Simple script to generate a Webdollar wallet in PHP
This script uses simplito/elliptic-php
You can install this library via Composer:
composer require simplito/elliptic-php
see example.php
To generate $privateKey
you can use any function to generate a secure 32 bytes key like random_bytes(32)
or openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)
depending on your PHP version.
Send the $privateKey
as hex to genwallet()
You can generate wallet from mnemonic by using hash_pbkdf2 like this:
$mnemonic = "obvious clerk essence hurry jar love recipe tenant belt sunset tiny reduce";
$iterations = 1000;
$salt = 'My secret password';
$privateKey = hash_pbkdf2('sha256', $mnemonic, $salt, $iterations, 64, false);
$wallet = genwallet($privateKey);
echo $wallet;
remember to save iterations count and the salt along the mnemonic or else you won't be able to recover your wallet!