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151 lines (134 loc) · 5.14 KB

File metadata and controls

151 lines (134 loc) · 5.14 KB

(2) Variable & Simple Data Types

01- print(str.title()) #case the string
02- print(str.upper()) #uppercase the string
03- print(str.lower()) #lowercase the string
04- print("\tPython") #whitespaces using tabs
05- favorite_language = favorite_language.rstrip() #remove whitespaces from right side
06- message = "Happy " + str(age) + "rd Birthday!" #print string with integer

(3) Introducing Lists

01- bicycles = ['trek', 'cannondale', 'redline', 'specialized']
02- print(bicycles[0])
03- print(bicycles[-1])
04- motorcycles[0] = 'ducati'
05- motorcycles.append('ducati')
06- motorcycles.insert(0, 'ducati')
07- del motorcycles[0]
08- popped_motorcycle = motorcycles.pop()
09- first_owned = motorcycles.pop(0)
10- cars.sort()
11- cars.sort(reverse=True)
12- print(sorted(cars))
13- cars.reverse()
14- print(len(cars))

(4) Working with Lists

01- for m in magicians:
02- for value in range(1,5):
03- numbers = list(range(1,6))
04- min(digits)
05- max(digits)
06- sum(digits)
07- squares = [value**2 for value in range(1,11)] #list comprehensions
08- print(players[0:3])
09- print(players[:3])
10- print(players[0:])
11- print(players[-3:])
12- friend_foods = my_foods[:]
13- dimensions = (200, 50) #tuple - cant be changed
Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP)
14- Indentation: Use four spaces per indentation
15- Line length: each line should be less than 80 characters
16- Blank lines

(5) IF Statements

01- if car == 'bmw':
02- 'mushrooms' in requested_toppings
03- if user not in banned_users:
print(user.title() + ", you can post a response if you wish.")
04- if age < 4:
price = 0
elif age < 18:
price = 5
price = 10
05- if requested_toppings: #checking list empty or not

(6) Dictionaries

01- alien_0 = {'color': 'green', 'points': 5}
02- alien_0['color'] = 'yellow'
03- del alien_0['points'
04- for key, value in user_0.items():
print("\nKey: " + key)
print("Value: " + value)
05- for language in favorite_languages.values():
06- pizza = {
'crust': 'thick',
'toppings': ['mushrooms', 'extra cheese']

(7) User Input and While Loops

01- message = input("Tell me something, and I will repeat it back to you: ")
02- prompt = "If you tell us who you are, we can personalize the messages you see."
prompt += "\nWhat is your first name? "
03- while current_number <= 5:
current_number += 1
04- while unconfirmed_users:
current_user = unconfirmed_users.pop()
05- while 'cat' in pets:
06- responses[name] = response #dictionary

(8) Functions

01- def function_name(parameter_0, parameter_1='default value'):
02- describe_pet('hamster','harry'): #positional arguments
03- describe_pet(animal_type='hamster', pet_name='harry') #keyword arguments
04- function_name(list_name[:]) #passing copy of list rather than the actual list
05- def make_pizza(*toppings): #for passing an arbitary number of arguments
06- def build_profile(first, last, **user_info): #double asterik for dictionary
07- import pizza #importing a different module
08- pizza.make_pizza(16, 'pepperoni') #using functions from a module
09- from module_name import function_name #importing specific functions from a module
10- make_pizza(16, 'pepperoni') #using a imported functions from a smodule
11- import pizza as p #alias module
12- from pizza import make_pizza as mp #alias module functions
13- from pizza import * #importing all functions of module

(9) Classes

01- class Dog():
02- def init(self, name, age): = name
03- my_dog = Dog('willie', 6) #create instance
04- class ElectricCar(Car):
05- def init(self, make, model, year):
super().init(make, model, year)

(10) Files and Exception

01- with open('pi_digits.txt') as file_object:
contents =
02- with open(filename) as file_object:
for line in file_object:
03- with open(filename) as file_object:
lines = file_object.readlines()
04- for line in lines:
pi_string += line.strip()
05- line.replace('Python','C')
06- with open(filename, 'w') as file_object:
file_object.write("I love programming.")
07- with open(filename, 'a') as file_object:
file_object.write("I also love finding meaning in large datasets.\n")
file_object.write("I love creating apps that can run in a browser.\n")
08- try:
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("You can't divide by zero!")
09- except FileNotFoundError:
10- filename = 'numbers.json'
with open(filename, 'w') as f_obj:
json.dump(numbers, f_obj)
11- with open(filename) as f_obj:
numbers = json.load(f_obj)