This is a simple Hacker News app built with SwiftUI. It fetches and displays the latest news from Hacker News along with the popularity (points) of each title.
- Fetches the latest news from Hacker News
- Displays the title and points (popularity) of each news item
- Easy navigation with SwiftUI's NavigationView
- Install Xcode: Make sure you have Xcode installed on your Mac.
- Open the Project: Open
sixsteen course app.xcodeproj
in Xcode. - Run the App: You can run it on your physical device or on the simulator.
- ContentView.swift: The main view displaying the list of news.
- Api.swift: Contains the API call logic to fetch news from the Algolia API.
- dec.swift: Data models for decoding JSON response from the API.
- UrlPage.swift: A placeholder view (for potential future use).
- sixsteen_course_appApp.swift: The entry point of the SwiftUI app.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.
For any inquiries or support, please contact Adnan AlKharfan.