Table of Contents
The Meta-AF Zoo folder contains implementations of system identification, acoustic echo cancellation, equalization, weighted predection error dereverberation, and a generalized sidelobe canceller beamformer as developed in our papers.
The zoo has sub-directories for each of these tasks: aec
, eq
, wpe
, and gsc
. Note the sysid
folder redirects to the aec
with the near-end signal set to zero. We walk through an example usage of the aec
modules below. All modules share the same general structure. Though, a key difference is that the single block aec
and eq
modules use the optimizer_gru
and multi-block aec
use optimizer_fgru
. These two optimizer variants are identical for single-frame/channel filters but differ in how they scale past that. The fgru couple frames/channels and is significantly faster and performs better.
The aec
task and sub-directory has
, and
files. The first constains the filter defitions, dataset, and is the entry point for training a model. The second file is used to tune baselines and produces a tuned baseline checkpoint. The third file is used for evaluation and uses checkpoints produced from the first or second files. As seen below, all tasks have these same three files. The aec
module contains two extra baselines, a Kalman filter, and Speex whereas the wpe
module only has the NARA-WPE baseline. The additional
contains implementations or wrappers of common metrics such as SNR, SRR, SI-SDR, STOI, and their segmental variations.
We incldue code for extensions to metaaf
in the zoo folder.
"Meta-Learning for Adaptive Filters with Higher-Order Frequency Dependencies", Junkai Wu, Jonah Casebeer, Nicholas J. Bryan, and Paris Smaragdis, IWAENC, 2022.
title={Meta-Learning for Adaptive Filters with Higher-Order Frequency Dependencies},
author={Wu, Junkai and Casebeer, Jonah and Bryan, Nicholas J. and Smaragdis, Paris},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.09955},
To run any of the models in the zoo, you need to clone and unzip the datsets. Then, set the paths in the config to point to them.
Different models from the zoo may need additional packages. For mine, you will also need to install
# install torch audio
conda install torchaudio cpuonly -c pytorch -y
# install STOI and glob2
pip install pystoi glob2
# install pandas
conda install pandas
# install pysepm
pip install
Finally, if you want to run nara or speex,
pip install nara_wpe
and get speex from and install it with
sudo apt install libspeexdsp-dev
git clone
cd speexdsp-python
python install
pip install speexdsp
To use a pre-trained checkpoint, download and unzip the tagged release. It contains model weights for all five tasks. Below is an example of using an AEC checkpoint from the release. You can find the --date
and --epoch
arguments by browsing the release file structure. Additional task-specific arguments can be found in the <task>
python --name meta_aec_16_combo_rl_4_1024_512_r2 --date 2022_10_19_23_43_22 --epoch 110 --ckpt_dir <path to ckpts folder>/aec
To train a model, navigate to the task directory and run <task>.py
with the desired arguments. You can find the commands we used to run all our experiments in each <task>.py
file. For example, to train an AEC model with a 1024 window, 512 hop, 4 blocks, on the largest combo dataset using a single-gpu with batch size 32 do:
python --n_frames 4 --window_size 1024 --hop_size 512 --n_in_chan 1 --n_out_chan 1 --is_real --n_devices 1 --batch_size 32 --total_epochs 1000 --val_period 10 --reduce_lr_patience 1 --early_stop_patience 4 --name meta_aec_demo --unroll 16 --optimizer fgru --random_roll --random_level --outer_loss log_self_mse --double_talk --scene_change --dataset combo --val_loss serle
You can then run universal eval on that model and save the metrics and outputs by running
python --name meta_aec_demo --date <date string> --epoch <epoch number> --save_metrics --save_outputs --universal
where you replace name/date/epoch
with the desired values. If you use one of the multichannel models, make sure to tran with the fgru
optimizer. If you want to run a baseline model, simply point to the correspoinding checkpiont with name/date/epoch
To run a baseline model, you need to have a checkpoint. You can make one by running baseline tuning. In the case of AEC and an NLMS optimizer, you can produced a tuned checkpoint in the same format as the Meta-AEC model via:
python --n_frames 4 --window_size 1024 --hop_size 512 --n_in_chan 1 --n_out_chan 1 --is_real --batch_size 32 --total_epochs 0 --n_devices 1 --name aec_combo_nlms_mdf --optimizer nlms --random_level --random_roll --dataset combo
Follow the instructions here to get and download the Microsoft acoustic echo cancellation challenge dataset. Unzip the dataset and set the base path for AEC_DATA_DIR
in /zoo/
. Then, for the RIRs, download the dataset from here and set the RIR_DATA_DIR
in /zoo/
Download the dataset from here. Unzip and set the base path for EQ_DATA_DIR
in /zoo/
Follow the instructions here to get and download the REVERB challenge dataset. Unzip the dataset and set the base path for REVERB_DATA_DIR
in /zoo/
Follow the instructions here to get and download the CHIME3 challenge dataset. We modified the dataset to also write out the echoic clean multi-channel speech. The dataset structure is therefore unmodifed except for the addition of <FILE NAME>_speech.<CHANNEL #>.wav
for each file. Set the base path for CHIME3_DATA_DIR
in /zoo/
All core utility code within the metaaf
folder is licensed via the University of Illinois Open Source License. All code within the zoo
folder and model weights are licensed via the Adobe Research License. Copyright (c) Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.