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Lightweight library with base abstractions and implementations for creating custom pipe of sequential or parallel excecutions.

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General purpose

  • Use it as part of application architecture.
  • Use it to get more control of your business process implementations, instead of creating set of methods and complex logic of theirs interactions use this library and receive simple and understandable pipe that fully describes your process.
  • Decrease complexity of business logic implementations in case when application has logic layer which consists of many sub layers that eventually becomes into unmanageable code. It's easy to put many parts from differnt layers of one logical chain into one line (but it can be a tree).
  • It's fully match to S.O.L.I.D., D.R.Y. and K.I.S.S. principles
  • Design Patterns - it use "Strategy" pattern to describe chain of executors, and custom implementation of "Builder" pattern.

Main features

  • Class library with completed set of abstractions
  • Targets .NET Standard 2.0 and higher
  • Whole syntax is FLUENT
  • High-performance, fully asynchronous async/await API
  • Execute Pipe sequential or able to execute parallel
  • Full control of execution process
  • Embeded StopWatch for whole Pipe and for each Executor
  • Shared threadsafe local cache for Pipe and included Executors and Pipes
  • Pipe consists of executors
  • Pipe can contain nested Pipe (Pipe implement `IExecutor)
  • Pipe supports nested pipes and nested Pipe also supports nested pipes
  • Executor can be marked by Label for distinguish set of result

Memory optimized usage:

Pipe based on queue data structure, each executor will be removed from queue after invocation, it's a good chance to let objects die in zero generation.

Base abstractions :

Pipe<M, R>

Base Pipe abstraction, implement it to create your own Pipe of execution. It will make sense if you set up pipe by using embedded functionality, adding executors, setting execution mode.

M - model, R - result


  • AsParallel() - all executors in Pipe will execute in parallel mode
  • AsSequential() - default behaviour, Pipe will execute all executors step by step
  • UseStopWatch() - use for measure execution Pipe time, see result in Elapsed property
  • UseLocalCache() - initialised local cache, for using by all Pipe members (executors, pipes)
  • UseLocalCacheThreadSafe() - the same, but it can be used in parallel mode
  • If(bool condition) - if condition is True, executors between If(..) and EndIf() will be added to pipe, otherwise they will not be added.
  • If(Func<M, bool> condition) - this mean : if "condition" returns True, executors between If(..) and EndIf() will be invoceted.
  • EndIf() - this operator close the "If" section. (every If should be ended with "EndIf")
  • Execute(M model) - use it in case when all executors are sync
  • ExecuteAsync(M model) - use it in case when some of executors are async, you can mix sync and async executors
  • Finish() - use to finish customising your Pipe
  • CreateResult(M model, PipeResult<R>[] results) - implelemt it to handle all results from all executors, this method will called in end of execution chain
ISequentialPipe<M, R>, IParallelPipe<M, R>

Pipe implement ISequentialPipe<M, R>, IParallelPipe<M, R>

Method Pipe.AsSequential() return ISequentialPipe<M, R>, use to setup sequence of executors

Method Pipe.AsParallel() return IParallelPipe<M, R>, use to sutup parallel execution of executors

  • AddExecutor(IExecutor<M, R> executor) - add current executor (implementation of abstract class Executor)
  • AddExecutor(Func<IExecutor<M, R>> executor) - add executor - use it for lazy initialization of executor, the executor will be initialized just before invocation of Execute(..) or ExrcuteAsync(..)methods.
  • SetSkipIf(Func<M, bool> condition) - if result of condition is true, executor will be skipped
  • SetBreakIfFailed() - use to break sequence of execution if current executor returns failed result (only in ISequentialPipe<M, R>)
  • SetAllowBreak() - use it if you need to break sequence on current Executor which simultaneously returned successful result and Break marker (only in ISequentialPipe<M, R>)
  • SetResultHandler(Func<M, PipeResult<R>, PipeResult<R>> handler) - use this method to handle result from current executor in case when sequence will break after it (only in ISequentialPipe<M, R>)
  • SetUseStopWatch() - use it to determine that the current executor will count it's own time of execution
  • SetLabel(string label) - set label to differ results
  • SetRetryIfFailed(int count, int timeOutMilliseconds) - execution of current executor can be repeated count-times, in timeOutMilliseconds each time (only in ISequentialPipe<M, R>)


Abstract class, implement this class to create your own Executor

  • Execute(M model) - abstract method, to use Executor in Pipe implement it
  • ExecuteAsync(M model) - abstract method, to use Executor in Pipe implement it, in case your execution is asynchronious
  • IsAsync - by default is true, and ExecuteAsync(M model) method will be executed, if you implement synchronious method set IsAsync to false


For example, consider process that consists of several simple stages where every next stage depends on result of executed previous stage, let's implement Executor for each stage, and then implement Pipe and put all executors into sequence of this pipe.

Model and Result

public class ProcessModel //input model
  public int Id { get; set; }
  public string Text { get; set; }

public class ProcessResult
  public string ResultField { get; set; }


Using ProcessModel and ProcessResult as generics arguments. Executor is base work unit in pipe, all units use the same type of model and same instance of model object, they return the same type of results, this result ProcessResult will be returned after execution as Value of struct PipeResult<R>.

public class ProcessExecutor1 : Executor<ProcessModel, ProcessResult>
  public ProcessExecutor1()
    IsAsync = false;  // by default is True
  // implemented, because IsAsync is false
  public override PipeResult<ProcessResult> Execute(ProcessModel model)
    Thread.Sleep(2000); // imitation of work
    return PipeResult<ProcessResult> // return result
    .DefaultSuccessful // helper of structure initialization
    .SetValue(new ProcessResult { ResultField = "First result" }); // The value result
  public override Task<PipeResult<ProcessResult>> ExecuteAsync(ProcessModel model)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

public class ProcessExecutor2 : Executor<ProcessModel, ProcessResult>
  // IsAsync = true; can be simplified
  public override PipeResult<ProcessResult> Execute(ProcessModel model)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
  // implemented, because IsAsync is true, default behaviour
  public override async Task<PipeResult<ProcessResult>> ExecuteAsync(ProcessModel model)
    await Task.Delay(3000); // imitation of work
    return PipeResult<ProcessResult>
      .DefaultUnSuccessful // helper of structure initialization
      .SetValue(new ProcessResult { ResultField = "Second result" });


Sequential execution

public class ProcessPipe : Pipe<ProcessModel, ProcessResult>
  public ProcessPipe(ProcessExecutor1 executor1, 
     ProcessExecutor2 executor2, 
     ProcessExecutor3 executor3, 
     ProcessSubPipe subPipe) // ProcessSubPipe - should be inherited from "Pipe<ProcessModel, ProcessResult>"
    UseLocalCache() // 
    .UseStopWatch() // get info about pipe execution time
    .AsSequential() // all executors on this level will executed sequentially, it doesn't affect on any included subpipes
    .AddExecutor(executor1) //add executor to pipe, first in invocation queue
      .SetLabel("Label of ProcessExecutor1") // any string
      .SetBreakIfFailed() // allow break sequense of executors if this one failed
      .SetResultHandler((model, result) => { return model.Text != "Text" ? result : result.SetError("Text is default"); }) // quit without invocation method 'CreateResult'
      .SetSkipIf(m => m.Id == 0) // this executor (executor1) willnot be executed if condition is true
    .AddExecutor(subPipe)// just sub pipe with same generic args, can contain any executors of the same generics args
      .SetSkipIf(m => m.Id <= 1) // will be executed if 'Id'  greater than 1
    .AddExecutor(executor2) //add executor to pipe, second in invocation queue
      .SetLabel("Label of ProcessExecutor2") // any string
      .SetRetryIfFailed(3, 1000) // retry invoke 'executor2' 3 times with 1 second delay betwen attempts
      .SetAllowBreak() // allow break when result is successful anf flag 'Break' is true
    .AddExecutor(executor3) //add executor to pipe, third in invocation queue
      .SetLabel("ProcessExecutor3") // any string
      .SetUseStopWatch() // get info about invocation time, returned in result

  public override PipeResult<ProcessResult> CreateResult(ProcessModel model, PipeResult<ProcessResult>[] results)
    var pipeTime = Elapsed; // // stopwatch result on execution of this pipe, setuped by '.UseStopWatch()'
    var time = results.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "ProcessExecutor3").Elapsed; // stopwatch result on invocation of 'executor3', setuped by '.SetUseStopWatch()'
    switch (results.AllSuccess())
      case ExecutionResult.Successful:
        return PipeResult<ProcessResult>.DefaultSuccessful;
      case ExecutionResult.Failed:
        return PipeResult<ProcessResult>.DefaultUnSuccessful;
        return PipeResult<ProcessResult>.Default;

Parallel execution

public class ProcessPipe : Pipe<ProcessModel, ProcessResult>
  public ProcessPipe(ProcessExecutor1 executor1, 
     ProcessExecutor2 executor2, 
     ProcessExecutor3 executor3, 
     ProcessSubPipe subPipe)
    UseLocalCache() // 
    .UseStopWatch() // get info about pipe execution time
    .AsParallel() // all executors on this level will executed parallel, it doesn't affect on any included subpipes
    .AddExecutor(executor1) //add executor to pipe
      .SetLabel("Label of ProcessExecutor1") // any string
      .SetSkipIf(m => m.Id == 0) // this executor (executor1) willnot be executed if condition is true
    .AddExecutor(subPipe)// this is sub pipe
      .SetSkipIf(m => m.Id <= 0),
    .AddExecutor(executor2) //add executor to pipe
      .SetLabel("Label of ProcessExecutor2") // any string
    .AddExecutor(executor3) //add executor to pipe
      .SetLabel("ProcessExecutor3") // any string
      .SetUseStopWatch() // get info about invocation time, returned in result
  public override PipeResult<ProcessResult> CreateResult(ProcessModel model, PipeResult<ProcessResult>[] results)
    // aggregate results here

Run pipe

public static void Main()
  var model = new ProcessModel { Id = 2, Text = "any text" };// add input data model
  var pipe = new ProcessPipe(
    new ProcessExecutor1(), 
    new ProcessExecutor2(), 
    new ProcessExecutor3(), 
    new ProcessSubPipe()); // create pipe, better to use DI 
  var result = pipe
    .Execute(model); // run baby run!!!


public static async Task Main()
  var model = new ProcessModel { Id = 2, Text = "any text" };
  var pipe = new ProcessPipe(.....);
  var result = await pipe
    .ExecuteAsync(model); // run asynchronously

Use Dependency injection

public class Process
   private Pipe<ProcessModel,ProcessResult> _pipe;
   public Process(Pipe<ProcessModel,ProcessResult> pipe,
      ProcessExecutor1 exec1,
      ProcessExecutor2 exec2,
      ProcessExecutor3 exec3,
      ProcessExecutor4 exec4)
      _pipe = pipe
   public bool Run()
      var model = new ProcessModel { Id = 2, Text = "any text" };
      var result = _pipe.Execute(model);
      if(result.Success == ExecutionResult.Successful)
         return true;
      return false;

Lazy initialization, each executor will be created only before invocation

public class Process
   private Pipe<ProcessModel,ProcessResult> _pipe;
   public Process(Pipe<ProcessModel,ProcessResult> pipe,
      Func<ProcessExecutor1> exec1,
      Func<ProcessExecutor2> exec2,
      Func<ProcessExecutor3> exec3,
      Func<ProcessExecutor4> exec4)
      _pipe = pipe
   public bool Run()
      var model = new ProcessModel { Id = 2, Text = "any text" };
      var result = _pipe.Execute(model);
      if(result.Success == ExecutionResult.Successful)
         return true;
      return false;

Structure PipeResult<R>

It is a pipe result and result returned by all executors in pipe.


  • Success - show result, can be Initial - executor/pipe wasn't executed, Successful - succsess, Failed - error, fail, something went wrong.
  • Errors - contains string[] for errors.
  • Exceptions - contains Exception[] for exceptions.
  • Value - result value of <R> type, place here result object.
  • Elapsed - time of execution
  • Label - string label
  • Break - set true, if You need to break sequence, use it with SetAllowBreak()

Static getters:

  • Default - returns default new value of structure (initial state)
return new PipeResult<T>
  Value = Optional<T>.Default,
  Break = false,
  Errors = Optional<string[]>.Default,
  Exceptions = Optional<Exception[]>.Default,
  Success = ExecutionResult.Initial
  • DefaultSuccessful - returns default value, with Success = ExecutionResult.Successful
  • DefaultSuccessfulBreak - returns default value, with Success = ExecutionResult.Successful and Break = true
  • DefaultUnSuccessful - returns default value, with Success = ExecutionResult.Failed and Break = false
  • DefaultUnSuccessfulBreak - returns default value, with Success = ExecutionResult.Failed and Break = true

Fluent Methods:

All these methods return type PipeResult<R>, for fluent syntax usage

  • SetValue(T value) - set Value property
  • SetBreak(bool isbreak) - set Break property, use it with SetAllowBreak()
  • SetErrors(string[] errors) - set Errors property
  • SetError(string error) - set Errors property with singl error
  • SetException(Exception[] exceptions) - set property Exceptions
  • SetException(Exception exception) - set property Exceptions with singl exception
  • SetSuccessful() - set property Success = ExecutionResult.Successful
  • SetUnSuccessful() - set property Success = ExecutionResult.Failed
  • SetElapsed(TimeSpan span) - set property Elapsed
  • SetLabel(string label) - set property Label

Extensions :

  • string[] AllErrors<T>(this PipeResult<T>[] results) - returns list of errors messages from failed results
  • Exception[] AllExceptions<T>(this PipeResult<T>[] results) - return list of exeptions from failed results
  • ExecutionResult AllSuccess<T>(this PipeResult<T>[] results) - return Success if all results are successful, Initial if all are initial, Failed in any other case
  • ExecutionResult AllExecutedSuccess<T>(this PipeResult<T>[] results) - return Success if all results are successful, Initial if all are initial, Failed in any other case. Method handle only results which are not Initial
  • ExecutionResult AnySuccess<T>(this PipeResult<T>[] results) - return Success if any of results is Success, if all are in initial state will returned Initial, Failed in any other case
  • bool IsAllSuccess<T>(this PipeResult<T>[] results) - return Success if all results are in Success state
  • bool IsAllExecutedSuccess<T>(this PipeResult<T>[] results) - return Success if all results are in Success state, except results wich are in Initial state