- In file input.c, it creates lists from the given input files.
- In file generator.c, it creates a complete schedule of standards = (2 * classrooms) i.e. twice the number of classrooms.
- In file remaining_standards.c, it creates schedule of remainig standards by filling the free slots in the prior allotted classrooms.
- In file print_tt.c, it decodes the information stored about the subject and and corresponding standard and exports all the information to .csv files which is readable. The files are in the name of each standard and are separate.
- The file teacher_schedule.c, it does same function as print_tt.c but it produces timetable for each teacher in separate file in the name of that teacher.
- The input file format is shown in sample files given.
- The '"' symbol should be necessarily used.
- While entering subject_initials take care of 'spaces'.
- Please read instructions given in input files.
- A demo screenshot of terminal based input is attached - 'terminal-input.png'. Go through that.
- While opening .csv files the required setting is mentioned in the screenshot 'spreadsheet-setting.png'.
- The input should be given strictly as follows. '$' symbol specifies lab subjects. The lab hours are actually the no of lecture slots required to take the lab. Strictly follow the format Don't use spaces in ID. Shown in 'subject_ip_coep'.
- The names and other data should be given in double qoutes as shown below. subject_ID as shown in 'teacher_ip_coep'. Strictly follow the format Don't use spaces in ID.
- The standard names should be given in double qoutes as shown below. subject_ID as shown in 'standard_ip_coep'.
- For labs only required slots are alloted as per lab subjects and no. of batches. As the lab allotmant will be another problem which couuld be better solved manually.
- There are many parameters about lab allotment, i.e. how many no. of batches can attend lab simultanously. So, I've only given the required lab slots per standards the user has to arrange the batches as per their convinience.
- The formed schedule files should be copied to other directory as running the program again overwrite the previous files.
- If the failure warning continues after running program many times then try changing the order of input standards in the standard-input file.
- If still it is not working, then reduce some subjects from some standard so it will give partial schedule.
- So, some lectures might run half hour extra after the regular institute timings.
- Rooms numbers are arbitrary. You can assign room names by editing the output file.
- Output file contains: room 1, room 2, etc.