Operators in depth In this reading, you will learn about additional operators, operator precedence and operator associativity. I'll also provide you with some examples of logical operators.
- Additional operators Logical AND operator: &&
Logical OR operator: ||
Logical NOT operator: !
The modulus operator: %
The equality operator: ==
The strict equality operator: ===
The inequality operator: !=
The strict inequality operator: !==
The addition assignment operator: +=
The concatenation assignment operator: += (it's the same as the previous one - more on that later)
The logical AND operator in JavaScript: && The logical AND operator is, for example, used to confirm if multiple comparisons will return true.Operators in depth In this reading, you will learn about additional operators, operator precedence and operator associativity. I'll also provide you with some examples of logical operators.
- Additional operators Logical AND operator: &&
Logical OR operator: ||
Logical NOT operator: !
The modulus operator: %
The equality operator: ==
The strict equality operator: ===
The inequality operator: !=
The strict inequality operator: !==
The addition assignment operator: +=
The concatenation assignment operator: += (it's the same as the previous one - more on that later)
The logical AND operator in JavaScript: && The logical AND operator is, for example, used to confirm if multiple comparisons will return true.