Reservoir analysis for BPplus files version 2 for BP+ and Pulsecor cardioscope files (*.xml). Matlab scripts to perform reservoir analysis, pressure-only wave intensity analysis and estimate some other hemodynamic parameters from non-invasive brachial blood pressure waveforms.
**This is the beta 5 version and hasn't been subjected to extensive testing.
Some background on the reservoir-excess pressure analysis can be found in:
- Parker, K. H., & Hughes, A. D. (2024). The theoretical basis of reservoir pressure in arteries. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.10806.
- Hughes AD, Parker KH. The modified arterial reservoir: An update with consideration of asymptotic pressure (Pinfinity) and zero-flow pressure (Pzf). Proc Inst Mech Eng H 2020; 234(11): 1288-99.
- Armstrong MK, Schultz MG, Hughes AD, Picone DS, Sharman JE. Physiological and clinical insights from reservoir-excess pressure analysis. J Hum Hypertens 2021; 35(9): 758-68.
The method for wave intensity analysis is based on:
- Alun Hughes, Chloe Park, Anenta Ramakrishnan, Jamil Mayet, Nish Chaturvedi, Kim Parker. Feasibility of estimation of aortic wave intensity using non-invasive pressure recordings in the absence of flow velocity in man. Front. Physiol., 2020; 11: 550.
Much of this code was developed from original code by Kim Parker. I am grateful to Richard Scott for information about variables in the BP plus XML file, identifying bugs and for code suggestions.
- None at present