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To get used to what an ArrayList is and how it operates, I am creating a grocery list application
Methods that have been created:
Add an item
Printing out the list
Modifying a single item in the grocery list
Deleting an item from the grocery list
Find an item in the grocery list
Create a program that implements a simple mobile phone, it needs to do the following:
Able to store, modify, remove and query contact names
Master class called MobilePhone, that holds the ArrayList of Contacts
Create a simple class for Contacts (name and phone number)
Menu options:
Print list of contacts
Add New Contact
Update existing contact
When adding and updating contacts, make sure that the contact exists (use name)
Remove contact
Search/find contacts
ArrayList inner workings should not be exposed to MobilePhone
e.g. no ints, no .get(i), etc
MobilePhone should do everything with Contact objects only
Banking Application (using Autoboxing and Unboxing)
Create a simple banking application, it needs to have/do the following:
Have a Bank Class
It should have an ArrayList of Branches
Each Branch should have an ArrayList of Customers
Customer class should have an ArrayList of Doubles (transactions)
Name, and ArrayList of doubles
Need to be able to add new customer and initial transaction amount
Also needs to add additional transactions for that customer/branch
Add a new Branch
Add a new Customer to that Branch with initial transaction
Add a transaction for an existing customer for that branch
Show a list of Customers for a particular Branch and optionally a list of their transactions
Demonstrate Autoboxing and Unboxing in code
Add data validation
Check if exists or does not exist
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