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Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Notes on AWS Config for

  • domain is registered with DomainCheap, hosting through AWS
  • the simple core website is a static S3 bucket
  • your front end apps (cowpoke lounge, upnext) are on amplify and map to subdomains of your site (i.e.
  • RDS database instances to support your apps
  • traffic is configured through Route 53 with CloudFront CDN
  • routing for amplify subdomains is configured through Amplify > Domain Management


What is AWS?

  • like azure and google cloud, the AWS ecosystem provides many options for IaaS and PaaS
  • Compute (EC2, Lambda, ECS, Batch)
  • Storage (S3, EBS, EFS)
  • Database (RDS, Redshift)
  • Networking (VPC, CloudFront, Route 53)

AWS Service Overview

Simple Storage Service (S3)

  • object storage service that includes static websites, data lakes, mobile apps, backups

Elastic Container Services (ECS)

  • Elastic Container Services are used to run and manage docker containers
  • an ECS is a logical grouping of EC2 compute instances: the ECS is a service to manage your EC2 virtual instances
  • Lambda is a serverless compute service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you: you write code that reacts to events (such as a change in a S3 bucket or DynamoDB table) and AWS runs your Lambda for you. your code can call other Lambdas or call other AWS services.


  • Relational Database Service (RDS) supports many flavors including MySQL, psql, MariaDB, Oracle, and SQL Server
  • ElasticCache is a managed Redis or Memcached service

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Cognito is an identity platform: a user directory that supports authentication, OAuth token services, and provides AWS credentials using built-in user directory, your own enterprise directory, or consumer identity providers like Google and Facebook
  • Certificate Manager to help manage eminently expiring certs

Media Services

  • AWS includes services to stream video, serve video playback, process video streams, and media transcoding


  • Athena: run queries on S3 data
  • ETL Services


  • EventBridge is a serverless event bus that makes it easy to connect applications together using data from your own applications, integrated SaaS applications, and AWS services
  • there are various products within EventBridge
  • EventBridge: event bus
  • EventBridge Scheduler: set cron jobs


  • aws sns is a pub/sub service for A2A (app to app) and A2P (app to person) notifications

Management Tools

  • Cloud Watch provides application monitoring and logging
  • Cloud Formation provides scripted infrastructure deployment
  • Cloud Trail: logging of everything a user does in AWS, held for one week
  • Code Deploy automatically deploys your services onto an EC2 or Lambda
  • EBL Elastic Load Balancer
  • Cloud Front is a CDN
  • Route 53 is a DNS service


Availability Zones and Regions

  • AWS is divided into 16 regions: geographic areas
  • AWS has 44 availability zones which are data centers within a region that are engineered to be isolated from failures in other zones
  • ideally you design your application to be across more than one AZ so if one goes down, you have another



  • EC2 virtual machines may by purchased with different pricing models:
    • on-demand paid by the hour
    • reserved for a period of time, instances are always available
    • scheduled instances are available at specific times for a contract amount
    • dedicated: your very own physical host
    • there are also spot instances which are available when the price is below a certain threshold (used for big data computation that is not time-sensitive)
  • EC2 types:
    • there are a billion different types of EC2 instances, each with different specs and pricing including dense storage, memory optimized, compute optimized, GPU, etc but some to know:
      • M4: general purpose, application servers
      • T2: web servers, small databases
    • you can change the type of a EC2 instance if your requirements change
    • the Compute Optimizer can show you which type is recommended for your existing workload

EC2 Configuration

  • Load Balancers direct traffic across your instances. all AWS Load Balancers have their own DNS name
  • if you have high performance requirements within your ecosystem, you can be methodical in your EC2 placement group -- grouping instances together within a single AZ can enable low-latency, 10Gbps connections between instances

Simple EC2 Setup

# after ssh into the instance

# install node
sudo apt-get install curl
curl -o- | bash
. ~/.nvm/
nvm install --lts
node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"

# clone repo - use https link
git clone
cd {cloned folder}

# install dependencies
npm i
# if you're using typescript you'll need to transpile
npm run build
# run the thing
node dist/index.js


  • you can use CodeDeploy to automate deployments into EC2, Lambda, Fargate, or on-prem servers
  • for example, you'd set up a EC2 instance with CodeDeploy agent installed

Install CodeDeploy Agent on Ubuntu


# get ready
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ruby-full
sudo apt install wget
cd /home/ubuntu
# get install script for the appropriate region
chmod +x ./install
# install latest version of CodeDeploy
sudo ./install auto
# check service 
sudo service codedeploy-agent status
# it should be running, but if it's not:
sudo service codedeploy-agent start



  • when working with relational dbs managed by aws, you can use special rdsadmin procs to manage the db such as bringing it back online