This is an implementation of a lightweight Tezos node written in Rust.
Detailed information on how to start the node can be found in the repository README file
All arguments and their default values can be found in the tezedge.config file. They can also be provided as command line arguments in the same format, in which case they have higher priority than the ones in config file
The context storage to use. Options are:
: uses the default Irmin context implementation.tezedge
: uses TezEdge's own context implementation.both
: uses both Irmin and TezEdge contexts.
--tezos-context-storage <NAME>
The path to directory which will be used to store Tezos-specific data. This is a required argument, and if the node fails to create or access this directory, it will die gracefully.
--tezos-data-dir <PATH>
The path to the json identity file with peer-id, public-key, secret-key and pow-stamp. If an identity does not exist in the specified path, a new one will be automatically generated. In case it starts with "./" or "../", it is a relative path to the current dir, otherwise to the --tezos-data-dir
--identity-file <PATH>
Path to the bootstrap database directory. In case it starts with "./" or "../", it is a relative path to the current dir, otherwise to the --tezos-data-dir. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. If directory already exists and it contains a valid database, the node will continue in the bootstrapping process on that database
--bootstrap-db-path <PATH>
#Max number of threads used by database configuration. If not specified, then number of threads will be equal to number of CPU cores.
--db-cfg-max-threads <NUM>
List of peers to bootstrap the network from. Peers are delimited by a colon.
For further information, see --network
parameter of the OCaml node.
--bootstrap-lookup-address <ADRRESS>(,<ADDRESS>)*
Path to the logger file. If provided, logs are written to the log file, otherwise they will be displayed in the terminal. In case it starts with "./" or "../", it is a relative path to the current dir, otherwise to the --tezos-data-dir
--log-file <PATH>
Set format of logger entries, used usually with --logger-format
Possible values are either simple
or json
Simple format is a human-readable format while JSON produces structured, easily machine-consumable log entries.
--log-format <LOG-FORMAT>
Set log level. Possible values are: critical
, error
, warn
, info
, debug
, trace
--log-level <LEVEL>
Enable OCaml runtime logger.
--ocaml-log-enabled <BOOL>
Specifies the Tezos environment for this node. Accepted values are:
alphanet, babylonnet, babylon, mainnet, zeronet, carthagenet, carthage, delphinet, delphi, edonet (deprecated - use edo2), edo (deprecated - use edo2), edo2net, edo2, sandbox, florencenet, florence
--network <NETWORK>
There is an additional special value accepted for specifying a custom network setup: custom
When --network custom
is used, an extra argument needs to be specified:
--custom-network-file <PATH>
The format of the file should match the format used by Octez to specify a custom network.
"network": {
"chain_name": "CUSTOM_NETWORK",
"genesis": {
"block": "BLockGenesisGenesis....snip",
"protocol": "PtYuensgYBb3G3x....snip",
"timestamp": "2018-06-30T16:07:32Z"
"sandboxed_chain_name": "SANDBOXED_TEZOS",
"default_bootstrap_peers": [],
"genesis_parameters": {
"values": {
"genesis_pubkey": "edpkuJQjux....snip"
Specifies port for peer to peer communication.
--p2p-port <PORT>
The node contains a subset of the Tezos node's REST API as described in further sections. This argument specifies the port on which those APIs will be available.
--rpc-port <PORT>
The node exposes various metrics and statistics in real-time through a websocket. This argument specifies the address at which this websocket will be accessible.
--websocket-address <IP:PORT>
Allowed network peers to bootstrap from. This argument is good to use in a controlled testing environmnet.
Each peer is described by its address and port in IP:PORT
format, delimited by a colon.
--peers <IP:PORT>(,<IP:PORT>)*
Set minimal number of peers, if the running node does not have enough connected peers, peer discovery is enforced.
-peer-thresh-low <NUMBER>
Set maximum number of connected peers. If this threshold is met, then the running node will not try to connect to any more peers.
--peer-thresh-high <NUMBER>
Path to the protocol runner binary, which is compiled with tezedge
For example: ./target/debug/protocol-runner
--protocol-runner <PATH>
Disables DNS lookup to get peers to bootstrap from the network. Default: false
Enable or disable mempool.
Enable or disable the private node. Use peers to set the IP addresses of the peers you want to connect to.
Flag for enable/disable test chain switching for block applying. Default: false
--enable-testchain <BOOL>
Max number of FFI pool connections. default: 10
--ffi-pool-max-connections <NUM>
--ffi-trpap-pool-max-connections <NUM>
--ffi-twcap-pool-max-connections <NUM>
Number of seconds to wait for connection. default: 60
--ffi-pool-connection-timeout-in-secs <NUM>
--ffi-trpap-pool-connection-timeout-in-secs <NUM>
--ffi-twcap-pool-connection-timeout-in-secs <NUM>
Number of seconds to remove protocol_runner from pool, default: 21600 (6 hours).
--ffi-pool-max-lifetime-in-secs <NUM>
--ffi-trpap-pool-max-lifetime-in-secs <NUM>
--ffi-twcap-pool-max-lifetime-in-secs <NUM>
Number of seconds to remove unused protocol_runner from pool, default: 1800 (30 minutes).
--ffi-pool-idle-timeout-in-secs <NUM>
--ffi-trpap-pool-idle-timeout-in-secs <NUM>
--ffi-twcap-pool-idle-timeout-in-secs <NUM>
Path to the database where the context stats will be stored. If not specified, stats will not be produced.
--context-stats-db-path <PATH>
Path to the json file with key-values which will be added to the empty context on startup and commit genesis.
--sandbox-patch-context-json-file <PATH>
The following subcommands are supported.
is used to replay the application of a range of blocks. In addition to the command-line arguments
described above, it also supports the following arguments:
--from-block <BLOCK-HASH>
: Block from which we start the replay. (optional)--to-block <BLOCK-HASH>
: Replay until this block. After it is reached, the replayer stops.--target-path <PATH>
: A directory for the replay. The resulting database will be saved to this directory.--fail-above <MILLIS>
: Panic if the block application took longer than this number of milliseconds. (optional)
The following command will run the replayer on the database found in /tmp/original-data
re-applying all bocks until BMf2TQSuyJrsE7JQjEBj1ztfspoVaFChEmVg6DsUYHxinsEVEeW
for the edo2net
network, and produce a new database in /tmp/replay-result
. If any of the blocks takes longer than 1000 milliseconds to be applied, the process will be aborted.
cargo run --bin \
light-node replay \
--config-file ./light_node/etc/tezedge/tezedge.config \
--target-path=/tmp/replay \
--network=edo2net \
--to-block BMf2TQSuyJrsE7JQjEBj1ztfspoVaFChEmVg6DsUYHxinsEVEeW \
--fail-above 1000
TODO: write hints for best performance and parameter configuration