disabled |
boolean | undefined |
Determines whether the focusable element is disabled. If the focusableelement doesn't support the native disabled attribute, thearia-disabled attribute will be used instead. |
autoFocus |
boolean | undefined |
Automatically focus the element when it is mounted. It works similarly tothe native autoFocus prop, but solves an issue where the element isgiven focus before React effects can run. |
focusable |
boolean | undefined |
Whether the element should be focusable. |
accessibleWhenDisabled |
boolean | undefined |
Determines whether the element should be focusable even when it isdisabled.This is important when discoverability is a concern. For example:> A toolbar in an editor contains a set of special smart paste functionsthat are disabled when the clipboard is empty or when the function is notapplicable to the current content of the clipboard. It could be helpful tokeep the disabled buttons focusable if the ability to discover theirfunctionality is primarily via their presence on the toolbar.Learn more on Focusability of disabledcontrols. |
onFocusVisible |
((event: SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>) => voi... |
Custom event handler that is called when the element is focused via thekeyboard or when a key is pressed while the element is focused. |
preserveTabOrder |
boolean | undefined |
When enabled, preserveTabOrder will keep the DOM element's tab order thesame as the order in which the Portal component was mounted in the Reacttree. |
portalRef |
((instance: HTMLElement | null) => void) | Muta... |
portalRef is similar to ref but is scoped to the portal node. It'suseful when you need to be informed when the portal element is appended tothe DOM or removed from the DOM. |
portal |
boolean | undefined |
Determines whether the element should be rendered as a React Portal. |
portalElement |
HTMLElement | ((element: HTMLElement) => HTMLEl... |
An HTML element or a memoized callback function that returns an HTMLelement to be used as the portal element. By default, the portal elementwill be a div element appended to the document.body . |
modal |
boolean | undefined |
Determines whether the dialog is modal. Modal dialogs have distinctstates and behaviors: - The portal , backdrop and preventBodyScroll props are set to true . They can still be manually set to false . - A visually hidden dismiss button will be rendered if the DialogDismiss component hasn't been used. This allows screen reader users to close the dialog. - The focus will be trapped within the dialog. - When the dialog is open, the elements outside of the dialog will be hidden to assistive technology users using the aria-hidden attribute. - When using the Heading or DialogHeading components within the dialog, their level will be reset so they start with h1 . |
backdrop |
boolean | ElementType<Pick<DetailedHTMLProps<HT... |
Determines whether there will be a backdrop behind the dialog. On modaldialogs, this is true by default. Besides a boolean , this prop canalso be a React component that will be rendered as the backdrop. |
backdropProps |
Omit<DisclosureContentProps<"div">, "state"> | ... |
Props that will be passed to the backdrop element if backdrop istrue . |
hideOnEscape |
BooleanOrCallback<KeyboardEvent | React.Keyboar... |
Determines whether the dialog will be hidden when the user presses theEscape key. |
hideOnInteractOutside |
BooleanOrCallback<Event | SyntheticEvent<Elemen... |
Determines whether the dialog will be hidden when the user clicks orfocus on an element outside of the dialog. |
preventBodyScroll |
boolean | undefined |
Determines whether the body scrolling will be prevented when the dialogis shown. |
autoFocusOnShow |
BooleanOrCallback<HTMLElement> | undefined |
Determines whether an element inside the dialog will receive focus whenthe dialog is shown. By default, this is usually the first tabbableelement in the dialog or the dialog itself. The initialFocusRef propcan be used to set a different element to receive focus. |
autoFocusOnHide |
BooleanOrCallback<HTMLElement> | undefined |
Determines whether an element outside of the dialog will be focused whenthe dialog is hidden if another element hasn't been focused in the actionof hiding the dialog (for example, by clicking or tabbing into anothertabbable element outside of the dialog). By default, this is usually thedisclosure element. The finalFocusRef prop can be used to define adifferent element to be focused. |
initialFocusRef |
RefObject<HTMLElement> | undefined |
Determines which element will receive focus when the dialog is shown.This has no effect if autoFocusOnShow is false . If not set, the firsttabbable element inside the dialog or the dialog itself will receivefocus. |
finalFocusRef |
RefObject<HTMLElement> | undefined |
Determines which element will receive focus when the dialog is hidden ifanother element hasn't been focused in the action of hiding the dialog(for example, by clicking or tabbing into another tabbable elementoutside of the dialog). This has no effect if autoFocusOnHide isfalse . If not set, the disclosure element will be used. |