. |
getAnchorRect |
(anchor: HTMLElement | null) => AnchorRect | null |
Function that returns the anchor element's DOMRect. If this is explicitlypassed, it will override the anchor getBoundingClientRect method. |
placement |
Placement |
The placement of the popover. |
fixed |
boolean |
Whether the popover has position: fixed or not. |
gutter |
number | undefined |
The distance between the popover and the anchor element. By default, it's 0plus half of the arrow offset, if it exists. |
shift |
number |
The skidding of the popover along the anchor element. |
flip |
string | boolean |
Controls the behavior of the popover when it overflows the viewport: - If a boolean , specifies whether the popover should flip to the opposite side when it overflows. - If a string , indicates the preferred fallback placements when it overflows. The placements must be spaced-delimited, e.g. "top left". |
slide |
boolean |
Whether the popover should slide when it overflows. |
overlap |
boolean |
Whether the popover can overlap the anchor element when it overflows. |
sameWidth |
boolean |
Whether the popover should have the same width as the anchor element. Thiswill be exposed to CSS as --popover-anchor-width . |
fitViewport |
boolean |
Whether the popover should fit the viewport. If this is set to true, thepopover wrapper will have maxWidth and maxHeight set to the viewportsize. This will be exposed to CSS as --popover-available-width and--popover-available-height . |
arrowPadding |
number |
The minimum padding between the arrow and the popover corner. |
overflowPadding |
number |
The minimum padding between the popover and the viewport edge. This will beexposed to CSS as --popover-overflow-padding . |
renderCallback |
((props: PopoverStateRenderCallbackProps) => vo... |
A function that will be called when the popover needs to calculate itsstyles. It will override the internal behavior. |
Name | Type | Description |
aria-label |
string | undefined |
Defines a string value that labels the current element. |
aria-labelledby |
string | undefined |
Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element. |
aria-describedby |
string | undefined |
Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object. |
aria-details |
string | undefined |
Identifies the element (or elements) that provide a detailed, extended description for the object. |
id |
string | undefined |
The element's unique identifier. See MDN. |
state |
DateRangePickerBaseState |
Object returned by the useDateRangePickerBaseState hook. |