With this script, you'll be able, thanks to .mode csv
to load endoflife.date
data into an ease to use regular tables.
👉 You can play with this code on Killercoda standard Ubuntu playground.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y jq httpie sqlite3
Get the data as a csv
# Get products
# https://endoflife.date/api/all.json
cd /tmp
http https://endoflife.date/api/all.json |\
jq -r '. []'\
> _products.csv
wc -l _products.csv
# ⏳ read products and load eols
echo "product,cycle,release_date,eol,latest,link,lts,support,discontinued, extended_support" > eols.csv
while read -r product
# echo "Getting $product ..."
echo " $url"
# http --ignore-stdin GET $url
http --ignore-stdin GET $url | jq -r '.[] | ["'"$product"'", .cycle, .releaseDate, .eol, .latest, .link, .lts, .support, .discontinued, .extendedSupport] | @csv' >> /tmp/eols.csv
done < _products.csv
# Put some headers to csv
echo "products" > products.csv
cat _products.csv >> products.csv
git clone https://github.com/adriens/endoflife.date-nested.git
cat /tmp/endoflife.date-nested/data/categories.csv
# Now create tables...
sqlite3 endoflife.date.sqlite
create table products(
product text primary key
create table eols(
product text NOT NULL,
cycle text NOT NULL,
release_date text,
eol text,
latest text,
link text,
lts text,
support text,
discontinued text,
extended_support text,
CONSTRAINT PK_product_cycle PRIMARY KEY (product,cycle),
FOREIGN KEY (product) REFERENCES products(product)
drop table if exists categories;
create table categories (
id integer,
category text primary key
drop table if exists product_categories;
create table product_categories(
product text primary key,
category text not null,
FOREIGN KEY (product) REFERENCES products(product),
FOREIGN KEY (category) REFERENCES categories(category)
.mode csv
.import --csv --skip 1 /tmp/products.csv products
.import --csv --skip 1 /tmp/eols.csv eols
.import --csv --skip 1 /tmp/endoflife.date-nested/data/categories.csv categories
.import --csv --skip 1 /tmp/endoflife.date-nested/data/product_categories.csv product_categories
-- Take a glance at datas
select * from eols limit 20;
select * from products limit 20;
select * from categories limit 20;
select * from product_categories limit 20;
-- See if we have eol for sqlite
select * from eols
-- Add a metadata table
drop table if exists metadatas;
create table metadatas (
key text not null PRIMARY KEY,
value text not null
insert into metadatas values ("about", "This is an sqlite export made out of calls to endoflife.date's API (https://endoflife.date/docs/api)." );
insert into metadatas values ("www_about", "https://github.com/adriens/endoflife.date-nested/");
insert into metadatas values ("date_utc_publish", datetime('now'));
insert into metadatas values ("www_author_twitter", "https://twitter.com/rastadidi");
insert into metadatas values ("www_author_devto", "https://dev.to/adriens");
insert into metadatas values ("www_author_github", "https://github.com/adriens");
insert into metadatas values ("www_endoflife.date", "https://endoflife.date/");
select * from metadatas;
-- Compute and some datas to eols table to help better analysis
-- enrich eols.eol
alter table eols
add eol_date text;
update eols
set eol_date = eol
eol not in ("true", "false");
alter table eols
add eol_boolean ineteger;
update eols
set eol_boolean = 1
eol = "true";
update eols
set eol_boolean = 0
eol = "false";
-- enrich eols.lts
alter table eols
add lts_date text;
update eols
set lts_date = lts
lts not in ("true", "false");
alter table eols
add lts_boolean integer;
update eols
set lts_boolean = 1
lts = "true";
update eols
set lts_boolean = 0
lts = "false";
-- enrich eols.support
alter table eols
add support_date text;
update eols
set support_date = support
support not in ("true", "false");
alter table eols
add support_boolean integer;
update eols
set support_boolean = 1
support = "true";
update eols
set support_boolean = 0
support = "false";
-- enrich eols.extended_suport
alter table eols
add extended_support_date text;
update eols
set extended_support_date = extended_support
extended_support not in ("true", "false");
alter table eols
add extended_support_boolean integer;
update eols
set extended_support_boolean = 1
extended_support = "true";
update eols
set extended_support_boolean = 0
extended_support = "false";
-- enrich with release_date_year
alter table eols
add release_date_year text;
update eols
set release_date_year = strftime('%Y', release_date);
alter table eols
add release_date_year_month text;
update eols
set release_date_year_month = strftime('%Y-%m', release_date);
-- some reporting on metadas
.header on
.mode column
pragma table_info('eols');
pragma table_info('products');
-- self-test database before leaving session
Finally exit sqlite
Now, let's have a look at the resulting file
# Check resulting database file
ls -ltr
file endoflife.date.sqlite
# prepare archives for later use
# tar cvzf endoflife.date.csv.tar.gz eols.csv products.csv
🔖 litecli
# Install litecli
pip install -U litecli
# Open database
litecli endoflife.date.sqlite
😎 Now, just enjoy auto-completion... or simply run a firt report:
select category,
from product_categories
group by category
having count(*) > 10
order by count(*) desc;
Now, let's Visualize Your SQLite Database (with One Command) :
docker run \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/home/schcrwlr \
--rm -it \
schemacrawler/schemacrawler \
/opt/schemacrawler/bin/schemacrawler.sh \
--server=sqlite \
--database=endoflife.date.sqlite \
--info-level=standard \
--command=schema \
file endoflife.date.png
Finally enjoy the resulting diagram:
xdg-open endoflife.date.png
is a column-oriented embeddable OLAP database" that has a lot of cool loading features.
Let's see what kind of cool things we can achieve with it around sqLite
To install it, just:
brew install duckdb
duckdb --version
duckdb --help
Finally open the DuckDB
duckdb endoflide.data.duckdb
Load sqlite
extension into DuckDB
... and mount its tables into DuckDB
INSTALL sqlite;
LOAD sqlite;
CALL sqlite_attach('endoflife.date.sqlite');
Now show sqLite
tables from within DuckDB
Show tables;
Now, let's run queries in DuckDB
SELECT category as "Cat.",
count(*) "Count."
from product_categories
group by category
order by count(*) desc;
select product, count(*)
from eols
group by product
order by count(*) desc
limit 20;
select product as "Product",
count(*) as "Nb. cycles"
from eols
group by product
having count(*) > 15
order by count(*) desc;
Some reporting on mobile devices:
select product as "Product",
count(*) as "Nb. Cycles",--cycle,
max(release_date_year_month) as "Latest Release"
from eols
product in ('nokia',
group by product
order by count(*) desc;
"Apache Parquet is an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk."
S, just export the mounted table into a .parquet
file :
COPY eols TO 'endoflife.date_eols.parquet' (FORMAT PARQUET);
Then check what the file looks like:
file endoflife_eols.parquet
Or take a look at datas with tad
tad endoflife_eols.parquet
Now, we can inspect it with parquet-tools
pip install parquet-tools
Finally inspect the parquet
parquet-tools inspect endoflife.date_eols.parquet
parquet-tools rowcount endoflife.date_eols.parquet
parquet-tools show endoflife.date_eols.parquet
We can also play with pqrs
brew install manojkarthick/tap/pqrs
pqrs --version
pqrs --help
pqrs cat data/cities.parquet
Kaggle has an API
, but
also a dedicated cli
that makes it
very easy to interact (search & download datasets,...).
First install it:
pip install kaggle
... properly seup API credentials and you're ready:
kaggle datasets list -s endoflife
Finally have some fun around Kaggle
kaggle datasets list -s endoflife
kaggle datasets download adriensales/endoflifedate
file endoflifedate.zip
unzip endoflifedate.zip
ls -la endoflife.date.sqlite
file endoflife.date.sqlite