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Ansible Role: AEM Security Test

Build Status

This role tests AEM Dispatcher instance for specific Security patterns.

This role was developed as part of AEM.Design



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

test_target_url: "http://localhost:4502"
is_admin_password_default: false
admin_user: admin
admin_password: admin
  - author
  - publish
  - dispatcher
  - writetest
  - services

To specify service that should be used as target for tests set the test_target_url variable

test_target_url: "http://localhost:4502"

If you have default admin:admin credentials on the service set is_admin_password_default to true, this will use default admin:admin for service authentication when required

is_admin_password_default: true

Running ansible playbook with this param will achieve desired outcome

 -e is_admin_password_default=true

If you have diffrent admin account set following variables to your specified values

admin_user: admin
admin_password: admin

Tests have types and they can be filtered by default all tests are executed

  - author
  - publish
  - dispatcher
  - writetest
  - services

You can run specific tests by specifying extra vars when running the playbook. Following example will indicate that you want to only run dispatcher and services type:

--extra-vars='{"type": [dispatcher,services]}'

Test Template

Each test definition is used to drive Ansible uri_module. Following example template has all currently used options

  - name: "Projects Access"
      - author
    user: "admin", 
    password: "{{ admin_password }}", 
    url: "{{ testtarget_url }}/projects.html"
      - { 
        name: "Name of Test",
        user: "admin", 
        password: "{{ admin_password }}", 
        valid_status_code: "{{ 200 if (is_admin_password_default) else 401 }}" 
        body: "writetest=success", 
        timeout: 30,
        return_content: true,
        method: "POST",
        headers: { CQ-Handle: "/content", CQ-Path: "/content"}

First level of the list the Groups of tests, this is used to create inherited user, password and uri attributes, specifying these attributes at the group level does not require those attributes at child test level.

Each Group should have a type list that describes purpose for the group which is then used for filtering during test runs.

Each Group should have a tests list that defines atomic url actions to be executed.

Each Test needs have following fields: - name field describing test outcome. - valid_status_code field with desired status code from url, defaults to 200 - user field for desired user attribute for authentication, defaults to '' - password field for desired password attribute for authentication, defaults to '' - body field for sending data to url, defaults to '' - timeout field for duration to wait for a service, defaults to 5 sec - return_content field for setting if content should be returned, defaults to 'false' - method field describing action for url, defaults to 'GET' - headers field describing headers to be used for url, defaults to empty array



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - aem_design.aem_security_test


Apache 2.0

Author Information

This role was created by Max Barrass.