Techs: Spring Boot as RESTful backend, Maven, Hibernate, MySQL
RESTful API Address: http://localhost:8080
Employee endpoints
- HTTP GET : "localhost:8080/employees" getting all employees.
- HTTP GET : "localhost:8080/employees/{id}" get an employee by id.
- HTTP POST : "localhost:8080/employees" create a new employee.
- HTTP PUT : "localhost:8080/employees/{id}" update an existing employee.
- HTTP DELETE : "localhost:8080/employees/{id}" delete an employee by id.
Department and Meeting endpoints are similar to Employee endpoints.
Configuration Files
: CORS methods("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE") allowed for development.
: Hibernate configurations
Maven Run Configurations
clean spring-boot:run
: clean and run Spring Boot application
clean test
: clean and run tests