Welcome to my GitHub! My name is Ash, and I'm passionate about creating and editing content to make it as clear and accessible as possible for users and learners of all levels. My main goal is always to make sure there are no obstacles in folks' learning path, be it a misplaced comma or an overly complicated turn of phrase.
In my nearly 17 years as a copy editor and writer, I've edited thousands of pages of copy and written hundreds of step-by-step guides, like those in the Hands-on Lab Guides folder here. I love contributing to the education process by creating and sharpening content.
I discovered a love for Markdown and other types of tech writing-specific language and formatting when I started at Linux Academy in 2018. (Although I could also admit to learning HTML basics on MySpace in the early 2000s, like so many other of my peers.)
My lifelong love of words and learning dovetail perfectly in the realm of tech writing, and I look forward to continuing on this journey.
To learn more about me and the winding path that's brought me here, visit my LinkedIn profile.